Neoryu's obituary (the real news bit) - Forums

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"Neoryu's obituary (the real news bit)" , posted Sat 23 Dec 10:54post reply

The obituary

Wish that another miracle occurred. Not the case. Thank you for being a bundle of joy. Sayounara.

5295th Post

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"Re(1):Neoryu's obituary (the real news bit)" , posted Sat 23 Dec 19:10post reply

The obituary

Wish that another miracle occurred. Not the case. Thank you for being a bundle of joy. Sayounara.

It's unfortunate to hear of Neoryu's departure.
May he rest in peace.

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"Re(2):Neoryu's obituary (the real news bit)" , posted Sat 23 Dec 22:29post reply

While this news was inevitable it doesn't make it any less sad.

1992th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(3):Neoryu's obituary (the real news bit)" , posted Sat 23 Dec 23:08post reply

Sad to see another MMC member leave. Thanks for keeping us updated despite the sad news.

Même Narumi est épatée !

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"Re(4):Neoryu's obituary (the real news bit)" , posted Sun 24 Dec 00:36post reply

That's sad, I thought he was doing better.

Rest in peace, Neoryu.

Yuki Yagami

106th Post

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"Re(5):Neoryu's obituary (the real news bit)" , posted Sun 24 Dec 18:22post reply

Sad to hear that...

Rest in Peace.

"Lasciate ogne speranza"

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"Re(1):Neoryu's obituary (the real news bit)" , posted Sun 24 Dec 20:33post reply

The obituary

Wish that another miracle occurred. Not the case. Thank you for being a bundle of joy. Sayounara.

So sad to hear another MMC member pass away. Rest In Peace.

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Neoryu's obituary (the real news bit)" , posted Sun 24 Dec 22:20post reply

The obituary

Wish that another miracle occurred. Not the case. Thank you for being a bundle of joy. Sayounara.

So sad to hear. Wish his family all the patience in the world. Mmcafe family loses another member! R.I.P Neoryu!

1859th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):Neoryu's obituary (the real news bit)" , posted Wed 27 Dec 15:06:post reply

The obituary

Wish that another miracle occurred. Not the case. Thank you for being a bundle of joy. Sayounara.

RIP NeoRyu. Seizya, thanks for the update. Sad to hear he has passed. It's clear that his family and friends loved him very much. Professor, that was a very nice tribute that you put up on the Cafe.

I just read this great, unironically touching article on the true meaning of Xmas. It feels appropriate to share it here:

Take care everyone!

[this message was edited by nobinobita on Wed 27 Dec 15:10]

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"Re(2):Neoryu's obituary (the real news bit)" , posted Wed 27 Dec 21:45post reply

Oh, man... not again!! As if Toxico's untimely departure hadn't been more than enough, now NeoRyu follows him...

I'm sorry to admit that I didn't interact with him as much as I did with Toxico (which didn't amount to as much as he deserved, either) but this fact doesn't make the news of his death any more bearable in the slightest. May he rest in peace and may his family find the courage to march on after such a heavy blow...

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"Re(3):Neoryu's obituary (the real news bit)" , posted Thu 28 Dec 01:51post reply

Let me join in the condolences and well-wishes for the bereaved family and friends. I sadly didn't really know NeoRyu at the Cafe, somehow, but he sounds like an utterly sweet and determined guy, and the love from his family and friends is very clear in his obituary. Thanks to Professor for another nice memorial, as well.


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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Neoryu's obituary (the real news bit)" , posted Thu 28 Dec 03:31post reply

dang, I thought he was doing better too - I guess this time he won't be popping back into the thread to say "I'm still here!" :(

Micky Kusanagi
703th Post

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"Re(1):Neoryu's obituary (the real news bit)" , posted Wed 17 Jan 18:05post reply

I'm sorry for not being active in the forums by the time this happened.

Neoryu, may you rest in peace. Our paths almost never crossed, but still, all of this is heavy on my heart. Goodbye...

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(2):Neoryu's obituary (the real news bit)" , posted Thu 18 Jan 03:29post reply

I'm sorry for not being active in the forums by the time this happened.

Same-- I have popped in here and there but I missed the news somehow. RIP NeoRyu, we'll miss you round these parts.

You have to carefully reproduce the world of "Castlevania" in the solemn atmosphere.
801th Post

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"Re(3):Neoryu's obituary (the real news bit)" , posted Mon 22 Jan 08:50post reply

Ruddy hel.

I just read NeoRyu's 'dash' on his obituary.

It sent chills down my arms.

He lived to be stronger than I.

See you space cowboy.
I'm sorry for not being active in the forums by the time this happened.

Same-- I have popped in here and there but I missed the news somehow. RIP NeoRyu, we'll miss you round these parts.

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...
1199th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(4):Neoryu's obituary (the real news bit)" , posted Fri 20 Apr 06:01post reply

What!! First day back to MMC, and now I just hear that NeoRyu has passed away too (just trying to get over Toxico)? Let's stick together guys.

Just a Person
1959th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(5):Neoryu's obituary (the real news bit)" , posted Fri 20 Apr 06:39post reply

What!! First day back to MMC, and now I just hear that NeoRyu has passed away too (just trying to get over Toxico)? Let's stick together guys.

Yes, it was sad to lose two of the greatest guys we've seen in MMC. If there's any consolation for you, it's that eventually the sadness is replaced by the fond memories they left in their posts here.

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.