'Seiken Densetsu 3, Trials of Mana Remake' - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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"'Seiken Densetsu 3, Trials of Mana Remake'" , posted Sun 3 May 15:28:post reply

I'm playing "Seiken Densetsu III, Trials of Mana Remake", and I'll be blunt. I'm loving this Square remake way more than "Final Fantasy VII's". Really! Granted, it has flaws, but it's good never the less.

So, I'm picking the same team I first used in the original Super Fami version because one of my brothers wanted to see Angela in action, as she has to use a phrase from an "In Living Color" David Alan Grier character, big breasteses. Of course, I needed to have Riesz, as she's the most popular character in Japan, and Charlotte may make people twitch, but she saved my derriere more times than I can count. What'll be different is that only Charlotte will be strictly a light character, as Riesz's a Star Lancer, and Angela's a Magus.

What I like is that you can now roll and jump. You actually have multiple items to be on the lookout for, as you will encounter items such as health pots. You can choose between old school and new school music composition, and the same brother requested the new school composition. The best part is that there are no treasure chest traps, though that means no experience from fake chests.

I know that people don't like the multiplayer wrinkle being dropped. It doesn't bother me because I'm rather detail oriented with the game, and a second player will potentially derive away from the plan. There's a logical reason behind the removal of the wrinkle. The shift of focus is the best way to explain it.

The bad parts. Do I have to kill a Sugita Tomokazu-san character? Ha ha ha! I'm pretty sure of all of the seiyuu, he's the only one that played the original before the remake.

Having more mechanics may be fun, but it can also make you twitch. Too many times have I tried opening up the ring menu, only to jump. Oh well.

The part I hate the most is that for some reason, the characters feel watered down regarding stats. The only character that feels the same is Angela. Everyone else feels watered down.

I intend to finish the game. If only I didn't get the Switch version. The brother and a sister are playing the new "Animal Crossing" game like crazy.

[this message was edited by Seizya on Sat 9 May 10:45]


Just a Person
2201th Post

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"Re(1):'Seiken Densetsu 3, Trials of Mana Rema" , posted Sun 3 May 22:25post reply

Great to know that the remake is good! From what I read, though, it's no longer possible to play with two players, right? That's a pity (as that's one of the best features in the original Trials of Mana; how many JRPGs actually let you play them with a friend?), but oh well, it's an acceptable loss.

One thing that always made me curious: does the game force the player into class changing the characters, or is it possible to keep them in their original classes until the end? I'm sure doing so would make the game much harder to beat, but it would be interesting to have the option, I guess.

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"Re(2):'Seiken Densetsu 3, Trials of Mana Rema" , posted Wed 6 May 16:36:post reply

I've been meaning to get Trials of Mana...but then Xenoblade Chronicles DE just had to be around the corner and I have to admit I haven't finished that game despite being in it deep. I've heard quite great things about the SD3 remake though.

A lot of people mock Charlotte and the way she talks in the translation. Is it really that bad?

[this message was edited by sfried on Wed 6 May 16:42]

2464th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):'Seiken Densetsu 3, Trials of Mana Rema" , posted Thu 7 May 01:29:post reply

Great to know that the remake is good! From what I read, though, it's no longer possible to play with two players, right? That's a pity (as that's one of the best features in the original Trials of Mana; how many JRPGs actually let you play them with a friend?), but oh well, it's an acceptable loss.

The lack of co-op pains me; sadly, I cannot accept it.

EDIT: Listening to the music in the trailers really takes me back, though.

/ / /

[this message was edited by Mosquiton on Thu 7 May 01:30]

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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"Re(3):'Seiken Densetsu 3, ToM Remake'" , posted Sat 9 May 11:04:post reply

So, I've class changed. People type that it's easy. There'll be bosses that give you fits.

Great to know that the remake is good! From what I read, though, it's no longer possible to play with two players, right? That's a pity (as that's one of the best features in the original Trials of Mana; how many JRPGs actually let you play them with a friend?), but oh well, it's an acceptable loss.

One thing that always made me curious: does the game force the player into class changing the characters, or is it possible to keep them in their original classes until the end? I'm sure doing so would make the game much harder to beat, but it would be interesting to have the option, I guess.

Right. As I typed, it's no longer able to play w/ 2 players, as the focus shift is the best way to explain the reason. There has been a situation or two I wish I had the old mechanic (like the wind switch area).

You can stay in your original class. Of course, the game will be harder to finish. There is a boss early on that requires you to grind like crazy if you don't class change.

I've been meaning to get Trials of Mana...but then Xenoblade Chronicles DE just had to be around the corner and I have to admit I haven't finished that game despite being in it deep. I've heard quite great things about the SD3 remake though.

A lot of people mock Charlotte and the way she talks in the translation. Is it really that bad?

It's bad. The problem is I don't know if she actually speaks like a pre-school kid in the Japanese version of the original game. The translation is understandable if she does, but not so if she doesn't.

The lack of co-op pains me; sadly, I cannot accept it.

EDIT: Listening to the music in the trailers really takes me back, though.

It can be a bother, but I'm not phased by the mechanic change.

[this message was edited by Seizya on Sat 9 May 13:29]

2464th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):'Seiken Densetsu 3, ToM Remake'" , posted Sat 9 May 14:13post reply


There has been a situation or two I wish I had the old mechanic (like the wind switch area).

It can be a bother, but I'm not phased by the mechanic change.

It's the social aspect I would miss more than the mechanical interactions. For me, the definitive SD3 experience is playing the game with my brother, so it's as if a crucial part of the experience I remember has been removed.

When was the last time a Square RPG let two people play together? Maybe it was Final Fantasy IX? Even with a turn-based system and having one person "driving", co-op RPGs can be great hang-out activities with best friends/romantic partners.

Well, I suppose that I must come to terms with the fact that the Mana days of my youth will never return. Sigh.

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"Re(5):'Seiken Densetsu 3, ToM Remake'" , posted Sun 10 May 07:23post reply


There has been a situation or two I wish I had the old mechanic (like the wind switch area).

It can be a bother, but I'm not phased by the mechanic change.

It's the social aspect I would miss more than the mechanical interactions. For me, the definitive SD3 experience is playing the game with my brother, so it's as if a crucial part of the experience I remember has been removed.

When was the last time a Square RPG let two people play together? Maybe it was Final Fantasy IX? Even with a turn-based system and having one person "driving", co-op RPGs can be great hang-out activities with best friends/romantic partners.

Well, I suppose that I must come to terms with the fact that the Mana days of my youth will never return. Sigh.

Good question. No clue. You might as well get "Collection of Mana" if you want 2-player action again.

2466th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):'Seiken Densetsu 3, ToM Remake'" , posted Tue 12 May 02:57post reply


There has been a situation or two I wish I had the old mechanic (like the wind switch area).

It can be a bother, but I'm not phased by the mechanic change.

It's the social aspect I would miss more than the mechanical interactions. For me, the definitive SD3 experience is playing the game with my brother, so it's as if a crucial part of the experience I remember has been removed.

When was the last time a Square RPG let two people play together? Maybe it was Final Fantasy IX? Even with a turn-based system and having one person "driving", co-op RPGs can be great hang-out activities with best friends/romantic partners.

Well, I suppose that I must come to terms with the fact that the Mana days of my youth will never return. Sigh.

Good question. No clue. You might as well get "Collection of Mana" if you want 2-player action again.

If I ever get a Switch, I probably will pick it up.

/ / /

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"Re(5):'Seiken Densetsu 3, ToM Remake'" , posted Tue 12 May 10:30post reply

Well, I suppose that I must come to terms with the fact that the Mana days of my youth will never return.

This is probably a fair assessment of the series in general, at least as I understand it as a non-Mana person. (Although I recall Iggy swears by the weirdly wonderful Legend of Mana...it certainly has great music.) Thinking of all the strange turns the series has taken, including the also wonderfully-scored Heroes of Mana with its weirdo strategy game choice, it's hard to tell if the "beloved, long-running Mana series" was actually just a discrete two years of "Seiken Densetsu 2 and 3 being really good."


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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):'Seiken Densetsu 3, ToM Remake'" , posted Tue 12 May 13:54post reply

Well, I suppose that I must come to terms with the fact that the Mana days of my youth will never return.
This is probably a fair assessment of the series in general, at least as I understand it as a non-Mana person. (Although I recall Iggy swears by the weirdly wonderful Legend of Mana...it certainly has great music.) Thinking of all the strange turns the series has taken, including the also wonderfully-scored Heroes of Mana with its weirdo strategy game choice, it's hard to tell if the "beloved, long-running Mana series" was actually just a discrete two years of "Seiken Densetsu 2 and 3 being really good."

At the end of their lives, all men look back and think that Secret of Mana with 2 players was Arcadia.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(6):'Seiken Densetsu 3, ToM Remake'" , posted Tue 12 May 16:48post reply

Sad, sorrowful human: the days of my youth will never return.

魔王: This is probably a fair assessment in general, at least as I understand it as a non-Mana immortal vampire person.


This reminds me that after going through a series of weird, artsy games with The Longing, A Summer's End, Venineth and Dujanah, I took off my pretentious monocle, put on my MAGA (Make Akumajô-Dracula Great Again) cap and finally started Bloodstained, which is the equivalent of playing the yearly Call of Duty in this café.

I have as little to say about the game as Bloodstained has to say about videogames in general, but at least I'm content. This is what I wanted. Was it what I needed, I don't know, but it's nice to stuff your mouth with greasy food every once in a while.

Just a Person
2205th Post

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"Re(4):'Seiken Densetsu 3, ToM Remake'" , posted Tue 12 May 22:58post reply

Thanks for the information about class change! Yeah, I figured refusing to change class would be a bad decision (and if I ever get the chance to play this game, I'll probably change classes as soon as the opportunity arises), but it's nice to know that the game allows the player to stay in the same class (even if the player will have a much harder time).

It's bad. The problem is I don't know if she actually speaks like a pre-school kid in the Japanese version of the original game. The translation is understandable if she does, but not so if she doesn't.

The fan translation for Seiken Densetsu 3 released several years ago also had Charlotte (who was named "Carlie" in it due to limit of letters that could be used to name a character) speaking like a little kid, so I guess the Japanese version does have her speak like that.

Either that, or SquareEnix just decided to pay homage to the fan translation. Which doesn't seem very likely.

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.

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"Re(5):'Seiken Densetsu 3, ToM Remake'" , posted Fri 15 May 00:58post reply

Thanks for the information about class change! Yeah, I figured refusing to change class would be a bad decision (and if I ever get the chance to play this game, I'll probably change classes as soon as the opportunity arises), but it's nice to know that the game allows the player to stay in the same class (even if the player will have a much harder time).

It's bad. The problem is I don't know if she actually speaks like a pre-school kid in the Japanese version of the original game. The translation is understandable if she does, but not so if she doesn't.

The fan translation for Seiken Densetsu 3 released several years ago also had Charlotte (who was named "Carlie" in it due to limit of letters that could be used to name a character) speaking like a little kid, so I guess the Japanese version does have her speak like that.

Either that, or SquareEnix just decided to pay homage to the fan translation. Which doesn't seem very likely.

It's good that I changed classes because there is a particular boss shortly after you encounter a mana stone that seems to be harder than I remember (the one with the ongoing shape shifters). Don't know why. I'm trying hard to kill it w/o losing a character, but it looks like I'll need to grind to do so.

As for the translation, it's been a lo~ng while since I saw the translation. So, if the fan translation did mimic Charlotte's/Carlie's speech pattern, there really should be no complaining from the public. Of course, if I took care of the translation, I'd make it simple though.

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"'Seiken Densetsu 3, ToM Remake' summary" , posted Thu 6 Aug 02:41post reply

Finished the game some time back.

+ Even if the visuals look dated, I like them way better than "FFVIIR's". The bad part about picking all of the girls is that you can be distracted in the heat of a battle. Ha ha ha!

+ You can actually change your control set up for the most part. (Huge deal breaker for me.)

+ Lost? The map is actually helpful.

+ You still get the fake treasure chests, but there are no more chest traps, as they got rid of the chest roulette.

+ There is now a 3rd class change. Whatever side you started is what 4th class you'll get.

+ The Super Famicom/SNES bugs are gone.

+ All members have a shot at the Black Rabite. (If you forgot, only the Angela/Duran had this battle in the original version.)

+ You can transfer benefits over to your second rodeo.

- I've heard English samples, and they are a mixed bag.

- There are parts the multi-player fundamental would've helped.

- The removal of the agility stat means one less stat to worry about, but it also means no auto dodge when up close.

- Remember how I typed that every character has a 4th class? You'll need to make the change for the updated Story+ boss. The path to her is a bother, and the witch herself is a bother also if you don't come prepared. (Find the Ribbon. You'll need it.)

I guess that's it? I hope that I helped out. I'm playing w/ the guys now w/ Hawkeye as my lead. I know that it's so tempting to go dark all the way for the guys, but I need Duran to heal, or I go nowhere.

1567th Post

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"Re(7):'Seiken Densetsu 3, ToM Remake'" , posted Thu 6 Aug 15:04post reply

This reminds me that after going through a series of weird, artsy games with The Longing, A Summer's End, Venineth and Dujanah, I took off my pretentious monocle, put on my MAGA (Make Akumajô-Dracula Great Again) cap and finally started Bloodstained, which is the equivalent of playing the yearly Call of Duty in this café.

I have as little to say about the game as Bloodstained has to say about videogames in general, but at least I'm content. This is what I wanted. Was it what I needed, I don't know, but it's nice to stuff your mouth with greasy food every once in a while.

You do need greasy junk food once in a while, embrace it.

Those indie games you listed looked very interesting, especially Dujanah! I played A Short Hike recently and that was quite captivating in a kind of nostalgic way.

There are ... SO many games out there. Currently waiting for WORLD OF HORROR to come out on Switch. Also I played The Last of Us Part 2, that's a game that I can't get out of my head lately either.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(8):'Seiken Densetsu 3, ToM Remake'" , posted Thu 6 Aug 17:28post reply

Those indie games you listed looked very interesting, especially Dujanah! I played A Short Hike recently and that was quite captivating in a kind of nostalgic way.

A Short Hike is great!!! A Short Hike is fantastic. I have nothing but love for it. I want to hug it and give it a puppy.