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PSN: n/a XBL: n/a Wii: Switch:SW-3634-5515-7312 STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "MELTY BLOOD Type Lumina" , posted Fri 3 Sep 09:24    
So I've been following Type-Moon's recent video announcements/trailers of this game for a while now (along with that Tsukihime remake, but that's another story). I'm still amazed by the amount of "outside Japan" push this has been getting, even releasing on all platforms (including XBox and Steam).
Does Type-Moon treat Melty Blood as its own separate entity from Tsukihime at this point? I haven't played MB in a while, and I was thinking this might be an interesting installment to jump back in. I heard ever since Act Cadenza they've been piling systems upon systems that it starts to get a bit complicated...and I'll admit I'm still a complete n00b despite having dipped into many a fighter.
This also brings me to comparisons with (Guilty Gear) STRIVE as to what would make for good entry level fighting games. I know there are quite a lot out there, already, some with even massive install bases, but I guess I'm looking for more low-key, basic, but can still get good help if I get stuck (or I simply don't get how certain combos work), much like how Streets of Rage 4 (I know, different genre, but tackles many of the same issues) kind of teaches you about string timings and even how to hold buttons/directions you press the next set of combinations to cancel out windups.
I don't even know if Type Lumina will contain such tutorials, but I kind of feel it should become a standard for fighting games to provide some sort of Tutorial or even Challenge mode to teach players about each characters gimmick (instead of continually consulting the community about it).
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PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: Ishmael26b
| "Re(3):MELTY BLOOD Type Lumina" , posted Wed 15 Sep 23:52    
quote: Sorry for the kvetching, I'm an arcade playing dinosaur; and once camaraderie was established - then access to the font of local information was available. You went to some pretty kind arcades! Were you East Coast or West Coast (or somewhere else?) From my experience people would basically kill you over and over with shitty mall Ken hadou traps until you figured out how to deal with it yourself, and sometimes would threaten you with violence, especially if you tick threw them repeatedly. Depending on the situation you could just laugh them off or in the case of "this is that guy who has a gang of goons who hang out with him and who broke the vending machine outside the AMC, they might jump me" just throw the match and leave.
Heck, even amongst my friends, I knew a guy who had amazing reactions, but listened to button presses and tried to hide it; once I figured it out I would just slap the panel to bait him out sometimes.
Ha ha, yeah, a lot of people I came across back then had a "save it for nationals" mentality even though they never ventured outside of the arcade they haunted.
If anything, the growth of social media during SF4 meant that the information available about fighting games has exploded. For example, I was practically drowning in information about Akira on the day of her release, which is a far cry from the days when the motions for special moves were sometimes hoarded secrets.