Does anyone know who might this be ? Samurai - Forums

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The Droogo
327th Post

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"Does anyone know who might this be ? SamSho Q" , posted Thu 10 Sep 12:13:post reply

Hello Madmen

The other day I defeated this guy:

I hope it went well with the link I paste ^__^U

Well I met this 3 days ago and the guy is god like to play against.
after maybe 30 defeats I could manage to stop him. and also stoping his win streak.
Tried to talk to him/her and got no answer.

In a SamSho group I am in on Facebook. Claudiomate, an incredible awesome player, said that he was a troll player that refused to play against him and only played against low tier people and never played against "samurai gods".(Sad he diodnt know I was trained by TOXICO back in my youth XD)
Also that the player had modified the game data.

For me it is either Kuroko or Hackerman-

If you know anything about him/her it could be great help.

Not everyday you defeat someone with 2900 something win streak


PS. Another theory is that the man is from inside

Disciple of TOXICO.

[this message was edited by The Droogo on Thu 10 Sep 12:16]


5806th Post

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"Re(1):Does anyone know who might this be ? Sa" , posted Wed 16 Sep 15:38post reply

Hello Madmen

The other day I defeated this guy:

I hope it went well with the link I paste ^__^U

From what I understand, that user is infamously known as a cheater and he plays multiple fighting game titles including SFV and KOF14. Congratulations on beating him fair and square!

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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"Re(2):Does anyone know who might this be ? Sa" , posted Wed 16 Sep 22:24post reply

From what I understand, that user is infamously known as a cheater and he plays multiple fighting game titles including SFV and KOF14. Congratulations on beating him fair and square!

Woah! One of the Cafe's own managed to beat a villainous bully fair and square. This is some serious Justice High School right here!

The Droogo
327th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(2):Does anyone know who might this be ? Sa" , posted Wed 23 Sep 07:30post reply


From what I understand, that user is infamously known as a cheater and he plays multiple fighting game titles including SFV and KOF14. Congratulations on beating him fair and square!

I lost like 30 fights against the mother F before I could win him. I didnt know who he was. The only thing that I was thinking was:"Man you are getting to old for this games. there is no more teen reflexes. I am becoming slow"
Until I managed :-)
I know master Toxico would be proud :-)

Disciple of TOXICO.
The Droogo
328th Post

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"Re(3):Does anyone know who might this be ? Sa" , posted Wed 23 Sep 07:34post reply

From what I understand, that user is infamously known as a cheater and he plays multiple fighting game titles including SFV and KOF14. Congratulations on beating him fair and square!
Woah! One of the Cafe's own managed to beat a villainous bully fair and square. This is some serious Justice High School right here!

Man I cried mental tears of blood everytime I lost against him.
he appeared again with his win streak intact

SNK has a Hacker

Justice will prevail.- L

Disciple of TOXICO.
5810th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(4):Does anyone know who might this be ? Sa" , posted Wed 23 Sep 11:09post reply

From what I understand, that user is infamously known as a cheater and he plays multiple fighting game titles including SFV and KOF14. Congratulations on beating him fair and square!
Woah! One of the Cafe's own managed to beat a villainous bully fair and square. This is some serious Justice High School right here!

Man I cried mental tears of blood everytime I lost against him.
he appeared again with his win streak intact

SNK has a Hacker

Justice will prevail.- L

WOW and I assume he's not using a bot since his movement is very analog. That's a lot of hours spent in front of the monitor, lol.

The Droogo
329th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(3):Does anyone know who might this be ? Sa" , posted Tue 29 Sep 11:40post reply

From what I understand, that user is infamously known as a cheater and he plays multiple fighting game titles including SFV and KOF14. Congratulations on beating him fair and square!
Woah! One of the Cafe's own managed to beat a villainous bully fair and square. This is some serious Justice High School right here!

Man. Liters of blodd tears were shed to get to that point.
The thing that I is very intriguing is that the man re-appeared with his win streak intact after I stopped.
Por mi que se vaya donde su puta madre que lo pario! XD

Disciple of TOXICO.