Soul Calibur 2 (TWO!) tournament on Jan 22! - Forums

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"Soul Calibur 2 (TWO!) tournament on Jan 22!" , posted Fri 22 Jan 03:30:post reply

That's this FRIDAY, 7pm EST, 4pm PST

I know a lot of the people here love the aesthetics of Soul Calibur 2, so I'm kind of excited to see a tournament of it recorded with modern HD capture rather than 320x200 RealPlayer.

EDIT: previously i said Saturday, corrected to Friday. The 22 Jan date remains the same.

[this message was edited by Spoon on Sat 23 Jan 08:18]


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"Re(1):Soul Calibur 2 (TWO!) tournament on Jan" , posted Fri 22 Jan 04:47post reply

SC2? Is Maou running this thing?

I'm glad to see that older, less appreciated games are still getting tournaments. The other day I watched a Karnov's Revenge tournament which featured the only people in the US who still played (or probably ever played!) KR at a high level.

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"Re(2):Soul Calibur 2 (TWO!) tournament on Jan" , posted Fri 22 Jan 12:21post reply

SC2? Is Maou running this thing?
I wish I were! I've never played a fighting game more, except maybe Zero 3. There's just no better 3D fighter.

I've always wanted to join this dedicated crew of online SCII players. The problem is that they sure aren't using the lame PS3 port...instead, it's some souped up Gamecube emulator, the Dolphin, running some wild stuff. I should have figured it out years ago but I sure haven't!

Anyway, this will be worth watching. Better character design, better music, uncompromised Guard Impacts, perfect high-low-middle rock-paper-scissors game with lots of low trip attacks for everyone, missing in all lesser subsequent entries.


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"Re(3):Soul Calibur 2 (TWO!) tournament on Jan" , posted Sun 24 Jan 04:18post reply

I just took a look at the recorded stream and had a lot of fun watching some matches with Nightmare, my old go-to. The facial details are simpler, but beyond that, it's still a really nice looking game---its predecessor on Dreamcast is probably the first 3D fighting game to truly age well, after all. And just seeing the fluid 3D movement and low trip attacks is such a refreshing difference from the pointless mid and high attack fights of later entries...there's just no comparison.

If I can ever figure out the Dolphin, I'd love to enter one of these. Thanks, Spoon!


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"Re(4):Soul Calibur 2 (TWO!) tournament on Jan" , posted Sun 24 Jan 08:56post reply

I managed to catch a few rounds last night and it was good fun. When SC6 was released I spent a moment thinking I should try to get decent at the game. It was a series I always enjoyed so why not become somewhat competent? Those thoughts evaporated when I realized that the online matchmaking was terrible and would constantly match my beginner level play against super diamond Nightmare players. That, and all the new subsystems such as soul charge and reversal edge seemed unnecessarily busy. I wanted something more streamlined; something like what SC2 was doing.

Maybe I should just play SC2. I'll still get matched against overpowered players but at least I'll like the game engine more.

And just seeing the fluid 3D movement and low trip attacks is such a refreshing difference from the pointless mid and high attack fights of later entries...there's just no comparison.

Watching everyone swatting each other in the ankles is one thing I don't miss. Low shots like that automatically sent you to the dishonorable ending in Bushido Blade but it's fine and dandy in SC. A tale of souls, swords and cheap shots eternally retold.

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"Re(2):Soul Calibur 2 (TWO!) tournament on Jan" , posted Wed 27 Jan 22:01post reply

I'm glad to see that older, less appreciated games are still getting tournaments. The other day I watched a Karnov's Revenge tournament which featured the only people in the US who still played (or probably ever played!) KR at a high level.

Karnov's Revenge, huh? Was Krost there, or is he retired?

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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"Re(3):Soul Calibur 2 (TWO!) tournament on Jan" , posted Fri 29 Jan 03:52post reply


Karnov's Revenge, huh? Was Krost there, or is he retired?

Sorry, I can't remember the names of anyone who participated. However, everyone really knew their stuff, including the commentators. I never knew there was such a robust KR community.

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"TvC" , posted Tue 2 Feb 04:04post reply

Over the weekend I watched a few matches of a TvC tournament, which was good fun. I know nothing about TvC but from the little I watched it appears to be a precursor to MvCI but, unlike that game, it was wise enough not to bite off more than it could chew.

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"Re(1):TvC" , posted Tue 2 Feb 10:04post reply

Over the weekend I watched a few matches of a TvC tournament, which was good fun. I know nothing about TvC but from the little I watched it appears to be a precursor to MvCI but, unlike that game, it was wise enough not to bite off more than it could chew.

Actually, a precursor to MVC3!

Neat to see to see JM Crofts doing the commentary here, I really don't follow a lot of people on YT or Twitch, but his FighterZ videos were very easy to digest so I took a bit of a liking to his channel.

"Hai ... Shindekudasai?"

Switch: SW-3287-7029-8309