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PSN: n/a XBL: n/a Wii: Switch:SW-3634-5515-7312 STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Monster Hunter Rise Demo" , posted Fri 8 Jan 15:46    
So Capcom had a Monster Hunter Rise stream event earlier yesterday, but due to a snafu the demo did not come out until later in the evening.
So I finally got to play it and taste some of the new mechanics like Wyvern Riding, but the core mechanic that might be the biggest game changer is the wirebug feature, which isn't just crucial for traversal, but adds a lot to the combat: Beasties are now very quick to dart all over the place so appart from positioning, wirebugs also serve as a nice cancel mechanic for stringing more hits together, but as with swinging around, wirebug usage also comes with a cooldown so abusing it won't help matters much. Learning to restrain yourself from getting greedy with attacks has pretty been much the motto of MH and I've fainted once from my encounter with Mizutsune since I wasn't careful enough.
I also realized that it's been sometime since I've last played Tri before my muscle memory with the Great Sword slowly started kicking in. I've never played World so I'm not sure which elements were introduced there or if they're new to Rise (for one, you no longer need to paintball the beasts to track them). I've only know that World is substantially different in that there are no loading zones, and the same could be said with Rise.
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