Obescene Voodo Dance Teleport to the PAST - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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The Droogo
322th Post

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"Obescene Voodo Dance Teleport to the PAST" , posted Tue 30 Jun 06:06post reply

Hi guys !

Let me introduce myself to the ones who may not have any idea who am I.
I am The Droogo. A very unknown character on this distinguishe cafe.

Back in the day, when I was just learning what the hell was the internet, my old, wise and good friend Alfredo Catalan A.K.A TOXICO/Ars Magna/ImbuedGold introduced me to the mmcafe world.

Well. To the point.I am here to ask your help.

Do you have a friend that you know that you dont need to talk with him/her to make sure he keeps being your friend?

Well, my friendship with TOXICO was like those ones. And for that and because our minds were alike, from the last time we talked to each other was like in 9 years.

Then somebody wrote me that he passed away. And then I lost it.

Never been so depressed in my life here in Norway. But life continous and figured out something.

I will keep fighting in video games in his memory(and my pleasure) and I will try to honour him battling live on Twitch. Battling against people and also against myself in different games.

Please drop by and tell me an story of my friend if you have one. My name on Twitch is El_Discipulo( Spanish for The Disciple)(TOXICO was my sensei and first sponsor).

Any story about anything about him it will be a treasure :-)

Nothing more to say but thank you all in advance ;-)

Extra Thanks to The Professor for the help again to recover my ACC. :-D

I am gonna start teleporting
bye people

Obscene Voodoo Dance Teleport.

Disciple of TOXICO.


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"Re(1):Obescene Voodo Dance Teleport to the PA" , posted Tue 30 Jun 09:41:post reply

Disciple of TOXICO.
As are we all.

I was talking with Iggy literally yesterday about how I would like to play Dragon's Crown, one of my favorite games in recent memory, again, but how it would feel so disorienting without our buddy Toxico chatting alongside us and getting the hapless MMC band of mostly Amazons out of trouble.

You likely recall that Professor posted a very nice tribute to Toxico on the main page here. And of course there's the very sad initial thread after he was gone, but that's also nice as a collection of memories about such a clever, hilarious, and sweet guy.

PS: Norway? I think kofoguz is there, too. Hosting an MMC get-together always cures the blues!


[this message was edited by Maou on Tue 30 Jun 09:42]

5796th Post

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"Re(1):Obescene Voodo Dance Teleport to the PA" , posted Tue 30 Jun 15:36post reply

Welcome back to the Cafe, Droogo!
It's been a while, I hope you are doing well in Norway.

It was devastating to all of us when we lost Toxico. While I never had the opportunity to play World Heroes 2 or other fighters with him, he was always on Dragon's Crown and we used to go on many adventures with him (his characters & equips were grinded up like crazy!). I recall that either he or his friends were always playing Tekken-- it seemed that he always had friends coming over to play. This was on the PS3, so we were able to see our activities. ...I did always wonder when he got his sleep, which still remains a mystery to me to this day.

Together with the days we spent here at the BBS, it's fond memories that we'll never forget him for. Maou has already posted up our tributes to him, please check them out when you have time.

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(2):Obescene Voodo Dance Teleport to the PA" , posted Wed 1 Jul 05:59post reply

I don't think I'll have the courage to go back to the tribute thread, it's just too sad.

I have a story though: back when Jojo ASB got released for PS3, I bought it, but my package got lost, so I bought it digitally instead. Then, a few weeks later, my game turned out in my mail box, so I had an extra copy.
Toxico was talking about the game but hadn't played it (to be fair, it was not a very good game), so a nefarious scheme came to my mind: I would send my extra copy to him... in exchange for HIS SOUL.
But since souls aren't easy to send across the ocean, I went for the next best thing and requested his birth date, for my astrological studies.
Obviously, on its way to Chile, the package got lost, and I'm sure Toxico thought I was playing a prank on him. But then it resurfaced, and he did get his hands on the game! From Japan to the UK to Chile, that was an even crazier trip than Jotaro's trip to Egypt.

My interaction via email was weird, because... it was a 1-to-1 conversation with Toxico, and weirdly, I think I was a bit intimidated? Which is absolute nonsense, but that's how it was, and I kinda over compensated the weirdness in the email. I've always thought I would go to Chile one day and see him face-to-face to actually behave like a proper human being... But that didn't happen.

On a different topic, Steam now has stupid emoji available for their chat. Which is weird because who uses Steam chat? Also the shop is horrible, and I don't understand the point system.
But, if you do end up in the point shop, and find the KOF2002UM section by pure chance, you may find the :kryzalid: emoji (just his face from the Hiroaki official art). That, in my mind, has become the :Toxico: emoji.
I mean, it would if I was using Steam chat to talk with friends, which I'm not. I'm just stuck there with Maou in some low-budget, virtual rendering of Sartre's No Exit.

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Obescene Voodo Dance Teleport to the PA" , posted Wed 1 Jul 13:49:post reply

Disciple of TOXICO. As are we all.

I was talking with Iggy literally yesterday about how I would like to play Dragon's Crown, one of my favorite games in recent memory, again, but how it would feel so disorienting without our buddy Toxico chatting alongside us and getting the hapless MMC band of mostly Amazons out of trouble.

You likely recall that Professor posted a very nice tribute to Toxico on the main page here. And of course there's the very sad initial thread after he was gone, but that's also nice as a collection of memories about such a clever, hilarious, and sweet guy.

PS: Norway? I think kofoguz is there, too. Hosting an MMC get-together always cures the blues!

Hey Droogo, I dont know you and I cant imagine the emotions you're going through.Losing a friend that you always easily connect even after long absence sure must be hurtful and creating a void that paralyzes.I hope the sadness doesn't unnecessarily turn into guilt that consumes the person slowly. Hope you carry the legacy proudly.

It's been awhile since I post here or lurk even. For some reason I had to check mmcafe today and I saw your post. I've been trying to heal my hyper vigilance that caused me to act like a manic guy who also occasionally spew transphobic, homophobic and probably and cluelessly misogynistic stuff, it is ironic considering that I am gay myself and I started exploring more and more of the feminin side of mine. I'm learning, I'm trying to getting better and heal. And I'm truly, deeply sorry, not angry with self hate, about my past self. It is a long journey and I'm a slow walker. I try to make it upto it with activism as much as I can.

I work as a monk teacher~ish at a monastery a svensk primary skolan in the middle of an ancient forest lays in this land where light and dark dance remarkably. I hope all the poison that oozed from me in the past I was getting from venomous pool I had to swim through cleanses away!
I want this off my chest for a while now and wanted to do it with self care.

Back to meet up! It would've been rather easy to travel to Norway if not for the pandemi restrictions. Just let me know if a mmcafe get together should happen when world gets to normal. Here or there or anywhere!

Now, duty calls and i need to go back to what I have been doing. Take good care of yourselves and stay safe!

[this message was edited by kofoguz on Wed 1 Jul 13:50]

Just a Person
2218th Post

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"Re(3):Obescene Voodo Dance Teleport to the PA" , posted Wed 1 Jul 21:41post reply

Nice to see you back here, Droogo!

And reviving the memories of Toxico is always great. He was very knowledgeable on video games, but also kind and humble, never treating anyone with condescendence and always doing his best to bring any information other people on the board said they were looking for. His sense of humor was fantastic as well.

I guess we all still miss him, but at the same time, we were lucky enough to have the opportunity to know him on this board. These memories are something to treasure.

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
The Droogo
323th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(2):Obescene Voodo Dance Teleport to the PA" , posted Thu 2 Jul 04:18post reply

Thanks man :-)

I will start checking that game. I never heard of it :-)
Yeah I saw the tributes.

The other day I read it in loud voice to my GF and in one moment my voice broke. I used all my reserves of testosterone to dont cry and I didnt :-)
So I past the test XD

Thanks for sharing :-)

Disciple of TOXICO. As are we all.

I was talking with Iggy literally yesterday about how I would like to play Dragon's Crown, one of my favorite games in recent memory, again, but how it would feel so disorienting without our buddy Toxico chatting alongside us and getting the hapless MMC band of mostly Amazons out of trouble.

You likely recall that Professor posted a very nice tribute to Toxico on the main page here. And of course there's the very sad initial thread after he was gone, but that's also nice as a collection of memories about such a clever, hilarious, and sweet guy.

PS: Norway? I think kofoguz is there, too. Hosting an MMC get-together always cures the blues!

Disciple of TOXICO.

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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CFN: Ishmael26b
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Obescene Voodo Dance Teleport to the PA" , posted Thu 2 Jul 04:35post reply

I find I think about Toxico all the time. When I see a new gameplay mechanic in a KoF game or an inexplicable guest character in Tekken I wonder about his response. My thoughts and memories of games are inexorably tied to the moments in which I played or discussed them and the people with whom I shared that time. Toxico looms large in those memories.

Toxico was the first person to introduce me to this video. I often think about this short piece of animation when I ponder how fleeting time is and how quickly moments that are precious can be over. But no matter how sad that is, I also remember that these memories did happen. They are fixed points in time that are even more wonderful because they are unique. Plus, they serve as a foundation for whatever new, incredible experience will come next.

There are times when game discussion can devolve into nothing more than the expectation of what is to come. Whether it is a new title or a new console, the focus is on the future. What I appreciate about places like the MMCafe is the recognition that the past is important. Discussions here can range from multiple console generations to thousands of years in the history of humanity. This timelessness creates an incredible depth – a depth that will allow great things to take root.

I’m glad to see Droogo carrying on Toxico’s example and kofoguz finding a greater sense of peace in life. The past was beautiful but what is ahead looks great as well.

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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CFN: zonepharaoh
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Obescene Voodo Dance Teleport to the PA" , posted Fri 3 Jul 04:22post reply

How wonderful to see Kofoguz! I never thought of you as insensitive or obscene...other than in the yoghurt department and all that entailed, which shall be our little secret.

Ishmael may have posted one of the most beautiful and life-affirming posts ever on the Cafe (at least since the Cheese Thread), with all the attention to the wonderful moments of the past and the new experiences that lie ahead.

But meanwhile, onto the hottest topic of the thread, Steam Chat emojis:
I mean, it would if I was using Steam chat to talk with friends, which I'm not. I'm just stuck there with Maou in some low-budget, virtual rendering of Sartre's No Exit.
Oh, don't think yourself as being stuck in an unending existentialist prison chat, think of it as a wonderful opportunity that offers infinite time for us to become best friends for all eternity.

...that might sound eerie, but I know that Toxico would approve. And by KOS-MOS, I have proof that he would! L'enfer, c'est les autres, mon ami!


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Platinum Carpet V.I.P - THE FOOL

"Re(5):Obescene Voodo Dance Teleport to the PA" , posted Fri 3 Jul 04:45post reply

And by KOS-MOS, I have proof that he would! L'enfer, c'est les autres, mon ami!

Wait, actually no, you just posted the correct answer yourself.
L'enfer, c'est ni you, ni me, c'est her!

The Droogo
325th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(2):Obescene Voodo Dance Teleport to the PA" , posted Mon 27 Jul 03:49:post reply

Indeed Professor.

TEKKEN was his favorite game until he discovered the korean back dash. He didn`t like that move XD. Nonetheless it was his favorite game and I am going to tell you why he came to like it.

All because my Discipular behaviour.

I told him there was a KOF 98 mini torunament in our local video store.
There was a fee to be paid and I didn`t had the money to enter, but I told Toxico that I would win the tournament.
The prize was a movie on VHS plus a Ps1 game to your election(ofc not original) and a t shirt.
(The fee was 1000 chilean pesos. Back then in the 90s it would be quite some money. You could buy 20 credits. It seems that in the present its just 2 credits).

TOXICO: Maldito Discipulo estas seguro que ganaras este torneo?

El Discipulo after seing the same old faces that they were going to participate on the tournament: Por supuesto maestro. Dale por hecho!.

TOXICO(with voice of ancient demon and profound wisdom):

To make it short when I entered th tournament I wasnt allowed to change the order of the buttons.

On the Arcades the buttons were the light attacks on tops of the strong attacks.

When I played the tournament I had to play it with the inverse configuration that seems to be the original. The arcade had in that way.So iI got fucked.
So I didnt win the tournament.
But I got the 3rd place and I could choose any game I wanted as for the prize,so of course I had to let TOXICO choose the game.
And he choose TEKKEN 2:-)

I read the tribute in out loud to my gf and in one moment my voice broke.
I got a damn cuttion onion ninja in my way.
Beautiful words man.

got to go. I have to stream now.
I am on Twitch if you want to drop by and say hi and leave more sroties of my late sensei. I would love it :-)
There you can find me as : El Discipulo.

TOXICO and I developed a great resist effect against sleep.( We could be whole weekends playing the emulators at his house :D)

Welcome back to the Cafe, Droogo!
It's been a while, I hope you are doing well in Norway.

It was devastating to all of us when we lost Toxico. While I never had the opportunity to play World Heroes 2 or other fighters with him, he was always on Dragon's Crown and we used to go on many adventures with him (his characters & equips were grinded up like crazy!). I recall that either he or his friends were always playing Tekken-- it seemed that he always had friends coming over to play. This was on the PS3, so we were able to see our activities. ...I did always wonder when he got his sleep, which still remains a mystery to me to this day.

Together with the days we spent here at the BBS, it's fond memories that we'll never forget him for. Maou has already posted up our tributes to him, please check them out when you have time.

Disciple of TOXICO.

[this message was edited by The Droogo on Mon 27 Jul 04:00]

The Droogo
325th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(4):Obescene Voodo Dance Teleport to the PA" , posted Sat 1 Aug 02:54post reply

Thanks so much for your sharing :-)

The video was touching, but in one moment I thought the man would kick the woman from the cliff.
I know that thought would have made Toxico laugh XD

Toxico was an awesome, friend and foe at the same time. He was the only one at the beggining who could kick my ass on the arcades :-)

In his honour todays stream I will be playing Geese in Tekken7.
When Geese appeared on Tekken7 I almost had an angry attack. There were so many feelings I had thart I almost got mad.

Well I know that he has to be watching our lifes in some sort ethereal channel and sees me wining and layely loosing a lot XD

Thanks men

I find I think about Toxico all the time. When I see a new gameplay mechanic in a KoF game or an inexplicable guest character in Tekken I wonder about his response. My thoughts and memories of games are inexorably tied to the moments in which I played or discussed them and the people with whom I shared that time. Toxico looms large in those memories.

Toxico was the first person to introduce me to this video. I often think about this short piece of animation when I ponder how fleeting time is and how quickly moments that are precious can be over. But no matter how sad that is, I also remember that these memories did happen. They are fixed points in time that are even more wonderful because they are unique. Plus, they serve as a foundation for whatever new, incredible experience will come next.

There are times when game discussion can devolve into nothing more than the expectation of what is to come. Whether it is a new title or a new console, the focus is on the future. What I appreciate about places like the MMCafe is the recognition that the past is important. Discussions here can range from multiple console generations to thousands of years in the history of humanity. This timelessness creates an incredible depth – a depth that will allow great things to take root.

I’m glad to see Droogo carrying on Toxico’s example and kofoguz finding a greater sense of peace in life. The past was beautiful but what is ahead look

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Disciple of TOXICO.