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PSN: zonepharaoh XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: zonepharaoh
| "Happy new year 2022! / 2021 in review" , posted Sat 1 Jan 00:05    
Tiger Uppercut! Sagat and his friend wish you a happy 2022/year of the tiger! Looking forward to hanging out virtually, and occasionally in person if we’re lucky, with all of you. Lately, it’s in vogue to disparage the previous year as the new one enters, but as the most stylish board on the internet, we set the vogue, baby! And I say 2021 was a definite improvement. Here are the gaming highlights for me. What’re yours?
Best fighting game - Justice Gakuen 3: ...what? This was just a fever dream based on some particularly gorgeously dressed lagfests? Ah well. Akira and Sakura still collectively made SFV the best fighting game in 2021 and 2018, despite Capcom’s best efforts to the contrary!
Best art - Guilty Gear Strive: While I will never understand Arc games, I will continue to dream that they get drafted by Capcom to do graphics for SFVI.
Best time-release character - “Howlin’ Mad” Henry Moriarty: Welcome back, Prof! We’ve missed you, even while knowing you were watching over us from the shadows.
RPG of the year - Phantasy Star IV: I did not expect to get inspired to finally play this 1993 classic by the fighting game thread, but I’m sure glad I did! I also did not expect to love it so much I would bother to attempt to correct the entire English-speaking internet so that its pioneering female director/writer is properly credited!
Craziest remaster - SaGa Frontier: If you told me Square would spend good money to retrofit actual fun onto the worst SaGa game 24 years after its release and then sell it with a straight face to people who actually seemed to like it somewhat, I would never have believed you!
Best strategy game - (it’s still) Game Boy Wars Advance from 2001! I can’t say I’m excited by the B minus artwork from the Wayforward “Re-boot Camp” remake that was supposed to come out in December but got delayed, but it sure reminded me to finally buy my own copy of the greatest li’l strategy game in the world with the best music for Domino/Sami, who is the best general (prove me wrong in battle!). Did you know: some people play it online without any music or graphics like it’s chess-by-mail!
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