PSN: SeizyaStarlight XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Updating name card (meishi)" , posted Wed 27 Sep 04:37    
I'll try a silly poll, but a poll I need to conduct anyway. I know that I should update my name card at some point. Might as well pick now. It's a good time, especially since I'm moving back to my childhood suburb, and an update is warranted.
I figured that I should have a shoujo manga character choice, and I debated between Ami and Fuu. Ami is more logical since she's still significant now. Then again, Fuu won a "KoF" tournament. (・ω・)
Hanayo's there since it seems like school idols are a thing these days. I had no plans of following "Love Live", as I already have too much info to remember like the "Imas" girls. The person that made me try hard to remember the girls wasn't a friend from San Francisco, but rather Nanase Aoi-sensei. (Yes, the "Samutama" artist.)
A part of me wants to keep Hikari, especially since she's my second favorite "Tokimemo" girl after Shiori. (On the flip side, Hikari's Chupiler's favorite "Tokimemo" girl.) The problem is that almost no one outside of Japan knows who she is. This is the trait that makes the change logical. This is also why as terrific an idea it'd be, I can't draw someone like Shasta of "Ibara" & "Pink Sweets" or Dominna of "Black/Matrix". (Brackt would like to see the latter though.)
You can choose someone else. Key note: if you suggest a guy, don't pick a big one because I'll be ruthlessly honest. Like Takaya Natsuki-sensei, I draw guys to be skinny, and as a result, drawing big guys is my flaw. So, no, don't pick guys like Kenshirou or Zangief. (Even if Kenshirou's not the size of Zangief, having him skinny feels off for me.) While we're at it, I guess big girls give me trouble also.
I guess that's that? I'll end this in around a week. I'll add the votes on Twitter also. Thanks everyone. ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ