A tough decision - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"A tough decision" , posted Fri 2 Mar 22:15post reply

I'm faced with a tough decision now. Yeah, Okiayu Ryoutarou-san's a Fanime guest, and that's fine. The problems? I have an event limit this year, the news was announced 3 days too late for my liking, and it's still an event of many flaws. Thus, do I bite the bullet and buy a badge now or pass again this year? Key note: Okiayu-san would be my only reason of attending. Nothing more.

Should I buy a badge for this year's Fanime?
Yes! It's Okiayu Ryoutarou-san!
No! $75 for Okiayu Ryoutarou-san and a severely flawed event is crazy!


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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):A tough decision" , posted Fri 2 Mar 22:27post reply

I needed a way to see the results. So far, I'm leaning towards no. Hence the extra +1 vote for the decision. I'll make my decision in a week or so. Thank you guys. (´・ω・`)

1866th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):A tough decision" , posted Sat 3 Mar 02:34post reply

I needed a way to see the results. So far, I'm leaning towards no. Hence the extra +1 vote for the decision. I'll make my decision in a week or so. Thank you guys. (´・ω・`)

If money is tight, hold on to it. Wait for something that you know you'll enjoy without regrets. The ability to choose delayed gratification is the surest harbinger of success in life! Make the harder choice (at the moment) and feel reward in the control that you've exerted over your life!



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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):A tough decision" , posted Sat 3 Mar 05:19:post reply

If money is tight, hold on to it. Wait for something that you know you'll enjoy without regrets. The ability to choose delayed gratification is the surest harbinger of success in life! Make the harder choice (at the moment) and feel reward in the control that you've exerted over your life!


Of course I can do it!

Money's tight, as I'm getting items for my alternate place and badges for a different anime convention here. I know someone will tell me that there's another seiyuu. While that sounds great, she's married to one of the guys involved in the "London Hearts" vibe "Kokoro Connect" (which I haven't seen by the way) mess that's making me twitch to this day still. (Right, the one with "KoF" fan Ichiki Mitsuhiro-san and the one Sugita Tomokazu-san got mad over.)

Delyaed jubilation that's regret initially is better than quick jubilation that ends up being regret. That's true. If I'm biting the bullet, I better bite it for the right reasons, the reasons I can live with.

[this message was edited by Seizya on Sat 3 Mar 05:22]

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):A tough decision" , posted Sat 3 Mar 11:25post reply

I felt like doing something like this a VERY long time ago and never did it because the cost was very insurmountable (across the country insurmountable, mind), and to this day I don't regret the decision.

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.
1867th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(4):A tough decision" , posted Sat 3 Mar 14:20post reply

If money is tight, hold on to it. Wait for something that you know you'll enjoy without regrets. The ability to choose delayed gratification is the surest harbinger of success in life! Make the harder choice (at the moment) and feel reward in the control that you've exerted over your life!


Of course I can do it!

Money's tight, as I'm getting items for my alternate place and badges for a different anime convention here. I know someone will tell me that there's another seiyuu. While that sounds great, she's married to one of the guys involved in the "London Hearts" vibe "Kokoro Connect" (which I haven't seen by the way) mess that's making me twitch to this day still. (Right, the one with "KoF" fan Ichiki Mitsuhiro-san and the one Sugita Tomokazu-san got mad over.)

Delyaed jubilation that's regret initially is better than quick jubilation that ends up being regret. That's true. If I'm biting the bullet, I better bite it for the right reasons, the reasons I can live with.

Apologies if my tone came off as condescending. Whenever I take on this kind of motivational tone I'm pretty much speaking to myself as well. Trying to reinforce good habits!

Whatever choice you make, I hope things work out for you!


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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):A tough decision" , posted Sat 3 Mar 15:31post reply

Though I did buy stuff for myself today which came up to a third of the badge, I did buy tote bags my brothers can use when they shop. Yeah, it's getting harder for me to buy a badge. It needs a miracle now.

I felt like doing something like this a VERY long time ago and never did it because the cost was very insurmountable (across the country insurmountable, mind), and to this day I don't regret the decision.

If you got satisfaction due to the distance, I can get that satisfaction with a home city con.

Apologies if my tone came off as condescending. Whenever I take on this kind of motivational tone I'm pretty much speaking to myself as well. Trying to reinforce good habits!

Whatever choice you make, I hope things work out for you!

Not at all! Getting yourself to reinforce good habits is good. $75 may not seem like much, but that money can go towards groceries or any other important item instead.

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Pass!" , posted Mon 5 Mar 04:25:post reply

After seeing that I only have a few days left to save $40 for Crunchyroll Expo as I'm taking my brothers also (Thursday) along with buying supplies, a yakitori dinner, cute food, karaoke time and dolls (Doll Festival Day), I'm passing on Fanime again. As I thought about the event, the flaws just flat out overwhelmed the only benefit. The event limit, the late news bit and the flaws of the event itself are that bad. As if the batch wasn't bad enough, May's a horrible month for me regarding availability generally, and this year's no exception, as I hope to finish cleaning the patio and backyard of my alternate place.

Okay. That's that. I can now save as I recover. Thank you guys. (´・ω・`)

[this message was edited by Seizya on Mon 5 Mar 05:06]