| "Re(7):SNK Stuff Thread 20- Spring 2018 Editio" , posted Tue 23 Jan 07:53    
quote: I was checking out the pools for the upcoming Evo Japan list, but man the entrants are packed with top players compared to the usual Evo in Las Vegas. It's pretty much guaranteed that there's at least one top level player in each pool, and while people seem to expect Xiaohai or ET to win, I can't be as opinionated-- this game can go anywhere.
On an interesting note, I spotted BALA listed in the pools (A7), which was quite unexpected since iirc he hasn't been to an Evo since 2012 when the series made its debut at their main stage. Unfortunately though he's not coming to this Evo Japan either as I've learnt yesterday. I've also heard that a number of other overseas players will need to drop plans because of visa, passport, or financial issues. Leaving aside the players from asian regions, the international turnout might not look as varietied as the pools may show.
I can't wait for EvoJapan, was looking through the KOF pools when they went up and it's just stacked with killers. Damn near every player worth mentioning for XIV is in there.
Saw Bala and was shocked to say the least, especially since Madkof is attending as well. Too bad it turned out to be false.
No disrespect to the NA players but most of them don't have a chance I think, especially with how bad Reynald got his clock cleaned at the recent invitation in China. M' made it all the way back from losers into the grand finals in this tournament so this was probably his strongest showing since winning the championship. Xiaohai won (quite easily) and basically took revenge on both ET and M'.
So far no country has won KOF at Evo more than once, it has been a new country each time a KOF has been a main game at Evo. Hope this tradition continues. Out of the 'major' regions for KOF, Japan and Mexico are the ones that have the most to prove.
| "Re(1):More SNK EVO Japan Stuff" , posted Mon 29 Jan 05:51    
quote: Also, we get a full trailer of SNK Heroines Tag Team Frenzy. (Nakoruru is added as well)
OK, I was on board with the game, and I wasn't particularly against the cow motif for Mai since it was basically her character all along. Leona was OOC, but her keeping a straight face was hilarious enough. Never liked Kula, so didn't care how they treated her. This, though? This is NOT OK (also NSFW).
I also dislike how, in some of the footage we've seen, everyone plays with the girls in bkini, which has the DoA effect of making it extremely difficult to recognize the characters if your attention drops for a second.
I'm slowly cooling down on this game.
| "Re(6):More SNK EVO Japan Stuff" , posted Wed 31 Jan 13:18:    
quote: I don't know japanese, but apparently the "レバガチャア" part of the name "レバガチャアーカイブ" according to google should means "Shake the joystick and press the buttons rapidly" I hope someone that know japanese can enlighten us more on this, it seems interesting.
The title is actually made of three words, レバー、 ガチャ、 and アーカイブ. "Lever-gacha Archive". Lever of course refers to the stick, and gacha is a mashing/clattering sound effect, so the title essencially means "The stick-mashing Chronicles".
From quickly checking out the manga, it starts off in 2006 with a guy taking a visit to a shopping mall from his salad days, and then the story flashes back to 1995. And we learn that it's going to be about the guy back in his younger junior high days (age 14), where he thought he was going to get confessed by a girl but turns out she just wants to get personal tutoring on NeoGeo games.
Not bad, but I wonder why the author decided to start off the story from 2006 instead of the modern day? What's the significance starting the flashback from 2006? I'd love to know 
And for anyone wondering, the author decided to name that fictitious shopping mall "Sausu (South) Shopping Center", as in Southtown, lol.
Artist Twitter
[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 31 Jan 13:20] |
PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(9):Look!" , posted Thu 22 Mar 19:15    
quote: Not surprisingly, the next DLC trailer was the first announced character.
It's neat how the character profile under the video says she sort of part-times as a crime fighter, and the video itself has her beating up Xanadu and Geese's teams of antagonists... and Kim - but then again he's got issues and I suspect the "Justice!" schtick is just a PR factor so he can mercilessly torture and beat up people nobody will care about - maybe Najd and her cloak detect that or something.
I'm not sure what to make of the choice of having Najd cloaked all the te=ime except in her portrait - I have no real idea of how standard hijabs and similar head coverage are in Saudi Arabia, but in any case I like how the final design ended up compared to the original submission. The color scheme in particular turned out nicely, with that balance between red, dark purple and silver and I don't think stodd out that much in the original - maybe the choice to give her white-ish hair and showing that in her portrait was to help work with that color scheme?
I also can't help but find myself wondering how/if cosplay fits in the whole haram/halal spectrum of islamic (dis)approval, especially for observant practitioners who use hijabs and similar - I've seen occasional photos of workarounds that involved some awkward-looking wigs, but for the most part, female character designs in popular works don't seem to work well with the established boundaries of that kind of garb, and this is one rare case of a character design that might work while fitting into a relatively popular setting... Maybe I'm overthinking this, but ever since I moved to the Netherlands I started seeing a lot more hijabs that I did back in Portugal, so I find myself thinking more about implications of practices like that.
PSN: BadoorSNK(forPSVITA:BadoorUSA) XBL: BadoorSNK(ForWiiU/Steam:BadoorSNK) Wii: 3DS:4253-3532-0341 STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(10):Look!" , posted Mon 26 Mar 20:49    
quote: I also can't help but find myself wondering how/if cosplay fits in the whole haram/halal spectrum of islamic (dis)approval, especially for observant practitioners who use hijabs and similar - I've seen occasional photos of workarounds that involved some awkward-looking wigs, but for the most part, female character designs in popular works don't seem to work well with the established boundaries of that kind of garb, and this is one rare case of a character design that might work while fitting into a relatively popular setting... Maybe I'm overthinking this, but ever since I moved to the Netherlands I started seeing a lot more hijabs that I did back in Portugal, so I find myself thinking more about implications of practices like that.
I've seen a lot of hijab-wearing women do cosplay, whether in this region or elsewhere, this is one random page I googled but it's funny cause there's a cosplay of Nakoruru at random. It seems some try to wear a wig that works both as cover and as the hair for the character, but most just make do with a "hijab-wearing" variation of the character, especially with crossplay. Then there's characters that are originally wearing some sort of cloak that's not too dissimilar to a hijab so it works out well.
http://100daysofmegashock.wordpress.com/ http://badoorsnk.wordpress.com/ pretzelmotion.com
| "Re(2):Neptune Company?" , posted Fri 30 Mar 11:24    
Now this is a.. weird PR release.
According to the release, SNK has invested into a Korea-based game studio named Neptune Company as a part of their ongoing plan to strengthen their international business and content. SNK is also taking this opportunity to announce that they launched a Korean office named SNK Interactive last year, which together with Neptune Company will help them expand their business in Korea which they see as an important market for their future.
What's odd about this press release is that SNK hasn't disclosed any figures. We don't know how much ownership they have over Neptune.
According to a report from Ruliweb, which Gatoray posted, it roughly says 30 Billion Won (or almost 3 Billion Yen).
Also from the report, we get a history of Neptune. (Google translated with corrections based on research)
Neptune is a game company led by Jeong Wook, who is the former CEO of Hangame, and has abundant development experience and operation ability. In addition, the company has invested heavily in Bluehole Studios, the production company of the popular game "Player Unknown's Battle Ground", which is currently experiencing a global storm.
"Lasciate ogne speranza"
PSN: Mike_ADV XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: tamakimike CFN: n/a
| "C You Soon and Rollback" , posted Tue 10 Apr 22:01:    
Yeah Professor, I think it's a new animation for her counter. Well, we'll see in just a few days. While I would like her having a few moves from the Real Bout games and her old command normal from '98, she looks good and might be fun to mix my teams again.
quote: Just a random thought, but is SNK Heroines going to have only one stage?
While it seems a silly thought... The Nakoruru reveal trailer does say that they are fighting inside a mansion, all the trailers so far have used I believe the same stage, SNK is probably spending its graphical efforts on making additional outfits, and this isn't exactly a game that looks like it has had much effort spent on graphics in the first place. Under those circumstances, would they actually consider shipping a fighting game that has only one stage?
Well, the second stage was actually revealed during the Nakoruru trailer. You can see both being available during the gameplay showed at the WFN a few weeks ago. Blame KukriSandel Dark for having the same decorations in his mansion. But I hope to see some variety like the gardens, rooftops or maybe stuff from the comics like a bar or caves. Be in mind that we might have Luong using a schoolgirl outfit announced in the coming weeks.
And yeah, just like "Just a Person", after Mary and Shermie the only one I'm missing is Kasumi (since I have no hope for my boy Brian to come flying again anytime soon). Now I'm crossing my fingers to get Shermie with airdashes and actual combos in XIV maybe later this year or part of the next possible DLC (the files X-Kira pointed still mention Hinako, Jubei and Shingo, right?) so maybe XIV is still in their plans while SNK develops a new non-KOF console mainline game for the first time in the decade (please).
In other news, CodeMystics is considering updating all their SNK ports with rollback netcode. They are testing in their recently released KOF'97GM for Steam and I don't know about how is the reception of the online experience in SNK games in Japan but here, comparing their usual input delay implemmentation to rollback-based games like Skullgirls, the IronGalaxy ports of Capcom games, MKXL and even non-official emulators like Fightcade are night and day of difference that lets me play people from accross the ocean while I can't play KOFXIV with people further than Argentina without feeling nostalgic from the times I was in the Water Temple of Ocarina of Time.
So, if this goes well, what are the chances of SNK at least letting them update 98UMFE and 2002UM as a part of a celebration of the 20 years of their first dreammatch?
[this message was edited by KensouADV on Wed 11 Apr 05:10] |
PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: Ishmael26b
| "Re(3):Rocking that animation" , posted Sat 14 Apr 00:10    
quote: Speaking of characters getting updated from their pixel form, has anyone had a chance to try out the KoF14 3.0? Any thoughts?
On the topic of animation, Mary lacks "oomph". The extra care put into Rock is probably a one-off deal.
I think it is a global issue with KOFXIV in that moves in general don't look or sound like they hurt. Movements are either sluggish or rapid, making them feel like hollow hits. Nothing is done with the animation to help sell the moves. Nor are the sound nor visual fx helping in this matter.
I find the new VA for Mary to be a bit of a downgrade over classic Harumi Ikoma. For me, the new VA is the audio equivalent of KOFXIV animation, lacking impact (which only further undermines the moves themselves.) The energy is too muted, as if it were being phoned in. It is kind of like a lethargic person trying to be energetic?
KoF14 has the unfortunate problem of being built in a way that emphasizes the flaws of the series. The animation in KoF was always strained, which is probably one of the reasons that the series favors stoic characters who don't have a lot of extraneous movement. What made the action work more often than not was little things like the screen flashing during DM's and the sound effects. Those were crunchy sounding hits! In contrast, the hits in 14 sound muted. Combine this with endless max combos and attacks feel like slap fests as opposed to a flurry of attacks punctuated with a burst of power like you would find in older games. While I'm glad they are still supporting 14 I wish SNK would work on a new title that would let them do a better job with the presentation.
quote: He did mention Arc System Works, and also Rock Howard's keyed-in jacket animation in the recent KoF (and why he argues modern fighting games shouldn't be reliant on physics simulation for animation, as is the case here).
Wasn't Yasuyuki Oda one of the main movers and shakers on Garou? His nostalgia might be the reason Rock received so much more attention than the rest of the 14 cast.
| "Re(4):Rocking that animation" , posted Sat 14 Apr 06:21:    
quote: KoF14 has the unfortunate problem of being built in a way that emphasizes the flaws of the series. The animation in KoF was always strained, which is probably one of the reasons that the series favors stoic characters who don't have a lot of extraneous movement. What made the action work more often than not was little things like the screen flashing during DM's and the sound effects. Those were crunchy sounding hits! In contrast, the hits in 14 sound muted. Combine this with endless max combos and attacks feel like slap fests as opposed to a flurry of attacks punctuated with a burst of power like you would find in older games. While I'm glad they are still supporting 14 I wish SNK would work on a new title that would let them do a better job with the presentation.
It makes me almost curious enough to put in the work to experiment... Record some video, then replace the audio, then throw in some video effects, and see what changes... Instead, I looked at some YouTube videos of Mary in previous games, to see how much of my memory is rose-colored glasses.
I see a variety of issues at hand combining in KOF XIV:
1) Character animation 2) Extra animation (clothing, hair, etc) 3) Visual effects (hit sparks, particles, screen flashes, screen shake, etc) 4) Sound effects (hit sounds, voice clips) 5) Unique/expressive elements of characters being simplified or removed over years of KOF releases
For the first, KOF XIV animation too often reminds me of mannequins.
For the second, Mary has traditionally had three areas of extra animation. KOF XIV pretty much universally fails to animate hair beyond the tips. (Even Rock falls short in this area.) KOF XIV presumably uses procedural physics to animate Mary's breasts. And KOF XIV Mary appears to have shrink wrapped her belt to her jeans. In place of the belt being animated, KOF XIV attaches a barely visible physics-driven tassel to her belt.
For the third, KOF XIV relies on generic indistinct particle effects for hit sparks, while abandoning screen flashes and screen shakes.
That fifth one is perhaps more important than one might think, as it directly affects the first, second and third factors. KOF titles are big games with a lot of characters, and sacrifices get made.
Okay, this is starting to go on a bit of a tangent, but I believe it is important to the current state of KOF XIV.
I found an watched a YouTube video, "Blue Mary: Evolution (1995-2007)". For me, there are striking differences between Fatal Fury Blue Mary and latter-day KOF Blue Mary. FF Blue Mary simply appears to be animated more expressively than KOF Blue Mary. You have the exaggerated animations of the intro pose and taunt, you have the flower particle motif to her super, and her moves just appear to sell themselves better.
This is where things got a bit interesting for me, though. When you look at Fatal Fury, you can see just how much effort was put into selling the impact of Mary's holds. I decided to do a quick and dirty frame-advance comparison of the arm-break follow-up to her Spin Fall in Real Bout Fatal Fury and KOF XI. (I would guess that KOF XI was the primary source material for KOFXIV Mary.) To clarify, the period I studied was immediately after the Spin Fall's kick ends to the point right before Mary releases the hold. I did not include either the Spin Fall itself or the recovery after the hold is released.
I expected the XI version to be shorter, and to use fewer frames of animation. I found two big surprises. The XI version was not only a few frames longer, it used nearly the same number of unique animation frames. So how does the XI animation manage to come up short against the RB version? What I'd previously thought was a case of sacrificing unique frames of animation instead seems, in this case, to be more a mis-use of the available frames.
Even though the characters when standing are roughly the same size, RB Mary "feels" bigger than KOF Mary, as if she's more active and more willing to occupy screen space. This is itself honestly a bit weird, as the KOF frames look fine on their own. Sometimes they even look better than the related RB frame. But the KOF frames feel a bit more utilitarian, precise and restrained. And there honestly is more movement in the RB version. Mary is flying through the air. At the peak of her transition, her lower legs are off the top of the screen while the XI version remains fully onscreen.
Second, RB Mary recycles frames to get more animation during the impact of the takedown as well as the break. For example, while continuing to use the same sprite elements and while the lower half remains in place, Mary's upper body gets shifted down a pixel or two to sell the impact of hitting the ground. Or take the arm hold and break, where the animation repeatedly loops between two different frames in order to sell the strain in the hold.
Third, as Ishmael alluded to, XI relies entirely on extra visual effects to sell the break itself. For the actual arm break, XI Mary holds the same pose for thirteen frames as a seven frame hit spark effect plays, and a hit sound is played. The interesting bit is that RB Mary holds her final pose for eight frames, doesn't get a fancy hit spark, and doesn't even get a real "break" sound effect, but her animation feels more "real". Why? Because for RB Mary the action was already performed in the preceding frames, and the eight frame "hold" comes off as extra time put into the hold after the damage was already done.
And while I said I wasn't focusing on the recovery, there is a striking visual difference there which deserves a mention. Both games end up with Mary and the victim on opposite sides of the screen, the difference is in how this is achieved. In RBFF, Mary leaps away from the victim after releasing the hold. In XI, Mary stays in place after releasing the hold, while the victim magically flies across the screen. It just looks silly.
EDIT: I managed to leave a couple of things out of this already long post.
One the subject of Mary's arm bar in RBFF versus KOF XI, I also wanted to call attention to the arm bar pose itself. In RBFF, Mary is near perpendicular to the victim, and is on the screen side of the victim. This gives the player a closer view of Mary as she performs the hold (while the not quite perpendicular angle gives you clearer view of the hold). As Mary leans back, she tilts her head even further back, giving a clear view of her facial expression. Both the leaning back and the facial expression itself help sell the effort of the hold. In comparison, in KOF XI, Mary is nearly parallel to the victim and on the background side of the victim. This puts Mary at a bit more distance, and also give a poor view of her face as she leans back.
On another note, watching Mary's throws in the reveal trailer gives a somewhat different feeling than actually performing them in play. I wonder if this is an effect of, as Ishmael put it, the endless combos and slap fights of actual gameplay. In the reveal trailer, you get the various moves on their own, separate of other action. In gameplay, you get them surrounded by "slap fight" combos.
[this message was edited by Baines on Sat 14 Apr 14:34] |
| "Re(6):Rocking that animation" , posted Sun 15 Apr 13:45    
quote: There's no "procedural physics" used in XIV as far as I know if the devs statement about Leona's hair and... appendages are anything to go by and her "static" appearance during the beta builds.
I haven't seen the dev statements.
You are right in that it probably isn't procedural physics in the manner that we've come to associate the term. If you say "procedural physics" these days, people think of stuff like SFV Chun-Li's "propeller" breast animation, or its sometimes wonky hair animations. But procedural physics covers more territory than just that.
Further, I probably shouldn't have said "physics", and just left it at procedural. Though to be fair, that is a bit of a cheat. Automatic interpolation between keyframes is itself procedural animation, after all.
I'd cite Leona's hair as evidence that there is some measure of procedural animation at play in KOF XIV, simply because I cannot see an animator intentionally setting out to create her hair's behavior during her walk-back animation. Animators should know that slowly walking backwards does not make a pony tail extend parallel to the ground like a windsock in a storm. It is an animation that seems more likely created by accident than intention, as if they just set the hair bone to be "pulled" by the head in that situation.
Yes, Leona's hair snaps directly to a new position when she changes states, but that doesn't rule out the existence of procedural animation within an individual state. The same can be said for other extra elements, like Mary's tassel.
As with Leona's hair, some of it comes down to just not wanting to believe it was entirely intentionally hand-keyed. I don't know that I'd see someone bothering to meticulously hand-key Mary's tassel. (And if you were to do so, then why did you remove the oversized belt in the first place? The main reason to remove the belt would be because you didn't want to deal with the extra animation issues.) At the same time, some of the bust idle animations are smoother than the actual move animations, to the point that if the bust animations were meticulously created then why wasn't that effort spent elsewhere.
quote: And Mary looks to be based more on her 2002UM version with her ability to do her command normal with both ,  and her taser. Both are not available in XI who she is more of a "standard KOF" moveset.
I never actually played XI, so I only had video to go by as a comparison, and didn't even think of 2002UM as a viable source.
quote: XI is also known for having really weird juggle properties on character's moves and a "floaty" feeling for everybody and many cut frames in animations to the point of the usual and throws being the same thing but mirrored giving a really cheap feeling with all the cut animation
That is why I was surprised when I actually took a more detailed look at the throw animation. From the look, I expected to find significantly fewer unique frames in the XI animation, but it was a comparable amount. It was more that XI didn't use the frames that it had as effectively as RBFF did. Some was probably that some of the throw frames were actually being recycled from elsewhere, but it was also the pose and the general flow of the animation.
It does make me wonder both how the same animation appears in previous KOF games, as well as how other moves compare.
I really wish that I had the time to devote to the exercise, as I'm becoming increasingly curious.
| "Re(1):Neo Neo-Geo?" , posted Sat 21 Apr 13:48:    
quote: Oh no, don't tell me that's the outline of a minicab. If so, they might as well call it the Neo Geo XX since it's probably going to be about as successful.
It would be so jolly if we're unveiled to see a NeoGeo CD placed vertically
Oh the Monkey!
Putting that aside, I was talking with Gunsmith about the recent Ver3.0 patch and whether it actually improved user interest beyond hardcore players just tweeting their findings on social media.
Checking the online, I was surprised to see that for at least the Japanese side of things, there were 15 lobbies last night-- which is something I haven't seen since the first months in the game's launch. It'd be biased to ignore noting that it was a Friday night and there were only 2-3 players per lobby on average. But still, that's a lot of lobbies for a game that's niche within a niche genre, and almost reaching its 2nd year.
DLC certainly helped, as there were also single character lobbies, which I haven't seen in quite some time.
On the other hand, there weren't any 6-player party game rooms, which for the most part are preferred by the casual players.
This will probably just last for a week or two, my guess.
[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 21 Apr 13:54] |
PSN: Mike_ADV XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: tamakimike CFN: n/a
| "Re(7):SNK Labo?" , posted Sun 22 Apr 06:18:    
quote: I haven't seen the dev statements. [...] As with Leona's hair, some of it comes down to just not wanting to believe it was entirely intentionally hand-keyed. I don't know that I'd see someone bothering to meticulously hand-key Mary's tassel. (And if you were to do so, then why did you remove the oversized belt in the first place? The main reason to remove the belt would be because you didn't want to deal with the extra animation issues.) At the same time, some of the bust idle animations are smoother than the actual move animations, to the point that if the bust animations were meticulously created then why wasn't that effort spent elsewhere.
Can't really back up on the "devs statements" since it was Atlus answering in one of their earlier streams. But maybe there's both "hand-made" animations and "physics" in the characters. But as why the breasts of the females are better animated than other stuff, I would just call priorities . Rock should be enough of an example that they can do it if they want it.
quote: It does make me wonder both how the same animation appears in previous KOF games, as well as how other moves compare.
Considering this is KOF and Blue Mary never had a change in her outfit, these are probably the same animations ever since 1997.
About the Neo-Geo mini stuff I wouldn't put past this is just SNK's take on the new Labo frenzy to play Exodus's new game.
And about 3.0, I can only say about the Steam version for now but there's a regular number of lobbies to play with south americans. Shame the port of the game is so iffy and I need to rely on mods to "downgrade" the game and have a stable experience. Also, although the new stuff like universal rolls are good I still miss stuff like the slowdowns on the last KO, special intros outside of the story stuff and specially some kind of ending for Najd since all I know about her is that she's a little too of an hypocrite and bloodlust for a so-called JUSTICE warrior.
At least it's not like 2002UM that have random slowdowns no matter who I play so I pray that SNK see the positive feedback '97GM received with its netcode update. By the way Professor, do you know anything about SNK if they even know about this since I only see they promoting stuff like being able to change the menu music to one of the OST (when you can mod the AST in already (menu only)) instead of a much better online experience than in previous games.
[this message was edited by KensouADV on Sun 22 Apr 06:19] |
| "Re(3):Heroines" , posted Thu 3 May 19:05    
Dear SNK, here’s my wish-list for your forthcoming SNK Heroines games: For the thrill, Chizuru in an S&M outfit and stilettos. For a laugh, Hinako in thongs and a bandeau bra (and pedobear titty stickers for her alt). Blue Mary in a car-wash bikini, for more conventional moods. May Lee in a sexy frog suit, for it stands to reason. Kasumi in her usual Kasumi clothes, because she’ll never be booty anyway, but cool nevertheless. Angel in her usual Angel … things, because she can’t get any bootier anyway. Miss X for old times’ sake, Benimaru with his hair down to rekindle the old buzz.
| "Re(3):Heroines" , posted Thu 3 May 19:37:    
Thank to some Twitter "sleuths", the rest of the roster is revealed... except one...
The remaining characters are:
Luong Mian (based on the pins, between Zarina and Shermie) Mui Mui (status unknown after SNK Heroines is released) Love Heart (probably her last SNK game appearance)
This leaves out one more character.
She seems to have a long ponytail, wearing bracelets and a vest.
While people I asked insist it's Fio, I had my doubts. - She looks tall - has long hair tied to a ponytail. She has long hair, if untied. Fio had a shorter ponytail compared to the one in the silhouette. - may or may not be her classic costume in the silhouette
My potential guesses are Yuki (Gekka no Kenshi), B. Jenet, Chizuru Kagura or even Kasumi Todoh.
NOTE: Unless that's Love Heart using her Magic Sword, the pin at the right of Leona is probably Yuki. But...
If it was Yuki in the silhouette, she's not carrying her polearm, but then again, Mai does not carry her fans and Nakoruru uses her dagger replacement in the group picture.
That's where Chizuru or Jenet comes into the equation.
Definitely, it's hard to tell.
"Lasciate ogne speranza"
[this message was edited by Yuki Yagami on Thu 3 May 19:42] |
| "Re(6):Heroines" , posted Thu 3 May 20:40:    
quote: The fact that several female characters from KOF14 (including sexy fanart stables like Angel and Vanessa) are missing the game is puzzling. The budget must really be small... Chances are Shermie is the only "new" character. Now port her to KOF14, and the recycling will be complete!
quote: So much for my wish-list, lol! I can't believe there is so much of the KOFXIV cast. Given the current physiognomy of the game, they might as well have made it a DLC extra mode in KOFXIV and called it a day. As is, it seems like an abridged version + glitz of the PS4 KOFXIV specially desgined for newcomers.
There are at least 15 more unlockable characters (if the character select screen is referred), post-release. But we shall see.
Only two non-KOF XIV characters, Shermie and the other one, in the initial roster.
If the other one is Yuki, I might call the non-XIV SNK Heroines characters "Double Nishikawa" (a reference to their former seiyuu, Hazuki Nishikawa).
EDIT: I get a feeling that the last character (whoever she is) is probably wearing the infamous "Fatal Cutie" cap in-game.
Also, Iggy, I joked about the KOF XIV 4.0 DLC being "revealed" after Shermie was announced. (Shermie, Shingo, Hinako and Jubei, with the last 3 based on X-Kira's data)
"Lasciate ogne speranza"
[this message was edited by Yuki Yagami on Thu 3 May 20:44] |
PSN: Mike_ADV XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: tamakimike CFN: n/a
| "Re(7):Heroines" , posted Fri 4 May 00:53:    
Also, Iggy, I joked about the KOF XIV 4.0 DLC being "revealed" after Shermie was announced. (Shermie, Shingo, Hinako and Jubei, with the last 3 based on X-Kira's data)
I helped Kira to translate his findings to english. The slots found were for Heidern, Yamada (Jubei), Oswald, (Blue) Mary, Hinako, Shingo and four non specified slots. One we already know is Najd. Also there's still one unused package on steamdb ever since the release of the game.
But I thought Luong, Love and MuiMui were already common knowledge among the fanbase since many noticed Luong in the rematch button during the WNF stream (and the high contrast preview image showing a schoolgirl in the right), those earlier trailers with their names listed as items for customization. The character sizes don't matter much since the supposed Luong and Shermie look a tad smaller than they really are. And since when the game will be released with only these 14 chracters from this main artwork? The character selection can hold much more than the 19 females from XIV and before people were begging for MissX, Soranaka and Oda said the game wouldn't have DLC. So I believe we'll get the rest of the silhouettes next month and then the'll focus on showing the rest of the girls and Sandel Dark until September.
One thing few noticed too is how improved (and taller) Sylvie looks now in this game.
---------------------------- But in another story, looks like SNK is opening a temporary store like in the good old medieval fairs style this week?
[this message was edited by KensouADV on Fri 4 May 02:21] |
| "Re(2):KOF Collaboration Cafe" , posted Wed 9 May 23:28:    
quote: MASSIVE BUMP!!! -----------------------------------------
KOF Collaboration Cafe in Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya starting May 11th (Osaka and Ikekuburo only, Nagoya will be on June 1st and Akihabara will be on June 25th).
Also, it had some interesting artworks of characters as well. Here is a sample... Good grief, they dug up Alba? Wait, they dug up Falcoon?!?
I was just looking at this via the store's Twitter account and official collaboration site but holy bowls, some stuff on the menu, namely the Yuri Blueberry Crepe, is just weirdness.
Kyo's menu being fish is understandable since in his character profile he likes fish, and King's being a salad is because she's vegetarian.. I wonder why Iori is a Chicken Penne dish though? Are they trying to say he's chicken? 
Falccon is actually a higher up at SNK's IP subsidiary now so yeah, he's been drawing stuff here and there.
[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 9 May 23:31] |