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PSN: SeizyaHakase XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(5):'Virtua Fighter' to 'Tekken' transition" , posted Mon 5 Jun 17:49    
Right. How could I forget the ever important question? Who's the best character for rookies?
quote: The most suitable person to answer this question is Toxico and now I'm sad. 
quote: Tekken and VF are more different than they are similar. DoA is actually much closer in spirit and mechanics to VF while Tekken has gone off in it's own direction. I'm not saying that's good or bad, rather that's just my take on the gameplay. If you're going to try out Tekken I would suggest approaching it as a brand new game since applying the rhythm of VF is only going to frustrate you.
Holy carp. Oh, right. 2 punch-2 kick button layout. Different from "Virtua Fighter" alright.
Yeah, "DoA" has a button layout similar to "VF". That's why I was able to pick up those games. Multiple "VF" characters are in "DoA V".
quote: I think he should start with Tekken 4 and the first Tekken Tag Tournament to get used to the mechanics.
"IV", huh? Oh, my brother tried "TTT II". He liked Bruce.
quote: I think he should start with Tekken 4
I know it's easy to tease people over poor use of quotation marks, but no one deserves to punished that badly.
Tekken Tag will do, or even Tekken 3 in the arcades since I recall the backgrounds are actually 3D there. While I've never been able to decide if the series is actually any good, it's fun and approachable, so it has that on Virtua.
You mean interactive 3D backgrounds, right? Oh, okay.
PSN: n/a XBL: IAMDC1 Wii: n/a STM: dc202styles CFN: n/a
| "Re(6):'Virtua Fighter' to 'Tekken' transition" , posted Mon 5 Jun 23:15    
quote: I think he should start with Tekken 4 I know it's easy to tease people over poor use of quotation marks, but no one deserves to punished that badly.
Oh, come on, Tekken 4 isn't that bad. I think it is quite enjoyable.
But I agree that it may not be the best option to get acquainted with the franchise, as it is quite different from the other games. I guess Tekken 2 or Tekken 3 would be the best choices for that.
That said, I never played it (or any other franchise, for that matter) competitively, only for fun, so my opinion may not be the best one...
Yea I should have said part 3 since it was indeed a classic and one of the best. I just thought 4 perfected the past three but was also in transition to its new system. But really I did not play much of 3. With 4, now that I mentioned it, was a bit hard for me. I picked up Tag Tourney pretty quick. But by far the best one in my point of view is 5. That one is so much fun.
I to was just a casual player and played for fun. I never owned a Tekken game. So yea my opinion is not as high as it should be.
Long Live I AM!
| "Re(8):'Virtua Fighter' to 'Tekken' transition" , posted Tue 6 Jun 05:49    
quote: Oh, and don't assume that the Mishimas are the "Ryus" of Tekken; they're quite hard to use, actually.
With Tekken 7, Akuma might be the easiest starter character, but that is because his T7 incarnation is more Street Fighter than Tekken. I don't know how well he'd function in helping anyone learn the actual Tekken characters. (Though he might transition decently into Eliza, who might then transition into a more normal Tekken design?)
The Mishimas pretty much were the Ryus of Tekken, and were okay enough starters in the early games, if still not quite Ryu/Ken level. The changes that Tekken has undergone throughout its various iterations have pushed them pretty far from starter level though.
Honestly, the last Tekken I really played was Tekken 3, with a little bit of Tekken Tag. I find that even the characters I knew, I have to relearn in Tekken 7. They might look the same, but movesets and game systems have changed enough that my old experience just doesn't transfer.
PSN: Hunter-KT XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(2):'Virtua Fighter' to 'Tekken' transition" , posted Wed 7 Jun 11:29    
Man, VF to Tekken is so rough for me. I tried a few times but I could never really get to the point were I enjoyed myself.
There are various superficial differences, like back to guard or the throw breaking system. But the most maddening thing for me is that most moves are very safe. Tekken is fundamentally a footsie game where you are creating advantage by wave dash/backstep and then hitting with a combo starter after your opponent's attack wiffs. VF has that element as well, but most powerful combo starters also leave the attacker vulnerable to counter attack if guarded. Also, dodging in Tekken is a lot looser. Moves tend to track or not track, and the only way you know is through experience.
Many characters have pretty safe launchers on counter hit with a simple input like 3LP. Those combos can do quarter/third life on their own, and half life if you are knocked into a wall. It's such a different mentality than VF. Also, throws can interrupt attacks, something that is impossible in VF.
Forgive my outdated knowledge, this is mainly based on time with Tekken 5-6. Tekken's aesthetic, music, characters are amazing though. That's why I keep trying to love it :)
Play to win... or to have fun too! :)
| "Re(3):'Virtua Fighter' to 'Tekken' transition" , posted Wed 7 Jun 14:27    
For me, the hardest thing about Tekken coming from a mostly 2D fighting game background is that in Tekken you get into each other's face easily, and it's really difficult to know when it's "your turn" to attack. Not only that, it feels trick to know what things are safe; there's so much forward movement with attacks that you still remain engaged after a blocked sequence, whereas in SF after a few blocked hits you get pushed out and have to start deliberately making forward movements.
In SF, the sense of when you can hit back feels a little more intuitive, in part because the sheer number of moves is much smaller.
In anime/airdash fighters, it's often the case that in order to hit back, an easy rule of thumb is to find a space to escape using the more powerful movement/defensive options in the game, and then re-establish yourself. Because sustained pressure is so powerful in many of those games, you just invite disaster when trying to hit back except in very particular circumstances.
PSN: BadoorSNK(forPSVITA:BadoorUSA) XBL: BadoorSNK(ForWiiU/Steam:BadoorSNK) Wii: 3DS:4253-3532-0341 STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(3):'Virtua Fighter' to 'Tekken' transition" , posted Wed 7 Jun 21:40    
I'm having this very experience right now. Previously I only had time to dabble in Tekken but never committed enough time on since there was always VF or DOA. But given the catatonic state of VF, and the somewhat dead scene for DOA, I now have time to get into Tekken with 7 (not that there's not plenty of fighting games to play, but I just need my 3D fighter fix) And I am reminded of how different Tekken can be from VF.
quote: Man, VF to Tekken is so rough for me. I tried a few times but I could never really get to the point were I enjoyed myself.
There are various superficial differences, like back to guard or the throw breaking system. But the most maddening thing for me is that most moves are very safe. Tekken is fundamentally a footsie game where you are creating advantage by wave dash/backstep and then hitting with a combo starter after your opponent's attack wiffs. VF has that element as well, but most powerful combo starters also leave the attacker vulnerable to counter attack if guarded. Also, dodging in Tekken is a lot looser. Moves tend to track or not track, and the only way you know is through experience.
Many characters have pretty safe launchers on counter hit with a simple input like 3LP. Those combos can do quarter/third life on their own, and half life if you are knocked into a wall. It's such a different mentality than VF. Also, throws can interrupt attacks, something that is impossible in VF.
Forgive my outdated knowledge, this is mainly based on time with Tekken 5-6. Tekken's aesthetic, music, characters are amazing though. That's why I keep trying to love it :)
This pretty much sums up my thoughts on Tekken as a VF player. Still, I am enjoying Tekken 7 a lot (tho the music kinda sucks, but the fact it has every soundtrack from every Tekken is really cool. Still, there's a bit of cheapness in the production values where I feel like some stuff just looks better in VF5FS and DOA5LR, particularly hair), more than I have with the series since 5. And it helps that the rock paper scissors properties of attacks in VF still mostly apply in Tekken, just with differing amounts of risk and reward on each option.
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