KOF open beta - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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Red Falcon
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"KOF open beta" , posted Thu 18 Nov 19:55post reply

If anyone else is going to give it a shot, want to try a few matches around the 21st, probably 10 AM Japan time? Assuming it even has lobbies/friend invites during the test…


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"Re(1):KOF open beta" , posted Fri 19 Nov 23:45post reply

If anyone else is going to give it a shot, want to try a few matches around the 21st, probably 10 AM Japan time? Assuming it even has lobbies/friend invites during the test…

My life is going to be a mess for most of the rest of the year so I don't know how much time I'm going to have for MMCafe fighting festivals. But even if I can't make it to the KoF beta, I'll be interested to hear what others have to say about the game. Does it still play like the past few KoF's, where you fish around for a max mode burst and the silly combos that brings?


66th Post

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"Re(1):KOF open beta" , posted Sat 20 Nov 17:20post reply

If anyone else is going to give it a shot, want to try a few matches around the 21st, probably 10 AM Japan time? Assuming it even has lobbies/friend invites during the test…

Dang, beta test requires pay to play Sony service. Very much a bummer. At least Gundam Maxiboost beta allowed the poverty gamers to give it a whirl for maximum server / netcode poundage.

"We don't rise to the level of our expectations. We fall to the level of our training." - Archilochus
Red Falcon
6338th Post

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"Re(2):KOF open beta" , posted Sat 20 Nov 21:59post reply

Does it still play like the past few KoF's, where you fish around for a max mode burst and the silly combos that brings?


6406th Post

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"Re(3):KOF open beta" , posted Mon 22 Nov 15:29post reply

Does it still play like the past few KoF's, where you fish around for a max mode burst and the silly combos that brings?

I just came back from Atlanta and managed to get in some time this evening. I enjoyed Dolores! I'm already in love.

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"Re(3):KOF open beta" , posted Mon 22 Nov 23:09post reply

Does it still play like the past few KoF's, where you fish around for a max mode burst and the silly combos that brings?

Too bad. The past few KoF games have felt like Yun mirror matches in 3S and it looks like this is continuing the trend.

Although I didn't get to play against anyone, I did try out practice mode and a match or two against the computer. A few thoughts:

The character models look better than they did in KoF14. The characters stand out more and have a bit more mass to them. This time Kyo looks like he was created by someone who has actually seen the character before.

That said, the exaggerated art that helped sell the characters as fighters also hurt the female characters, causing their sexiness to get cranked up too high. The tarty looking outfits didn't help matters either. When I had a Shermie verses Dolores match it looked like Yuka Kuramochi and Umi Shinonome were fighting it out. I'm not prudish (as that last pathetic comparison will prove) but the demo felt like it had crossed the line from flirty fun to just plain horny.

The backgrounds were a mixed bag. I appreciated that the action was a bit closer to the backdrop this time. In KoF14 everything was far, far off in the distance. But now that I can see the background characters a bit better... wow. Those crowds are straight out of Pit Fighter.

I appreciated that the moves were easy to pull off, with the super duper supers seemingly all having the same command. This is a far cry from Kof02 which had inputs which were so ridiculous you were never going to see them in a match.

While I'm probably not going to get KoF15 it was interesting to see in what directions the series has gone.

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"Re(4):KOF open beta" , posted Tue 23 Nov 00:46post reply


Too bad. The past few KoF games have felt like Yun mirror matches in 3S and it looks like this is continuing the trend.

I've said before that the thing I like the least about KOF as a series is the gameplay itself. But I'm not a fan of team games in general, and how it tends to reduce characters into components of some nebulous gestalt.

I don't have a PS4/5/whatever so I can't play the beta. I'll end up buying the eventually released game, but I'll probably never play it online because it just isn't fun to play KOF against opponents who actually try to play it "right".

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"Re(5):KOF open beta" , posted Wed 24 Nov 00:03post reply


I've said before that the thing I like the least about KOF as a series is the gameplay itself. But I'm not a fan of team games in general, and how it tends to reduce characters into components of some nebulous gestalt.

I don't have a PS4/5/whatever so I can't play the beta. I'll end up buying the eventually released game, but I'll probably never play it online because it just isn't fun to play KOF against opponents who actually try to play it "right".

Playing KoF to enjoy the roster is the correct way to play. From what I can tell, trying to play competitively is the road to madness.

Red Falcon
6340th Post

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"Re(6):KOF open beta" , posted Wed 24 Nov 12:16:post reply

Playing KoF to enjoy the roster is the correct way to play. From what I can tell, trying to play competitively is the road to madness.

Just touching on this comment a little, I myself find it incredibly boring from the beta. Gone are 1 frame links and bizarre command inputs; everyone has a fairly easy 100% combo, some characters probably several. They better fix some stuff up or it’s not going to have much play value beyond just enjoying the roster.

Edit: Also, Dolores’ anti-air mud-grab thing is too good.

[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Wed 24 Nov 12:18]

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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"Re(7):KOF open beta" , posted Sun 28 Nov 05:55post reply


Just touching on this comment a little, I myself find it incredibly boring from the beta. Gone are 1 frame links and bizarre command inputs; everyone has a fairly easy 100% combo, some characters probably several. They better fix some stuff up or it’s not going to have much play value beyond just enjoying the roster.

Edit: Also, Dolores’ anti-air mud-grab thing is too good.

That's a good point; it did feel a bit dull with all the weird aspects shaved off. Those poorly thought out moves and other things that sometimes held back SNK fighters were also part of what made the games what they were. If I'm not staring at the move list in total confusion, is it really a SNK game?

Red Falcon
6346th Post

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PSN: beatolover
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"Re(8):KOF open beta" , posted Thu 2 Dec 21:06:post reply


Those poorly thought out moves...

I don't necessarily think they were poorly thought out, as pretty much everything I can think of off the top of my head is perfectly usable in a real situation...
But I DO think the bizarre inputs are (or were?) a relic of the thought processes of an earlier era of fighting game development, where being able to execute difficult/odd inputs in the appropriate situation was viewed as another aspect of playing the game. I think fighting games have drifted away from this, SMASH style inputs have becoming a lot more popular.

[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Thu 2 Dec 23:26]

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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"Re(9):KOF open beta" , posted Fri 3 Dec 04:57post reply


I don't necessarily think they were poorly thought out, as pretty much everything I can think of off the top of my head is perfectly usable in a real situation...
But I DO think the bizarre inputs are (or were?) a relic of the thought processes of an earlier era of fighting game development, where being able to execute difficult/odd inputs in the appropriate situation was viewed as another aspect of playing the game. I think fighting games have drifted away from this, SMASH style inputs have becoming a lot more popular.

Badly worded on my part. Most SNK characters have had useful tool kits, assuming you could get the moves off consistently in the heat of a match.

6413th Post

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"Anyone online?" , posted Sun 19 Dec 05:54post reply

I'll be online on and off all weekend. My PSN is electricwolfman. Please come find me and we can have a battle!

For all of the years that I've been a part of MMCafe, I'd love to fight against somebody here online.

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"Re(1):Anyone online?" , posted Sun 19 Dec 12:54post reply

I'll be online on and off all weekend. My PSN is electricwolfman. Please come find me and we can have a battle!

For all of the years that I've been a part of MMCafe, I'd love to fight against somebody here online.

Wrong thread, dude! Rugal was asking about lagfest entrants in the other one, which I sadly couldn't make. But for next time, if you RSVP for a specific time I'm sure you can make it to one soon, it's just all of us fooling around...or of course, you can propose hosting your own! Most of us already traded CFN IDs for SFV by now, but for other ones, you'd just want to call for the relevant IDs assuming there's crossplay.

Single continent, low-latency matches are for jerx, multicontinent MMC lagfests are divine!


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"Re(2):Anyone online?" , posted Mon 20 Dec 05:38post reply

In fairness, there were two beta tests this past weekend (KoF15/DFD). Granted these are console games, where "beta test" has more often than not been a euphemism for "pre-release demo". However in the past few years we've seen developers like Arc System Works actually using beta tests for traditional test / break purposes to improve the finished product.

On the other hand, if these are proper beta tests - then it's not a pre-release demo and the play experience may not be optimal for meeting and playing with chums. That's where the lagfest would come in.

"We don't rise to the level of our expectations. We fall to the level of our training." - Archilochus
5869th Post

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"Re(3):Anyone online?" , posted Mon 20 Dec 11:00:post reply

I tried a little bit of kof15 this morning so here's my two cents worth of impressions--

1/ The overall menu scheme is... toned down from what was the wonderful frontend in kof14. There's no design to it-- it looks like a web site menu done by a techie guy with no design sense but learned how to set color codes to make things look in his favorite color: chocolate mint ice creme.

2/ The game kind of feels like a KOF14UM-- If you liked KOF14, you'll probably like 15!

3/ I didn't really play the previous beta so I'm assuming things have changed a bit since then. The overall damage rate is very low comparted to 13 or 14 and ergo the matches take time. The meter gain might nearly be half of that of KOF13 and the damage rate is probably about 20% lower in general than KOF14. For example in KOF13, you can do near-death combos with an anchor character with 3 meters. This wasn't the case with KOF14, but you could still do around 350 damage with one bar or half life if you had two. This game, you'd generally need about 3 bars to do half life. There's of course exceptions to this, like Terry who does around 40% life with just about a bar. The insta-death combos at least in this December build requires 5 bars and they're utterly unrealistic.

4/ The game balance is... weird. I have a feeling that it'll end up being a nerf fest once the game gets released. From what I understand Yashiro Delores and Chris were monsters in the previous beta, but the characters in this build feel very mild and some feel weaker than in 14 (ex: Blue Mary). Ryo in particular is a headscratcher since he has some buffs but also some jarring control changes that makes very little sense and I can only assume that whoever designed him has never used him before. Terry and K' on the other hand were really easy and seemed relatively strong, but still pretty mild overall.

5/ Netcode is ok. Very hard to find opponents, not sure why. Just to test out, I tried a match with 300ms+ ping and it was quite playable much to my surprise. Not like matches at 1-2 digits, but still quite managable.

The game is overall around the same slowness as KOF14 and the combos are a lot more simple, so probably good for new players. Also, I have no idea what use that the quickmax system has-- it just feels like extra work for less damage.

[edit] I forgot to mention the game's UI/HUD! The power bars are so huge and clunky that they feel like masking tapes sabotaging you from seeing your low attacks, lol.

[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 20 Dec 12:20]

Red Falcon
6359th Post

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PSN: beatolover
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"Re(4):Anyone online?" , posted Mon 20 Dec 12:18:post reply

I tried a little bit of kof15 this morning so here's my two cents worth of impressions

I found the fact that Kronen’s supers juggle correctly after a super cancelled crouching HP (it’s a knockdown, if you didn’y mess with him) even outside of max mode pretty funny, personally; can you think of any equivalents in 14? I couldn’t off the top of my head.
Goofing with his slide was also hilarious.
Also, Antonov has the easiest 100% combos I can think of in recent memory, and I think at least one of the ones I found is very practical, as I found you can react to overly aggressive/sloppy jump-ins with it, but he still lacks a useful low hitting attack, which was a problem of his in 14 too if I remember when we were playing together correctly.

[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Mon 20 Dec 12:35]

5869th Post

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"Re(5):Anyone online?" , posted Mon 20 Dec 14:51post reply

I tried a little bit of kof15 this morning so here's my two cents worth of impressions
I found the fact that Kronen’s supers juggle correctly after a super cancelled crouching HP (it’s a knockdown, if you didn’y mess with him) even outside of max mode pretty funny, personally; can you think of any equivalents in 14? I couldn’t off the top of my head.
Goofing with his slide was also hilarious.

I've seen it and the way it hits looks really weird lol. Besically the move has "anywhere hit" property, meaning it hits even in conditions where attacks would normally whiff. Elisabeth and Raiden in 13 were particularly famous for that and they were top tiers before getting nurfed (Raiden could kill the opponent from a stray standing weak punch).

KOF14 didn't have anything of the sort although Vice still had her EX Deside/stretch armstrong, but that needed max mode! Oh wait, there was also Najd....