Cooperation Cup Special FT10 tournament live! - Forums

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Cooperation Cup Special FT10 tournament live!" , posted Sun 10 Jan 15:12:post reply

Some of the greatest 3S players to ever play, set in matchups some of us have wanted to see for forever, commentated by top players of those characters!

HAYAO the greatest Hugo of all time, played against Genki the best Alex of recent times!
Hayao's got an intuition about his opponent's that is UNCANNY: you talk about how there are people who can grasp the intent of those around them, and Hayao has that to an astonishing degree. His ability to do 720 grabs in situations where most wouldn't even think it is an option is beyond belief. He is one of the greatest legends of the game, unquestionably.

The Kuni vs. Tominaga match is everything I imagine the people who worked on SF3 wanted when it comes to "a game where you cannot master the game perfectly through analyzing it". It was simultaneously pure random chaos coupled with tremendous technical skill, lighting reactions and mindbending improvised tactics. Nothing about it made sense and everything about it made sense. It is absolutely one of the greatest matches of 3S ever played, and nearly each game of it was a highlight reel of thrilling moments. Nuki was LOSING HIS MIND commentating that match with his characteristic excitement, which only made it better.

RX however, is someone who tried to master the game by analysis, being the one who was the pioneer of Urien's tremendous Aegis Reflector techniques, and getting to see him play a FT10 against possibly the most famous of all Necro players, Sugiyama, was suitably fantastic.

This entire event has been a carnival of dream matches for fans, and it still isn't over!

[this message was edited by Spoon on Sun 10 Jan 17:18]


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PSN: Ishmael26b
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CFN: Ishmael26b
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Cooperation Cup Special FT10 tournament" , posted Mon 11 Jan 03:20post reply

Nice, I'll have to catch the replays! Thankfully, it's on Twitch and not some Japan-only streaming service so I don't have to jump through multiple hoops just to watch the matches. At the end of the day I'm quite lazy.

2479th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Cooperation Cup Special FT10 tournament" , posted Mon 11 Jan 06:32post reply

Nice, I'll have to catch the replays! Thankfully, it's on Twitch and not some Japan-only streaming service so I don't have to jump through multiple hoops just to watch the matches. At the end of the day I'm quite lazy.

Great matches, I used to play a Necro vs. Urien match-up at my old office so I got some enjoyment out of seeing Sugiyama's impressive performance. And he is lightning quick with the taunt off a stun, hah.

/ / /

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Official youtube VODs are up" , posted Thu 14 Jan 15:47post reply

video of entire event here.

They are slowly uploading videos of the individual matches as well.