PC-Engine/TurboGraFX and Analogue's new DUO - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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"PC-Engine/TurboGraFX and Analogue's new DUO" , posted Sat 17 Oct 03:16post reply

I remember when RedFalcon introduced me to the PC-Engine by playing games such as Mugen Senshi Valis, Cotton, and Gradius II Gopher no Yabou on the thing. I never realized there was a significant chunk of 16-bit gaming history that I was missing and it was also facinating to think it was pretty successful in also being a disc-based platform. What really struck me was how modular the PC-Engine/TurboGraFX system stack was, right down to the HUCards and how they were also used as RAM expansion slots.

It's too bad most of the games on it are now prohibitively expensive. I would've loved to own my own copy of Magical Chase.

Enter Analogue announcing their own take of the system. Considering the amount of care they put into both the Super NT and Mega SG, this might be a better alternative or a lower barrier of entry to those trying to get into its library. Apparently the System HuCards are built-in, too.


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"Re(1):PC-Engine/TurboGraFX and Analogue's new" , posted Sat 17 Oct 11:29:post reply

Wow, only 200 bucks for a reengineered Duo? That is pretty great. I feel like I remember the Duo costing like $300-400 in 1993 money!!

The PCE is wonderful and it's only a matter of time before we summon Brandon for his wise highlights for the system. Hint: like 60% were not even on the PCE Mini.

Your comment about the software being pricey now reminds me yet again how these types of remade systems straddle a kind of funny line---basically, I think most people would like something as easy as the PCE Mini (but with every game loaded) or something as complete as their home gamerips of dubious origin (but with an easier way to connect their computer to the TV screen). Actually, I guess the phantom Polymega from the other thread could partially solve the problem by letting you save the game onto the system and then never deal with the disc again. From a games history perspective, though, I see why this new project is great.


[this message was edited by Maou on Sun 18 Oct 00:22]

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(1):PC-Engine/TurboGraFX and Analogue's new" , posted Sun 18 Oct 02:28post reply

While there are tons of stuff on the PC Engine that strike a particular nostalgia cord, the name is now associated in my mind with the cautionary tale of Valis, once a really good game with a good spin on the magical-girl-for-guys formula in a super early-90s way, whose rights got sucked up into some sort of mess, ended up doing ero stuff like idols trying to bank on their careers, failed miserably like idols trying to save their careers, and then disappeared forever like idols after they've failed at porn.

Though one could argue the series might be better sitting untouched in my memories than on a compilation for Switch priced at 6000 yens, played once, being told "oof this aged badly" and then never touched again.

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"Re(2):PC-Engine/TurboGraFX and Analogue's new" , posted Sun 18 Oct 03:00:post reply

While there are tons of stuff on the PC Engine that strike a particular nostalgia cord, the name is now associated in my mind with the cautionary tale of Valis, once a really good game with a good spin on the magical-girl-for-guys formula in a super early-90s way, whose rights got sucked up into some sort of mess, ended up doing ero stuff like idols trying to bank on their careers, failed miserably like idols trying to save their careers, and then disappeared forever like idols after they've failed at porn.

Though one could argue the series might be better sitting untouched in my memories than on a compilation for Switch priced at 6000 yens, played once, being told "oof this aged badly" and then never touched again.

...but no! Valis is much more than just idols turned failed porn stars and whatnot. It is the tale of WolfTeam and how their platformers slowly evolved into the combat system we now know as the Tale of "Linear Motion Battle System". Its legacy deserves much more respect than being forgotten into the anals of history! We have to celebrate the legacy of the Valis games proper and it can only be done by looking back at all 4 titles on the PC-Engine! (As well as looking at El Viento and Earnest Evans)

[this message was edited by sfried on Sun 18 Oct 03:03]

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"Re(3):PC-Engine/TurboGraFX and Analogue's new" , posted Mon 19 Oct 00:44post reply

I agree that there are many easier and more convenient ways to bring these old games back. However, at some point in game collecting inconvenience and inexplicable design choices become selling points. Considering we are talking about NEC systems, making a brand new console to run old games seems totally on-brand.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(3):PC-Engine/TurboGraFX and Analogue's new" , posted Mon 19 Oct 01:55post reply

We have to celebrate the legacy of the Valis games proper and it can only be done by looking back at all 4 titles on the PC-Engine! (As well as looking at El Viento and Earnest Evans)

OK, these 6 games together for 6000 yens on Switch (and PC) sound like a much better deal.
Where do I send my credit card?

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"Re(4):PC-Engine/TurboGraFX and Analogue's new" , posted Mon 19 Oct 15:40post reply

We have to celebrate the legacy of the Valis games proper and it can only be done by looking back at all 4 titles on the PC-Engine! (As well as looking at El Viento and Earnest Evans)
OK, these 6 games together for 6000 yens on Switch (and PC) sound like a much better deal.
Where do I send my credit card?

I'd buy a Switch collection too. Honestly the novelty of the mini-consoles does very little for me. But after seeing Exodus' collection, I'd love to get more acquainted with the software.

It's mainly famous for SHMUPs right? Love reading about the history, but I usually fall right off when I actually start playing the games...

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"Re(5):PC-Engine/TurboGraFX and Analogue's new" , posted Wed 21 Oct 13:04post reply

It's mainly famous for SHMUPs right?
And so much more! My friends and I never owned a PCE, but the system was hugely influential on all kinds of games we've all played since.

Its overall visual aesthetic was driven by CD technology that basically introduced the idea of having games interwoven with anime cinemas from PCs like the PC-9800 onto an approachable home console, which was later imitated by Sega with the Mega CD and perfected on the Saturn.

What this means is that you have the start of so many animation-centric productions on consoles. Massively important series like Tokimeki Memorial start on PCE, and you have a Kojima breakout like Snatcher. I think of these as being more historically relevant than the SHMUPS.

You also have significant if forgotten RPGs like Cadash, Cosmic Fantasy, and Exile, as well as the best versions of certain platformers, again with anime cinemas woven in, such as MMC favorites Valis and Dracula X~Rondo of Blood! Speaking of Valis...
the cautionary tale of Valis
ero stuff like idols trying to bank on their careers

Valis' tragic post-16-bit fate lives in infamy, but the PCE is actually one of the last places to see "sexy games" done right. The system's games sand off the edges of some of its edgier adult predecessors on PC, while still having a lot of sexy but strong heroines who are not getting actively assaulted---you can see this in everything from the PCE's panty shot-filled and best version of Valis to tons of dumb, fun action RPGs like Basted.

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"Re(6):PC-Engine/TurboGraFX and Analogue's new" , posted Fri 23 Oct 16:42post reply

Thank you for the history lesson, Maou!
Massively important series like Tokimeki Memorial start on PCE, and you have a Kojima breakout like Snatcher. I think of these as being more historically relevant than the SHMUPS.

Right, very true. My experience with Snatcher was the Saturn (?) port, so the PCE was never in my headspace. But I can see how the CDs enabled smaller FMV video to be woven into the scene to enhance the atmosphere of the game.

I started off as a US centric PC gamer, so I was used to CD-rom games like Wing Commander 2 and even Myst. There was a bit of a "been there done that" even with the PS1. But the Japanese use of the technology was different in so many ways.
You also have significant if forgotten RPGs like Cadash, Cosmic Fantasy, and Exile, as well as the best versions of certain platformers, again with anime cinemas woven in, such as MMC favorites Valis and Dracula X~Rondo of Blood! Speaking of Valis...

I have heard of Valis, that is a game I really want to check out. I miss strong female heroes... Attack on Titan has Mikasa, at least? The fanservice is pretty nuts but tonally it's heads and tails above the more submissive fanservice of today.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):PC-Engine/TurboGraFX and Analogue's new" , posted Wed 4 Nov 09:13post reply

I love valis!!! But as others said, we consider the only "main" games in the series to be the 4 PCE games, with two side-stories, SD Valis (which sucks) and Super Valis IV (which rules). There are also of course the original PC games which play totally differently from PCE ones.

Anyway, as for the Analogue, here's my thoughts:
1) it's going to be a great console and will output a nice high def signal, etc. It's cheaper than buying a duo even without modding it.
2) supergrafx+regular pce cd is a combo I've been waiting for for ages, and the homebrew scene can finally do something interesting with it now.
3) I absolutely abhor Analogue's business model of limiting preorders combined with "you have to be hovering over the button during the 5 minutes it's available." their whole model does nothing more than support the secondary/resale market and does little in the way of preserving the platform, which is what they're meant to be doing.

I don't know why they don't just open up preorders for a month, fill that, and move along. Because of this I'm extremely torn about getting a console like this.

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"Re(8):2020 is the Year of VALIS!" , posted Tue 15 Dec 17:58post reply

I love valis!!! But as others said, we consider the only "main" games in the series to be the 4 PCE games, with two side-stories, SD Valis (which sucks) and Super Valis IV (which rules). There are also of course the original PC games which play totally differently from PCE ones.

Speaking of Super Valis 4...It's coming to NSO with DKC3 and some other obscure games I haven't heard of.

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"Re(9):2020 is the Year of VALIS!" , posted Tue 15 Dec 23:36post reply

Speaking of Super Valis 4...It's coming to NSO with DKC3 and some other obscure games I haven't heard of.

It's Dead Dance / Tuff E Nuff! At some point I need to pick up a Switch.

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"Re(10):2020 is the Year of VALIS!" , posted Wed 16 Dec 11:14:post reply

I...guess I wasn't kidding when I said it was the year of Valis...

There's a 35th anniversary revival project. Will Yuko be able to regain her tarnished reputation? Will it be a Metroidvania, or still keep the run-right-and-kill-shit design of the originals?

[this message was edited by sfried on Wed 16 Dec 11:28]

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):2020 is the Year of VALIS!" , posted Thu 17 Dec 20:12post reply

I...guess I wasn't kidding when I said it was the year of Valis...

There's a 35th anniversary revival project. Will Yuko be able to regain her tarnished reputation? Will it be a Metroidvania, or still keep the run-right-and-kill-shit design of the originals?

My first thought was "oh, Team Ladybug would be perfect for a Valis revival!". But I guess they would need to finish the Loddoss one first... What's going on with that one by the way? They finished a couple of stages in the early access thing, and then they went basically silent...

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"Re(3):Re(10):2020 is the Year of VALIS!" , posted Fri 18 Dec 01:22post reply

I...guess I wasn't kidding when I said it was the year of Valis...

There's a 35th anniversary revival project. Will Yuko be able to regain her tarnished reputation? Will it be a Metroidvania, or still keep the run-right-and-kill-shit design of the originals?

My first thought was "oh, Team Ladybug would be perfect for a Valis revival!". But I guess they would need to finish the Loddoss one first... What's going on with that one by the way? They finished a couple of stages in the early access thing, and then they went basically silent...

They announced a delay through the Steam news page recently, I can post it after work

"Hai ... Shindekudasai?"

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(4):Re(10):2020 is the Year of VALIS!" , posted Fri 18 Dec 04:05post reply


They announced a delay through the Steam news page recently, I can post it after work

Ah! I guess the pandemic impacts even the small Japanese indies.
Well, if they take their time for the game to be good (and also if the next one after that is Valis, who knows!) then everything will be good!

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"Re(2):Re(10):2020 is the Year of VALIS!" , posted Tue 22 Dec 23:44post reply

I...guess I wasn't kidding when I said it was the year of Valis...

There's a 35th anniversary revival project. Will Yuko be able to regain her tarnished reputation? Will it be a Metroidvania, or still keep the run-right-and-kill-shit design of the originals?

Anything would be better than where they ended up in Valis X, though I'd be most interested in knowing who on the old staff is available to work on it. Since most of the games came out on the earlier side of 16-bit, and have the grainy less-pretty-than-I-remembered-early-MD/PCE look, they could really benefit from a colorful, well-animated new take, even with a straightforward side-scrolling approach. Maybe what I'm saying is I'd like them to hire M2 and Treasure to make a sweet new Valis game.


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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):2020 is the Year of VALIS!" , posted Wed 23 Dec 06:01post reply

I'd like them to hire M2 and Treasure to make a sweet new Valis game.

I feel like resurrecting Treasure would be an entire story unto itself....

To be honest, with the demonstrated success of relatively low-budget but highly polished 2D action games from indie developers, I think Treasure now has a proven market that it didn't have for quite some time in the PS3 era. Even R-Type is coming back under a small team, in large part because the tools available for making games like that are now very powerful. I don't know if Treasure would ever again be able to be making games that are literally state-of-the-art technologically, but I am confident that the tremendous artistry and design of their games would find buyers today.

You'd.... just need to get a team back together.... :(