Virtua Fighter 2 on PS3 is a l i v e - Forums

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"Virtua Fighter 2 on PS3 is a l i v e" , posted Fri 24 May 15:48post reply

In Japan.

I've been barging in on their online matching events, but really want to play against more non-Japanese monsters too, so let me know if you're up for some matches. Europe, Oceania, Middle East, America.. whatever. Time to dust off that PS3 and PPPK again!

My PSN ID is ct_hihihi and I main Jeffry. Oh, and I also play Fighting Vipers.

~The artist formerly known as TheRedKnight~

730th Post

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"Re(1):Virtua Fighter 2 on PS3 is a l i v e" , posted Fri 24 May 21:37post reply

In Japan.

I've been barging in on their online matching events, but really want to play against more non-Japanese monsters too, so let me know if you're up for some matches. Europe, Oceania, Middle East, America.. whatever. Time to dust off that PS3 and PPPK again!

My PSN ID is ct_hihihi and I main Jeffry. Oh, and I also play Fighting Vipers.

Would love to play this since I own the game in psn, but I sold my ps3 last year

I hope that the rumors of FULL BC for the whole PlayStation family in the PS5 is true

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"Re(2):Virtua Fighter 2 on PS3 is a l i v e" , posted Sat 25 May 23:34post reply

Add me to the list of useless people who would love to play the golden age of AM2 games online but whose Dragon's Crown player PS3 is out of circulation.

It does make me think: Capcom's middling Street Fighter Collection was kind of pointless since everyone plays on Fightcade already, but it would be HOT HOT HOT if M2 got hired to make an AM2 Collection with online matches for Virtua Fighter 1-5, Fighting Vipers, and Fighters Megamix. And Daytona since technically it is a fighting game after the car appeared in Megamix, I think.

546th Post

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"Re(3):Virtua Fighter 2 on PS3 is a l i v e" , posted Sun 26 May 05:43post reply

I think it would be really cool is people would get back on PS3 to play these games. There's no fee to play online either. Just today there was a 6 hour long online session streamed on Youtube. Here are a couple of links:

Ranfukusuke's channel
Virtua Fighter 2 Online channel

The latter link has edited VODs of online tournaments. Worth checking out!

~The artist formerly known as TheRedKnight~

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"Re(4):Virtua Fighter 2 on PS3 is a l i v e" , posted Mon 27 May 20:48:post reply

Awesome video links, LEGENOARYNINLIA.

This makes me wish I had my PS3 hooked up to play. I'd love a Steam version as I think my beaten up laptop could run it... probably?

Having started playing the series at VF4, whenever I watch VF2 and 3 not having quick get up really confuses me. You see a lot more down attacks as a result, but for some reason it feels "cheap". :) Also the damage is nuts.

Would be nice to get a real VF collection with all the games bundled and multiplayer ready. Would be even nicer to get a new game... *sniff*

[this message was edited by KTallguy on Mon 27 May 20:49]

731th Post

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PSN: DefensorVirtuoso
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"Re(5):Virtua Fighter 2 on PS3 is a l i v e" , posted Tue 28 May 01:21post reply

Now that I think about it, I always heard that at least the xbox 360/one scene of VF5 is alive, sadly seems like no one here has either console

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"Re(5):Virtua Fighter 2 on PS3 is a l i v e" , posted Tue 28 May 02:31post reply

Would be nice to get a real VF collection with all the games bundled and multiplayer ready. Would be even nicer to get a new game... *sniff*

I would love to get a VF collection just for an arcade perfect version of VF3 if nothing else.

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"Re(6):Virtua Fighter 3 is missing" , posted Tue 28 May 08:08:post reply

I would love to get a VF collection just for an arcade perfect version of VF3 if nothing else.

People have spent years thinking they long for an unrealeased sequel like Shenmue 3, but the missing port of Virtua Fighter 3 (Team Battle doesn't count) has a much greater sense of loss, like the sorrowful absence of a missing child or something. I remember how the news of the upcoming Saturn edition vanished, along with the system's prospects.

None of which is getting us closer to fixing our PS3s, but I totally approve of the topic. Virtua Fighter 2 rules.


[this message was edited by Maou on Tue 28 May 09:51]

547th Post

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"Re(7):Virtua Fighter 3 is missing" , posted Tue 28 May 23:00post reply

(Team Battle doesn't count)

Well, VF3tb World Cup is in July. Maybe watching the stream will make you change your mind.

VF3tb World Cup site

~The artist formerly known as TheRedKnight~
549th Post

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"Re(6):Virtua Fighter 2 on PS3 is a l i v e" , posted Tue 28 May 23:04:post reply

Now that I think about it, I always heard that at least the xbox 360/one scene of VF5 is alive, sadly seems like no one here has either console

Like with VF2, the PS3 VF5FS scene is alive and well in Japan. VF5FS had a tournament in Combo Breaker this past weekend, and they just announced a side tournament for Evo too. Getting a PS3 would be a wise move. Playing online is FREE.

~The artist formerly known as TheRedKnight~

[this message was edited by LEGENOARYNINLIA on Wed 29 May 14:45]

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"Re(7):Virtua Fighter 2 on PS3 is a l i v e" , posted Wed 29 May 12:18:post reply

Noted! Next time I manage to revive the old hardware, I will send out the Maou Signal.

Nothing against Virtua Fighter 3 Team Battle as such, either---it's just that (at least in Japan), the two-years-late-port-that-should've-saved-the-Saturn-but-was-instead-ruined-by-Genki couldn't even be arsed to have a versus mode when it arrived on Dreamcast, only to be promptly buried by Soul Calibur anyway. Emblematic of Sega's baffling misfire of what was once slated to be their secret weapon.

Actually, both my PS3 problem and VF3's curse would be easily solved if Sega would let those magnificent M2 maestros graduate from their recent Virtua Racing port on Switch to a glorious online Virtua Fighter Collection.


[this message was edited by Maou on Wed 29 May 12:22]

732th Post

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"Re(8):Virtua Fighter 2 on PS3 is a l i v e" , posted Mon 3 Jun 23:04post reply

If anyone cares, an XBOX ONE last week and I also purchased VF 5 FS if someone wants to play

Only know I realized how fucking great is the xbox if you are a old school sega fan, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Monster World Collection, Daytona, Guardian Heroes, Virtual On Oratorio Tangrem, etc

549th Post

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"Virtua Fighter 3tb is larger than life" , posted Tue 23 Jul 17:50post reply

Dropping by to drop some links!

Last month a tournament was held in memory of Gichi Ohtsuka.
VF3tb World Cup 2014 RE:MASTERED (Youtube)

And this past weekend, two tournaments were held.
The main event:
VF3tb WORLD CUP 2019 (Youtube)
Official site with list of participants
This year a record number of 76 3tb-heads packed into Mikado to see who has the darndest stepping skills!*

And if that wasn't enough, a new type of team tournament took place on the following day!
Saint Battle (Youtube)
Official site with team information
The teams were formed to resemble those of Saint Seiya. Exciting stuff!

At the end of this year's World Cup broadcast there was an announcement for the next Mikado Cup 3on3 team battle tournament as well.

*a record number for this decade

VF3tb news, history, etc
VF1 tournament (Youtube)

~The artist formerly known as TheRedKnight~
Just a Person
2128th Post

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"Re(1):Virtua Fighter 3tb is larger than life" , posted Tue 23 Jul 23:38post reply

Nice matches! And great to know VF3tb is still alive, it's a great game.

Interesting that this is one of few non-KoF games with a team elimination mode as default (the only others I can remember are Dragoon Might - sorta - and Toshinden 4). Considering KoF's success, I wonder why there haven't been more games following its style.

But I'm digressing. Sorry. Anyway, thanks for sharing these videos!!

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.

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"Re(2):Virtua Fighter 3tb is larger than life" , posted Wed 24 Jul 03:12post reply

Neat! Just curious, but are there any stages that are banned for tournament play? I don't know much of anything about VF3 but I always wondered if some of the slopes and hazards were considered too much. Then again, if you're playing 3tb I guess you're going to be all in.

550th Post

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"Re(3):Virtua Fighter 3tb is larger than life" , posted Thu 25 Jul 17:09post reply

Neat! Just curious, but are there any stages that are banned for tournament play? I don't know much of anything about VF3 but I always wondered if some of the slopes and hazards were considered too much. Then again, if you're playing 3tb I guess you're going to be all in.

No stages are banned. In Mikado tournaments the stage is drawn randomly by the TOs and announced before the players sit down. In some stages like the dojo and the dohyo, characters like Kage-Maru are especially dangerous because of their ring out combo abilities. But if you're used to how common ring outs are in VF2, it's no big deal. Two stages (Sarah's and Jacky's) were actually made larger from 3 to 3tb, so that Wolf can't throw opponents out with a giant swing right from the get go.

~The artist formerly known as TheRedKnight~