'KoF 2018 Cafe Special' - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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"'KoF 2018 Cafe Special'" , posted Wed 6 Jun 16:19post reply

"The King of Fighters 2018 Special"

"2018. Welcome to the King of Fighters Special Tournament. Like in years past, teams will be of 3 people. I welcome new and old challengers. Good luck. - S"

"The King of Fighters" with the old traditions and the Madman's style: it doesn't get better than that. The Japanese Heroines Team of Mai, Yuri and "Rayearth's" Fuu is back to defend the title with the first two finally getting the monkey off their backs. Can they do it or will there be a new victorious trio?

For those that don't know, what stays the same is the fact that it's still 3-on-3 fighting. What is different is that the team you request for must have 2 game characters and 1 anime/manga/light novel/commercial character or vice versa. So, you can't have the usual team of Heidern, Ralf and Clark, but you can have a team of Ralf, Clark and "Read or Die's" Drake as the military team. You can't pick God tier characters obviously. So, no Goku or Mahoro for example.

Seeing that I brought up the original "Ikari" team, like in old "KoF" games, bonds are very important. If you pick a team that makes logical sense, your team does gain an extra vote point each round. (I have the final say, and I will be strict, but fair on the result.) If you pick a team that flat out mix like oil and water, you better pray that the bout's not tight because the team is down a vote every round. So, be careful when choosing a team.

Vote for the team that you want to move on. Doesn't matter if you vote for the stronger team or the cuter team. Vote. If you have trouble, I'll leave a third choice. (Generally, if I don't know either team well, I go for the stronger one. Having your mind and heart fight over your vote is a difficult scenario to go through. I know, and that's why I hate Ralf, Clark and Drake-Athena, Minako and Usagi type bouts. You and your mind know that Ralf, Clark and Drake are way stronger than Athena, Minako and Usagi in regards of raw power, but you and your heart also know that not only are those girls the adorable underdogs. Those girls are way cuter than those guys anyway.)

In the case of a tie breaker, Justice Kyo will be the judge as he looks at convincing statements on why one's team should win the round. No trash talking, as this is a family fun event. (I know that Kero-chan used profanity, but at least he didn't blatantly say it in front of the kid, right? So, no trash talking.)


1. Don't mix good guys with bad guys. That's the best way to be in a vote hole. Pick two characters from the same series that get along with each other. That's the best way to have an extra vote each round.

2. An obvious good character to have is Benimaru because he has bonds with justice girls. So, nab him early, and make sure the girl or girl pair does mix well with him.

3. Though the idea's cool, try not to have all 3 characters with the same seiyuu. Having a Kasumi-Leona-Vice team isn't ideal in "1996", and you certainly can't do that here now. (Yeah, all 3 are voiced by Yumi Masae-san who also announced in that game if you don't remember.) There are not many teams I can think of in which you can pick 3 characters with the same seiyuu to follow the rules and have a vote point bonus. (Trust me. It's hard.)

There are more tips, but I will not type more. If there are under 8 teams, I'll add more teams (as I already have plenty of ideas). Oh, since Neo Ryu would've wanted in, I'll place his team in also, and if the Professor wants in, he'll get a slot, along with an edge for his Tifa and Deedlit pair. (A logical teammate of his team for example would be Yuffie.) If more than 8 people are gung ho, I don't mind sitting out or adding more slots.

To add on to the team scenario, I need to type this. Choose your team and entry slot early, and you get the characters you want locked, but you're possibly vulnerable to a mismatch. Choose your team and entry slot late, and you can pick the team you want to face against, but your choices of teammates are cut down a bit. 8/16 slots are available, and the match ups are determined by the slots. So, if you don't want your team to face Neo Ryu's in the first round, don't get or pick slot 6 or 14 if we're having 16 teams, but if you do, select your team and the 6th/14th slot fast.

The tournament starts early next month (a week's not long enough to come up with a serious team), and each round will last a week. Please don't hesitate to ask questions. Good luck. (Oh, if you're wondering, yes, an Iori-Dejiko-Puchiko team is absolutely legal, though I don't know how far that'll go, and yes, the vote bonus stays in tact because not only are the mascots linked. Dejiko is a fan of Iori.)

Slot - User - Team name and members

1 - Seizya - Japanese Heroines Team: Mai ("GD"/"KoF"), Yuri ("RnK"/"KoF") and Fuu ("Rayearth"). (^_^)

2 - Justice Kyo - Bamco Heroines Team: Faye ("Cowboy Bebop"), Ritsuko and Makoto ("The Idolmaster"). (^_^)

3 - NeoRyu - Kawasumi Ayako-san Team: Hinako ("KoF"), Kokoro ("DoA"), and Fuu ("Samurai Champloo"). (・_・)

4 - -

5 - -

6 - -

7 - -

8 - -

402th Post

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"Re(1):'KoF 2018 Cafe Special'" , posted Sat 9 Jun 01:13post reply

"The King of Fighters 2018 Special"

"2018. Welcome to the King of Fighters Special Tournament. Like in years past, teams will be of 3 people. I welcome new and old challengers. Good luck. - S"

"The King of Fighters" with the old traditions and the Madman's style: it doesn't get better than that. The Japanese Heroines Team of Mai, Yuri and "Rayearth's" Fuu is back to defend the title with the first two finally getting the monkey off their backs. Can they do it or will there be a new victorious trio?

For those that don't know, what stays the same is the fact that it's still 3-on-3 fighting. What is different is that the team you request for must have 2 game characters and 1 anime/manga/light novel/commercial character or vice versa. So, you can't have the usual team of Heidern, Ralf and Clark, but you can have a team of Ralf, Clark and "Read or Die's" Drake as the military team. You can't pick God tier characters obviously. So, no Goku or Mahoro for example.

Seeing that I brought up the original "Ikari" team, like in old "KoF" games, bonds are very important. If you pick a team that makes logical sense, your team does gain an extra vote point each round. (I have the final say, and I will be strict, but fair on the result.) If you pick a team that flat out mix like oil and water, you better pray that the bout's not tight because the team is down a vote every round. So, be careful when choosing a team.

Vote for the team that you want to move on. Doesn't matter

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Con Smith (killer 7), Noel Vermillion (BlazBlue), Bunji Kogashira (Gungrave). The double dual twin two turbo pistols team.

Long Live I AM!

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):'KoF 2018 Cafe Special'" , posted Sat 9 Jun 15:46:post reply

Con Smith (killer 7), Noel Vermillion (BlazBlue), Bunji Kogashira (Gungrave). The double dual twin two turbo pistols team.

As much as I'd like to see this happen, all three characters are sadly game characters. I remember typing to one person that although most people know Yuu and the rest of the "Comipa" characters because of the anime, they're still game characters. So, one member must go. (A good replacement is "Full Metal Alchemist's" Riza if you're stuck.)

Oh. I forgot. Have you decided on what slot you want?

[this message was edited by Seizya on Sat 9 Jun 15:57]

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):'KoF 2018 Cafe Special'" , posted Mon 11 Jun 10:11post reply

Just in case you guys really are stumped on making a team that can beat Mai, Yuri and Fuu (good luck making one), I already have teams in mind to fill out the field, and they all have a "KoF" regular. So, if you want a shot, make your team, and pick from slots 4-8 (16 when lots of people want in) before the 6th of next month. (You still have time.)

Just a Person
1977th Post

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"Re(4):'KoF 2018 Cafe Special'" , posted Thu 21 Jun 23:31:post reply

Evil Teddies Team: Monokuma (Danganronpa), Shadow Teddie (Persona 4), WaruMonzaemon (Digimon Adventure)

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.

[this message was edited by Just a Person on Thu 21 Jun 23:38]

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):'KoF 2018 Cafe Special'" , posted Fri 22 Jun 03:56post reply

Evil Teddies Team: Monokuma (Danganronpa), Shadow Teddie (Persona 4), WaruMonzaemon (Digimon Adventure)

Have a slot you want or it doesn't matter?

408th Post

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"Re(2):'KoF 2018 Cafe Special'" , posted Fri 22 Jun 05:32post reply

"The King of Fighters 2018 Special"

"2018. Welcome to the King of Fighters Special Tournament. Like in years past, teams will be of 3 people. I welcome new and old challengers. Good luck. - S"

"The King of Fighters" with the old traditions and the Madman's style: it doesn't get better than that. The Japanese Heroines Team of Mai, Yuri and "Rayearth's" Fuu is back to defend the title with the first two finally getting the monkey off their backs. Can they do it or will there be a new victorious trio?

For those that don't know, what stays the same is the fact that it's still 3-on-3 fighting. What is different is that the team you request for must have 2 game characters and 1 anime/manga/light novel/commercial character or vice versa. So, you can't have the usual team of Heidern, Ralf and Clark, but you can have a team of Ralf, Clark and "Read or Die's" Drake as the military team. You can't pick God tier characters obviously. So, no Goku or Mahoro for example.

Seeing that I brought up the original "Ikari" team, like in old "KoF" games, bonds are very important. If you pick a team that makes logical sense, your team does gain an extra vote point each round. (I have the final say, and I will be strict, but fair on the result.) If you pick a team that flat out mix like oil and water, you better pray that the bout's not tight because the team is down a vote every round. So, be careful when choosing a team.

Vote for the team that you want to move on. Doesn'

-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --

Con Smith (killer 7), Noel Vermillion (BlazBlue), Revi (Black Lagoon). The double dual twin two turbo pistols team.

Slot 8

Long Live I AM!
Just a Person
1978th Post

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"Re(6):'KoF 2018 Cafe Special'" , posted Fri 22 Jun 06:31post reply

Evil Teddies Team: Monokuma (Danganronpa), Shadow Teddie (Persona 4), WaruMonzaemon (Digimon Adventure)

Have a slot you want or it doesn't matter?

Any slot is fine, thank you!

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):'KoF 2018 Cafe Special'" , posted Fri 22 Jun 22:10:post reply

Slot - User - Team name and members

1 - Seizya - Japanese Heroines Team: Mai ("GD"/"KoF"), Yuri ("RnK"/"KoF") and Fuu ("Rayearth"). (^_^)

2 - Justice Kyo - Bamco Heroines Team: Faye ("Cowboy Bebop"), Ritsuko and Makoto ("The Idolmaster"). (^_^)

3 - NeoRyu - Kawasumi Ayako-san Team: Hinako ("KoF"), Kokoro ("DoA"), and Fuu ("Samurai Champloo"). (・_・)

4 - -

5 - -

6 - -

7 - -

8 - Neo0r0chiaku -
Double Dual Twin Two Turbo Pistols Team: Con Smith ("Killer 7"), Noel Vermillion ("BlazBlue") and Revi ("Black Lagoon"). (・_・)

Unknown slot - Just a Person -
Evil Teddies Team: Monokuma ("Danganronpa"), Shadow Teddie ("Persona 4") and WaruMonzaemon ("Digimon"). (^_^)? I feel like there should be a neutral bond, but we'll see.

Team list updated! You want in? Make your team now. Three slots left.


Wow. You're brave to take the champs on. I was about to type that I'd take on Neoryu's team if I were in your shoes, but the problem is that you lost against him in the first round. The problem with taking on the champs now is the vote hole you're in. Good luck.

Actually, I should thank you for taking the slot. Weird, but here's the reason. I don't want Mai, Yuri and Fuu to face the Boss Team in the first round. (No, it's not the bears.)

[this message was edited by Seizya on Sun 24 Jun 07:25]

Just a Person
1979th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(8):'KoF 2018 Cafe Special'" , posted Sun 24 Jun 00:46post reply

I don't know if we're allowed to register more than one team (if we aren't, no problem, I'll just save this one for the 2019 tournament), but I just thought of another interesting group:

Tough Grannies Team - Master Genkai (Yu Yu Hakusho), Oume Goketsuji (Goketsuji Ichizoku), Otane Goketsuji (Goketsuji Ichizoku)

Following Seizya's suggestion, this one has a bond, with two of the members being sisters (and while Otane and Oume are usually enemies, Groove on Fight shows there is precedence for them teaming up to reach a common goal - plus, Genkai is intimidating enough to keep them from misbehaving). It's also worth noting that all three of them can become younger for some time after absorbing energy.

In case their participation is allowed this year, they can get any slot you want.

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):'KoF 2018 Cafe Special'" , posted Sun 24 Jun 02:53:post reply

I don't know if we're allowed to register more than one team (if we aren't, no problem, I'll just save this one for the 2019 tournament), but I just thought of another interesting group:

Tough Grannies Team - Master Genkai (Yu Yu Hakusho), Oume Goketsuji (Goketsuji Ichizoku), Otane Goketsuji (Goketsuji Ichizoku)

Following Seizya's suggestion, this one has a bond, with two of the members being sisters (and while Otane and Oume are usually enemies, Groove on Fight shows there is precedence for them teaming up to reach a common goal - plus, Genkai is intimidating enough to keep them from misbehaving). It's also worth noting that all three of them can become younger for some time after absorbing energy.

In case their participation is allowed this year, they can get any slot you want.

Can I call them "Tough Barely Young Ladies Team" instead? Remember. "Angelic Layer" Misaki had her face stretched by Shouko for calling her aunt instead of being a bit informal even though that's her aunt, and Keitarou would be whacked by Haruka for doing the same task. (・ω・)

In all seriousness, I'll allow the team if people that have not joined in yet have trouble whipping up a team of their own. (I initially thought "Oume and Otane have hissy fits with each other to not let me give the team a bond, right?!" but you brought up "Groove on Fight". Besides, I think they would get along with Genkai anyway.) Don't worry. If no new participants can whip up a team, the barely young ladies and the bears will not face each other in round 1, though this puts you at risk of seeing both teams enjoying Cancún early.

I'm surprised not a lot of people are taking part in this tournament. You figure fans of characters like the Bogards, Ryou, and the Ikari soldiers would be more motivated, as they saw Mai and Yuri finally win a tournament along with Fuu winning in her first year. As a wolves user, I'd be a bit twitchy to know that Mai and Yuri got a title before they did.

[this message was edited by Seizya on Sun 24 Jun 03:06]

Just a Person
1980th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(10):'KoF 2018 Cafe Special'" , posted Sun 24 Jun 03:44post reply

Can I call them "Tough Barely Young Ladies Team" instead? Remember. "Angelic Layer" Misaki had her face stretched by Shouko for calling her aunt instead of being a bit informal even though that's her aunt, and Keitarou would be whacked by Haruka for doing the same task. (・ω・)

Oooh... the name you suggested is MUCH better than the original one! Yes, call them that, please!

I just had an idea for yet another team, but I'll definitely save it for next year; their viability strongly depends on the results of tais year's tournament...

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"One slot left!" , posted Sun 24 Jun 06:00:post reply

1 - Seizya - Japanese Heroines Team: Mai ("GD"/"KoF"), Yuri ("RnK"/"KoF") and Fuu ("Rayearth"). (^_^)

2 - Justice Kyo - Bamco Heroines Team: Faye ("Cowboy Bebop"), Ritsuko and Makoto ("The Idolmaster"). (^_^)

3 - NeoRyu - Kawasumi Ayako-san Team: Hinako ("KoF"), Kokoro ("DoA"), and Fuu ("Samurai Champloo"). (・_・)

4 - Sei's brother - New Charlie's Angels Team: Mary ("GD"/"KoF"), King ("RnK"/"KoF") and Yang ("RWBY"/"Blazblue Cross Tag"). (^_^)

5 - SNK, Konami & Sunrise - Wakamoto Norio-san Team: Igniz ("KoF"), Dracula ("Dracula"/"Castlevania") and Vicious ("Cowboy Bebop"). (^_^)

6 - Just a Person - Evil Teddies Team: Monokuma ("Danganronpa"), Shadow Teddie ("Persona") and WaruMonzaemon ("Digimon"). (^_^)

7 - -

8 - Neo0r0chiaku - 
Double Dual Twin Two Turbo Pistols Team: Con Smith ("Killer 7"), Noel Vermillion ("BlazBlue") and Revi ("Black Lagoon"). (・_・)

Standby - Just a Person - Tough Barely Young Ladies Team: Genkai ("Yuu Yuu Hakusho"), Oume and Otane ("Goketsuji Ichizoku")

One slot left! You want in? Make the team that has a chance against Faye, Ritsuko and Makoto now! Otherwise, you'll let barely young ladies have a chance at a title!

My youngest brother wants in, and he wants a "New Charlie's Angel Team" with King, Mary and Yang of "RWBY"/"Blazblue Cross Tag" now. I honestly don't know if I should call him brilliant or reckless. He doesn't care about the slot though.

I remember Justice Kyo asking for a boss team. Well, why not make one with all of them voiced by Wakamoto-san, including the "KoF" one? I worry about King, Mary and Yang though.

If Maxima can enter, so can bears. I wish there's only one evil team, but then again, "1998 Ultimate Match" gives us multiple evil options. Oh well.

Can I call them "Tough Barely Young Ladies Team" instead? Remember. "Angelic Layer" Misaki had her face stretched by Shouko for calling her aunt instead of being a bit informal even though that's her aunt, and Keitarou would be whacked by Haruka for doing the same task. (・ω・)

Oooh... the name you suggested is MUCH better than the original one! Yes, call them that, please!

I just had an idea for yet another team, but I'll definitely save it for next year; their viability strongly depends on the results of tais year's tournament...

Noted! Save that team for later. Someone else must want a team in for this year.

[this message was edited by Seizya on Sun 24 Jun 14:35]

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"2018's Roster List" , posted Fri 6 Jul 04:22:post reply

1 - Seizya - Japanese Heroines Team: Mai ("GD"/"KoF"), Yuri ("RnK"/"KoF") and Fuu ("Rayearth"). (^_^)

2 - Justice Kyo - Bamco Heroines Team: Faye ("Cowboy Bebop"), Ritsuko and Makoto ("The Idolmaster"). (^_^)

3 - NeoRyu - Kawasumi Ayako-san Team: Hinako ("KoF"), Kokoro ("DoA"), and Fuu ("Samurai Champloo"). (・_・)

4 - Sei's brother - New Charlie's Angels Team: Mary ("GD"/"KoF"), King ("RnK"/"KoF") and Yang ("RWBY"/"Blazblue Cross Tag")

5 - SNK, Konami & Sunrise - Wakamoto Norio-san Team: Igniz ("KoF"), Dracula ("Dracula"/"Castlevania") and Vicious ("Cowboy Bebop"). (^_^)

6 - Just a Person - Evil Teddies Team: Monokuma ("Danganronpa"), Shadow Teddie ("Persona") and WaruMonzaemon ("Digimon"). (^_^)

7 - Just a Person - Tough Barely Young Ladies Team: Genkai ("Yuu Yuu Hakusho"), Oume and Otane ("Goketsuji Ichizoku"). (^_^)

8 - Neo0r0chiaku - 
Double Dual Twin Two Turbo Pistols Team: Con Smith ("Killer 7"), Noel Vermillion ("BlazBlue") and Revi ("Black Lagoon"). (・_・)

Okay! List complete! Will start the tournament in around 12 hours!

[this message was edited by Seizya on Fri 6 Jul 04:23]