RANDOM GAMES #37: Eternal Dreamcast Edition - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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"RANDOM GAMES #37: Eternal Dreamcast Edition" , posted Mon 23 Sep 03:42:post reply

Previous thread: >>RANDOM GAMES #36

In Chaz's absence, it falls to me to save us all from load times with the newest Random Thread, only slightly late for the 20th anniversary of the US Dreamcast's 9.9.99 release! Two decades later, we're still waiting for Shenmue to finish and for another Soul Calibur as perfect as 1, so it's as relevant as ever. MEANWHILE:

You'd better believe MMC is talking about River City Girls!
-It's the best sprite art and 2d animation i've seen from a new game in years.
-Pressing the attack button to perform screen transitions is an idea that never should have made it through testing.
-RCG tries its best, but

Speaking of potentially exciting things that are slightly late:

Indivisible has an opening cinema animated by Studio Trigger and is coming out...next month?! Since it's the Skull Girls people and the Cafe features in that, we're honor-bound to try it.

13 Sentinels is also finally coming out in November. I don't like giant robots that are not Escaflowne, but the art is beautiful and they should have paid off Atlus' extortion money by now so they can make other things soon.

Romancing SaGa 3 and Scarlet Grace are coming out in English and you are going to play them now if you didn't play them in Japanese, even if the localization is odd, whether you like it or not!

Finally, I am reading delighted reviews of that Goose game we were talking about before, which appears to be a perfect balance of acting like a jerkoff but in kind of an artsy way, so naturally it's perfect for me.


[this message was edited by Maou on Mon 23 Sep 06:15]


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"Re(1):RANDOM GAMES #37: Eternal Dreamcast Edi" , posted Tue 24 Sep 01:37post reply

I should also note that the soundtrack is by Kikuta Hiroki, who not only scored Seiken Densetsu 2 and 3, but also Soukagi, the all-time best soundtrack to a game you never particularly wanted to play!

If I were Lab Zero, I feel like I might be playing this aspect up a bit more.


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"Re(1):RANDOM GAMES #37: Eternal Dreamcast Edi" , posted Tue 24 Sep 01:49post reply

How does the final version of Indivisible play? Is it similar to the demo? I hope not since I found the gameplay to be a confusing mish-mash of ideas pulled from other games. (At least I think it was; that demo came out a long time ago.) Too bad to since I liked a lot of what Indivisible is presenting outside of actually playing the fool thing.

But none of that matters since that goose game is going to run away with all the GotY awards. The goose in that game looks less openly belligerent than the ones in my neighborhood but since this isn't trying to be the next Goat Simulator it's fine that the goose is more twee than terrorizing.

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"Re(2):RANDOM GAMES #37: Eternal Dreamcast Edi" , posted Tue 24 Sep 02:18post reply

I've actually never played Indivisible in demo form but feel like I should try the final given how much I like the artists! Like Iggy said, the big delays had sort of a dampening effect on the PR, I think. It's bad enough when a well-known game like FFXIII-something took 10 years to level up into FFXV, but you definitely don't want the public response to your indie game's release to be, "Oh, they're still making that?"

I'm counting on you to have the first MMC review of Goose! I'm always happy to remind people that geese are OP, but I hadn't considered their more tactical approaches.


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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(3):RANDOM GAMES #37: Eternal Dreamcast Edi" , posted Tue 24 Sep 03:42post reply

There is never a reason not to post the most OP video about Geese on the internet (though I see that the new Tier Zoo videos is about hippos, and I need to watch that once I'm done).

Speaking about games and animals, this week-end, I was playing something called Later Alligator, and it could be quite the MMC-compliant game.
It's the story of Pat, a normal alligator of New York City, who has overheard that his family is planning a secret party tonight. After thinking it through, he came to the conclusion the only reason his family would plan a secret party is to murder him (and the fact today is Pat's birthday is totally irrelevant, why are you even bringing this up, what's the connexion between birthdays and family parties anyway?)
He hires you to find out the truth about the secret party, so you're going to walk through the city interviewing each family member. The game is a sort of point-and-click, and each family member challenges you to a mini-game, most of the time very simple and hilarious (unfortunately describing the best ones means ruining the joke, which makes it hard to pitch, so you'll have to trust me on that one). Meanwhile, you'll also have to deal with Pat's increasing paranoia as he calls you to come back urgently to his hotel room because he forgot the code of his door, or because someone tried to kill him with strawberry jelly, or because ghosts in his closet have stolen his shoes.

It's a very dumb and funny game with a distinctive artstyle, groovy soundtrack, and it lasts about 4h which is just the perfect time to have fun without having the game overstaying its welcome. It's not going to win any GOTY awards (those are for Scarlet Grace, Baba is You and Heaven's Door this year), but I'd wholly recommend it if you're at home, sick on a Saturday, and bored out of your mind.

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"Re(4):RANDOM GAMES #37: Eternal Oneechanbara" , posted Fri 27 Sep 04:41:post reply

While eagerly awaiting an Iggy-ntonian review of Blasphemous which highly reliable sources confirm is coming soon, I'm here to point out the release of Oneechanbara Origin since the Cafe is the #1 English-speaking consumer of the Simple 2000 Series, as far as I can tell. I must admit I wasn't keeping track, but this one combines the 2004 original and its sequel. What's striking is that the fun-because-they-suck graphics are actually now...extremely attracive and cel-shaded-looking?!


[this message was edited by Maou on Fri 27 Sep 09:33]

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"Re(5):RANDOM GAMES #37: Eternal Oneechanbara" , posted Fri 27 Sep 22:19post reply

While eagerly awaiting an Iggy-ntonian review of Blasphemous which highly reliable sources confirm is coming soon, I'm here to point out the release of Oneechanbara Origin since the Cafe is the #1 English-speaking consumer of the Simple 2000 Series, as far as I can tell. I must admit I wasn't keeping track, but this one combines the 2004 original and its sequel. What's striking is that the fun-because-they-suck graphics are actually now...extremely attracive and cel-shaded-looking?!

I unironically love the Oneechanbara series because it has no qualms whatsoever about being pinky violence trash. We should all be so confident about our place in the world. Heaven knows I don't want every game to be like this but I'm looking forward to trying out Origin... when no one else is home so I don't have to explain what I'm playing.

The Simple 2000 series first gained a following due to their outrageously high concepts and outrageously cheap budgets but I also admire them for their longevity. AAA franchises have come and gone but games like Oneechanbara and EDF continue to plug along year after year. There's a lesson in there somewhere.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):RANDOM GAMES #37: Eternal Oneechan-bara" , posted Sat 28 Sep 03:54:post reply

While eagerly awaiting an Iggy-ntonian review of Blasphemous which highly reliable sources confirm is coming soon, I'm here to point out the release of Oneechanbara Origin since the Cafe is the #1 English-speaking consumer of the Simple 2000 Series, as far as I can tell. I must admit I wasn't keeping track, but this one combines the 2004 original and its sequel. What's striking is that the fun-because-they-suck graphics are actually now...extremely attracive and cel-shaded-looking?!

I unironically love the Oneechanbara series because it has no qualms whatsoever about being pinky violence trash. We should all be so confident about our place in the world. Heaven knows I don't want every game to be like this but I'm looking forward to trying out Origin... when no one else is home so I don't have to explain what I'm playing.

The Simple 2000 series first gained a following due to their outrageously high concepts and outrageously cheap budgets but I also admire them for their longevity. AAA franchises have come and gone but games like Oneechanbara and EDF continue to plug along year after year. There's a lesson in there somewhere.

As much as I love EDF, the one thing that saddens me about the success of EDF relative to everything else Sandlot has done is that it means Sandlot has never again made a game focused on giant robots fighting giant monsters on home console since the PS2. They made a ridiculously good looking Tetsujin 28 game that has some of the most POWERFUL explosions you'll ever see, too!

It's also important to point out that Sandlot actually hasn't made an EDF game every year, and more than one time they even had quite a large gap between the release of any game at all!
2006 was probably one of the most fortunate years in terms of releases from Sandlot, in that they released two entirely different new games on two entirely different platforms (EDF3 on X360 and a mecha game on the 3DS)!

But from 2006 until 2010, the released nothing at all!

From 2006, if you didn't count Reginleiv, the only EDF games that were released until 2013 were ports of EDF2 and EDF3! The EDF3 port on Vita was a big upgrade with the return of Palewing from EDF2, but if you wanted a truly new EDF game, it was a 7 year wait!

I actually am impressed that the company survived that entire stretch from 2006, because EDF3 was never ported to the Playstation, and Reginleiv never got anything else period. I've got a lot of admiration for Sandlot's resilience, and they are honestly one of the few budget game studios I wouldn't mind working for because I'd love to know how they operate and I'm a huge fan of EDF.

To briefly return to the topic of Oneechanbara:
It's worth remembering that Tamsoft is also the Senran Kagura company! I can see how the pitch for Senran Kagura would've been successful given Tamsoft's prior works (e.g. Oneechanbara), and visual improvements in style and technology from Senran Kagura have surely filtered down to Oneechanbara. I have not played enough Senran Kagura games (to be precise, I have played basically zero SK games....), so I don't know if they used Oneechanbara as a testing ground for things in Senran Kagura. Then again, Senran Kagura has in recent times released a 3rd person shooter, a pinball game, and a reflexology game, and I don't know if Oneechanbara has ever had that kind of breadth.

They've also worked on Neptunia games, which probably have an even clearer path from SK. I imagine Senran Kagura is the money maker for the company, but I am really curious how Oneechanbara games are handled. Do people in the studio who are tired and stressed out from working on SK go to Oneechan for healing in a lower-stress, lower-spec project that has lower expectations? School Girl Zombie Hunter feels like an experiment in Unreal Engine development, having animation problems amateur projects have in doing that complete with camera that behaves like the one you'd get from doing the basic UE tutorial! I imagine that they contracted with Compile Heart for the Neptunia game that was also Unreal Engine, but SG/ZH is them building their own pipeline for making UE games.

I do hope that Senran Kagura doesn't just become a mobage in the future, though. It's ripe for that platform and game style, but it's nice to know somebody out there will make full-fledged cheesecake action/variety games and that those games will make enough money to keep a studio going!

[this message was edited by Spoon on Sat 28 Sep 07:38]

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(7):RANDOM GAMES #37: Eternal Blasphemy" , posted Mon 30 Sep 06:40post reply

Indeed, yes! Blasphemous!

It is a good game.

Gameplay-wise, it's surprisingly not as much of a Metroidvania as one would have expected. I obtained my first "traversal upgrade" about 2/3 through the game, and it was something fairly minor. I'm at 99.5%, and I haven't found any of the traditional Metroidvania upgrades such as a double jump. I think I have 5 traversal upgrades, and honestly I'm not sure any of those are necessary to complete the game? They're useful to get collectibles, and there are a great amount of those, but none seem to have been mandatory.
There are many more upgrades (life, mana, power, some moves, and too many equipment slots to fill) though, so the game really seats in a middle of a triangle with "Metroidvania" on one tip, "Chi no Rondo" on another, and "Dark Souls" on the last one, without really fitting into any of the three archetypes.

The first areas are almost classic-Castlevania affairs, then become more and more complex as the game progresses. However, a lot of the discoveries you'll do are ways to backtrack (such as a ladder kicked down to a previous save point, so next time you die you won't have to do the whole detour again). I suppose it’s a way to replace the double jump/flying powers, by making levels easier to travel through once you’ve gone through them once and return to hunt for collectibles.
The main character behaves fairly heavily compared to the pixies that were Alucard or the MC in Hollow Knight. Not to the point of being a Belmont, but still much heavier than, say, Classic Rockman. He has a dash that can be upgraded into a Stinger, but for some inexplicable reason it's tied to an invisible timer (fortunately, an item allow you to lower that timer to almost nothing). His moveset, while fairly adequate, remains limited to a few sword slashes and a couple of spells; nothing comparable to Shanoa or Soma.
Speaking of items, one of the annoying things of the game is the amount of slots you need to equip. You have the rosary beads (the rosary being itself upgradable), the enchantment for the sword, the spells, the relics, on top of which you can collect bones of saints and rescue trapped angels. It's all a bit overwhelming, really.

All in all, it's a good game, without any egregious flaws if you don't expect a new Hollow Knight, and without a lot of elements that distinguish it from the many other 2D action games being released lately.
Except, of course... the art direction.

So, obviously, it's Gothic/Baroque horror, with very good pixel art and animation, and a huge amount of gore and religious imagery.
Which, honestly, wouldn't be anything to write home about... if it wasn't culturally so informed.

We know our Gothic horror in videogames. We've been playing excellent Castlevanias in the past, as well as the 5 Demon/Dark Souls/Borne more recently. They are all very good at the whole "decaying classical European architecture + grim setting + some horribly disfigured corpses" thing.
Something that I had never really thought about until now, however, is that these games are... well... made by Japanese people. Extremely talented Japanese people who have done a tremendous amount of research to make their games appropriately elegant and horrifically refined. But they all focused on the visual aspect, the exterior elements of these religious items and architectures.
Blasphemous, on the other hand, is incredibly Spanish and deeply ingrained in Catholic imagery.
The graphical elements are not some mere tourist tour of Europe. Almost all enemies and backgrounds call back precise paintings or places, some more obvious than others.
For example, these flying guys with spears are cardinals and remind of some Velàzquez paintings, this reanimated corpse held by a lady is a spoof on a Pieta, the shrines that upgrade your sword come from Rodin's atelier, the quest giver in the snow area is obviously a reference to St Sebastian, the lady that upgrades your health bar is any Virgen Dolorosa... etc.
Goya is the main inspiration throughout the game, unsurprisingly (and rightfully). He's everywhere, absolutely everywhere, and more, and more.

The game is extremely Andalusian, with a lot of architecture inspired by Sevilla or Cordoba, and of course all the insane festivities of the semana santa and the hordes of penitents. And that's what makes the game so fascinating: it's not just a giant reference of famous art pieces made "spooky". Every element makes the game richer by evocation, filling a player familiar with the original elements with a web of meanings the more they decipher them, and create a dizzying carnival of symbols that feeds into the main themes of the game.
While Blasphemous doesn't refer to any known religion, the stand-in is transparent. But instead of creating a simple bizarro-catholicism, with God, Jesus, Mary and the saints being replaced by other characters with different visuals and names but similar functions, the religion of Blasphemous uses the actual message and practice of the most pious, orthodox, and fascinatingly morbid Catholicism, with surprisingly little window-dressing.

The entire game resolves about guilt. Normally, Catholicism rejects the idea of the innate depravity of man that Protestants and Lutherans profess (to make it really quick, Protestants generally think that you can't be saved without the grace of God). Catholicism canon teaches that not only the sacraments (Baptism first and foremost) are a remission of the original sin, but also that, since man has been made to God's image, it has free will and is not condemned to commit sin.
Of course, not being condemned to sin doesn’t mean it’s easy or even possible to never sin. And since, contrary to Protestants, you had the possibility to not sin, and did it anyway, it makes the link with personal guilt and responsibility very intimate. Punishment and pardon are two fundamental facets of the everyday faith, along with its companion, blind obedience. Nowadays, punishment is moral, philosophical or ritual; however, the closer you go to the glorious centuries of Spain, the more the public mortifications reached Folsom Fair amount of insanity (and still do in some areas).

Guilt, in Blasphemous, exists outside of time and narration. The main character, the Penitent One, is on a journey to atone for his sins, whose nature is never touched upon and whose existence would be dubious if it were any important. The actual reason for penance is not an meaningful topic; the focus is on suffering and atonement. Forgiveness is not automatic, regardless how much you punish your flesh. Thus, instead of penance being a voyage from sin to forgiveness, it remains, stilted, as its own end, devoid of origin, past, or hope.
There is no conflict in the game, since every enemy or ally is just here for their own mortification as an end to itself, and purification is not assured even after total destruction of the flesh. What makes the game so desperate is that "hope" doesn't have much meaning; what makes the player push forward is the necessity for the penance to continue. The fetishisation of pain and wilful self-torture is more than just goal and end: it's a complete circular system.

I'm sure we all have played countless RPGs with made-up religions, where midway through the game you discover that main religion in which your character had been raised were actually the bad guys all along, and they were actually trying to resurrect the Antichrist, or maybe they were just very very corrupt. It's a very useful trope, but it's also generally a very poor device that more often than not amounts to "fake religions are bad". It's honestly not really convincing, and lack any sense of correlation with the real world.

Where Blasphemous's depiction of religion works in unique and powerful ways is that it follows actual Catholic practice extremely closely, and makes the entire made-up religion of the game a much more terrifying system by removing any threat at the scenario level. No one is an antagonist in the game. Everyone welcomes pain and suffering not only as something necessary, but also something beautiful and deserved. There is no scooby-doo moment where the religion or pope are revealed being something sinister: everything you know from the beginning is all there is to know. No character can even imagine to question the main dogma of penance or look outside of it, since the destruction of their own flesh via self-torture is its own gratification. Paradoxically, there is no salvation, there is no hope in Blasphemous, because everything is already decided. By distillating Catholicism into its more extreme, and grotesque, practices, the game ultimately illustrates one of the main debates that have animated the church for two millennia: how can you have free will if God is omnipotent, how can he know everything if I have free will, how can free will exist in a universe overseen by an infinitely perfect being.
This is why using all that impressive amount of classical art into the game wasn’t mere savvy quotations for hipsters: the game uses art in the same way Catholicism used art and beauty after the Renaissance and beyond, as a mean to meditate over its most sacred mysteries.

This is what separates Blasphemous from Castlevania and Dark Souls's pretty, but hollow, visuals. It only becomes more interesting the more knowledge one has about some general Catholic discussions, from Augustine to the twilight of the XIXth century, towards the end of religion’s reign over the masses, before political ideas and utopias replaced it across Europe with different flavours of horror. My own knowledge is quite basic, so I’m sure I’ve missed a ton of references and keys, but it's enough to make the whole object feel very unique.

1906th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(8):RANDOM GAMES #37: Eternal Blasphemy" , posted Tue 1 Oct 00:37post reply

Indeed, yes! Blasphemous!

It is a good game.

Gameplay-wise, it's surprisingly not as much of a Metroidvania as one would have expected. I obtained my first "traversal upgrade" about 2/3 through the game, and it was something fairly minor. I'm at 99.5%, and I haven't found any of the traditional Metroidvania upgrades such as a double jump. I think I have 5 traversal upgrades, and honestly I'm not sure any of those are necessary to complete the game? They're useful to get collectibles, and there are a great amount of those, but none seem to have been mandatory.
There are many more upgrades (life, mana, power, some moves, and too many equipment slots to fill) though, so the game really seats in a middle of a triangle with "Metroidvania" on one tip, "Chi no Rondo" on another, and "Dark Souls" on the last one, without really fitting into any of the three archetypes.

The first areas are almost classic-Castlevania affairs, then become more and more complex as the game progresses. However, a lot of the discoveries you'll do are ways to backtrack (such as a ladder kicked down to a previous save point, so next time you die you won't have to do the whole detour again). I suppose it’s a way to replace the double jump/flying powers, by making levels easier to travel through once you’ve gone through them once and return to hunt for collectibles.
The main character behaves fairly heavily compared to the pixies that were Alucard or the MC in Hollow Knight. Not to the point of being a Bel

-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --

Thank you for that beautiful writeup. I absolutely have to support and play this game now!


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"Re(8):RANDOM GAMES #37: Eternal Blasphemy" , posted Tue 1 Oct 03:46post reply

Indeed, yes! Blasphemous!

Thank you for the review!

I've been on the fence about Blasphemous. On one hand I don't need a punishing platformer in my life. Plus, whenever I see the phrase "like Dark Souls" I want to stop reading, close the browser, and go out onto the lanai and water the plants. But on the other hand, that art direction...

Your post tells me that Blasphemous succeeds in its creepy pseudo-Catholicism beyond my wildest expectations. As you noted, most Japanese pop culture that look to Western religion for inspiration do so in a superficial way. It's a gilded frame that may or may not have anything to do with the artwork it holds. Blasphemous, however, sounds like the philosophy it is built upon has seeped into its very bones.

When I play Blasphemous I'm certain I'll just fall down a hole and die or die and then watch my corpse plummet down a hole but it will be worth it to experience the world it creates.

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"Re(8):RANDOM GAMES #37: Eternal Blasphemy" , posted Tue 1 Oct 18:21post reply

Amazing write up. You've convinced me to check Blasphemy out. I love works that are informed by history, and although I prefer to create fictional worlds, I try to think of the inhabitants as real people and take bits of real historical events to create authenticity. Xenogears was a bit fast and loose with its use of religious tropes (although I do love Xenogears), and a more nuanced game is really appreciated.

Like Ishmael, I have also felt a bit "Souled Out" lately and am playing more relaxing fare (DQXI on Switch, which is pretty good) until Death Stranding releases.

I'm also trying Apple Arcade's free momth and there are a lot of fun little indie things on it! Some of them are a bit too plodding or are little interactive narratives with no real gameplay (which is fine but sometimes not fine). Some of them are really great (Grindstone, Sayonara Wild Hearts, Card of Darkness). I wonder if Apple Arcade can survive and if the creators participating can make a living off of it. In any case, I like that they are all non-F2P-nonsense. :)

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):RANDOM GAMES #37: Eternal Blasphemy" , posted Wed 2 Oct 06:54:post reply


Iggy's detailed analysis of Blasphemous' aesthetic and themes

Well done, this is very illuminating in terms of historical context and I doubt this specific information could be found elsewhere (at least not until people from other forums have popped by the cafe to sample our wonderful culture). It does sound like the developers have an interesting and coherent vision. A question does leap to mind, though.

Given that the focus is ultimately on suffering and atonement, is the act of penance something the player actively performs while playing the game, or is it just something your character deals with on his own during cutscenes?

People do seem to be describing the game's design as "punishing," so I guess there's that, but I'm wondering if there are other interesting ways the theme carries through to gameplay. Actually, the idea of having so many slots for regalia and relics sounds very clerical to me. But it sounds as though it's more fussy than meaningful.

I realize this stuff is easier said than done, but I also feel like there's usually some room to add some symbolism to gameplay while staying within the broader conventions of an established genre. For games about exploring areas, finding all the things, and killing all the bosses, the Souls games do have some good convergence of mechanics and lore going on.

/ / /

[this message was edited by Mosquiton on Wed 2 Oct 06:55]

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(9):RANDOM GAMES #37: Eternal Blasphemy" , posted Thu 3 Oct 04:20post reply

Given that the focus is ultimately on suffering and atonement, is the act of penance something the player actively performs while playing the game, or is it just something your character deals with on his own during cutscenes?

That's a good point...
I would say that the penance performed by the main character is not so much in cutscenes and rather the game itself.
I wouldn't call the game "punishing" for the player, it's certainly easier than G&G or some old Castlevanias. It is, however, an extremely unpleasant experience for the character.
I think it's something I've never considered: however entertaining it was to move Arthur or Belmont or even Rockman in their games, it was entertaining for me, not for the character being thrown into spikes, or lava, or medusa heads and then spikes.
What Blasphemous does is that it highlights the fact the experience, from the point of view of the character, is not a happy adventure in the world of jelly beans, but a gruesome and excruciating pentathlon. Other games were brushing that on the side, explaining the desire for the character to go forward as a natural heroism that sets Arthur and the others aside from other men and robots. They're (literally for Arthur) knights in shining armors, and they don't need to have any emotion besides having innocents to save.
Because the character of Blasphemous has neither name, past nor enemies, and is nothing but "The Penitent One", it's hard to call him a heroic character. He is his penitence.
He does things, some of which are unquestionably good, some which are more strange, or even simply difficult to understand. Yet, this nothingness is not laziness on the part of the devs (the way you'd feel in some games where the developers haven't spent much thought on the MC and he's basically a stand-in for you, the player). The Penitent One is a character for sure, different from the player that controls him, and he's also deliberately "almost nothing". What remains, thus, is just the unpleasantness of the jumps and murders and spikes.

From the point of view of the player, though, it is not more or less unpleasant than any G&G or Rockman. It's definitely a more pleasant time than the worse moments of Dark Souls, be it a particularly difficult boss you're struggling to beat, or a depressing passage like Blightown (or a shitty moment like Bed of Chaos).
I wonder if there has been a discussion on that point between the developers about whether they'd thought of extending the penance to the player.
But then, why would you spend years to develop a game that's a pain to play on purpose?

Pathologic 2 just did that, and that is a beautiful and uncompromising vision: making a world so horrible that exploring it is a terrible and painful experience. I love that it exists, and I love that I can read the experiences of the masochists (penitents?) who have played it through. But do I want to experience it myself? Absolutely not!
If there is a hard weakness to Blasphemous though, it's definitely here. The game didn't have the guts to go where Pathologic 2 went. With the themes it explores, it's a shame. But as someone who enjoyed playing what I did, it was for the better.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):RANDOM GAMES #37: Eternal Blasphemy" , posted Thu 3 Oct 05:35post reply

I think the problem with Pathologic 2's execution is that when it is too obtuse or too exhausting or too excrutiating, it becomes difficult to engage with the particular ideas of those topics they have. There's a certain degree of unanticipatable suffering that is intended as a result of the systems of their game, but that is not the same as the unanticipated suffering that comes from not being able to figure out the menu interface. Where the mystery/pain ought to lie in the experience and where obtuseness serves that rather than distracting from that is a challenge I think they never really overcame.

Chulip is a game that delights in making the player suddenly and unexpectedly die, and that is a huge piece of ludonarrative consonance in the game's world view.

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"Indivisible with Kinu...ko" , posted Wed 9 Oct 12:49:post reply

Iggy's brilliantly covered the Spanish Catholicism of Blasphemy just in time for another interesting culturo-religious mix: Indivisible finally came out today! I only saw Valkyrie Profile for about 5 minutes in 1999 or so and probably won't get to it for a bit, but people seem to like it, MMC alum (????) exodus wrote the script, and the art (with animation direction by Nobi!) is wonderful.

Specifically of interest to the Cafe is this delightful piece of promo art, drawn not by Kinu but by Skullgirls' Kinuko, though I see a huge similarity in the coloring and collage layout that I haven't noticed in her work before. Speaking of true art:
I unironically love the Oneechanbara series because it has no qualms whatsoever about being pinky violence trash.
The new graphics really do bring it up to the level of the best parts of the legacy of 1970s psychedelic soft-core pornography! They can put that on the box as review copy. And Spoon's deep Simple analysis and the connection with Senran Kagura make the new look make sense now!
Do people in the studio who are tired and stressed out from working go to Oneechan for healing
I certainly do! Uh, in the game. Yeah.


[this message was edited by Maou on Wed 9 Oct 15:03]

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"Inktober" , posted Thu 10 Oct 00:56post reply

OK. Just in case.
Can someone tell Juan he's the awesomest among the awesome people who are awesome, except him, who's better than all of them?
Thank you.

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"Re(1):Inktober" , posted Thu 10 Oct 02:57post reply

I did not know that Brandon and Nobi worked on Indivisible! When I finally get around to the game I'll have great fun reading the credits.

OK. Just in case.
Can someone tell Juan he's the awesomest among the awesome people who are awesome, except him, who's better than all of them?
Thank you.

This is so great the only proper response I can give is through ancient emojis.

527th Post

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"Re(1):Inktober" , posted Fri 11 Oct 05:13post reply

OK. Just in case.
Can someone tell Juan he's the awesomest among the awesome people who are awesome, except him, who's better than all of them?
Thank you.

Now the question to Juan is, does he do any commission work!!

Long Live I AM!

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"Re(2):Inktober" , posted Fri 11 Oct 07:59post reply

Now the question to Juan is, does he do any commission work!!

Well yeah! Just as any good Cafe member knows to wake up each morning with the mantra "I hate video games!", all sensible businesses know that only by commissioning work from sinister Buttermonsters can they hope to be successful.

Speaking of perfect art, Indivisible seems to have made a splash! I may even try to play a new game less than one year late this time, and I haven't done that since...Nier?! I guess FFVIII Remastered sort of counts.


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"MOON takes #1 spot on Nintendo eShop!" , posted Sat 12 Oct 04:01post reply


.... ok sure DQXI had been on the eShop for 2 weeks at this point, but the idea that MOON would be at the top of the eShop alone is amazing!

When a game you work on unseats a mainline DQ game from #1 on a japanese storefront, you take that W no questions

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"Re(1):Inktober" , posted Sun 13 Oct 12:12post reply

OK. Just in case.
Can someone tell Juan he's the awesomest among the awesome people who are awesome, except him, who's better than all of them?
Thank you.

Thanks Iggy!!! Those chiens are dangerous. They show up out of nowhere every year with their agenda!


Now the question to Juan is, does he do any commission work!!

I do commission stuff! Unfortunately my potato computer died and haven't been able to repair it. If you want me to draw something for inktober though just let me know here or send me a dm.

Same for everyone here, if you have suggestions let me know and I'll give it a shot

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"Swery + Suda51 + Toyama = Hotel Barcelona" , posted Wed 23 Oct 23:24:post reply

Okay, aprently in a recent livestream, Goichi Suda and Hidetaka Suehiro held a livestream to announced a joint horror game project called Hotel Barcelona. During the cast, they went in and messaged Keiichiro Toyama to ask if he could join the project, to which he agreed! Devolver is publishing the game.

Edit:fixed link

[this message was edited by sfried on Wed 23 Oct 23:27]

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"Re(1):Swery + Suda51 + Toyama = Hotel Barcelo" , posted Wed 30 Oct 09:26post reply

Okay, aprently in a recent livestream, Goichi Suda and Hidetaka Suehiro held a livestream to announced a joint horror game project called Hotel Barcelona. During the cast, they went in and messaged Keiichiro Toyama to ask if he could join the project, to which he agreed! Devolver is publishing the game.

From Hotline Miami to Hotel Barcelona! I just realized that if this dream team game happens, Devolver will have managed to publish something even more magnificent than SERIOUS SAM (the most gloriously stupid and funny shooter ever made, which somehow managed to be the insane trip that Duke Nukem always wanted to be, without all the icky stuff). From the first game to introduce "hippie violence" where blood is replaced by flowers and hamburgers to a game that's clearly too scary for me to play, Devolver's legacy is assured.


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"Re(2):Swery + Suda51 + Toyama = Hotel Barcelo" , posted Fri 1 Nov 03:54post reply

I actually don't know how well this will turn out, because SWERY and Suda are just so... different.

Like, the stories they write both have lots of surreal/supernatural/noir-ish/horror-ish elements to them, but SWERY's are generally not as pessimistic and cynical as Suda's. Suda's works are also deliberately "cooler" in direction, though the art team at Grasshopper certainly helps a lot in that realization.

If the two styles don't really mesh well, then it sort of becomes a "ok this is Suda's part" and "ok this is SWERY's part" and the hand of the director becomes too pointedly evident because of that contrast.

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"Nioh 2 Beta" , posted Fri 1 Nov 23:44post reply

Anyone tried it? Any thoughts? For a game that only existed in our collective imagination for so long Nioh's sequel is coming out in surprisingly short order.

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"Re(1):Nioh 2 Beta" , posted Sun 3 Nov 08:59post reply

Some quick Nioh 2 thoughts:

Nioh 1 was partly hot stuff and partly a hot mess. Nioh 2 seems to be building on everything that made the first game what it was.

The game still features a lot of loot drops, although it feels slightly toned down from the piles of worthless junk you would receive in the first. At this point Nioh could be classified as a looter-shooter but since it doesn't have guns I guess it's a stabber-grabber.

Excess seems to be the name of the game in N2. For example, the weapon page features a wall of weapons and each of those weapons open up to a page where each stance has a massive web of attacks and refinements to learn. Your character has stats, your weapons and armor have stats... if you find the S&P 500 index to be too simplistic N2 has you covered for charts and graphs.

The character creator isn't fully unlocked in the beta but there's still plenty to see. I'm certain fans will figure out perfect formulas for making most of the cast of DoA. One interesting option is that all the male characters can wear make-up, all the female characters can have facial hair and everyone can darken their teeth, including making them green. Your character can really express themselves while out there chopping off limbs. It's a shame the options to change the look of your super form aren't in the demo since at the moment you default to a Devil Man-ish look.

The combat is still great fun, even if I occasionally feel like I'm drowning in options. The option to steal the powers of yokai you fight is a fun trick but I'm not certain I was aching for even more ways to hit people in Nioh.

I'm not certain what the storyline in N2 is but the one opening cut scene to the level I'm playing was certainly odd. The group my character was with were sent out to capture a fort. As we headed there we were berated by some fellow soldiers, one of whom summoned a magic pig just because he could. Then while we were talking Jason Momoa jumped out of a nearby river. Right now I'm fighting yokai with a magic spear while Jason Momoa follows me around to help fight. I feel like I'm playing Onimusha 2.

So far Nioh 2 feels like a From Software game with much punchier combat and without the need to roll around on the ground in an undignified manner. My other big takeaway is that I wish I had made Ayame instead of Momiji when designing my character.

5711th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):Nioh 2 Beta" , posted Mon 4 Nov 11:04post reply

I haven't tried the Nioh 2 beta yet but while we're at it-- the demo for Vanillaware's 13 Sentinels has been out since the start of this month as well. It should be worth the download for even those who picked up the pay demo earlier in the year since there's extra hours playable as a thank you bonus!

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"Re(2):Nioh 2 Beta, Tetris Effect VR" , posted Mon 4 Nov 13:01:post reply

looter-shooter / stabber-grabber.

if you find the S&P 500 index to be too simplistic N2 has you covered

all the male characters can wear make-up, all the female characters can have facial hair and everyone can darken their teeth

we were berated by some fellow soldiers, one of whom summoned a magic pig

There's no limit to the hilarious reasons to play Nioh 2! Thanks for the report. I hope for a similarly good set of reasons to play 13 Sentinals even if the setting bores me to tears. I may have to stick to Ass-tral Chain for my gorgeous apocalyptic future people for now.

Oh! I played Tetris Effect way late, but at least it was in VR, so I nearly threw up! Needless to say, I loved every minute of it while my body could handle the 3D, which was pretty exciting. You have never seen blocks falling with such intensity, not even since Lumines.

As usual, Mizuguchi's work here is visually and aurally beautiful. A friend and I wondered whether this musical puzzlemaster loves Tetris and was able to use his incredible resume to get to work on this newest one, or whether he's so far beyond Tetris in his incredible visions that they sought him out, and he was like, "Yeah, okay, I'll make a cool Tetris if you like," in the spirit of a licensed game.


[this message was edited by Maou on Mon 4 Nov 13:23]

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"Re(3):Nioh 2 Beta, Tetris Effect VR" , posted Wed 6 Nov 00:35post reply


Oh! I played Tetris Effect way late, but at least it was in VR, so I nearly threw up!

If you don't feel tense and nauseous while playing Tetris you aren't playing it correctly!

At some point I do need to try out proper VR. The only one I tried was an underpowered system so it was like having a 3DS strapped to my face. The absurd experiences and limitations of the technology are something I'm curious to experience. Not curious enough to buy a VR device, mind you, but curious.

533th Post

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"Twinkle Rival Star Megagun Sprites" , posted Thu 21 Nov 23:55post reply

Looks like someone managed to create a game similar to Twinkle Star Sprites(which we have been asking for some kind of sequel or revival of) called Rival Megagun. Has anyone played it?

I like TSS and wish we had some kind of new one. Hoping this would satisfy that hunger.

Rival Megagun

Long Live I AM!
2447th Post

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"Re(1):Twinkle Rival Star Megagun Sprites" , posted Fri 22 Nov 02:13:post reply

Looks like someone managed to create a game similar to Twinkle Star Sprites(which we have been asking for some kind of sequel or revival of) called Rival Megagun. Has anyone played it?

I like TSS and wish we had some kind of new one. Hoping this would satisfy that hunger.

Rival Megagun

This looks really cool. Sad I no longer work in an office with other people who would like this kind of game.

I guess they do have online play, but apparently there are some issues? It just really looks like a game that you'd want to play head-to-head.

/ / /

[this message was edited by Mosquiton on Fri 22 Nov 02:16]

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"Re(1):Twinkle Rival Star Megagun Sprites" , posted Fri 22 Nov 02:57post reply

Looks like someone managed to create a game similar to Twinkle Star Sprites(which we have been asking for some kind of sequel or revival of) called Rival Megagun. Has anyone played it?

I like TSS and wish we had some kind of new one. Hoping this would satisfy that hunger.

Rival Megagun

That looks like fun but I miss the colorful, cutesy graphics of the original. I always found it amusing that a bunch of little magical girls spent all their time roaring through the sky and pouring hate on each other.

519th Post

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"Death Stranding test footage" , posted Thu 28 Nov 01:58post reply

I'm trying to refrain from discussion until I've experienced the whole game on my own, but this test footage made me giggle too much to not share.

"Hai ... Shindekudasai?"

Anyone still playing Phantasy Star Online 2?
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"The Return of Adam" , posted Fri 13 Dec 22:54post reply

So, I haven't been following much the news on Streets of Rage 4, but I saw today that Adam will finally be a playable character again.

And this is probably the best news from it so far. I'm still not sure if I like or dislike the sprites, the new looks for Axel and Blaze (the first looking like he's homeless, the second still wearing 1980s clothes including a microskirt in the 2020s), or Cherry carrying an electric guitar and being related to Adam (I mean, just because she's black, it doesn't mean she has to be related to the other black character, you know?). But I actually like Adam's redesign; he's by far my favorite of the four heroes judging exclusively from the trailers.

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
538th Post

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"Re(1):The Return of Adam" , posted Fri 13 Dec 23:32post reply

So, I haven't been following much the news on Streets of Rage 4, but I saw today that Adam will finally be a playable character again.

And this is probably the best news from it so far. I'm still not sure if I like or dislike the sprites, the new looks for Axel and Blaze (the first looking like he's homeless, the second still wearing 1980s clothes including a microskirt in the 2020s), or Cherry carrying an electric guitar and being related to Adam (I mean, just because she's black, it doesn't mean she has to be related to the other black character, you know?). But I actually like Adam's redesign; he's by far my favorite of the four heroes judging exclusively from the trailers.

My only assumption about the way Axel looks is maybe he was kidnapped and locked up by the gang for quite sometime, Blaze and Adam rescued him.

Glad to see Adam is back to. We only got him for one game and on the SOR Remake. SOR Remake made him more cooler than the first game. This one looks good.

Long Live I AM!

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"Re(2):The Christmas of Toaplan" , posted Mon 16 Dec 10:54post reply

M2 has acquired the licensed to rerelease nearly all of Toaplan's previous games.

They know what they doing.
Since the announcement about M2 (MMC's OTHER lord and savio(u)r besides Kawazu) getting ready to port nearly every Toaplan game accidentally ended up in the non-gaming thread, I feel it's important to revisit it here with the crucial and highly seasonal additional note that the news was convenyed while M2's Horii Naoki was dressed as Santa and Kubota Kazuki was dressed as a Christmas tree, bearing gifts to all good retro gamers far and wide.

5725th Post

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"The Christmas of Gasha" , posted Sun 22 Dec 01:20:post reply

In relation to what's been talked about in the fighting game thread, Granblue Fantasy's traditional year-end free gasha frenzy started today and this time it's up to 200 free rolls a day. Perfect time to log in for anyone interested or want to experience the joy (oh boy) of rolling lots of gasha for two weeks. Browser game. (PC/Android/iOS,Chrome/Safari)

Or better yet just check people gasha'ing on Twitter.

Here comes the TV ad

[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 22 Dec 16:44]

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"Homeslinger Stratos" , posted Sat 28 Dec 01:11post reply

Gunslinger Stratos is coming to PC and console. How in the world the home version is going to recreate the unique controls of the game is unknown.

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"Re(1):Homeslinger Stratos" , posted Sat 28 Dec 04:02post reply

Gunslinger Stratos is coming to PC and console. How in the world the home version is going to recreate the unique controls of the game is unknown.

VR controllers fortunately have the pair of hand-held controllers that would certainly be able to provide much of the functionality, though that cool feeling of docking the guns together won't be there.

I am definitely curious about how they're going to do this, as well!

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(1):RANDOM GAMES #37: Eternal Dreamcast Edi" , posted Wed 1 Jan 20:58post reply

I just discovered the Japanese AGDQ: RTA in Japan (RTA=Real Time Attack)

Their final game is a Super Metroid game, which instantly makes it the most popular Metroid game in Japan in 2019 (players: at least 2).

This is especially cut for Maou:

545th Post

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"Puzzle, Shmup, Fighter, New, Old, What to do." , posted Mon 6 Jan 01:00:post reply

Recently at MagFest 2020, the Twinkle Star Sprites tournament had a huge amount of 38 players in a double elimination format. It was probably the most participants in a fighting(puzzle and shmup) tournament this weekend.

I think it is really time for someone to either do a remake or a spiritual successor to this game. Last year it was around 16 participants. Someone at ADK need to get a kickstarter running. Is ADK still in operations? Did they retain the rights or sold it?

For those Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo fans, if no one has mentioned it, there seems to be a game very similar if not identical by the name of Crystal Crisis. Presentation looks a bit bland compared to SPFII Turbo.

Has anyone played it? I will try it out soon. Here is some gameplay Footage

Long Live I AM!

[this message was edited by neo0r0chiaku on Mon 6 Jan 01:24]

Lord SNK
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"Re(1):Puzzle, Shmup, Fighter, New, Old, What " , posted Mon 6 Jan 02:54post reply


I think it is really time for someone to either do a remake or a spiritual successor to this game. Last year it was around 16 participants. Someone at ADK need to get a kickstarter running. Is ADK still in operations? Did they retain the rights or sold it?

ADK went bankrupt and their IP were acquired by SNK. SNK has used them in "recent" years, like in NGBC and SNK Heroines (Jeanne!). Probably also other examples that I don't remember.

For Crystal Crisis, it seemed an interesting experiment by Nicalis but haven't heard much of it after release.

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"Re(2):RANDOM GAMES #37: Eternal Dreamcast Edi" , posted Mon 6 Jan 14:15post reply

I just discovered the Japanese AGDQ: RTA in Japan (RTA=Real Time Attack)

Their final game is a Super Metroid game, which instantly makes it the most popular Metroid game in Japan in 2019 (players: at least 2).

This is especially cut for Maou:

Although Iggy is in big trouble for associating me with Natsuiro High School and therefore revealing my last boss-style weakness/real-life high school activities (I had a better uniform than this guy though), all is forgiven because the sliding in the video has also reminded me that the single most excellent thing about Dracula X~Nocturne/SOTN's classy Richter opening is the added ability to jump-kick the lord of vampires, just like the legends told us.

Just a Person
2176th Post

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"Code Shifter" , posted Fri 10 Jan 03:36post reply

In a thread named "RANDOM GAMES", I guess it's fitting to show the trailer for ASW's Code Shifter. Because this game sure looks random.

And I LOVE this randomness.

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.

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"Re(1):Code Shifter" , posted Sat 11 Jan 01:42post reply

In a thread named "RANDOM GAMES", I guess it's fitting to show the trailer for ASW's Code Shifter. Because this game sure looks random.

And I LOVE this randomness.

The game itself looks like a cute, if inexpensive, way to do a collaboration of all their different IP's. It's certainly better than another copy/paste of varying art styles where the characters lose a lot of frames in order to fit in the roster.

Speaking of varying art styles, what is the deal with that framing device? Never mind the wildly differing way they are depicted, is anyone interested in the "real" world storyline? When it came to a story I wanted cutesy interactions between the characters, not a group of game programmers trying to hack a pseudo 8-bit game. It reminds me of those terrible original characters in KoF All-Stars. The second any of them show up on the screen I can't hit the skip button fast enough.

2452th Post

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"Re(2):Code Shifter" , posted Sat 11 Jan 02:32:post reply


It reminds me of those terrible original characters in KoF All-Stars. The second any of them show up on the screen I can't hit the skip button fast enough.

Hey, look! These young and attractive fictional characters are really interested in these legendary videogame characters! These good-looking, charmingly quirky individuals are totally your peers, so it's only natural that you revere these game characters as much as they do, even if you never played those old games. Well, actually, these games are not so much old as they are totally classic.

It's not like most of the people that like these games are middle-aged weirdos that use archaic forms of social media like... BBS? I mean, what does that even stand for? Boring Boomer Stuff? LOL! And it is completely not the case that the people marketing this game to you are even older than that. They are all young and cool, too!

OH! And remember that these original characters (that are so much like you) don't think microtransactions are weird at all. In fact, they're totally "here for it." They usually spend some money every time a new banner pops up, or just whenever they get a paycheck or whatever.

Man, these young, good-looking individuals sure are cool and with the times!

/ / /

[this message was edited by Mosquiton on Sat 11 Jan 02:38]

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"Re(3):Code Shifter" , posted Tue 14 Jan 10:20post reply

Hey, look! These young and attractive fictional characters are really interested in these legendary videogame characters! These good-looking, charmingly quirky individuals are totally your peers, so it's only natural that you revere these game characters as much as they do, even if you never played those old games. Well, actually, these games are not so much old as they are totally classic.

It's not like most of the people that like these games are middle-aged weirdos that use archaic forms of social media like... BBS? I mean, what does that even stand for? Boring Boomer Stuff? LOL! And it is completely not the case that the people marketing this game to you are even older than that. They are all young and cool, too!

OH! And remember that these original characters (that are so much like you) don't think microtransactions are weird at all. In fact, they're totally "here for it." They usually spend some money every time a new banner pops up, or just whenever they get a paycheck or whatever.

Man, these young, good-looking individuals sure are cool and with the times!

One thing I appreciate about Nintendo is that they don't feel the need to reintroduce their characters every time a new console comes out. Mario is always Mario, there's never a feeling that he became a nostalgia act after the NES. Kof All-Stars, however, is all about reliving the glory days. A recent poll the game ran asked why I was playing and one of the canned choices was something like "nostalgia for the characters." The game isn't built around the idea that KoF could possibly appeal to a new audience. Thankfully SNK proper is moving away from that mind-set but since All-Stars is built around strip-mining 95-98 I'm not certain it will ever escape its self-imposed time warp.

2453th Post

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"Re(4):Code Shifter" , posted Wed 15 Jan 04:23:post reply


One thing I appreciate about Nintendo is that they don't feel the need to reintroduce their characters every time a new console comes out. Mario is always Mario, there's never a feeling that he became a nostalgia act after the NES. Kof All-Stars, however, is all about reliving the glory days.

This is very well put. Nintendo does have a significant advantage in that they continue to control their own platform, but I feel that SNK could have better leveraged their own character catalogue with a little finesse.

Imagining an alternate SNK that treated its characters like Nintendo treats its favorite children, I now deeply regret that I was not given the opportunity to play The King of Golfers (2001, Dreamcast) "Tee up with Terry and his friends! Dawn of a new Turf Masters Era!"

/ / /

[this message was edited by Mosquiton on Wed 15 Jan 10:06]

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"Ys VIII Steam redux" , posted Sat 18 Jan 08:25post reply

Over a year after giving up and dropping a buggy port prone to crashes for full price, NIS has hired PH3 to fix the issues and give us some improvements, such as picking up the co-op multiplayer that Squenix dropped from the Trials of Mana remake.

"Hai ... Shindekudasai?"

Switch: SW-3287-7029-8309

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"Konami illustration" , posted Wed 22 Jan 03:40post reply

Pachinko company Konami currently has a nice picture of various characters up on their recruitment page.

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"Re(1):Konami illustration" , posted Wed 22 Jan 05:16:post reply

Pachinko company Konami currently has a nice picture of various characters up on their recruitment page.

Wow, I am not exactly a Konami scholar, but I see some deep cuts here. I see Getsu Fuuma, a couple of Rumble Roses characters, a tiny Boktai dude.... I guess the kind of pixelated dude under the Power Pro mascot is the guy from Yie Ar Kung-Fu?

Still, I'm kind of surprised by how many characters I don't recognize. Am I supposed to know who these random schoolgirls are? Am I missing Shanoa somewhere?

/ / /

[this message was edited by Mosquiton on Wed 22 Jan 05:39]

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"Re(1):Konami illustration" , posted Wed 22 Jan 07:30post reply

Pachinko company Konami currently has a nice picture of various characters up on their recruitment page.

It's quite amazing. They even acknowledge Gensô Suikoden up to GS3. Maybe more? Is the guy on the bottom left from 5?
Quite a few Tokimemo characters that I'd have expected to see there and I can't find. I suppose the three Love+ girls ate their lunch.

See you in 10 years for the next good Konami thing.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Konami illustration" , posted Wed 22 Jan 07:32post reply

Pachinko company Konami currently has a nice picture of various characters up on their recruitment page.

Wow, I am not exactly a Konami scholar, but I see some deep cuts here. I see Getsu Fuuma, a couple of Rumble Roses characters, a tiny Boktai dude.... I guess the kind of pixelated dude under the Power Pro mascot is the guy from Yie Ar Kung-Fu?

Still, I'm kind of surprised by how many characters I don't recognize. Am I supposed to know who these random schoolgirls are? Am I missing Shanoa somewhere?

Some of the random schoolgirls are definitely LOVEPLUS characters, pixelly dude is definitely Yie Ar Kung Fu dude. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the characters you do recognize have actually earned less and been less popular than some of the ones you don't!

(the lady from ZOE2 at first glance looks like she is sorely missing underpants...)

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"Re(3):Konami illustration" , posted Wed 22 Jan 09:52post reply

(the lady from ZOE2 at first glance looks like she is sorely missing underpants...)

Sadly, most of the female characters in that illustration seem to be having trouble maintaining lady-like poses.

In spite of my postings today I'm not on a full retro kick. I've even been playing Titanall 2 just for the sheer joy of stepping on people with a giant mech.

Speaking of robo death I also recently tried out the game Ninja Warriors Once Again. Natsume's dedication to remaking classic sprite games is a bit insane but it's a mania I appreciate. While I haven't played the original game in forever and a day I still felt right at home with those killer robots. Once Again isn't the same game I originally played but it's the same game that was in my memory. Now if I can deal with the final boss in the game so I can unlock the new characters I'll be all set.

Going back even further in video game history Figma is figures of the ships from Galaxian and Galaga. I find this fascinating for two reasons. First, a fan would have to pay a stunning amount of money to have the proper double ship set-up from Galaga. Shmups fans are a dedicated bunch so I guess money may not be an object. Second, I never realized that was what the Galaxian ship is supposed to look like. In-game I thought it looked a bit like a flying fire hydrant, not the segmented machine it turned out to be.

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"Re(1):Konami illustration" , posted Wed 22 Jan 13:12:post reply

Pachinko company Konami currently has a nice picture of various characters up on their recruitment page.

Seeing all the main characters from the Gensou Suikoden series reunited fills my heart with joy. They even included Nash from Suikogaiden and Nanami and Jowy from GenSui 2! The North Konami remembers.

It's funny that Sparkster, who was supposed to be Konami's mascot, is nowhere to be found. But hey, GenSui 2's main character gets to be on the center, so all is right with the world.

A Talking about Japanese History sword in hand

[this message was edited by Maese on Wed 22 Jan 13:14]

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Ganbare Goemon 2 & 3 in English!" , posted Sun 26 Jan 06:32post reply

Goemon 2!

... and Goemon 3!

Hot off the heels of remembering when Konami made good games, we see the gorgeous and delightful SNES Legend of the Mystical Ninja / Ganbare Goemon games in English!

I remember the first time I played the first Goemon game on a huge TV with huge speakers decades ago and thought it was utterly amazing, just like every other SNES game played on that monster setup!

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"Re(1):Ganbare Goemon 2 & 3 in English!" , posted Mon 27 Jan 03:05post reply

Well, actually, these games are not so much old as they are totally classic.
Man, these young, good-looking individuals sure are cool and with the times!
Hahaha. I can't tell which is worse, that flood of low-grade DieselSweeties-looking Western "retro pixel art" indie games that looked nothing like SFC games, or the idea that Code Shifter should require these embarrassing intermediaries for retro enjoyment.

I'm pretty sure even an SNK agnositc like me would have been DEEP into King of Golfers, meanwhile.
Pachinko company Konami currently has a nice picture
This is the saddest, most amusingly accurate description I've seen in a long time.

On the other hand, with Konami's current direction, is it at last the time for the glorious return of Sexy Parodius???

Yuki Yagami

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"Niitsuma Leaves Capcom" , posted Mon 3 Feb 12:32:post reply

Ryota Niitsuma, of Tatsunoko vs. Capcom and Marvel vs. Capcom 3 fame, has left Capcom.

While he's no longer with Capcom as of yesterday, he hints that he will still continue in his role as a producer in the games industry.

I wonder which company will pick him up?

"Lasciate ogne speranza"

[this message was edited by Yuki Yagami on Mon 3 Feb 12:34]

Lord SNK
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"Wonderful 101 Remastered!" , posted Tue 4 Feb 07:17:post reply

PlatinumGames launch The Wonderful 101 Remastered kickstarter!

Never played it on Wii U, if it comes to PS4 surely I want to try it.

[this message was edited by Lord SNK on Tue 4 Feb 07:18]

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"Re(1):Wonderful 101 Remastered!" , posted Tue 4 Feb 10:21post reply

PlatinumGames launch The Wonderful 101 Remastered kickstarter!

Never played it on Wii U, if it comes to PS4 surely I want to try it.

There's no doubt that the tiny minimum number they've put on it ($50k US) is basically just so that they can make this Kickstarter at all. That's like... less than the salary of one experienced software engineer in Japan or the US.

I really liked this game even though I agree with Iggy that making some of the game's essential defensive techniques things you have to buy from the shop and the game not telling you how essential those defensive techniques are was a big and weird flaw in the game. It's an honestly shockingly large game which is almost too big, but is not at all repetitive in its level art. I think it certainly has some of the most thrilling climaxes Platinum has ever made, right up there with the very best stuff from Bayonetta.

I do wonder how some of the minigames are going to be presented, because in some of them the view from the main screen and the Wii U screen were important, and putting both onto the same screen is doable but would be incredibly cramped and hard to look at.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(2):Wonderful 101 Remastered!" , posted Tue 4 Feb 22:38post reply

Honestly, I'm sure the game is already up and running on Switch, and maybe PS4 as well. The sum they're asking is ridiculously low, and they want it delivered in 2 months. Nintendo just doesn't want to bother with a second atomic failure with the exact same title.
I guess the kickstarter is for the publishing costs at most, plus the free marketing (no need to pay to do the marketing: get paid to receive free marketing!).

The game will probably have the same issue as Shenmue: the people interested will back the game and receive their copy. And that will be it.

2059th Post

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"Re(3):Wonderful 101 Remastered!" , posted Tue 4 Feb 23:00post reply

Honestly, I'm sure the game is already up and running on Switch, and maybe PS4 as well. The sum they're asking is ridiculously low, and they want it delivered in 2 months. Nintendo just doesn't want to bother with a second atomic failure with the exact same title.
I guess the kickstarter is for the publishing costs at most, plus the free marketing (no need to pay to do the marketing: get paid to receive free marketing!).

The game will probably have the same issue as Shenmue: the people interested will back the game and receive their copy. And that will be it.

That's the vibe I am getting too. It also feels like one of those kickstarter campaigns to try and get bigger outside investors as well.

The stretch goals are for new things like time attack, remixed soundtrack and even a new sidescroller. Since the game is already funded I think I will sit back and wait for it to come out and wait for it to go on sale for $15 or something since I already have it on Wii U. For the longest time W101 was the one game that made favor my Wii U over my PS4, but now that it is coming over I can finally put my Wii U away. Maybe one day we will get a new version of Wii Fit on Switch (mostly so I can use my scale).

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"Re(4):Wonderful 101 Remastered!" , posted Wed 5 Feb 02:07post reply

Does W101 need something like the WiiU set-up to be played properly? This may be an obvious question but I'm one of the billions of people who did not play W101 so I'm a bit out of the loop when it comes to the finer details.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Wonderful 101 Remastered!" , posted Wed 5 Feb 02:40post reply

Honestly, I'm sure the game is already up and running on Switch, and maybe PS4 as well. The sum they're asking is ridiculously low, and they want it delivered in 2 months. Nintendo just doesn't want to bother with a second atomic failure with the exact same title.
I guess the kickstarter is for the publishing costs at most, plus the free marketing (no need to pay to do the marketing: get paid to receive free marketing!).

Yeah, that's exactly what I mean with the tiny sum: it's an actually impossible number for the work that's required, which means that the work has already been done or already been paid for.

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"Lodossvania" , posted Thu 20 Feb 19:25post reply

A new indies(?) game with official blessing from Kadokawa is slated for early access on Steam next week, and in a gist it's a Lodoss take of SOTN, titled Deedlit in WONDER LABYRINTH Record of Lodoss War. Developed by Ladybug and Why so serious?.


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"Re(1):Lodossvania" , posted Fri 21 Feb 03:55post reply

I don't know who asked for this, but I'm glad they did!

"Hai ... Shindekudasai?"

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"Re(2):Lodossvania" , posted Fri 21 Feb 04:49post reply

Deedlit has become the go-to "inspiration" for anime elves for so long that I'm impressed that the programmers were good enough to use the actual character.

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"Re(1):Lodossvania" , posted Fri 21 Feb 13:45post reply

A new indies(?) game with official blessing from Kadokawa is slated for early access on Steam next week, and in a gist it's a Lodoss take of SOTN, titled Deedlit in WONDER LABYRINTH Record of Lodoss War. Developed by Ladybug and Why so serious?.


Ooohhh I can dig it. I am a fan of the OVA. Good to see this.

Long Live I AM!

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"Re(1):Lodossvania" , posted Sat 22 Feb 00:01post reply

A new indies(?) game with official blessing from Kadokawa is slated for early access on Steam next week, and in a gist it's a Lodoss take of SOTN, titled Deedlit in WONDER LABYRINTH Record of Lodoss War. Developed by Ladybug and Why so serious?.


At first I was thinking they should have made it a strategy RPG, but then I remembered they already had for Mega Drive, but then I remembered that was actually Langrisser since everyone has basically been making Lodoss or Nausicaa/Laputa fanfiction in games since the beginning, but thennnnn I remembered there was probably still an actual Lodoss strategy RPG, but then...


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"Re(2):Lodossvania" , posted Sat 22 Feb 04:33post reply

At first I was thinking they should have made it a strategy RPG, but then I remembered they already had for Mega Drive, but then I remembered that was actually Langrisser since everyone has basically been making Lodoss or Nausicaa/Laputa fanfiction in games since the beginning, but thennnnn I remembered there was probably still an actual Lodoss strategy RPG, but then...

There were a number of Lodoss games, so quite possibly. The Dreamcast had an action game similar to Diablo. The SNES had an RPG with simple grid-based turn-based battles. There was some kind of Lodoss game on the Sega CD, as well as the PC Engine. And there were probably games on other systems as well.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(2):Lodossvania" , posted Sat 22 Feb 09:31post reply

A new indies(?) game with official blessing from Kadokawa is slated for early access on Steam next week, and in a gist it's a Lodoss take of SOTN, titled Deedlit in WONDER LABYRINTH Record of Lodoss War. Developed by Ladybug and Why so serious?.

At first I was thinking they should have made it a strategy RPG, but then I remembered they already had for Mega Drive, but then I remembered that was actually Langrisser since everyone has basically been making Lodoss or Nausicaa/Laputa fanfiction in games since the beginning, but thennnnn I remembered there was probably still an actual Lodoss strategy RPG, but then...

Speaking of "I thought it was 2020, but it was actually 1997": there is a collab Yuyu Hakusho and Langrisser.
Is this what a time slip feels like? Be careful of the Y2K bug!

5738th Post

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"UpUpDownDownLeftRightLeftRightBA" , posted Thu 27 Feb 00:45:post reply

The father of the world famous "Konami code" easter egg, Kazuhisa Hashimoto, has reportedly passed away last night at the age of 61 according to a former Konami composer. In this day in age that's a pretty young age to be going by. May he rest in peace, and in our childhood memories forever.

I do recall how we used to call it the "Gradius Code" rather than Konami code. Hashimoto apparently threw in the code to the Famicom version for debugging purposes because it was so hard and decided to leave it there because easter eggs were a thing back then.

To give a background about those days, Famimaga (Famicom Magazine) was the top selling magazine for gaming kids, and easter eggs (they used to call them Ultra-techs, or Uru-tech for short) were such a hot thing for kids back then that every issue had a section dedicated them for the latest Famicom games. Now keep in mind that videogames were still a new thing back then and we were all school kids, so cheats and hidden stuff were cool. To spice things up, in every issue of the magazine there was actually one fake easter-egg (Uso-tech), and unless we had the actual game, we could only check out the pages of screenshots and wonder which of the curious easter eggs was fake or for real, until it got revealed in the next issue. In a way, it's a pity that the internet just doesn't allow for that kind of childhood experience any more.

The most famous Uso-tech was for Square's Suishou No Dragon; here's a reference page with some screenshots and vintage scans for anyone interested.

[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 27 Feb 01:02]

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"Re(1):UpUpDownDownLeftRightLeftRightBA" , posted Thu 27 Feb 02:48post reply


In this day in age that's a pretty young age to be going by. May he rest in peace, and in our childhood memories forever.

I do recall how we used to call it the "Gradius Code"

To give a background about those days, Famimaga (Famicom Magazine) was the top selling magazine for gaming kids, and easter eggs (they used to call them Ultra-techs, or Uru-tech for short) were such a hot thing for kids back then that every issue had a section dedicated them for the latest Famicom games. Now keep in mind that videogames were still a new thing back then and we were all school kids, so cheats and hidden stuff were cool. To spice things up, in every issue of the magazine there was actually one fake easter-egg (Uso-tech), and unless we had the actual game, we could only check out the pages of screenshots and wonder which of the curious easter eggs

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Oh yes, so much nostalgia.. We used to call it the Gradius code as well. Many years later I started hearing people calling it the "Konami code".

61 is understandable considering most of these old school developers used to smoke more than 1 pack a day.. sad...

I honestly miss those Internet-less times.

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

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"Re(2):UpUpDownDownLeftRightLeftRightBA" , posted Thu 27 Feb 04:37post reply

What an inadvertent but important legacy to leave behind!

To spice things up, in every issue of the magazine there was actually one fake easter-egg (Uso-tech), and unless we had the actual game, we could only check out the pages of screenshots and wonder which of the curious easter eggs was fake or for real, until it got revealed in the next issue. In a way, it's a pity that the internet just doesn't allow for that kind of childhood experience any more.

Nowadays if kids want incorrect game information they don't need to wait for a monthly magazine, they can get it instantly off Twitter.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):UpUpDownDownLeftRightLeftRightBA" , posted Thu 27 Feb 05:40post reply

I think the most legendary of all Uso-tech in the Western world will forever be Shen Long.

Trying to make games that possess mystery in the modern age is really hard, but a lot of interesting approaches have slowly emerged. It's also the case that it's not just Twitter or other forms of internet dissemination that have pushed this, it's that people will straight up decompile or otherwise unpack game data in order to find things, which would've been prohibitively difficult back in the day.

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"FF7R Demo up on PSNStore!" , posted Tue 3 Mar 00:23post reply

The playable demo for Final Fantasy 7 Remake is up on PSNStore! It's apparently been up for hours though I just realized it after a late dinner. Very interesting how on JP Twitter, everyone is talking about Barret more than Cloud.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):FF7R Demo up on PSNStore!" , posted Tue 3 Mar 01:41post reply

Preview embargo lifted as well, Red XIII confirmed not playable but still participates as an AI member.

Haven't played the demo yet, but some people reported a scene with child Tifa was omitted in the US demo but is intact in the other regions, can anyone confirm?

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"Re(1):FF7R Demo up on PSNStore!" , posted Tue 3 Mar 08:29post reply

The playable demo for Final Fantasy 7 Remake is up on PSNStore! It's apparently been up for hours though I just realized it after a late dinner. Very interesting how on JP Twitter, everyone is talking about Barret more than Cloud.

Tsk tsk, we have a thread dedicated sort-of-hating FFVII, but I see it's escaped its containment. On the other hand, Barett's radical shades and startling handsomeness enhancement (enhansoment) may be the biggest pluses to the remake!

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"Re(2):FF7R Demo up on PSNStore!" , posted Tue 3 Mar 12:56post reply

Preview embargo lifted as well, Red XIII confirmed not playable but still participates as an AI member.

Haven't played the demo yet, but some people reported a scene with child Tifa was omitted in the US demo but is intact in the other regions, can anyone confirm?

I played it this morning before work, and Tifa was nowhere to be found, although Jessie did mention her at one point. Game played pretty decent overall, though I was not impressed with mobility. I started to enjoy it more once Barrett joined and I had to swap members appropriately to deal with grounded or flying enemies, Ys-style. Highlights were definitely graphics and music. I sure wish we could remap controls though.

"Hai ... Shindekudasai?"

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"SEGA is teasing something" , posted Sat 21 Mar 04:14post reply


Any info on this?

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"Re(1):SEGA is teasing something" , posted Sat 21 Mar 06:12post reply


Any info on this?

Is that Hiroshi Fujioka's son?

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"Re(1):SEGA is teasing something" , posted Mon 23 Mar 19:20post reply


Any info on this?

The belt reads "Segare" and the hair makes him look like Segata Sanshiro. So I fully expect a remix of the Segata Sanshiro ad with the new chorus:

In other words, a Saturn Mini. The Mega Drive Mini came out what, last September? The timing seems pretty convenient.

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"Re(2):SEGA is teasing something" , posted Tue 24 Mar 00:59post reply


In other words, a Saturn Mini. The Mega Drive Mini came out what, last September? The timing seems pretty convenient.

I am not certain just how much cash I would be willing to drop on a Saturn Mini, but it's a fair amount.

You have to carefully reproduce the world of "Castlevania" in the solemn atmosphere.

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"Re(3):SEGA is teasing something" , posted Tue 24 Mar 12:01:post reply


In other words, a Saturn Mini. The Mega Drive Mini came out what, last September? The timing seems pretty convenient.

I am not certain just how much cash I would be willing to drop on a Saturn Mini, but it's a fair amount.

There's a good case to be made that with the world on the brink of collapse, only Segata Sanshiro could bring us hope, especially if in the form of a Saturn Mini with 40+ games made once again by M2. Stand by for our ideal game listing project, if it turns out to be true. I would also accept a Mega CD Mini. I am a reasonable man!


[this message was edited by Maou on Tue 24 Mar 12:14]

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(4):SEGA is teasing something" , posted Tue 24 Mar 18:28post reply

There's a good case to be made that with the world on the brink of collapse, only Segata Sanshiro could bring us hope, especially if in the form of a Saturn Mini with 40+ games made once again by M2. Stand by for our ideal game listing project, if it turns out to be true. I would also accept a Mega CD Mini. I am a reasonable man!

Are there 40 games on Mega CD?
... Are there 40 worthwhile games on Saturn if you remove Capcom and SNK's arcade ports?

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"Re(5):SEGA is teasing Iggy" , posted Wed 25 Mar 07:10post reply

... Are there 40 worthwhile games on Saturn if you remove Capcom and SNK's arcade ports?

I'll leave Iggy's brave heresy to my enforcers like Karasu. That said, I think that the Saturn's value as the best place that consolidates excellent ports of all Capcom and SNK's golden age alone is unbeatable. We'll know in one day from now...
Are there 40 games on Mega CD?
Why, of course there are!
1. Lunar~The Silver Star
2. Lunar~Eternal Blue
3. Sonic CD
4. Shining Force CD
5. Popful Mail
6. Urusei Yatsura
7. Keio Flying Squadron
8. Cosmic Phantasy Stories
9. Silpheed
10. Time Gal
11. Lunar~The Silver Star
12. Lunar~Eternal Blue
13. Sonic CD
14. Shining Force CD...

We shall repeat this 4 times total to make sure we artificially boost the total number of "copies sold" of the best games in the world just like idol super-fans buy as many copies of the same CDs as possible.

553th Post

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"Re(5):SEGA is teasing something" , posted Wed 25 Mar 08:09post reply

There's a good case to be made that with the world on the brink of collapse, only Segata Sanshiro could bring us hope, especially if in the form of a Saturn Mini with 40+ games made once again by M2. Stand by for our ideal game listing project, if it turns out to be true. I would also accept a Mega CD Mini. I am a reasonable man!
Are there 40 games on Mega CD?
... Are there 40 worthwhile games on Saturn if you remove Capcom and SNK's arcade ports?

After digging into the history of Saturn games more recently in the past couple of years, safe to say many games outside of SNK and CAPCOM are quite worthwhile. Even the Shmups alone can cover those 40 slots.

Many RPG games, which were only released in Japan are great. ATLUS, Working Designs, and PSIKYO have great titles.

Long Live I AM!

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"Re(6):SEGA is teasing something" , posted Fri 27 Mar 04:49:post reply

It feels kind of strange that I appear to be breaking the actual Sega news here? Surely I missed the other thread devoted to it exclusively.

Iggy's blasphemy re: the holy Sega Saturn and its flawless game library

Ahem. Alright, first of all my taste is hardly the arbiter of 'good' games, and I am clearly biased, but I think there is quite a large number of excellent or at least fun games on the Saturn, even without SNK and Capcom, and even without shooters! I think the real question is how many could be licensed successfully, since some of the real greats have their rights in what appears like limbo.

You have to carefully reproduce the world of "Castlevania" in the solemn atmosphere.

[this message was edited by karasu on Fri 27 Mar 04:54]

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"Re(7):SEGA is teasing something" , posted Fri 27 Mar 05:43post reply

Ahem. Alright, first of all my taste is hardly the arbiter of 'good' games, and I am clearly biased, but I think there is quite a large number of excellent or at least fun games on the Saturn, even without SNK and Capcom, and even without shooters! I think the real question is how many could be licensed successfully, since some of the real greats have their rights in what appears like limbo.

I guess at least the most important game of the Saturn library is a licence that Sega owns fully I believe.

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"Re(8):SEGA is teasing something" , posted Sat 28 Mar 03:26post reply


I guess at least the most important game of the Saturn library is a licence that Sega owns fully I believe.

I just read a pretty good write-up of the Saturn Utena game. I'm only passingly familiar with the series, but this sounds like an interesting treatment.

Speaking of Saturn games based on anime licenses, my roommate at one time really liked Magic Knight Rayearth. I played through the game myself, very short and easy action-RPG. Not super memorable.

I wouldn't go to bat for its inclusion in the theoretical collection of a Saturn Mini, but I would hope that the Dragon Force series would be represented. I do have fond memories of that one.

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"Re(9):SEGA is teasing something" , posted Sat 28 Mar 08:29post reply


I just read a pretty good write-up of the Saturn Utena game. I'm only passingly familiar with the series, but this sounds like an interesting treatment.
I agree with most of that article. There was very little chance a game would adapt the strength of such an unconventional and avant-garde series (since no game really managed to do anything interesting with Evangelion, a much more approachable show), and yet they did it anyway. The game tries to be a sort of best-of of the series, allowing your character to insert herself within any arc of the story (imagine a Dragon Ball game that would allow your avatar to make narrative sense any time between Bulma and Goku's first meeting, and Oob's first fight).
Its major strength is that, while it does say a few things about the genre (not as deep as the article thinks it does, mind you), it also never takes itself seriously. The unlockable answering machine messages are all fantastic, and the fact that the one you can listen to once you've unlocked everyone else's is Nanami's (the main victim of the show's gag episodes) says loud and clear that they've understood their limitations.
I have a lot of fondness for that silly little game.

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"A Musou game without musous?" , posted Sun 29 Mar 09:53post reply

Is a Musou game without Musou attacks still a Musou game?

It looks like Omega Force tried to shake up the classic Warriors/Musou combat system with One Piece Pirate Warriors 4. You can press the Jump button to perform a vertical launcher after any attack. The game includes a variation of DW9's Special Attacks, triggered by pressing a face button while holding the right bumper, except here you can pick which special attacks you assign to which buttons. There is a dedicated dash button (separate from the regular "run" button) that can be used to break guards, extend combos, and evade (there is no block button).

But the most surprising change is that musou attacks are gone. Some of the musou functionality is now in the Special Attacks, which each have their own meters. Some offer invulnerable attacks, others briefly turn you into whirling death. Some of the musou functionality is in a new powered-up state system, this becomes transformation-type musous for some characters. but there is no longer a single get-out-of-jail-free high damage extended duration death blender function.

Lord SNK
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"NierUpdate" , posted Sun 29 Mar 17:12:post reply

Cool.. just after I gave up and got the PS3 version they announce they are working on an updated version of Nier.
It isn't developed by Platinum Games but Toylogic, and "updated version" I don't know what even means (remake? remaster? both?)

[this message was edited by Lord SNK on Sun 29 Mar 17:13]

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):NierUpdate" , posted Sun 29 Mar 21:53post reply

Cool.. just after I gave up and got the PS3 version they announce they are working on an updated version of Nier.
It isn't developed by Platinum Games but Toylogic, and "updated version" I don't know what even means (remake? remaster? both?)

According to PushSquare: "the game is being "rebuilt" for PS4 with various updates, including new and re-recorded music, full re-recorded voice acting, a new character, and possibly a new ending (apparently, producer Yosuke Saito isn't sure if this is the case)"


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"Re(2):Nierly Musou" , posted Mon 30 Mar 06:37post reply

Nier was a collection of ideas that were more interesting on paper than they actually were to slog through in a game. I'll be curious to see what, if any, changes are made to the way the game plays.

The game appears to star young Japanese Nier. Will ugly, old Western Nier have a place in this anniversary version?

Is a Musou game without Musou attacks still a Musou game?

That sounds like a lot of fun. The Warriors series ran out of gas some time ago but I'm glad to see other IP's that lend themselves to this sort of game -and have new stories to tell- are finding new ways to knock out a thousand people per stage.

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(3):Nierly Musou" , posted Mon 30 Mar 08:32post reply

That sounds like a lot of fun. The Warriors series ran out of gas some time ago but I'm glad to see other IP's that lend themselves to this sort of game -and have new stories to tell- are finding new ways to knock out a thousand people per stage.

I'd felt that way about new stories, but I've also realized that I find the non-story missions more entertaining. This was largely the case for OPPW3 as well, even when I'd argue that OPPW3 had better story missions than OPPW4. Story missions just keep interrupting the action with story events, when at this point I play the games more for being able to beat up large numbers of enemies. It certainly doesn't help that OPPW4 story missions are generally pretty short and simple, some are even straight out one-on-one battles.

Quite a while back, I'd realized I'd have been more interested in Omega Force pursuing and polishing the Empires line.

As for other IP, I'd like to see Marvelous/Tamsoft work with Omega Force to create a Senran Kagura game. Senran Kagura's combat system is pretty similar to the Warriors/Musou model, and the games are also already built around the player defeating hordes of enemies. The biggest weakness of Senran Kagura might be that it has to wall off the area where the player is fighting, and has to spawn enemies in obvious waves.

2460th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):A Musou game without musous?" , posted Tue 31 Mar 02:10post reply


It looks like Omega Force tried to shake up the classic Warriors/Musou combat system with One Piece Pirate Warriors 4.

It feels like One Piece is the most viable branch of the Musou tree these days. My wife just ordered this one, and I'm interested to mess around with the new system. More unique skills per character is exactly what I want from this style of game.

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(2):A Musou game without musous?" , posted Tue 31 Mar 20:43post reply


More unique skills per character is exactly what I want from this style of game.

I really hope they announce a BASARA5 in July... Or at least a port of Utage. Or of 1 and 2. I would even take a Sumeragi rerelease at this point.
Though I could see the pandemic hitting just at the worst time for this game's development...

Just a Person
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"2020: the year of Despair?" , posted Fri 10 Apr 06:01post reply

Spike Chunsoft will celebrate Danganronpa's 10th anniversary with monthly news broadcasts, announcing merchandise, collaborations... and games.

Some people are expecting they will announce a new Danganronpa game. I'm... not sure how I feel about that. I do love the series, but not only the main people behind the games left Spike Chunsoft, DRV3 was also a great send-off, and a new chapter after that could feel hollow considering the final message it delivered. Oh well.

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
Just a Person
2197th Post

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"Re(1):2020: the year of Despair?" , posted Fri 10 Apr 06:10post reply

Also, if Spike Chunsoft is dedicating effort to DR's 10th anniversary, they could (and should) have done the same when the Zero Escape series had its 10th anniversary, a couple years ago. Yeah, I know Danganronpa did much better commercially than Zero Escape, but come on...

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"2020: the year of Renaissance" , posted Fri 10 Apr 21:24post reply

Finally a good game on PC: The Procession to Cavalry, the sequel to the excellent Renaissance-paintings-point-and-click Four Last Things, has been released!
It's about 4 hours long, like the previous one, and offers another important meditation on an deep human conundrum: what do you do when you're a homicidal maniac and you live in a place where murder is suddenly frowned upon?
The answer involves a measure of pointing, another measure of clicking, a bit of Vivaldi, and a whole lot of killing.

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"The True Meaning of a Review" , posted Sat 18 Apr 04:20post reply

I would like to ask the question to the members, how do you really feel about game reviews in general? From a large company to the independent, to ourselves. Can there truly be a real review of a game, let alone a product. I mean, its especially difficult when you see so many reviews of one game in the market. Can reviews be categorized to something specific for a specific audience in gaming? For example
Review from your casual gamer.
Review from your hardcore gamer.
Review from a preferred Genre (i.e first person shooter, MOBA, RPG, etc.) gamer.
Review from a fan of the series gamer.
Review from a newcomer( or interest) gamer.
Review read by a fan of the reviewer.
An so forth. Do reviews specify what type of person(gamer) this review is? Not at all. Would it be beneficial to know ahead of time? Yes Indeed. Should a person review the game from the respective categories mentioned above? Absolutely. Is it feasible? Highly unlikely.

You do get those last paragraphs with lines like " if you are a fan of the series you will like it." "If you want a different experience i recommended it." and so forth. Does it really fall on the person reading reviews on what type (or mainly what source) he would want to gather the review from? If so, wouldn't that be one sides or focused on only once specific thing?

If a series known for a specific type of genre or game play, has an entry where it revolves into another type of genre (lets say RPG) but same game play, can a reviewer who is a fan of the series but not a fan of RPG give an accurate review?

Let know your thoughts or if I am knocking on too much quarantined calamari.

Long Live I AM!

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):What is a review? A miserable pile of.." , posted Sun 19 Apr 09:07:post reply

Can reviews be categorized to something specific for a specific audience in gaming?

Absolutely, and there should be a variety of perspectives on games, but many people who write reviews do not deliberately write them with such a perspective, though they inevitably write them with some perspective. I think apart from just stating "this is a review written by a genre veteran!", it's much more important to have that sort of deliberate angle from the outset and awareness/intent of it, so that such a review can be written in the first place. A genre veteran can still write a review that tries to be "for everyone", just as a genre veteran can write a review that speaks directly to the hardcore concerns and interests of other genre veterans.

While not video games, there are websites like boardgamegeek where you can find reviews/discussions about games from the perspectives of all sorts of people, including those deliberately writing from the perspective of genre veterancy. Because board games exist which are simpler and meant for children/novices as well as hyper complex ones for veterans, evaluating that with that in mind is something that has long been part of that culture (though not everybody can write to it or think to it well... it's quite hard to determine how good a game is for a 5 year old child who is new board games!).

Can there truly be a real review of a game, let alone a product.

I think when you say "real", the ideas you are trying to get at is "authoritative" if not "comprehensive". There are certain elements that can be stated fairly authoritatively, and they are useful, though they are dry. For instance, one of the things I actually do read reviews for is whether or not the game runs stably, or if there are major performance issues with certain hardware configurations. The idea you are grasping at is whether or not it is possible to have something definitively state with unquestionable truth that "this game is a B+", and that is much more nebulous.

Certain games are designed for certain audiences, and will not resonate with other audiences regardless of how well-crafted the game is. It is possible to respect that quality of that craft while still not finding the game enjoyable at all. Some people I know simply cannot enjoy visual novels because it is too far from what they find fun in video games. Some other friends I know simply loathe playing 2D fighting games, even though they think the 2D fighting games look awesome.

I personally think that perspectives on games from newcomers to the game/genre are useful, as well as perspectives on games from genre veterans. From the point of view of the person making video games, both are essential because when you've been making the game for X years, you are such an expert on the game that the only perspective you have is the most veteran of them all!

While the standard for complexity in the games that children start off with has risen dramatically over the past few decades (Minecraft is an extremely complex game compared to Super Mario Bros!), there is still the notion of games that are meant to be simpler and more digestible to a more novice audience, and this is real obvious value: just look at all the mobile games! You've got plenty of well-monetizing simple match-3 games that are able to capture a large audience of relative newcomers to video games!

[this message was edited by Spoon on Sun 19 Apr 13:22]

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"Re(2):What is a review? A miserable pile of.." , posted Mon 20 Apr 01:42post reply

Yeah, I agree with Spoon. Reviews are good for authoritative issues such as performance and genre specific reviews can narrow their focus to the areas that will interest that particular fandom. But what I most find useful about reviews is that it gives me an impression of how the game plays. Video games are an interactive medium so all the screenshots and videos in the world don't really tell me what it's like to actually play the game. For example, point and click games aren't usually my cup of cocoa but Iggy's note about The Procession to Calvary was so delightful it made me interested in the game. His enjoyment of the game is obvious and infectious. So while I find review aggregators like Metacritic to be worse than useless a properly written review can and an additional layer of enjoyment.

Thanks to the quarantine I tried eating a can of salmon. I would have been better off eating the can.

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"Re(3):What is a review? A miserable pile of.." , posted Wed 22 Apr 06:29:post reply

I think Orochiaku's musings on reviews and their audience really get at the heart of what a lot of the fuss is about internet game reviews and why they're often so bad: mainstream writers and unsophisticated readers write and react to numerical review formulas as if they meant anything at all or were somehow attempting to be THE objective reality rather than an impression like any other...just not a very well-founded one.

Beyond the technical performance angles (really more of a "consumer review" like you'd read for cars or a fridge) that Spoon and Ishmael cover, I think that as with any reviews, the most (only?) useful thing is to learn the person's background and how your tastes align. With a good critic and a well-written review, you can find this out even if you're reading someone for the first time---this is the "deliberate angle from the outset and awareness/intent of it" that Spoon mentioned. Even better if you find someone whose writing and knowledge you respect and enjoy.

Since I'm not looking for a scorecard so much as either A) a smart, film criticism-style essay by someone with an obvious appreciation for the form and its aesthetic or B) a deeply personal review that gives me some frame of refernence why this game is "great," I've picked up some true treasures from long-form game reviews from the Cafe, Insert Credit, Tim Rogers, Jeremy Parish, and anyone else who can really take me inside the medium or their experience. It's worked for me---lifeless, scored reviews might never have led me to the wonders of Katamari Damashii, Wander and the Colossus, GODHAND, Nier, and all those other games Iggy has signed me up to play.


[this message was edited by Maou on Wed 22 Apr 11:23]

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"Re(10):RANDOM GAMES #37: Eternal Blasphemy" , posted Thu 23 Apr 00:59:post reply

Given that the focus is ultimately on suffering and atonement, is the act of penance something the player actively performs while playing the game, or is it just something your character deals with on his own during cutscenes?
That's a good point...
I would say that the penance performed by the main character is not so much in cutscenes and rather the game itself.
I wouldn't call the game "punishing" for the player, it's certainly easier than G&G or some old Castlevanias. It is, however, an extremely unpleasant experience for the character.
I think it's something I've never considered: however entertaining it was to move Arthur or Belmont or even Rockman in their games, it was entertaining for me, not for the character being thrown into spikes, or lava, or medusa heads and then spikes.
What Blasphemous does is that it highlights the fact the experience, from the point of view of the character, is not a happy adventure in the world of jelly beans, but a gruesome and excruciating pentathlon. Other games were brushing that on the side, explaining the desire for the character to go forward as a natural heroism that sets Arthur and the others aside from other men and robots. They're (literally for Arthur) knights in shining armors, and they don't need to have any emotion besides having innocents to save.
Because the character of Blasphemous has neither name, past nor enemies, and is nothing but "The Penitent One", it's hard to call him a heroic character. He is

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I just finished Blasphemous on the switch, physical version so that's why I am late to the party. I enjoyed the game myself. Iggy has detailed everything you need to know. In short, it's better than Hollow Knight IMO, sorry to bash at HK so much.

Things I didn't like. Esposito boss was the cheesiest and annoying of them all. Swinging lamps are irritating in the mother of mothers. Loading times are constant.

Death pits. Death pits. Why why an open world game have death pits. Yes, there is a Relic that helps you jump in these "death pits" to another area or section. But why? Please tell me I am not the only person who despises death pits in an metroidvania game. Call me crazy if I am the only one.

Ending discussion below.

Long Live I AM!

[this message was edited by neo0r0chiaku on Thu 23 Apr 07:59]