A new adventure w/ the Vita - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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"A new adventure w/ the Vita" , posted Mon 30 Oct 00:27post reply

Yes, I'm slow, but I got a Vita. A glacier white one to be exact. Though I did buy "Photo Kano", I ended up playing first the first two "Tokimemo" games because I really wanted to experience the second game, as that's Chupiler's favorite. (I'm chasing after Shiori and Hikari.) "Air", "Super Heroine Chronicle" and "Gochiusa Wonderful Party" will be at my place either later this week or next week if I recall, and I plan on getting "Sentimental Graffiti" and an "Asuka" game next, though I don't know which one. (For "Sentimental Graffiti", I'm chasing after Rurika.) You can get "Valis" games, but surprisingly, there are no "Princess Maker" games available.

I'm personalizing my portable system. I recall that it's region free. (Thank goodness, as the lack of the region free trait is the big flaw I hate about the 3DS.) What I still need to do is find not only good games, but a task I still have trouble doing from last year: finding good games with both multiple lives right off the bat that can be replenished and infinite credits. So, if you know games that'll make you say or type "Oh, get this game Sei!" type away. Thank you guys. (・ω・)

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"Re(1):A new adventure w/ the Vita" , posted Mon 30 Oct 07:57post reply

I bought one, too; however, it was last year though. I then bought two Vita TV for cheap with the 64GB proprietary memory card.

I mainly bought the PS Vita for the Senran Kagura series.

Since, I never played P4, I picked up P4 Golden.

I honestly do not know what to recommend to you. I have shite taste in (but not limited to) games.
Yes, I'm slow, but I got a Vita.

I don't know how to live
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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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"Re(2):A new adventure w/ the Vita" , posted Tue 31 Oct 01:59:post reply

I bought one, too; however, it was last year though. I then bought two Vita TV for cheap with the 64GB proprietary memory card.

For some reason, I don't think I could make the best of the TV. 32 should be good enough for me.

I mainly bought the PS Vita for the Senran Kagura series.

I already got "Estival Versus" for the PS4. I'll try to get the others later.

Since, I never played P4, I picked up P4 Golden.

I need to get that also.

I honestly do not know what to recommend to you. I have shite taste in (but not limited to) games.

Though you saw how I bought romance simulation and visual novel games (I'll get "Kanon" in a few months), I like just about any genre. The one biggie I don't like are those non-cute first person shooters. I'm not a fan of 3D action games also because the severe flaw they carry in general is the lack of multiple lives right off the bat along with the facts of not being able to gain extra lives and not having infinite continues. ("Senran Kagura's" different because at least it implements a role playing game level up system a la "Guardian Heroes".) Oh, and scary games don't tickle my fancy per se (though I have enjoyed segments like "Perfect Blue").

[this message was edited by Seizya on Tue 31 Oct 16:27]

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"Re(3):A new adventure w/ the Vita" , posted Wed 1 Nov 05:26post reply

I'm not a fan of 3D action games also because the severe flaw they carry in general is the lack of multiple lives right off the bat along with the facts of not being able to gain extra lives and not having infinite continues.

I'm still very curious about this. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you are looking for games with multiple lives (or being able to gain lives) and infinite continues. Right?
I'm very curious about this. I suppose Super Mario Odyssey woudln't fall into this category. Since it has multiple continues, but infinite lives.

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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"Re(4):A new adventure w/ the Vita" , posted Wed 1 Nov 14:00:post reply

I'm still very curious about this. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you are looking for games with multiple lives (or being able to gain lives) and infinite continues. Right?
I'm very curious about this. I suppose Super Mario Odyssey woudln't fall into this category. Since it has multiple continues, but infinite lives.

Right (or rather, the game must have the trifecta of the start with 3 lives at the very least right off the bat, the ability to gain extra lives and the benefit of multiple continues). "Rock/Megaman" games are the best examples of what I look for.

Wait. The new "Mario" has infinite lives? That's impossible. "Mario III" is another example of what I look for though.

[this message was edited by Seizya on Wed 1 Nov 14:03]

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"Re(5):A new adventure w/ the Vita" , posted Thu 2 Nov 04:25post reply


Wait. The new "Mario" has infinite lives? That's impossible. "Mario III" is another example of what I look for though.

Correct. Let's say the player plunges Mario into an abyss; you lose between 5 and 10 coins (can't remember exact #) and start again at the last checkpoint. I try to collect as many coins as possible and my stock is always between 500 and 1000 coins.
Mario has a standard # of 3 heart containers which are removed whenever you are touched by an enemy or other hazards. You can temporarily upgrade those hearts as well. When you lose all the hearts Mario "dies" and goes back to the checkpoint, losing some coins in the process. I have never lost all my coins; but I'm pretty sure you start right back at the last checkpoint when you do so. Strange?

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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"Re(6):A new adventure w/ the Vita" , posted Sun 5 Nov 00:41post reply

"Super Heroine Chronicles", "Air" and "Gochiusa Wonderful Party" arrived. "Valis" is beating me up. (I only use save states if I start a new level or if I'm about to reach the boss. Otherwise, it's abusive.) I had to get the "Justice Academy" games because Capcom didn't translate the diary segments, as they would be time consuming. I also got "To Heart" and "Quiz Nanairo Dreams" because the latter keeps begging me to complete it. I don't plan on getting another game for maybe two or three months.

Correct. Let's say the player plunges Mario into an abyss; you lose between 5 and 10 coins (can't remember exact #) and start again at the last checkpoint. I try to collect as many coins as possible and my stock is always between 500 and 1000 coins.
Mario has a standard # of 3 heart containers which are removed whenever you are touched by an enemy or other hazards. You can temporarily upgrade those hearts as well. When you lose all the hearts Mario "dies" and goes back to the checkpoint, losing some coins in the process. I have never lost all my coins; but I'm pretty sure you start right back at the last checkpoint when you do so. Strange?

That is beyond strange. I suppose that's done for the kids, but us old school folks find it strange. Coins.