'KoF 2017 Special', R. 1 - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"'KoF 2017 Special', R. 1" , posted Sat 8 Jul 15:42post reply

Okay! Ora ora! This is it! The King of Fighters 2017 Special! Starting this a bit early, but good to get it out of the way now.

The rules.

1. Make sure you vote for the team you want to move on. A team that doesn't carry an extra vote point must have 1 more vote at the end against the team with an extra vote point to force a tie. Each round lasts for a week. You can abstain if you can't decide on a match up. Contestants, you can vote for your team.

2. Contestants, in the event of a tie, you'll face off via "Quiz KoF" style. Answer 5 questions quickly and properly to move on. In the finale, if neither team of mine makes it, the number doubles to 10. In the event either team of mine is involved, Justice Kyo will conduct the test instead. If the two of us face off against each other, you people decide on a race to three votes (since you must win three rounds to win the bout).

To make this contest interesting, the winner will win an Azusa figurine. For those that didn't make a team, you may not get a chance to win the figurine, but you can get either a simple Leona drawing or a "Gochiusa" guide book. (I haven't decided yet.) Contestants, you can make a bracket also. You must make your prediction before the end of the first round. In the case of a tie, correctly predict how many points the winner will have all together for all three rounds. So, give that also.

Got any questions? Don't hesitate to type it to me. Good luck.

1 - Seizya - Japanese Heroines Team: Mai ("GD"/"KoF"), Yuri ("RnK"/"KoF") and Fuu ("Rayearth") vs. 8 - Just a Person - Badass Mature Men Team: Takuma ("RnK"/"KoF"), Sigma ("Virtue's Last Reward"), and Watari ("Death Note").
Japanese Heroines Team - (^_^)
Badass Mature Men Team - (・_・)
やままや!/Yamamaya! (Can't decide.)

4 - Seizya - Cure Soldiers Team: Athena ("Psycho Soldier"/"KoF"), Nagisa/Black and Honoka/White ("Pretty Cure") vs. 5 - Lord SNK - Little Robot Girls Team: Roll ("Rockman"/"Megaman"), Nano ("Nichijou"), and Mome ("Super Dimension Century Orguss").
Cure Soldiers Team - (^_^)
Little Robot Girls Team - (・_・)

3 - Justice Kyo - Bamco Heroines Team: Faye ("Cowboy Bebop"), Ritsuko and Makoto ("The Idolmaster") vs. 6 - LEGENOARYNINLIA - The Final Machineguns Team: Terryman, Geronimo ("Kinnikuman") and T. Hawk ("Street Fighter").
Bamco Heroines Team - (^_^)
The Final Machineguns Team - (^_^)

2 - NeoRyu - Kawasumi Ayako-san Team: Hinako ("KoF"), Kokoro ("DoA"), and Fuu ("Samurai Champloo") vs. 7 - Neo0r0chiaku - Epic Sworded Women Team: Love Heart ("Sky Love"/"KoF"), Ivy ("Soul Calibur"), and Teresa ("Claymore").
Kawasumi Ayako-san Team - (・_・)
Epic Sworded Women Team - (・_・)
にょにょにょ!/Nyo nyo nyo!


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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):'KoF 2017 Special', R. 1" , posted Sat 8 Jul 15:52post reply

Aside from voting for my own teams, of course I voted for Faye and Ritsuko along with Makoto! Oh, and I'm a Kawasumi Ayako-san fan. So, I voted for that team.




4 - 27 points. It feels weird if a "KoF" regular is not the winner. Athena, Nagisa and Honoka have a better chance of winning the tournament.

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):'KoF 2017 Special', R. 1" , posted Mon 10 Jul 15:52post reply

So, Justice Kyo has decided to change the tie breaker format from a quiz format to a persuading format. Thus, persuade him to bring your team over to the next round.

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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CFN: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):'KoF 2017 Special', R. 1" , posted Fri 14 Jul 16:44post reply

1st round ends later today! If you haven't done so by now, vote!

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
XBL: n/a
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"R. 1 final results" , posted Sat 15 Jul 15:51post reply

Japanese Heroines Team - 6
Badass Mature Men Team - 4

Cure Soldiers Team - 6
Little Robo Girls Team - 3

Bamco Heroines Team - 5
The Final Machineguns Team - 3

Kawasumi Ayako-san Team - 6
Epic Sworded Women Team - 5