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PSN: zonepharaoh XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: zonepharaoh
| "Re(5):PC-Engine/TurboGraFX and Analogue's new" , posted Wed 21 Oct 13:04    
quote: It's mainly famous for SHMUPs right?
And so much more! My friends and I never owned a PCE, but the system was hugely influential on all kinds of games we've all played since.
Its overall visual aesthetic was driven by CD technology that basically introduced the idea of having games interwoven with anime cinemas from PCs like the PC-9800 onto an approachable home console, which was later imitated by Sega with the Mega CD and perfected on the Saturn.
What this means is that you have the start of so many animation-centric productions on consoles. Massively important series like Tokimeki Memorial start on PCE, and you have a Kojima breakout like Snatcher. I think of these as being more historically relevant than the SHMUPS.
You also have significant if forgotten RPGs like Cadash, Cosmic Fantasy, and Exile, as well as the best versions of certain platformers, again with anime cinemas woven in, such as MMC favorites Valis and Dracula X~Rondo of Blood! Speaking of Valis...
quote: the cautionary tale of Valis ero stuff like idols trying to bank on their careers
Valis' tragic post-16-bit fate lives in infamy, but the PCE is actually one of the last places to see "sexy games" done right. The system's games sand off the edges of some of its edgier adult predecessors on PC, while still having a lot of sexy but strong heroines who are not getting actively assaulted---you can see this in everything from the PCE's panty shot-filled and best version of Valis to tons of dumb, fun action RPGs like Basted.
PSN: KTallguy XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: KTallguy CFN: n/a
| "Re(6):PC-Engine/TurboGraFX and Analogue's new" , posted Fri 23 Oct 16:42    
Thank you for the history lesson, Maou!
quote: Massively important series like Tokimeki Memorial start on PCE, and you have a Kojima breakout like Snatcher. I think of these as being more historically relevant than the SHMUPS.
Right, very true. My experience with Snatcher was the Saturn (?) port, so the PCE was never in my headspace. But I can see how the CDs enabled smaller FMV video to be woven into the scene to enhance the atmosphere of the game.
I started off as a US centric PC gamer, so I was used to CD-rom games like Wing Commander 2 and even Myst. There was a bit of a "been there done that" even with the PS1. But the Japanese use of the technology was different in so many ways.
quote: You also have significant if forgotten RPGs like Cadash, Cosmic Fantasy, and Exile, as well as the best versions of certain platformers, again with anime cinemas woven in, such as MMC favorites Valis and Dracula X~Rondo of Blood! Speaking of Valis...
I have heard of Valis, that is a game I really want to check out. I miss strong female heroes... Attack on Titan has Mikasa, at least? The fanservice is pretty nuts but tonally it's heads and tails above the more submissive fanservice of today.
| "Re(7):PC-Engine/TurboGraFX and Analogue's new" , posted Wed 4 Nov 09:13    
I love valis!!! But as others said, we consider the only "main" games in the series to be the 4 PCE games, with two side-stories, SD Valis (which sucks) and Super Valis IV (which rules). There are also of course the original PC games which play totally differently from PCE ones.
Anyway, as for the Analogue, here's my thoughts: 1) it's going to be a great console and will output a nice high def signal, etc. It's cheaper than buying a duo even without modding it. 2) supergrafx+regular pce cd is a combo I've been waiting for for ages, and the homebrew scene can finally do something interesting with it now. 3) I absolutely abhor Analogue's business model of limiting preorders combined with "you have to be hovering over the button during the 5 minutes it's available." their whole model does nothing more than support the secondary/resale market and does little in the way of preserving the platform, which is what they're meant to be doing.
I don't know why they don't just open up preorders for a month, fill that, and move along. Because of this I'm extremely torn about getting a console like this.