'KoF 2017 Cafe Special' - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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"'KoF 2017 Cafe Special'" , posted Sat 1 Jul 03:02:post reply

"The King of Fighters 2017 Cafe Special"

"2017. Welcome to the King of Fighters Cafe Special Tournament. As years have gone by, I'm proud to be opening this special team tournament again. Good luck. - S"

Well, I'm reviving another tradition: "The King of Fighters", Madman's style. It used to be that there is a "KoF" game every year. Not anymore. So, I'm reviving that tradition.

For those that don't know, what stays the same is the fact that it's still 3-on-3 fighting. What is different is that the team you request for must have 1 game character and 1 anime/manga/light novel/commercial character. So, you can't have the usual team of Heidern, Ralf and Clark, but you can have a team of Ralf, Clark and "Read or Die's" Drake as the military team. You can't pick God tier characters obviously. So, no Goku or Mahoro for example.

Seeing that I brought up the original "Ikari" team, like in old "KoF" games, bonds are very important. If you pick a team that makes logical sense, your team does gain an extra vote point each round. (I have the final say, and I will be strict, but fair on the result.) If you pick a team that flat out mix like oil and water, you better pray that the bout's not tight because the team is down a vote every round. So, be careful when choosing a team.

Vote for the team that you want to move on. Doesn't matter if you vote for the stronger team or the cuter team. Vote. If you have trouble, I'll leave a third choice. (Generally, if I don't know either team well, I go for the stronger one. Having your mind and heart fight over your vote is a difficult scenario to go through. I know, and that's why I hate Ralf, Clark and Drake-Athena, Nagisa and Honoka type bouts. You and your mind know that Ralf, Clark and Drake are way stronger than Athena, Nagisa and Honoka in regards of raw power, but you and your heart also know that not only are those girls the adorable underdogs. Those girls are way cuter than those guys.)

Tie breakers. In the event there's a bout with a tie, to make it fair regarding time zone differences to a point, I'll go to the "Quiz KoF"/"Quiz Magical Academy" route. Each round will have 5 questions. Rounds 1 and 2 only have cute stuff questions. The final 2 have a mix of cute stuff questions and non-cute stuff questions. (I hope you know Samurai Japan to a point because there will be a question on them.) If there's a tie on that, then the quicker taker moves on sadly. There are no unscramble questions. Just multiple choice and matching.


1. Don't mix good guys with bad guys. That's the best way to be in a vote hole. Pick two characters from the same series that get along with each other. That's the best way to have an extra vote each round.

2. An obvious good character to have is Benimaru because he has bonds with justice girls. So, nab him early, and make sure the girl or girl pair does mix well with him.

3. Though the idea's cool, try not to have all 3 characters with the same seiyuu. Having a Kasumi-Leona-Vice team isn't ideal in "1996". (Yeah, all 3 are voiced by Yumi Masae-san who also announced in that game if you don't know.) There are not many teams I can think of in which you can pick 3 characters with the same seiyuu to follow the rules and have a vote point bonus. (Trust me. It's hard.)

There are more tips, but I will not type more. If there are under 16 teams, I'll add more teams (as I already have plenty of ideas). Oh, since Neo Ryu wants in (he's still not 100% well), I'll place his team in also, and if the Professor wants in, he can have my slot for his Tifa and Deedlit pair. (A logical teammate of his for example would be Yuffie.)

To add on to the team scenario, I need to type this. Choose your team and entry slot early, and you get the characters you want locked, but you're possibly vulnerable to a mismatch. Choose your team and entry slot late, and you can pick the team you want to face against, but your choices of teammates are cut down a bit. 16 slots are available, and the match ups are determined by the slots. So, if you don't want your team to face Neo Ryu's in the first round, don't get or pick slot 15, but if you do, select your team and the 15th slot fast.

The tournament starts a week from tomorrow, and each round will last a week. Please don't hesitate to ask questions. Good luck. (Oh, if you're wondering, yes, an Iori-Dejiko-Puchiko team is absolutely legal, though I don't know how far that'll go, and yes, the vote bonus stays in tact because not only are the mascots linked. Dejiko is a fan of Iori.)

Slot - User - Team name and members

1 - Seizya - Heroines Team: Mai ("GD"/"KoF"), Yuri ("RnK"/"KoF") and Fuu ("Rayearth").

2 - NeoRyu - Kawasumi Ayako-san Team: Hinako ("KoF"), Kokoro ("DoA"), and Melfina ("Outlaw Star").

3 - -

4 - -

5 - -

6 - -

7 - -

8 - -

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15 - -

16 - -

[this message was edited by Seizya on Sat 1 Jul 15:54]


538th Post

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"Re(1):'KoF 2017 Cafe Special'" , posted Sat 1 Jul 04:15post reply

There's something about this that brings me back memories of the late 90s.

Slot 6, The Final Machineguns: Terryman (Kinnikuman), Geronimo (Kinnikuman) and T. Hawk (Street Fighter)

~The artist formerly known as TheRedKnight~
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"Re(2):'KoF 2017 Cafe Special'" , posted Sat 1 Jul 04:37post reply

There's something about this that brings me back memories of the late 90s.

Slot 6, The Final Machineguns: Terryman (Kinnikuman), Geronimo (Kinnikuman) and T. Hawk (Street Fighter)

Slot 7 - Epic Sworded Women - Love Heart (KOF), Ivy (Soul Calibur), and Teresa (Claymore - anime/manga)

Long Live I AM!
Just a Person
1929th Post

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"Re(1):'KoF 2017 Cafe Special'" , posted Sat 1 Jul 08:27post reply

For those that don't know, what stays the same is the fact that it's still 3-on-3 fighting. What is different is that the team you request for must have 1 game character and 1 anime/manga/light novel/commercial character.

Question: do visual novels count as games or as anime/manga/light novel/commercial?

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):'KoF 2017 Cafe Special'" , posted Sat 1 Jul 14:47post reply

There's something about this that brings me back memories of the late 90s.

That's because this tournament draws in memories from the 90s, including the old "KoF" games.

Question: do visual novels count as games or as anime/manga/light novel/commercial?


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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"'KoF 2017 Cafe Special', Update I" , posted Sat 1 Jul 15:15:post reply

1 - Seizya - Japanese Heroines Team: Mai ("GD"/"KoF"), Yuri ("RnK"/"KoF") and Fuu ("Rayearth"). (^_^)

2 - NeoRyu - Kawasumi Ayako-san Team: Hinako ("KoF"), Kokoro ("DoA"), and Fuu ("Samurai Champloo"). (・_・)

3 - -

4 - -

5 - -

6 - LEGENOARYNINLIA - The Final Machineguns: Terryman, Geronimo ("Kinnikuman") and T. Hawk ("Street Fighter"). (^_^)

7 - Neo0r0chiaku - Epic Sworded Women: Love Heart ("KoF"), Ivy ("Soul Calibur"), and Teresa ("Claymore"). (・_・)

8 - -

9 - -

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15 - -

16 - -

I forgot. Neo Ryu would rather see Fuu than Melfina. Holy cow. A team with that much muscle must be noteworthy. Oh, and "Rayearth" Fuu has nothing on those sword ladies.

[this message was edited by Seizya on Sat 1 Jul 16:30]

Lord SNK

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"Re(1):'KoF 2017 Cafe Special', Update I" , posted Sat 1 Jul 17:09post reply

I'm not sure I got all the explanations of how this works, can I choose only anime-people that are able to fight in their source material or can I also choose something ridiculous like Doraemon or things like that?

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):'KoF 2017 Cafe Special', Update I" , posted Sat 1 Jul 17:46:post reply

I'm not sure I got all the explanations of how this works, can I choose only anime-people that are able to fight in their source material or can I also choose something ridiculous like Doraemon or things like that?

Your team must contain 1 game character and 1 anime/manga/light novel/commercial character as in their original source. Although most people know Yuu and the rest of the crew of "Comic Party" because of the anime, they're still game characters. So, you need to find an anime/manga/light novel/commercial originated character to enter.

Can a robot cat enter? Well, Maxima is okay. Also, Marurun is a character. So, if you want a definite answer, as weird as it sounds, yes, he's fine, but I honestly don't know how he'll fare in this tournament.

[this message was edited by Seizya on Sun 2 Jul 01:51]

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"'KoF 2017 Cafe Special', Update II" , posted Sun 2 Jul 02:00post reply

Just talked w/ Justice Kyo now. He has a team. I don't know how you can beat a team with one of the hottest anime ladies ever, and he picked the idols best suited for a 3-on-3 tournament.

1 - Seizya - Japanese Heroines Team: Mai ("GD"/"KoF"), Yuri ("RnK"/"KoF") and Fuu ("Rayearth"). (^_^)

2 - NeoRyu - Kawasumi Ayako-san Team: Hinako ("KoF"), Kokoro ("DoA"), and Fuu ("Samurai Champloo"). (・_・)

3 - Justice Kyo - Bamco Heroines Team: Faye ("Cowboy Bebop"), Ritsuko and Makoto ("The Idolmaster"). (^_^)

4 - -

5 - -

6 - LEGENOARYNINLIA - The Final Machineguns: Terryman, Geronimo ("Kinnikuman") and T. Hawk ("Street Fighter"). (^_^)

7 - Neo0r0chiaku - Epic Sworded Women: Love Heart ("KoF"), Ivy ("Soul Calibur"), and Teresa ("Claymore"). (・_・)

8 - -

9 - -

10 - -

11 - -

12 - -

13 - -

14 - -

15 - -

16 - -

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):'KoF 2017 Cafe Special', Update II" , posted Tue 4 Jul 00:55:post reply

If you already made a team, you can make a 2nd one. Just make sure it contains characters you or others haven't used yet.

[this message was edited by Seizya on Tue 4 Jul 18:30]

Lord SNK

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"Re(2):'KoF 2017 Cafe Special', Update II" , posted Tue 4 Jul 07:06post reply

Slot 5 - Little Robot Girls Team: Roll (Mega Man), Arale (Dr. Slump), Mome (Super Dimension Century Orguss).

If Arale is too OP, I can replace her with Nano from Nichijou...

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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"Re(3):'KoF 2017 Cafe Special', Update II" , posted Tue 4 Jul 18:32:post reply

Slot 5 - Little Robot Girls Team: Roll (Mega Man), Arale (Dr. Slump), Mome (Super Dimension Century Orguss).

If Arale is too OP, I can replace her with Nano from Nichijou...

I would've considered Arale to be over powered until you realize that the best way to make her vulnerable is to knock off her glasses, which is simple to do. What am I typing? Nano it is. w

[this message was edited by Seizya on Wed 5 Jul 02:01]

Just a Person
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"Re(2):'KoF 2017 Cafe Special', Update II" , posted Tue 4 Jul 23:44post reply

I'm still not sure if I get the rules, but I'll try:

Slot 9 - Badass Old Mature Men Team: Takuma Sakazaki (RnK/KoF), Dr. Sigma Klim (Virtue's Last Reward), Watari (Death Note)

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Change of plans" , posted Thu 6 Jul 07:10post reply

I've decided to drop the number of teams from 16 to 8. After all, "1994" originally has only 8 teams. I added another team because I had to get Athena in, and I like the example I used. Unless I get a mad rush of entries coming in, we're sticking with 8, and we begin on Saturday. I can deal with having one more person in to take Athena's slot also.

The tie breaker is sort of different. Rounds 1 and 2 are the same. The finale has the proper "Quiz Magic Academy" format. This is assuming that I'm not involved in a tie breaker.

In the event I'm in a tie breaker, Justice Kyo will conduct the test instead. It could be anything. It could even be a multiple choice test on Ritsuko for all I know.

1 - Seizya - Japanese Heroines Team: Mai ("GD"/"KoF"), Yuri ("RnK"/"KoF") and Fuu ("Rayearth"). (^_^)

2 - NeoRyu - Kawasumi Ayako-san Team: Hinako ("KoF"), Kokoro ("DoA"), and Fuu ("Samurai Champloo"). (・_・)

3 - Justice Kyo - Bamco Heroines Team: Faye ("Cowboy Bebop"), Ritsuko and Makoto ("The Idolmaster"). (^_^)

4 - Seizya - Cure Soldiers Team: Athena ("Psycho Soldier"/"KoF"), Nagisa/Black and Honoka/White ("Pretty Cure"). (^_^)

5 - Lord SNK - Little Robot Girls Team: Roll ("Rockman"/"Megaman"), Nano ("Nichijou"), Mome ("Super Dimension Century Orguss"). (・_・)

6 - LEGENOARYNINLIA - The Final Machineguns Team: Terryman, Geronimo ("Kinnikuman") and T. Hawk ("Street Fighter"). (^_^)

7 - Neo0r0chiaku - Epic Sworded Women Team: Love Heart ("Sky Love"/"KoF"), Ivy ("Soul Calibur"), and Teresa ("Claymore"). (・_・)

8 - Just a Person (9 if we get a rush) - Badass Mature Men Team: Takuma ("RnK"/"KoF"), Dr. Sigma Klim ("Virtue's Last Reward"), and Watari ("Death Note"). (・_・)

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"The calm before the storm" , posted Sat 8 Jul 04:25post reply

The tournament begins tomorrow! If you want to make your team, do so now.

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"The storm" , posted Sat 8 Jul 15:13post reply

Starting the tournament now!