The 'Hey! I'm back' thread' - Forums

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"The 'Hey! I'm back' thread'" , posted Fri 20 Apr 04:20post reply

Full title should read: ‘Should I create a thread just to say ‘hey! I’m back!!’ thread

Hey guys! I’ve been away for a pretty long time now. For no special reason, except that I’ve been pretty busy with my work life, rather happy just playing video games, and musing without necessarily feeling the need to even put words on whatever silly/wacky/angry/nerdy thought I had, let alone share those --- with such a fine company as yours!
As part of my job (I teach linguistics now), last October, I was invited to carry out research on how people adapt what they say, or even their psychological attitudes, so as to ‘converge’ with others. What was I to do… I said yes, let’s do that, and suddenly, I thought of the MMC BBS. So many years spent there had got me acquainted with a very funny variety of strategies to converge to, and diverge from, one contributor to the next. I’ve nearly finished this article. It’s in French, but if it gets published, I’ll post a link for you to check it out. I chose 9 posts, one of which was by Toxico, to whom I’ll dedicate that article. Another one was by Iggy (how could it’ve been otherwise!). He’s read a 1st draft of it, and I thank him again for his fact checking, and for all the precisions he gave me about the underlying, multi-layered, even tentacular communicative intentions that his 4 -line post was supposed to reflect. This research has been the first opportunity in years for me to combine my work and my passion. And it made me realise how much I missed this place, these people here, how I missed putting words on what I feel, however silly those thought may be.
I’m so pleased to be back.
I can’t tell you how much I’m thrilled to read about the animation intricacies of Leona’s pigtail in KOF14, about the microswitches used in the original SNK coin ops (did I read that well?, well, hu cares! , it’s the fun of it). I’m delighted to try and find a new hobby to Iggy (I think he should take cheerleading lessons, or open a tapenade food truck, or get into criminology; but macramé could be nice too, I can’t wait to lay my hand on an Iggy-made basket, as BAD suggested).
I needed to thank you all for accepting me back. For the Professor to have said hi and for his kind compassionate words, and for Spoon to have shown (just a second ago) interest in my forthcoming article. (It’s in French, and not yet finished, but yes, I’ll see to it).


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PSN: Ishmael26b
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"Re(1):The 'Hey! I'm back' thread'" , posted Fri 20 Apr 09:11post reply

Good to see you, it's been too long! The article you are working on sounds fascinating. If you have the chance please share it when it is complete; I would love to read it.

Hey guys! I’ve been away for a pretty long time now. For no special reason, except that I’ve been pretty busy with my work life, rather happy just playing video games, and musing without necessarily feeling the need to even put words on whatever silly/wacky/angry/nerdy thought I had, let alone share those --- with such a fine company as yours!

Ah, there's the problem. Most people who post on video game message boards only talk about games, they don't actually play the games. Who has time to enjoy a game when they are too busy using it as fodder to create a witty, disparaging post?

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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"Re(2):The 'Hey! I'm back' thread'" , posted Fri 20 Apr 10:10:post reply

Kikkoken! You've been very naughty in your absence, but if you start making your students read Cafe posts as part of a twisted homework assignment and then join the board, all will be forgiven. I'd actually really enjoy reading your work, too. I do maintain that the Cafe is somewhat unique among message boards in that English is the lingua franca, but there isn't an especially American or British quality to the conversation, cultural references, or clientele (which obviously relates to the first two). Now analyze that for me in a 3,000 word journal article by Monday!


[this message was edited by Maou on Fri 20 Apr 10:10]

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P - IGGY ARI !

"Re(3):The 'Hey! I'm back' thread'" , posted Fri 20 Apr 22:03post reply

Spoiler alerts: there will be prostitutes.

1200th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):The 'Hey! I'm back' thread'" , posted Sat 21 Apr 02:09post reply

Thank you for your replies! Ishmael, I’ve got a powerpoint version of my article that is in English. I need to change a few things here & there and when it’s ready, I’ll find a way to share it with everyone here. Maou, forgiveness is deserved indeed, for me and students put in no less than 6 exacting hours to study a handful of posts. I can guarantee there’s been enough sweat to wash the naughtiness away! Not sure any will join the board, though, especially as they gathered I was a member, but who knows? (this last rhetoric question is not meant in any way to relate to Iggy’s caveat).

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):The 'Hey! I'm back' thread'" , posted Sat 21 Apr 07:04post reply

Thank you for your replies! Ishmael, I’ve got a powerpoint version of my article that is in English. I need to change a few things here & there and when it’s ready, I’ll find a way to share it with everyone here. Maou, forgiveness is deserved indeed, for me and students put in no less than 6 exacting hours to study a handful of posts. I can guarantee there’s been enough sweat to wash the naughtiness away! Not sure any will join the board, though, especially as they gathered I was a member, but who knows? (this last rhetoric question is not meant in any way to relate to Iggy’s caveat).

Because Powerpoint files are just files, you could also just upload the powerpoint to a filehosting site like MEGA or Dropbox or even Google Drive, and then get a share link from it.

I'm super looking forward to this!

In the meantime, now that I know that you are a linguistics person, might I direct you to my dusty messy writing corner, where we discuss things about languages and stories and your presence will be warmly welcomed amidst the messiness.

5410th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(6):The 'Hey! I'm back' thread'" , posted Sat 21 Apr 13:24:post reply

Again, Kikkoken welcome back to the MMCafe BBS!

Ah yes, as we grow older we get sandwiched between work and trying to make time for life & hobbies!

With the Social media going mainstream, BBS/Forums are becoming a thing of the past, but the MMCafe still serves for having a quiet time and writing posts that won't get lost in a sea of Tweets, lol.

It would be interesting to check out your Powerpoint writing! I'm glad that the MMCafe helped out on research, haha. The easiest way I think would be to upload on either Google Docs or Microsoft Onedrive, which would make them viewable for even someone that doesn't own a powerpoint app.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 21 Apr 13:57]

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"Re(7):The 'Hey! I'm back' thread'" , posted Mon 30 Apr 12:53post reply

You! You look familiar.

Welcome back! I'm surprised that I don't post here more ever since I got back myself. I blame Wily. Yes, that's it! I blame Wily!

1204th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(8):The 'Hey! I'm back' thread'" , posted Thu 3 May 19:19post reply

Thank you Professor, thank you Seizya! I'm so glad this forum still exists, For one, I could never bring myself to be part of Tweeter or FB fanpages. Thank goodness there are still places like this where you can take some time to ponder & not lose track of former conversations. It's such an exquisite pleasure just to meander through the threads here. Let alone conducting research on it.

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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"Re(9):The 'Hey! I'm back' thread'" , posted Fri 4 May 12:41post reply

I use Twitter, but I still find myself posting here. I actually now have 3 off days a week as opposed to 2. So, I don't tweet like crazy.

1223th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(10):The 'Hey! I'm back' thread'" , posted Sun 7 Oct 04:25post reply

Just a quick note to let you know that I'm busy putting the final touches to that article about the MMC. It has been approved for publication (in a digital review, some time in early 2019, I guess) proVIDing I clarify a certain number of painstaking things. I have to submit the final draft by October 10th. IF it gets published (90% likely as of now), I'll post the link for you all to have a look at it (dear me, I CAN'T wait to do this!). Don't get too excited though (aka keep your clothes on, tho I know it's hard with anything Kikkoken-related), it'll be in French (yeah, I know...). I promise I'll try to throw together a makeshift translation in English around that time.
It'll be dedicated to Toxico.
Thanks to all of you who showed interest in this project, and an even bigger thanks (or a the same thanks but complemented by a kiss of mine) to those of you who gave me access to some hard-to-get info (statistics, subtarrenean intentions, etc.)

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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"Re(2):Re(10):The 'Hey! I'm back' thread'" , posted Sun 7 Oct 13:38:post reply

keep your clothes on, tho I know it's hard with anything Kikkoken-related
things are definitely getting hard in here
it'll be in French
Actually, that makes this whole project even more delectable.
(or a the same thanks but complemented by a kiss of mine) to those of you who gave me access to some hard-to-get info (statistics, subtarrenean intentions, etc.)
I did not receive your call. Was it because I did not clarify in print how much I chuckled at the "suggestive power of a whip" comment in the Dracula thread? I have learned my lesson, I swear!

But yes I am excited for you and for this project! I hope you referenced the cheese thread and the ANTI-IGGY THREAD


[this message was edited by Maou on Sun 7 Oct 14:12]

1226th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Re(10):The 'Hey! I'm back' thread'" , posted Tue 9 Oct 02:03post reply

keep your clothes on, tho I know it's hard with anything Kikkoken-related things are definitely getting hard in here
it'll be in French Actually, that makes this whole project even more delectable.
(or a the same thanks but complemented by a kiss of mine) to those of you who gave me access to some hard-to-get info (statistics, subtarrenean intentions, etc.) I did not receive your call. Was it because I did not clarify in print how much I chuckled at the "suggestive power of a whip" comment in the Dracula thread? I have learned my lesson, I swear!

But yes I am excited for you and for this project! I hope you referenced the cheese thread and the ANTI-IGGY THREAD

Hahaha! Maou, any sort of response to your first two comments should now be tactile rather than verbal.
I didn't contact you (in fact, I only contacted one person apart from the Professor), not because your posts aren't savoury enough, but simply because I worked on a selection of a meagre 9 messages from 2009. My project is not about conducting a synthetic sociological approach to the BBS (however interesting it may be, but I'm afraid I'm not qualified in this field), it's a predominently linguistic analysis (discourse analysis) of a corpus that's necessarily restricted. But you'll see, just be patient. Thank you for your interest and the hardness!

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(4):Re(10):The 'Hey! I'm back' thread'" , posted Tue 9 Oct 02:17post reply

Thank you for your interest and the hardness!

I am totally not creeped out by this conversation.
This is fine and rational and healthy.

Also, I'm a dog.

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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"Re(5):Re(10):The 'Hey! I'm back' thread'" , posted Wed 10 Oct 01:45post reply

Congrats again to Kikkoken for not only completing what sounds like a fascinating article but for getting it through the peer review process. That's an accomplishment in and of itself.

Also, I'm a dog.

"I Was a Cat, Now I Am a Dog: The Non-Western Literary Canon of Videogame Message Boards." The café provides an endless amount of fodder for academic evaluation!

1227th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):Re(10):The 'Hey! I'm back' thread'" , posted Thu 11 Oct 01:57post reply

Thank you Ishmael. What you say is so true. Actually, I already feel an itch, I think I'm eager to use the inextinguishable Café material for some other research project, yet to be defined, maybe in a year or two (the material/corpus is one thing, what it also takes is an original angle, and now, let's say I'm just a bit dry). But hey, one day, the juice will be flowing back, and new blood will fill my cavernous tissues (Iggy, this one's for you!) hahaha).

6284th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Re(10):The 'Hey! I'm back' thread'" , posted Fri 19 Oct 13:15post reply

It's good to see the originals still around!

5520th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(8):Re(10):The 'Hey! I'm back' thread'" , posted Sat 20 Oct 04:27post reply

It's good to see the originals still around!

Wow Talbaineric, it's been a while. Welcome back to the BBS!

6286th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Re(10):The 'Hey! I'm back' thread'" , posted Wed 24 Oct 07:49post reply

It's good to see the originals still around!

Wow Talbaineric, it's been a while. Welcome back to the BBS!

Thank you Professor for the warm welcome back!

1232th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(10):Re(10):The 'Hey! I'm back' thread'" , posted Fri 26 Oct 19:39post reply

It's good to see the originals still around!

Wow Talbaineric, it's been a while. Welcome back to the BBS!

Thank you Professor for the warm welcome back!

Talbaineric!!!!! Hey!! So nice to have you back! A warm welcome from me as well!!!

6288th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):The 'Hey! I'm back' threa" , posted Mon 29 Oct 08:58post reply

It's good to see the originals still around!

Wow Talbaineric, it's been a while. Welcome back to the BBS!

Thank you Professor for the warm welcome back!

Talbaineric!!!!! Hey!! So nice to have you back! A warm welcome from me as well!!!

Thanks Kikkoken!! I'm glad after all these years, I still see some familiar faces around here. This is one forum where I'm glad I can go back to without seeing a lot of trolls around.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):The 'Hey! I'm back' threa" , posted Wed 31 Oct 04:40post reply

It's good to see the originals still around!

Wow Talbaineric, it's been a while. Welcome back to the BBS!

Thank you Professor for the warm welcome back!

Talbaineric!!!!! Hey!! So nice to have you back! A warm welcome from me as well!!!

Thanks Kikkoken!! I'm glad after all these years, I still see some familiar faces around here. This is one forum where I'm glad I can go back to without seeing a lot of trolls around.

I think the cafe clientele is so much older and so much more curmudgeonly that we'll just be here forever because other parts of the internet are just so much more ephemeral and annoying!

1234th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):The 'Hey! I'm back' threa" , posted Sat 9 Feb 07:00post reply

A little update to let ya'll know that my article (in French) is going to be published in a couple of weeks.
I insisted that it comes with a dedication to Toxico. And it will.
I'll keep you posted.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10):Re(10):The 'Hey! I'm back' threa" , posted Mon 11 Feb 05:58post reply

A little update to let ya'll know that my article (in French) is going to be published in a couple of weeks.
I insisted that it comes with a dedication to Toxico. And it will.
I'll keep you posted.

That's fantastic, both in hearing that it'll be published and the dedication it'll include.
Do give us a link to it once it's released!

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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"Re(6):Re(10):Re(10):The 'Hey! I'm back' threa" , posted Mon 11 Feb 13:58post reply

Do give us a link to it once it's released!

Er, I mean, "Dearest Kikkoken, congratulations on your impending achievement which we are delighted to see whenever you feel ready to share."


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"Re(5):Re(10):Re(10):The 'Hey! I'm back' threa" , posted Mon 11 Feb 21:25post reply

A little update to let ya'll know that my article (in French) is going to be published in a couple of weeks.
I insisted that it comes with a dedication to Toxico. And it will.
I'll keep you posted.

That's pretty cool. Sadly I can't read french but hopefully, someone will get to translate it to English. Good luck with that.
1237th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):Re(10):Re(10):The 'Hey! I'm back' threa" , posted Wed 13 Feb 04:32post reply

A little update to let ya'll know that my article (in French) is going to be published in a couple of weeks.
I insisted that it comes with a dedication to Toxico. And it will.
I'll keep you posted.
That's pretty cool. Sadly I can't read french but hopefully, someone will get to translate it to English. Good luck with that.

MMMH.. I've had to relinquish my copyrights. Only thing I'm allowed to do is post the link to the review that's publishing me. Which I'll do. Two problems appear! (1) You will all know my real name once I do. [what with all the things you've gathered about Kikkoken, that might be a source of embarrassment to me...(2) I can't provide a translation of it, coz it's under copyright.
The solutions I found are:
(1) OK you'll know who's behind the Kikkoken avatar (and finally get to know what I look like, as some pics are circulating), but only those who posted here will know, though: I'll give you the link provided you posted something here.
(2) It's linguistics, guys! Which means most technical terms are "transparent": they're not easier to understand in French than they are in English, coz they're technical terms! Rejoice! This means the basic-est translation tool will get you through! Google translate will make it. I'll keep you posted! This is a labour of love that I dedicate to Toxico, and many credits go to Professor, and to Iggy.

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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"Re(7):Re(10):Re(10):The 'Hey! I'm back' threa" , posted Wed 13 Feb 04:56post reply

GET READY, FIGHTERS: the most meta adventure on the Cafe yet will happen once we have one of our members post an unauthorized fan translation of Kikkoken's article about our own members.

And don't worry, Kikkoken is now your real name anyway. There's a whole ancient tradition in the sphere of countries using Chinese characters where you have your true name, your literary name, your name once you reach adulthood...

5582th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(7):Re(10):Re(10):The 'Hey! I'm back' threa" , posted Thu 14 Feb 18:53post reply

A little update to let ya'll know that my article (in French) is going to be published in a couple of weeks.
I insisted that it comes with a dedication to Toxico. And it will.
I'll keep you posted.

(2) It's linguistics, guys! Which means most technical terms are "transparent": they're not easier to understand in French than they are in English, coz they're technical terms! Rejoice! This means the basic-est translation tool will get you through! Google translate will make it. I'll keep you posted! This is a labour of love that I dedicate to Toxico, and many credits go to Professor, and to Iggy.

Ah that's great to hear! It'll be interesting to see how the report turned out. Donut worry, your identity will probably get mistranslated into coffee ingredients or something when we toss your report into Google Translation

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P - THE FOOL

"Re(8):Re(10):Re(10):The 'Hey! I'm back' threa" , posted Fri 15 Feb 01:17post reply

Ah that's great to hear! It'll be interesting to see how the report turned out. Donut worry, your identity will probably get mistranslated into coffee ingredients or something when we toss your report into Google Translation

I trust Google Translation to have evolved far enough to replace Kikkoken's real name by "Constantine".
Specifically the Keanu Reeves version.

2405th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Re(10):Re(10):The 'Hey! I'm back' threa" , posted Fri 15 Feb 04:23post reply

Ah that's great to hear! It'll be interesting to see how the report turned out. Donut worry, your identity will probably get mistranslated into coffee ingredients or something when we toss your report into Google Translation
I trust Google Translation to have evolved far enough to replace Kikkoken's real name by "Constantine".
Specifically the Keanu Reeves version.

Someone please make a new thread when this happens so I don't miss it. I am looking forward to it!

/ / /

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STM: badcp2016
Rare Customer

"Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):The 'Hey! I'm back' thre" , posted Tue 26 Feb 11:22post reply

It's cool to see all these people coming back!

R.I.P. Gouki's Page of Whatever

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):The 'Hey! I'm back" , posted Tue 26 Feb 13:45post reply

It's cool to see all these people coming back!

On the contrary, most of us were always here! And Kikkoken was always in our hearts...or elsewhere.


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STM: badcp2016
Rare Customer

"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):The 'Hey! I'm back" , posted Tue 26 Feb 13:58post reply

It's cool to see all these people coming back!
On the contrary, most of us were always here! And Kikkoken was always in our hearts...or elsewhere.

What the...wait, isn't there a Sonic dude who also came back? And me! DUDE!

Yeah, you guys have been here for a while. I was a "lurker" for the longest time, then stopped posting everywhere for a while. Survival and access got in the way, hahaha...

You guys really are the "Last of the Die-Hards", though. Make no mistake.

R.I.P. Gouki's Page of Whatever

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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"Re(7): maximum gorgeousness" , posted Sun 14 Apr 05:39post reply

This is just to remind everyone that once Kikkoken gets back from, ah, cram school, he is bound by blood oath and Lupineque strange pscyhokinetic energy to present his article ASAP, which will ideally be followed by an unlicensed fan translation by the very same people referenced in the article for maximum intertexuality.



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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Article is up!" , posted Sun 5 May 18:29:post reply

Dear honorable café members, I'm overjoyed to announce that my article has now been published, at long last! Since it is now under copyright, I am only allowed to send you the link to the original article, as is, as published in the reviews's webpage. The problem with this is that my real name is spelt out on the page, for all to see. The solution I found, to preserve some level of anonymity, is wait for you to individually send me an email at this address:, saying something like "Gimme the link already, I promise I will respect your anonymity, you fool". When you do so, I'll reply to each of you with the long-awaited link, safe in the knowledge that I'll forever be identified as Kikkoken in your hearts (or anywhere else), and not <insert my real name here>, caffeine, constantine, maximum gorgeousness provider, or whatever Google Translate comes up with.
I hope you find it was worth the wait. I thank again the Professor for his help, feedback, and greenlight, Iggy for his continuous support and so useful revisions, and I thank all of you who posted here, for your interest in this project. I love you guys.

[this message was edited by Kikkoken on Mon 6 May 01:33]

5633th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):Article is up!" , posted Mon 6 May 01:00post reply

Dear honorable café members, I'm overjoyed to announce that my article has now been published, at long last! Since it is now under copyright, I am only allowed to send you the link to the original article, as is, as published in the reviews's webpage. The problem with this is that my real name is spelt out on the page, for all to see. The solution I found, to preserve some level of anonymity, is wait for you to individually send me an email at this address, saying something like "Gimme the link already, I promise I will respect your anonymity, you fool". When you do so, I'll reply to each of you with the long-awaited link, safe in the knowledge that I'll forever be identified as Kikkoken in your hearts (or anywhere else), and not <insert my real name here>, caffeine, constantine, maximum gorgeousness provider, or whatever Google Translate comes up with.
I hope you find it was worth the wait. I thank again the Professor for his help, feedback, and greenlight, Iggy for his continuous support and so useful revisions, and I thank all of you who posted here, for your interest in this project. I love you guys.

I've had the honor of taking a sneek peek on Kikkoken's report and it's a great read!

Btw Kikkoken, it's probably better if you modify your mail address just a bit (like changing @ > at ) so that some bot doesn't fly by and pick it up for spam mailing!

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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CFN: zonepharaoh
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Article is up!" , posted Mon 6 May 01:11post reply

Btw Kikkoken, it's probably better if you modify your mail address just a bit (like changing @ > at ) so that some bot doesn't fly by and pick it up for spam mailing!

It's too late, I have already sold all of "Kikkoken"'s personal data to Huawei and look forward to hosting all of you at the new Maoujou Dark Lord Castle Resort in the Caymen Islands with the proceeds.

Citizens demand the illegal MMC fan translation ASAP.

Oh, and good job, Kikkoken!


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PSN: Ishmael26b
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"Re(3):Article is up!" , posted Mon 6 May 22:14post reply

Congratulations on the publication! As soon as I can decipher your cleverly hidden e-mail I'll send you a message so I can read your scholarly musings.

1241th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Article is up!" , posted Sat 11 May 04:28post reply

Hey you, Madmen, I received half a dozen requests, keep the flow! The more requests I get, the prouder I get! And who wouldn't want his Kikkoken swollen with pride, or swollen at all? Thanks to all of you who wrote to me for the nice emails, and the feedback you sent me. It was greatly appreciated. Maou, I can't believe it, you truly have a 6th sense, and your mails totally cracked me up!

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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CFN: Ishmael26b
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Article is up!" , posted Sun 12 May 03:29post reply

Hey you, Madmen, I received half a dozen requests, keep the flow! The more requests I get, the prouder I get! And who wouldn't want his Kikkoken swollen with pride, or swollen at all? Thanks to all of you who wrote to me for the nice emails, and the feedback you sent me. It was greatly appreciated. Maou, I can't believe it, you truly have a 6th sense, and your mails totally cracked me up!

Linguistics is not my forte so I can't say anything worthwhile about the article. However, I did find the piece fascinating and was impressed to see the shared written culture of the board analyzed and codified in such an academic way. Thanks again, it's great!

Side note: When I told Mrs. Ishmael that a message board I post at was the subject of a paper she assumed that the board is dedicated to the discussion of literature and high culture instead of complaints about fighting game fashion and why Castlevania has been terrible for so long. I didn't have the heart to correct her.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Article is up!" , posted Sun 12 May 05:48post reply

she assumed that the board is dedicated to the discussion of literature and high culture instead of complaints about fighting game fashion and why Castlevania has been terrible for so long

you make it sound like those subjects are mutually exclusive!

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"Re(7):Article is up! Prof is the PROTOTYPE" , posted Mon 13 May 02:12post reply

Hahaha, what other forum gives you the full range of SaGa, literature, fighting games, cheese, bouncing polygons, Iggys, and Dracula, I ask you!

Meanwhile: I finally finished stumbling through Kikkoken's article with my high school French and I sure did have fun! Like any good academic analysis, it suddenly made me intensely aware of all the norms, allusions, styles, and relationships that are woven into the BBS's culture alone, which are so complicated that I'm amazed that anyone in the world manages to say anything coherent to anyone, anywhere, ever.

There's a cool observation of how the Professor unassumingly has provided a prototypical "model poster" that the rest of us often emulate or converge towards, in sharing or translating information, and doing it in an informative or humorous style. INDEED.

: look, this is the only chance you're ever going to have to see a 2ch emoticon feature directly in an academic text, gogogogogogo


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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Article is up! Prof is the PROTOTYPE" , posted Mon 13 May 14:28post reply

Tekken is truly the story of our lives/mmcafe

5637th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(8):Article is up! Prof is the PROTOTYPE" , posted Thu 16 May 00:10:post reply

Hahaha, what other forum gives you the full range of SaGa, literature, fighting games, cheese, bouncing polygons, Iggys, and Dracula, I ask you!
-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --

Don't forget SCANLINES

There's a cool observation of how the Professor unassumingly has provided a prototypical "model poster" that the rest of us often emulate or converge towards, in sharing or translating information, and doing it in an informative or humorous style. INDEED.

I think unintenional inspirations goes in all directions between MMCafe members--- the humor, writing skills, and various other talents which each MMCafe member posesses, I believe, have always been an inspiration and a goal between us, which we always end up a step short of reaching since we're also constantly improving.

In other words we are all carrots on a stick

[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 16 May 05:29]

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"Re(1):Article is up!" , posted Thu 16 May 05:52post reply

Dear honorable café members, I'm overjoyed to announce that my article has now been published, at long last! Since it is now under copyright, I am only allowed to send you the link to the original article, as is, as published in the reviews's webpage. The problem with this is that my real name is spelt out on the page, for all to see. The solution I found, to preserve some level of anonymity, is wait for you to individually send me an email at this address:, saying something like "Gimme the link already, I promise I will respect your anonymity, you fool". When you do so, I'll reply to each of you with the long-awaited link, safe in the knowledge that I'll forever be identified as Kikkoken in your hearts (or anywhere else), and not <insert my real name here>, caffeine, constantine, maximum gorgeousness provider, or whatever Google Translate comes up with.
I hope you find it was worth the wait. I thank again the Professor for his help, feedback, and greenlight, Iggy for his continuous support and so useful revisions, and I thank all of you who posted here, for your interest in this project. I love you guys.

Congratulation on your article!

1243th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Article is up!" , posted Sun 19 May 06:20post reply

Oh, guys, you'll never know what it means to me, all the nice things you've posted about that article. It goes straight to my heart. It was intended as a hommage to the MMC's folly, and I still can't believe it's been a way for me to advance my career at the same time! More comments from me later.

6291th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Article is up!" , posted Mon 20 May 02:37post reply

Oh, guys, you'll never know what it means to me, all the nice things you've posted about that article. It goes straight to my heart. It was intended as a hommage to the MMC's folly, and I still can't believe it's been a way for me to advance my career at the same time! More comments from me later.

I'm about to hear about your article, Kikkoken. Cheers!

486th Post

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"Re(4):Article is up!" , posted Sat 15 Jun 01:20post reply

Oh, guys, you'll never know what it means to me, all the nice things you've posted about that article. It goes straight to my heart. It was intended as a hommage to the MMC's folly, and I still can't believe it's been a way for me to advance my career at the same time! More comments from me later.

I'm about to hear about your article, Kikkoken. Cheers!

I must this article is amazing! I still have not finished. It had me thinking so much, I even ran through the archives of boards back in 2002 and 2003. Even looking up my old posts and how my writing was really messy! Looking over many post and reminiscing about the memories.

Also, all the people we spoke to during that time. I wonder how they all are doing and if they are still around somewhere. They were definitely big contributors to the site during in beginning years. Also, awesome stats on active members. Hard to believe we are in the under 30 I believe at the moment? Hard to believe.

Question, was there really a huge argument on one of the KOF 2001/2002 boards about K9999 and Eolith/ Post Eolith??? Anyone have a link to it?

The fact that analyzing of how we speak and what we initially post in a new thread to start of, expectation, etc. is very intriguing from an observation stand point. I presume it only comes from us, the niche group! This (MMCAFEs first years) was the start of my sarcasm speaking skills as I still use it today.

I dont want to speak over to much, and I still need to finish the article but awesome work Kikkoken.

Long Live I AM!

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Article is up!" , posted Sat 15 Jun 02:52:post reply

It's a great article! Everyone is locked from posting to other threads until they read it. I don't care if you don't understand French!
I even ran through the archives of boards back in 2002 and 2003. Even looking up my old posts
Whoa! Were you disguised as someone else back then before your more recent registration? Also, when are you hosting the MMCafe on the Andaman Islands?
The fact that analyzing of how we speak and what we initially post in a new thread to start of, expectation, etc. is very intriguing from an observation stand point. I presume it only comes from us, the niche group!
I think Kikkoken is saying that this linguistic/cultural accomodation happens with any communication, and that you can observe it even on a BBS!
This (MMCAFEs first years) was the start of my sarcasm speaking skills as I still use it today.
We have been outfitting people to be insufferable since at least the 1990s and it's fantastic.


[this message was edited by Maou on Sat 15 Jun 02:54]