'KoF 2017 Special', Finals - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"'KoF 2017 Special', Finals" , posted Sun 23 Jul 07:26post reply

Here it is! The finale! The "KoF" and Clamp vets vs. the Bamco and Sunrise vets! The winners will forever be in the history books!

Okay! This year's tournament will end a week from today. You know what to do. (・ω・)

1 - Seizya - Japanese Heroines Team: Mai ("GD"/"KoF"), Yuri ("RnK"/"KoF") and Fuu ("Rayearth") vs. 3 - Justice Kyo - Bamco Heroines Team: Faye ("Cowboy Bebop"), Ritsuko and Makoto ("The Idolmaster")
Japanese Heroines Team - (^_^)
Bamco Heroines Team - (^_^)


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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):'KoF 2017 Special', Finals" , posted Sun 23 Jul 07:28post reply

Ah! Of course I'm voting for my own team! Was there any doubt?

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):'KoF 2017 Special', Finals" , posted Sat 29 Jul 02:27post reply

Tomorrow's the deadline! Assuming that there's no miracle, my girls, Mai and Yuri, will finally get the monkeys off their backs as they win a "KoF" tournament! I never thought I'd say or type the words "Mai and Yuri are 'KoF' champions!" in my life, but that'll be the case tomorrow.

Just a Person
1938th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(3):'KoF 2017 Special', Finals" , posted Sat 29 Jul 07:43:post reply

Tomorrow's the deadline! Assuming that there's no miracle, my girls, Mai and Yuri, will finally get the monkeys off their backs as they win a "KoF" tournament! I never thought I'd say or type the words "Mai and Yuri are 'KoF' champions!" in my life, but that'll be the case tomorrow.

...Could King be the one holding them back all this time?

I couldn't care less about Mai, but YAY for Yuri and Fuu!!

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.

[this message was edited by Just a Person on Sat 29 Jul 22:13]

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):'KoF 2017 Special', Finals" , posted Sat 29 Jul 14:48:post reply

...Could King be the one holding them back all this time?

I couldn't care less about Mai, but YAY for Yuri and Fuu!!

No. The interesting rule change forces one of the members to be dropped. King's unlucky, but if someone makes a legit France team, she'll have a title also. (´・ω・`)

[this message was edited by Seizya on Sun 30 Jul 00:17]

Just a Person
1938th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(5):'KoF 2017 Special', Finals" , posted Sun 30 Jul 09:26post reply

You know, a France team could be really great. With King, JJBA's Polnareff and... World Heroes's Janne, maybe? SFIV's Abel? SFIII's Remy? VF's Lion or Jean? So many interesting possibilities...

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):'KoF 2017 Special', Finals" , posted Sun 30 Jul 15:30post reply

You know, a France team could be really great. With King, JJBA's Polnareff and... World Heroes's Janne, maybe? SFIV's Abel? SFIII's Remy? VF's Lion or Jean? So many interesting possibilities...

Indeed. If I were to do this, I'd probably have King, Charlotte and Oscar.

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Congratulations Mai, Yuri & Fuu" , posted Sun 30 Jul 15:50post reply

Somewhere in San Francisco

*On the podium are the Japanese Heroine Team, the Bamco Heroines Team and the Cure Soldiers Team (overall point differential, 1-0, over the Kawasumi Ayako-san Team).*

Me - Congratulations on getting 2017's "King of Fighters" title Mai-san, Yuri-san, Fuu-san! Ah, Mai-san, Yuri-san, after 23 years, you finally won your first ever "KoF" tournament!

Crowd - Yeah!

Me - Congratulations you three!

The girls - Thank you so much!

Andy - Congratulations Mai, Yuri!

Robert - Yeah, congrats you two!

Terry - Great to keep the title for the vets!

Ryou - Indeed!

Yuri - Thank you guys!

Mai - This is for you all!

Mary - Can't forget Fuu-chan! Congrats Fuu-chan!

Kensou - Yeah! *The original Japanese hero team and Shingo nod.*

Athena - Glad that Mai-san & Yuri-san picked you Fuu-san!

King - If I couldn't be reunited w/ Mai & Yuri this year like in the past, it's good that you have the third slot.

Fuu - Thank you Mary-san, King-san, Athena-san, everyone!

Hikaru - Congratulations on winning a "KoF" tournament!

Umi - Yeah, congratulations! I'm sure that it's not easy!

Fuu - Thank you girls!

? - Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Yuri - *Shaking her head in disgust along with Mai.* Not again.

Fuu - What's wrong Yuri-san, Mai-san?

Mai - Rugal's been resurrected...again.

Fuu - Rugal?

Yuri - Rugal Berstein's the first host under the team format. He's evil. He's a drug lord that would make his opponents statues if he wins, though he did say that he'd stuff us instead.

Fuu - I can't forgive a person like that!

Rugal - *He magically appears.* I'm back! Huh? You two little kittens are this year's "KoF" champs and not that flunkie, that girly guy and that other guy?!

Shingo - Hey!

Kyou - We're here still! We have names you know!

Benimaru - Kill that guy again ladies!

Yuri - *Waving along with Mai.* We will Benimaru-san, Kyou-san, Daimon-san, Shingo-san, especially since he also called us little kittens!

Rugal - Ha ha ha! Spectators! Carrying rust now, eh guys?! Huh? Who's the brat, and why's that bartender friend of yours not crowned as a champ?!

Fuu - Hey! Just to let you, I'm Hououji Fuu, a magical knight! Mai-san & Yuri-san asked me to be their team mate because of the rule change, and King-san got the short end of a game of jankenpon! Oh, and these two are not little kittens!

King - That's right Rugal! If it weren't for the rule change, I'd give you a real good beat down as I will do so with Yuri & Mai again!

Rugal - Ha ha ha! Like you can try! Rule change. What rule change?! Make all teams weaker and cuter?!

King & Fuu - Hey!

Rugal - Okay kid! Since you're a rookie, I'll fill in the details for you! We board up the Blacknoah, and--

Fuu - When you win, you will make us statues, though you'll stuff us instead because these two and King-san find the statue scenario to be ugly. I know.

Rugal - Uh, yeah.

Fuu - Well, that's not going to happen! We'll stop you & your evil deeds!

Rugal - That's cute kid. However, those dreams will not happen! I will--hot!

*The crowd cheers.*

Hikaru - *She sees Rugal in flames all while being coy.* Ah, did my Honoo no Ya (Fire Arrow) become too much for you? You're tiring the crowd here.

Umi - Don't take all the fun! Ha ha ha! Mizu no Ryuu (Water Dragon)!

Rugal - *Engulfed in water.* Guo! That's it you brats! Now, you made me mad! I'll tear you apart!

Fuu - Midori no Shippuu (Green Gale Wind)!

Rugal - What?!

Fuu - Ah, I figured that you'll dry off quickly with my Midori no Shippuu. We'll take it from here since this guy knows your moves Mai-san, Yuri-san.

Mai & Yuri - Oh, yeah.

Rugal - Okay! No more fooling around! Kaiser--no! I'll be back you jerks! *He's erased and sent to SNK HQ, thanks to a magic staff that I carry as I summoned a pencil set and paper sheet.*

Me - You had enough fun. Back to SNK HQ.

*More cheers erupt.*

Mai, Yuri & Fuu - Amazing!

Justice Kyo - Whoa. You got him like that.

Me - I'm not letting him cause any damage in San Francisco.

Justice Kyo - Or the rest of the world for that matter.

Me - *I nod.* Once again, congratulations to Mai-san, Yuri-san & Fuu-san on being this year's King, ah, Queen of Fighters! See you next year everyone!

*The last blast of cheers occur.*

Neo Ryu - *Communicating through a special device.* Thanks for placing my entry in for me as I recover.

Justice Kyo - Oh, and thanks for helping me find suitable team mates for Ritsuko.

Me - No worries. Can you take a photo real quick?

Justice Kyo - Of course!

Me - Are you ready for the photo?

Mai, Yuri and Fuu - Yeah!

Justice - Okay! Cheese!

*Photo's done.*

Me - Thank you so much!

Justice Kyo - No problem.

Mai, Yuri & Fuu - Banzai! A Japanese victory!

Me - Thank you for the memories!

Mai - You're welcome!

Me - Farewell! See you again next year!

Yuri - *She, Mai and Fuu are waving.* See you next again next year!

Japanese Heroine Team - 7 ★ Bamco Heroines Team - 1

Lord SNK
252th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(7):'KoF 2017 Special', Finals" , posted Mon 31 Jul 00:22post reply

You know, a France team could be really great. With King, JJBA's Polnareff and... World Heroes's Janne, maybe? SFIV's Abel? SFIII's Remy? VF's Lion or Jean? So many interesting possibilities...

Indeed. If I were to do this, I'd probably have King, Charlotte and Oscar.

Oscar as "Oscar François de Jarjayes"?
I'd put her together with Charlotte and Jeanne (WH)

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Congratulations Mai, Yuri & Fuu" , posted Mon 31 Jul 12:15post reply

*Insert usual credits and special bits.*

"Za Kingu obu Faitaazu!"

Sorry. Had my Ikoma Harumi-san moment. Ah ha ha. (≧▽≦)


Voice Actors

Host/Announcer - Don "Seizya" Umali


Special Thanks

Neo Ryu
Justice Kyo
Lord SNK
Just a Person


Produced by



*Old SNK melody is played, as the photo of Mai, Yuri and Fuu placing up peace signs appears. I'm holding the 1st place trophy.*

Japanese Heroines Team


Thank you for playing!

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"The enquete/questionnaire" , posted Mon 31 Jul 12:26:post reply

Okay! The enquete/questionnaire. It's simple. If you have suggestions, go ahead and type them to me at the end. I will type that Mai, Yuri and Fuu keep the #1 seed for 2018's tournament.

1. What did you like about this year's "King of Fighters" tournament?

2. What needs fixing?

3. Suggestions/comments?

Thank you so much everyone! (・ω・)

Oscar as "Oscar François de Jarjayes"?
I'd put her together with Charlotte and Jeanne (WH)

Even more brilliant!

[this message was edited by Seizya on Mon 31 Jul 12:29]

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):The enquete/questionnaire" , posted Mon 31 Jul 13:09:post reply

1. What did you like about this year's "King of Fighters" tournament?

2. What needs fixing?

3. Suggestions/comments?

1. The nostalgia did a lot for me. A good amount of "KoF" vets showed up, and 2 of the top 3 teams were able to show you why experience is important. The rookies of the top 3 did beat the odds to make the finals, which is nice. It's good to see old friends and make new ones.

2. Rugal needs to stop being revived! SNK loves him a bit too much! His "2002 U.M." incarnation is insane!

To be honest, I don't know what's flawed. I like the system. Sure, I wish that more people joined, but the first 2 games only needed 8 teams.

3. I'm so happy that Mai & Yuri finally won a "King of Fighters" tournament! It's the first time ever an all-ladies team won a "KoF" tournament! 23 years!

If King was forced to be dropped, I'm happy that Fuu filled in. Shoujo manga characters are capable of winning in a mainly guys hobby. Fuu is a smart fighter, and even though she's not an offensive cutie, her support abilities really make the team more balanced. I really am happy that Fuu filled in.

I shouldn't have given Nagisa and Honoka to Athena, but Holiday would approve this team. Usagi and Minako make more sense. Probably.

As for suggestions, I don't know. Bring back "1998 Ultimate Match's" mechanics, and keep the team system? If this really is a game all can play, that'll work. I can't think of a suggestion. Someone may give me one that'll logically make sense.


I just messaged Justice Kyo. I told him that if I must make a suggestion, I'd bring back the Boss Team, but since White doesn't fight enough as Justice Kyo pointed out, he's the 2nd game boss instead to be with Geese. Vicious is the final boss because Wakamoto-san and swords. The irony is that they get a happy bond because they never look happy sincerely, but they have a goal. They'll take what spot's left, and yes, Geese will shine his head with his opponent's butt. ( ̄▽ ̄)

[this message was edited by Seizya on Mon 31 Jul 14:14]