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| "Re(5):Finally got around to watching Jojo" , posted Thu 13 May 03:27    
This probably won't be read by anyone, but anyway, I finally got to watch all seasons of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Does it have a lot of internal inconsistencies? Yes, it does. Did that prevent me from loving it? NOT AT ALL!
Honestly, it's been years since I started watching an anime and enjoyed every single moment of it. It oozes style and creativity, and the different plots for each part actually help to keep the story fresh and always subverting expectations. Plus the way the visuals change, from Jonathan's huge, muscular build who would perfectly fit into Fist of North Star, to the stylish bishonen looks from Giorno and his teammates.
I just found it weird that the Diamond Is Unbreakable season has a very different visual style from the others. Yes, I know that Araki's art style changed throughout the decades, but the Vento Aureo season, which comes after it, looks visually closer to the first two seasons (and to Araki's art style in the manga) than the DIU season - and from the DIU manga panels I managed to find on the Internet, they look closer to the style used in the Vento Aureo anime season than the one from the DIU anime season.
But that's a minor complaint, and I actually loved Josuke and his friends. Plus Kira, who I expected to be less threatening than the villains from the other seasons, but he's actually way more dangerous than Diavolo from Vento Aureo (now that's a Big Bad who I found quite disappointing). Now I look forward to the Stone Ocean adaptation!
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.