Original message (1062 Views )
| "Your gaming experience influence your kid." , posted Fri 12 Jan 00:17    
First of all, happy New 2018 year to everyone.
I'm abit bore so just wanna share something on myself as a father-status gamer.
I grew up in the arcade days and even I graduated from high school in mid 90s and I still love go there and arcades still available every where.
*** tape rolling till present day ***
We still have arcade but in the mall only and games r quite dated, although we have latest ones but I still need to drive there WHEN my wife and kids go to in-laws' place.
Now, today's kids mostly having smart phone games and my boy who is 8 years old now, finds it boring so quickly.
One day, he saw I was playing metal slug attack and defense and started interest in metal slug.
So I help him install both games into his ipad (me and wife doesn't allow kids having too much focus on it, which will make them less socializing). And guess what, he also finds it boring.
Once he said it, I show him the classic Metal Slug arcade. Damn, he really loves everything of it! He even loves the music and sing it while in the car! In addition, his brother (5 years old) also love it!!!
My boy will come back to metal slug whenever he played new games and bored after.
Who did this to these dogs ???
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