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PSN: SeizyaStarlight XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "A new adventure w/ the Vita" , posted Mon 30 Oct 00:27    
Yes, I'm slow, but I got a Vita. A glacier white one to be exact. Though I did buy "Photo Kano", I ended up playing first the first two "Tokimemo" games because I really wanted to experience the second game, as that's Chupiler's favorite. (I'm chasing after Shiori and Hikari.) "Air", "Super Heroine Chronicle" and "Gochiusa Wonderful Party" will be at my place either later this week or next week if I recall, and I plan on getting "Sentimental Graffiti" and an "Asuka" game next, though I don't know which one. (For "Sentimental Graffiti", I'm chasing after Rurika.) You can get "Valis" games, but surprisingly, there are no "Princess Maker" games available.
I'm personalizing my portable system. I recall that it's region free. (Thank goodness, as the lack of the region free trait is the big flaw I hate about the 3DS.) What I still need to do is find not only good games, but a task I still have trouble doing from last year: finding good games with both multiple lives right off the bat that can be replenished and infinite credits. So, if you know games that'll make you say or type "Oh, get this game Sei!" type away. Thank you guys. (・ω・)
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