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PSN: zonepharaoh XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: zonepharaoh
| "Re(2):Soul Calibur 2 (TWO!) tournament on Jan" , posted Fri 22 Jan 12:21    
quote: SC2? Is Maou running this thing?
I wish I were! I've never played a fighting game more, except maybe Zero 3. There's just no better 3D fighter.
I've always wanted to join this dedicated crew of online SCII players. The problem is that they sure aren't using the lame PS3 port...instead, it's some souped up Gamecube emulator, the Dolphin, running some wild stuff. I should have figured it out years ago but I sure haven't!
Anyway, this will be worth watching. Better character design, better music, uncompromised Guard Impacts, perfect high-low-middle rock-paper-scissors game with lots of low trip attacks for everyone, missing in all lesser subsequent entries.