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| "Re(2):Street Fighter 6 announced" , posted Mon 21 Feb 20:14    
quote: Announced at Capcom Cup, more info this summer. Hot Ryu is canon
Capcom actually shattered all expectations, sorry SNK.
Really wish we got just a BIT more.
The Capcom Fighting Collection was a nice surprise. This is the first time Red Earth/Warzard has been available for purchase at home, right?
I was also kind of hoping Capcom would do a PS5 enhanced version for SFV so it is on par with the Steam version. It is hard to go back to the PS4 and it's loadtimes and overall poorer performance.
The Collection is quite interesting, indeed! All five DarkStalkers games from the Arcade (even if VS2 and VH2 are just small variations of VH1), plus Red Earth and Cyberbots... and it was wise to add HSFII, since apparently Street Fighter is the only fighting game from Capcom (aside from the "Capcom Vs." tag team crossovers) that actually achieves the sales they expect (thus why Capcom seems to regard DarkStalkers, Red Earth, Cyberbots, Rival Schools and so on as failures).
As for SFVI, the trailer looks nice (though I'm not sure Luke is main rival material for Hot Ryu). It will probably take at least a year until it's released, so hopefully this time Capcom remembers to add an Arcade mode to it. And it would be nice if they kept the formula for later roster additions, allowing players to either purchase them with real-life money or unlock them with points received by winning matches.
As for the roster, Capcom has already stated that Chun-Li (just like Ryu) will probably be in all SF games from now on, so I'm already satisfied. Still, it would be great if Laura returns as well (but she doesn't seem to be very popular, so she'll probably not be on the base roster... hopefully she'll be added in one of Season packs).
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
PSN: zonepharaoh XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: zonepharaoh
| "Re(6):Street Fighter 6 announced" , posted Tue 22 Feb 12:48    
Hmmmm as long as default Hot Ryu means we also get default Hot Chun Li, I suppose this will work.
I get that this this realistic style is what they originally wanted to do for SFV, and in a way you could say it’s in the same spirit as the original SFII’s gekiga “dramatic/realistic comics” style, even though I’d rather it be something beautiful, distinctive, and anime styled like an Arc game I could actually play.
On one hand, maybe having the game all in this style could be better than SFV’s weird hodgepodge where, say, Akira and Sakura received disproportionate love and attention to their models and stages whereas Ken and Falke and Rose look like they belong in another game. Then again, a unified style can also mean everything looks consistently hideous like SFIV’s googly-eyed, flat-chested, huge-handed cast.
One thing’s for sure: that logo sucks.
Meanwhile, good for them for making that Vampire etc. collection. Even if it will probably never catch up to the player pool on the Fightcade versions which are readily available and can be arranged with me and Rugal on this very BBS, if it gets even one more person playing Puzzle Fighter or Vampire Saviour, that is a victory for humanity. Now where is my Justice Gakuen collection?!
PS: welcome back, Nobi! Don’t waste another second of your life on twitter!
| "Re(7):Street Fighter 6 announced" , posted Tue 22 Feb 21:21    
The thing that worries me about the collection is that once again it's the arcade versions. Which is fine, except that Vampire had its best versions on PS2 (the arrange version that makes Hunter2/Savior2 even more obsolete than they are, have dip switches, and even added Dee who is whatever but could have been fun). Same as Zero3 coming back as the arcade version instead of the double upper version with the other characters/ISM/bug fixes, not to mention the world tour.
If the trend continues, I actually wonder whether when they do the Justice Gakuen compilation, it's going to be the arcade version without seishun nikki and thus will be totally useless.
As for SF6, let me nod politely to the comments from Nobi about the baraization/Chrisredfieldizaion of Ryu. The mods on PC are sure going to be interesting. Luke is still an absolute eyesore though.
I really hope they'll emulate the starting roster of SF5 which was really balanced, 50% returning from the previous game, 25% returning from older games, 25% new. Let's hope the roster will be more like 24 or 28 rather than 16.
| "Re(8):Street Fighter 6 announced" , posted Wed 23 Feb 00:39    
quote: The thing that worries me about the collection is that once again it's the arcade versions. Which is fine, except that Vampire had its best versions on PS2 (the arrange version that makes Hunter2/Savior2 even more obsolete than they are, have dip switches, and even added Dee who is whatever but could have been fun). Same as Zero3 coming back as the arcade version instead of the double upper version with the other characters/ISM/bug fixes, not to mention the world tour.
If the trend continues, I actually wonder whether when they do the Justice Gakuen compilation, it's going to be the arcade version without seishun nikki and thus will be totally useless.
As for SF6, let me nod politely to the comments from Nobi about the baraization/Chrisredfieldizaion of Ryu. The mods on PC are sure going to be interesting. Luke is still an absolute eyesore though.
I really hope they'll emulate the starting roster of SF5 which was really balanced, 50% returning from the previous game, 25% returning from older games, 25% new. Let's hope the roster will be more like 24 or 28 rather than 16.
I think 20 would be an acceptable number; it's a 1-on-1 fighting game rather than a tag or team-based game, so it doesn't need to have many fighters from the start. But yes, a balanced roster with 50% returning from SFV, 25% returning from other SF (or related, like Final Fight or Rival Schools) games and 25% newcomers would be ideal.
I wonder if Capcom will even bother to explain why Luke is supposed to be Ryu's main rival for SFVI (especially when his Story Mode chapter in V didn't address Ryu at all).
As for the focus on Ryu's "assets", hopefully this isn't an indication of SF becoming DOA-fied. Though if it does, it's curious that they're objectifying the male fighters as well (...come to think of it, Ryu was the most objectified character in SFV, with the focus on his "Hot Ryu" version, two of his "alternate outfits" being a pair of boxers and a skimpy fundoshi, and so on).
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
| "Re(1):Street Fighter 6 announced" , posted Wed 23 Feb 04:52    
Hoo boy, for civility I'll spoiler my initial reaction. Composed two days ago, but been too busy to horse around online.
The brief summary.
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - Nobody:
Absolutely Nobody:
Initial impression: I hate it visually.
The destination for me, as a fan of the games; but more importantly the legendary art team behind the characters was never photo-realistic skin, pores, hair, secretions and vascularity. The destination was always the magnificent concept art.
At least the classic Capcom Art Team understood the aesthetics of bodybuilding / heroic proportion. They better get the monkeys, or interns modeling Ryu's chest to focus on internal pectoral development for aesthetics, not to mention the weak traps.
It's clear I have aged into Robert Neville from I Am Legend (novel - only film adaptation worth a lick is the Vincent Price version). There is no place for me, or my kind left in this world.
Roy Batty feels.
I was only hoping for a visually captivating game that speaks to the heritage and visual style of the brilliant Capcom Art Team that propped up this intellectual property well past it's freshness date. Caving to the low brow Western market must have been inevitable.
Sorry for the passionate words, guess it's time for this old coot to move on. It's a gloomy day when I prefer global pandemics to the endless disappointment of Capcom.
The only glimmer of hope is this is Free to Play, because Capcom will not see my money for this affront.
This makes me want to go buy KoF15 full price now. While KoF15 is visually disappointing to me, at least it's not the complete soulless selling out this appears to be. Some Youtube Tekken hobo jokingly nailed it.
End of Spoiler
Capcom desperately needs a competent art director working on these games. This is the embodiment of soulless.
Cake feet.
"We don't rise to the level of our expectations. We fall to the level of our training." - Archilochus
| "Re(3):Re(10):Street Fighter 6 announced" , posted Thu 24 Feb 09:25    
quote: But where is hot Blanka???
And yeahhh the trailer's art is pretty dull and Westernized, but if we're lucky, it won't have much to do with the main game graphics even if Arc Fighter VI would be better. Failing that, see you on Fightcade!
Hot Blanka would be an animation challenge, as I picture hot Blanka as an overheated dog on a summer day. Rapid panting, lots of tongue action, and general appearance of discomfort. Victory pose is lapping like mad from a cool bowl of water. :p
I don't believe the art direction of fighting games is a binary choice. Yes Arc System Works is doing wonderful things with their custom UE engine.
I'm not a programmer, or a tech head; so I don't know how possible it would be to push game visuals to the Arcana level on a console; but considering the long forgotten PS3 Prince of Persia game was trying something visually unique and executing it well a decade ago - I'd like to think we have reached a point where a dedicated team could craft something stunning, remarkable, and unforgettable.
We're at a point where sheer horsepower isn't everything. It's the art direction, and commitment to crafting something amazing that counts. We've had visually captivating polygon based games on PS3, PS4, Gamecube, Switch, and other consoles. Add to that, we have visually captivating polygon based games that are multi-platform - this seems to be a case of Capcom overthinking the problem. Similar to SNK coming to the conclusion consumers did not respond well to sprites (KoF12/13), when the reality was consumers demanded competent online modes to enjoy games outside of Japanese arcades in addition to those gorgeous sprites.
Sort of like pre-2008 movie fans that could not conceive of a comic book movie where the titular characters were not decked out in black leather (The Matrix > Blade > X-Men) to "appeal to casual audiences". I'm ignoring the few multicolor comic movies that made the color concession by making the costume material look like a basketball (Spiderman / Superman Returns). No, you just need to put talented people at the helm, spend the money, and deliver a quality product.
It's just so frustrating. In the glory days, Capcom and SNK titles had unique visual styles. That uniqueness is flattened; although in these modern times - some of that is a result of poverty budgets (SNK).
"We don't rise to the level of our expectations. We fall to the level of our training." - Archilochus
PSN: zonepharaoh XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: zonepharaoh
| "Re(4):Re(10):Street Fighter 6 announced" , posted Thu 24 Feb 12:00:    
quote: Even if I don’t agree with some of the alterations, they’re generally okay? These are the Ps2 collections we’re talking about, not the Ps1 Zero 3 release. It was the handheld one with Ingrid shoved in that sucks.
Nothing could be more MMCafe than hijacking a new SFVI thread into a SFZero 3 conversation, and no one can possibly stop me!
Uhhh so let’s see…. The shockingly great (and best-selling) PS1 version of Zero 3 added World Tour and all the SSFII charas, then this was ported and called Upper but with bugs and stupid Ingrid on…PSP, I guess? And then wasn’t it reverse imported back into arcades, maybe with god damned Yun or someone else from lamentable SFIII? Or was that Double Upper?? I’m pretty sure the version in the great PS2 SF Zero “fighter’s generation” collection (whose scanlines debate was the source of MMC’s Greatest Battle, when Rugal took down Brandon’s worst columnist, one of only about two people moronic enough to ever get banned from the Cafe) was just the vanilla Zero 3, though in some deep debug mode you could mix charas from different games. Or was Upper a secret option? Was there even a Saturn version? I just don’t know anymore, but all that matters is that it’s a lot of fun on Fightcade even today!
OK BACK TO making fun of the new game’s logo now
[this message was edited by Maou on Thu 24 Feb 12:15] |
| "Re(4):Re(10):Street Fighter 6 announced" , posted Thu 24 Feb 12:40:    
quote: I don't believe the art direction of fighting games is a binary choice. Yes Arc System Works is doing wonderful things with their custom UE engine.
Something people, including myself, seem to forget are the costs of Arc System Works. I don't just mean their higher DLC character prices, but also the lack of alternate outfits for those characters.
The alternate outfits part may seem silly, but alternate outfits range from being affordable "value added" extras to presumably full-on cash cows. Dead or Alive wouldn't accumulate several hundred premium outfits if Tecmo wasn't seeing profits from the endeavor. Capcom has also gone pretty hard into alternate outfit territory with Street Fighter V, with a mix of Premium outfits, crossover marketing (Red Bull, Breast Cancer Research), and technically free outfits (though even the free outfits bleed Fight Money out of the economy).
Tekken hasn't quite gone wild with complete alternate outfits, but it has both alternate dedicated outfits and its whole fancy outfit customization mode. SNK Heroines was presumably meant to be a relatively low cost endeavor, yet SNK still had three outfits for nearly every character in addition to various customization items. While fairly simple in implementation and a bit clunky, Street Fighter V has "costume code" alternate versions of several of its outfits.
quote: Similar to SNK coming to the conclusion consumers did not respond well to sprites (KoF12/13)
I would guess that KOF moving to 3D wasn't because the conclusion that consumers didn't respond well to sprites, but rather that SNK found that they couldn't afford to produce higher quality sprites for a large roster series like KOF.
SNK tried to update its sprite work with KOF XII. The process was so time consuming and expensive that SNK ended up shipping an obviously half-finished "dream match" instead of the next story chapter. They made enough characters to get another story entry with KOF XIII, but even that game ended up with some cut corners (half-finished Mukai, palette swap Saiki).
After KOF XIII, SNK likely figured it couldn't go back to the pre-KOFXII sprites, but also saw the KOFXII/XIII sprites as a financial albatross, and saw 3D as their only potentially sustainable future. They might have viewed matters differently if they'd been making fighting games other than KOF in the meantime (with lower roster size demands, and from which they could share 2D sprite work), but they also likely figured they couldn't afford to make anything other than KOF...
[this message was edited by Baines on Thu 24 Feb 12:57] |
PSN: zonepharaoh XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: zonepharaoh
| "Re(6):Re(10):Street Fighter 6 announced" , posted Fri 25 Feb 01:03    
quote: Blanka-chan the default from now on (and then in SF7 they'll add Blanka in the background, and we'll go "gasp! but then who is in the Blanka-chan costume?").
Now THIS is the type of fighting game story in Street Fighter that we've all been waiting for! Was Sodom in a background in SFV a hint?? We can only hope that the realistic SFVI trailer was just a fakeout and that the game's mood will be set by Blanka-chan, Sodom, and Justice Gakuen.
AS FOR ZERO 3: it's confusing, but sort of like how the extras of the US arcade version of Zero 2 formed the foundation for Zero 2 Alpha in Japanese arcades and Zero 2 Dash at home, it was the Japanese PS1 home version of Zero 3 (no subtitle) that added World Tour, Guile, T.Hawk, etc. and was later iterated upon in the increasingly suspect subtitled versions. I still don't remember whether Upper was first in arcades or the weirdo PSP or some other thing, and reading articles on this is about as fun as trying to untangle when Harvest Moon stopped meaning Bokujou Monogatari and started meaning two entirely different games.
| "Re(8):Re(10):Street Fighter 6 announced" , posted Sat 26 Feb 02:03:    
quote: AS FOR ZERO 3: it's confusing, but sort of like how the extras of the US arcade version of Zero 2 formed the foundation for Zero 2 Alpha in Japanese arcades and Zero 2 Dash at home, it was the Japanese PS1 home version of Zero 3 (no subtitle) that added World Tour, Guile, T.Hawk, etc. and was later iterated upon in the increasingly suspect subtitled versions. I still don't remember whether Upper was first in arcades or the weirdo PSP or some other thing, and reading articles on this is about as fun as trying to untangle when Harvest Moon stopped meaning Bokujou Monogatari and started meaning two entirely different games.
I personally find this topic utterly depressing. The most "complete" version (with all the added characters) is the Upper or MAX version for PSP. Which I have. But who wants to play Street Fighter Zero 3 on a tiny PSP3 with those tiny buttons/pad?
The Arcade version of Upper was released on the Naomi board (Dreamcast based or the other way around). There are many other versions. My favorite version to play at home will always be the Saturn version with the memory cart added. Even though I spent millions of hours playing the Dreamcast version as well. Nothing compares to the original PS1 version with the World Tour! It's very confusing...
Which is kinda the same problem regarding Vampire Savior, right? There's the original Arcade version, then there are VS2 and VH2 (I still don't get why Capcom released two simultaneous versions of the same game with barely any differences between them - unless you love VH's soundtrack and hate VS's or vice-versa, even though they're both amazing), then the Saturn version including Donovan, Pyron and Huitzil into the roster, then the PS1 version which lets you choose between VS1, VS2 and VH2 (while still having access to all characters), the PSP one with Tower mode, the Dreamcast one allowing to choose the game system of any game of the franchise (including DS1's) and including Dee...
It's odd to realize how many different versions the DarkStalkers franchise had throughout the years - yet it technically only has two base games (yes, two; VH is often counted as "DarkStalkers 2", but while it has a lot of changes in its system, it's worth noting that its stages, storyline, endings and even part of the soundtrack are the same from the first game (though the stages were recolored, which made many of them look worse than they did in the original DarkStalkers), making it pretty much a "Super DarkStalkers 1 Turbo Upper" rather than an actual "DarkStalkers 2").
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
[this message was edited by Just a Person on Sat 26 Feb 07:14] |
PSN: zonepharaoh XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: zonepharaoh
| "Re(9):Re(10):Street Fighter 6 announced" , posted Sat 26 Feb 04:13    
quote: It's odd to realize how many different versions the DarkStalkers franchise had throughout the years - yet it technically only has two base games (yes, two; VH is often counted as "DarkStalkers 2", but while it has a lot of changes in its system, the stages, storyline, endings and even part of the soundtrack are the same from the first game, making it pretty much a "Super DarkStalkers 1 Turbo Upper" rather than an actual "DarkStalkers 2").
Ha! I’d forgotten there was a series with an even more confusing nomenclature than Zero 3, to say nothing of the weird US names which I do not understand at all. I think the Cafe is a dedicated enough place where people would legitimately enjoy, say, a SF Zero 3 collection consisting only of various versions of the one game!
In contrast, the sad downside of free version updates in the SFV era is that if you preferred, for example, vanilla SFV or season 3 or something, you can never, ever see it again. Like, I assume that anyone who bought a hard copy of vanilla SFV at this point would be forced to update to make it run, right? Oddly enough, today’s season-based fighting games might be the worst for preservation of any genre, even in a world of patches and digital copies.
In conclusion: yes to Star Gladia-tor Collection!
ACTUALLY TALKING ABOUT SFVI: in the finest tradition of the crappy, plagiarized original logo for the Tokyo Olympics, fan ideas for alternative SFVI logos are infinitely better! Maybe Capcom should get people excited and run a fan contest like with the old Rockman boss ideas or the SFV costume designs.
PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: Ishmael26b
| "Re(10):Re(10):Street Fighter 6 announced" , posted Sun 27 Feb 08:03    
quote: It's odd to realize how many different versions the DarkStalkers franchise had throughout the years - yet it technically only has two base games (yes, two; VH is often counted as "DarkStalkers 2", but while it has a lot of changes in its system, the stages, storyline, endings and even part of the soundtrack are the same from the first game, making it pretty much a "Super DarkStalkers 1 Turbo Upper" rather than an actual "DarkStalkers 2").
It's frustrating that a series I love as much as Vampire is such a mess. I'm glad that Capcom kept at the series, but the piecemeal release of the games means you can't point to any one game and declare it to be the true Vampire experience. The pointless name changes (including titles that were never used) add another layer of unnecessary confusion.
quote: In contrast, the sad downside of free version updates in the SFV era is that if you preferred, for example, vanilla SFV or season 3 or something, you can never, ever see it again. Like, I assume that anyone who bought a hard copy of vanilla SFV at this point would be forced to update to make it run, right? Oddly enough, today’s season-based fighting games might be the worst for preservation of any genre, even in a world of patches and digital copies.
I wonder, should modern games be viewed as years-long betas with the final version being whatever the game looks like when the publishers stop tinkering with it? Sure, some games have landmarks built into their lifespan -Super SF4 or whatever- but Tekken's love of releasing new characters as overpowered assholes is something that is obviously not meant to be a permanent part of the game's history. Could previous versions of games be homebrewed thanks to frame data? I imagine if someone wanted to go back to the "good" old days when Yun ground everyone into the dirt, it could be recreated in SF4.
quote: In conclusion: yes to Star Gladia-tor Collection!
I do wonder if Star Gladiator will ever see the light of day again. Going from the fighting game retrospectives published a few years back, nobody at Capcom was thrilled about that series. Is there a SG community that's holding tournaments for these forgotten games?
| "Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):Street Fighter 6 announce" , posted Sat 19 Mar 02:04    
quote: Ah, did you mean SFV’s Fight Money and/or Zenny? 
There was even a true-to-life crash in the currency value starting around season 3 or so, after which you could not possibly afford anything without real money!
Zenny, the irrefutable evidence that Street Fighter V was severely rushed. Launching with minimal game content is one thing, but launching without your planned premium currency system completed? Worse (for Capcom), they were still trying to get it implemented weeks after the date the first DLC characters were promised to be available for purchase.
Zenny even had the Shadaloo symbol on them.
As for the Fight Money "crash", I still believe that was Capcom realizing with horror that people were buying DLC characters with Fight Money instead of real money. Sure, Capcom promised people would be able to do it, but it isn't like they actually wanted people doing it. Then people figured out how to cheese and/or cheat the garbage Survival mode where Capcom tried to safely lock away so much of the promised Fight Money, or just gave up on spending their FM on the "intended" FM content... So Capcom "rebalanced" the whole system and introduced "new opportunities" and the like, which ultimately boiled down to removing large chunks of previously available FM, slashing the continuing payouts in half, and using that slashed half to fund skill-gated "new opportunities" without having to actually increase the amount of new available FM. And added in more ways/reasons to spend FM of course, to further discourage people from using now scarce FM on things that they could buy with real money.
PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: Ishmael26b
| "Re(1):Street Fighter V again" , posted Sat 19 Mar 22:05    
quote: No one linked the March 2022 update trailer?
Usual balance things, new filters (cellshading filter looks OK, pixel filter looks like shit), new tracksuit colors (even worse than the standard color!) and some new music remix.
Huh, considering I was just expecting them to make Luke a bit less stupid, this is a surprisingly robust update. The new attacks look interesting, especially the desperate attempts to make Rose viable. The only real disappointment is that cel shading is locked to offline mode. Sure, I mostly play offline but think of the great lagfest screenshots. That said, the pixel filter should be turned off in both online and offline modes. While I understand what they were going for, it doesn't work at recreating the look of a CRT monitor at all. Those paypigs don't know scanlines the way *I* know scanlines.
| "Re(2):Street Fighter V again" , posted Sat 19 Mar 23:12    
quote: I was hoping the cel shading filter would make it look more like an Arc game, but I think it looks more like SFIV.
quote: The only real disappointment is that cel shading is locked to offline mode. Sure, I mostly play offline but think of the great lagfest screenshots.
It does seem pretty pointless to add a new graphics mode that is offline only, particularly for a game that Capcom presumably still wants to push people to play online.
At a guess, it is a performance issue. From what I recall, unless it was ever improved, the Sony Playstation version already couldn't maintain 60 fps on some stages. Even a cheap celshading filter isn't going to be entirely free, and there is also the possibility it will see greater costs with certain outfits? It is safer to just make it offline only than to risk people in the online community complaining that an opponent running with cel-shading hurts the play experience.
As for looking like Arc System Works, while I'd also thought it would at least look a bit more convincing, it was a pipe dream. The SFV models weren't made with cel-shading in mind, and slapping a new filter onto them near the end of the life of the game is only going to do so much.
Still, even looking a bit like SF4 seems like an improvement over the regular SFV appearance. Then again, maybe the people who made the trailer cherry picked their scenes, and it actually looks atrocious in some other cases.
PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: Ishmael26b
| "Re(1):Bayonetta Fighter VI" , posted Mon 18 Apr 21:33    
quote: I somehow only just noticed that SFVI’s game designer is Hashimoto Yuusuke, director of MMC’s Favorite Action Game, Bayonetta 2, as well as main character designer of MMC’s Favorite Game, GODHAND. Weirdo SFVI trailer aside, I feel like this is about as good a pedigree as you can get!
If Ryu learns to spank his opponents mercilessly before sending them flying off into the background, we will have far surpassed anything SFIII, IV, and V were capable of.
Now there's an interesting resume! While everyone is busy making wild conjectures about what SF6 might look like, it's good to remember that the game is being made by people who have been responsible for many good - and occasionally, bizarre - moments in games past.
PSN: BadoorSNK(forPSVITA:BadoorUSA) XBL: BadoorSNK(ForWiiU/Steam:BadoorSNK) Wii: 3DS:4253-3532-0341 STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(1):Bayonetta Fighter VI" , posted Tue 19 Apr 15:07    
quote: I somehow only just noticed that SFVI’s game designer is Hashimoto Yuusuke, director of MMC’s Favorite Action Game, Bayonetta 2, as well as main character designer of MMC’s Favorite Game, GODHAND. Weirdo SFVI trailer aside, I feel like this is about as good a pedigree as you can get!
If Ryu learns to spank his opponents mercilessly before sending them flying off into the background, we will have far surpassed anything SFIII, IV, and V were capable of.
It does seem like a lot of ex-Capcom people are now back at Capcom, or at least working with Capcom, like the case with M-Two (who are different from retro port specialists, M2) working on the Resident Evil 3 remake and possibly RE4make, at least partially. It might be that the company culture right now is at a much better place, and it probably shows with all their recent success with RE and MH, + they turned things around with SFV. It's less tumultuous than the Inafune-days probably. Hopeful this would have a positive effect on their fighting games, tho I do have more than my fill of FGs at the moment, and Capcom fighters never really pulled me away from other fighting games even at their highest of heights.
http://100daysofmegashock.wordpress.com/ http://badoorsnk.wordpress.com/ pretzelmotion.com
PSN: zonepharaoh XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: zonepharaoh
| "Re(8):Japan Fighter VI" , posted Fri 13 May 00:30:    
quote: I'm pretty certain it was already rumored that SF had gone back to Capcom Japan, but here's an article mulling over the reading of the tea leaves.
Thanks for the article, Ish! The Automaton news site's subtitle, "Veracity in Gaming," has the unique plus of working both as Janglish and as American Silicon Valley-speak, so it took me a minute to see if I was reading an English article my browser had auto-translated into Japanese.
As the article notes midway down, SFV trailers used "Copyright Capcom USA" all the way up until Akira appeared and it switched to "Copyright Capcom Co. Ltd." Akira, her stage, and everything involving her were incidentally the pinnacle of quality and effort for the entire SFV series, so maybe I'll hopefully assume this is what a change in the rightsholder can bring!
[this message was edited by Maou on Fri 13 May 01:22] |
| "Re(9):Japan Fighter VI" , posted Wed 18 May 20:38    
quote: I'm pretty certain it was already rumored that SF had gone back to Capcom Japan, but here's an article mulling over the reading of the tea leaves. Thanks for the article, Ish! The Automaton news site's subtitle, "Veracity in Gaming," has the unique plus of working both as Janglish and as American Silicon Valley-speak, so it took me a minute to see if I was reading an English article my browser had auto-translated into Japanese.
As the article notes midway down, SFV trailers used "Copyright Capcom USA" all the way up until Akira appeared and it switched to "Copyright Capcom Co. Ltd." Akira, her stage, and everything involving her were incidentally the pinnacle of quality and effort for the entire SFV series, so maybe I'll hopefully assume this is what a change in the rightsholder can bring!
That's interesting, because I didn't think that the SFVI teaser with Ryu and Luke looks like something made by a Japanese team at all... maybe Capcom Japan is trying to emulate the looks of how they think that a game developed in the USA would look like (kinda like the Kakuto Chojin developers did)?
Then again, we still don't know if the actual game will actually look like that teaser.
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: Ishmael26b
| "Re(10):Japan Fighter VI" , posted Tue 24 May 04:18    
quote: I'm pretty certain it was already rumored that SF had gone back to Capcom Japan, but here's an article mulling over the reading of the tea leaves. Thanks for the article, Ish! The Automaton news site's subtitle, "Veracity in Gaming," has the unique plus of working both as Janglish and as American Silicon Valley-speak, so it took me a minute to see if I was reading an English article my browser had auto-translated into Japanese.
As the article notes midway down, SFV trailers used "Copyright Capcom USA" all the way up until Akira appeared and it switched to "Copyright Capcom Co. Ltd." Akira, her stage, and everything involving her were incidentally the pinnacle of quality and effort for the entire SFV series, so maybe I'll hopefully assume this is what a change in the rightsholder can bring!
That's interesting, because I didn't think that the SFVI teaser with Ryu and Luke looks like something made by a Japanese team at all... maybe Capcom Japan is trying to emulate the looks of how they think that a game developed in the USA would look like (kinda like the Kakuto Chojin developers did)?
Then again, we still don't know if the actual game will actually look like that teaser.
Were Luke and Bara Ryu developed as assets for the original, discarded SF6? If so, they might have been developed under a completely different design philosophy management team. Perhaps the characters in later seasons might look different than what we have seen so far? Then again, like you noted, we still haven't seen the game so we're going to have to wait for more information.
| "Re(6):Re(10):Japan Fighter VI" , posted Fri 3 Jun 14:30    
There can be no better excuse to return to the Cafe than a new entry on the Street Fighter series!
Sadly, I am not too impressed by what I saw on the trailers... The hip-hop aesthetics doesn't really do it for me, and I find the new characters pretty bland and uninspiring. I understand that the series has to evolve and adapt to the new times, but these visual and musical updates really throw me off. I'd be happy if they make Street Fighter more attractive for the younger generations, but this is just not my thing.
On the other hand, while I agree that her face looks pretty weird, I'm digging Chun Li's new style, both fighting and looks-wise. Her focus seems to be more on the "soft" side of martial arts now, which suits a mature tai-chi lady master quite a bit! She kinda reminds me of Michelle Yeoh in her later roles. And that's a great thing.
Ryu looks fine, but it seems the dev team couldn't decide the direction he's going. Is he a buddhist ascet now (as his monkish robe seems to imply)? Is he just an unkempt martial artist hermit, a la Mas Oyama or Miyamoto Musashi? Right now he seems kind of half assed either way.
At least, the overall action this time seems pretty fierce! The punches, kicks and techniques have more weight and impact than those in SFV, I think. I'd sure love to hear Richmond's input about this, but it seems a big improvement over the previous games!
We'll have to wait and see what other characters are gonna appear. I sure wish we could finally play as Haggar, and I'm already sacrificing baby goats to some ancient gods so Sakura and Ibuki end up as playable characters too.
 A Talking about Japanese History sword in hand
| "Re(1):Cast designs leaked" , posted Fri 3 Jun 21:53    
quote: 4Chan thread
SF2 base roster is pretty much stapled to every game from here on out. Liking the redesigns on Cammy, Rashid, Juri, and Chun. Not so much on Sad Ken though (who looks like hobo Garou Terry).
New chars look interesting, curious to see how they'll turn out.
I actually liked Ken's new design - and maybe he's just sullen on the artwork, not on the game itself.
It's surprising that all these artworks leaked. I wonder if Capcom is fuming about it... or if they allowed it to happen on purpose, to see how the audience would react to them. Hopefully it's the latter, because if they were trying to keep this a secret, it must be very frustrating to see it all leak.
Anyway, the return of the SFII World Warriors was to be expected - the surprising part is that the Shadaloo Lords aren't in the leak (sure, Dictator died in SFV, but the other three are still alive and well... and Dictator already "died" before in SFA3 and SSFIIT, so it's not like that would prevent him from coming back). I'm not sure if I like short-haired Cammy (she looks pretty, but the long braids were a staple for her), and Dee Jay would probably fit better in a DLC season than as part of the initial roster.
But the 8 newcomers all look great, at least in these artworks! And I love that two of the new women are big and more muscular! Fighting games need more muscular women (it's sad how Sega had one with Vanessa in VF4, then turned her into yet another slim girl with the build of a model, not of a fighter). Now, hopefully this time all 22 characters will be available from the beginning; Capcom's decision to have 6 characters as DLC in SFV's launch (even though their presence was leaked before the game was even released) was one of the things that hurt it a lot in the players' eyes.
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
PSN: gekijmo XBL: gekijmo5 Wii: n/a STM: gekiganger85 CFN: gekijmo
| "Re(2):Cast designs leaked" , posted Fri 3 Jun 22:08    
quote: We'll have to wait and see what other characters are gonna appear. I sure wish we could finally play as Haggar, and I'm already sacrificing baby goats to some ancient gods so Sakura and Ibuki end up as playable characters too.
Well, with the cast leak we can obviously be disappointed together now. I am SHOCKED no Final Fight characters are in the roster since Metro City as well as Damnd were featured heavily in the trailer.
quote: 4Chan thread
SF2 base roster is pretty much stapled to every game from here on out. Liking the redesigns on Cammy, Rashid, Juri, and Chun. Not so much on Sad Ken though (who looks like hobo Garou Terry).
New chars look interesting, curious to see how they'll turn out.
I actually liked Ken's new design - and maybe he's just sullen on the artwork, not on the game itself.
It's surprising that all these artworks leaked. I wonder if Capcom is fuming about it... or if they allowed it to happen on purpose, to see how the audience would react to them. Hopefully it's the latter, because if they were trying to keep this a secret, it must be very frustrating to see it all leak.
Anyway, the return of the SFII World Warriors was to be expected - the surprising part is that the Shadaloo Lords aren't in the leak (sure, Dictator died in SFV, but the other three are still alive and well... and Dictator already "died" before in SFA3 and SSFIIT, so it's not like that would prevent him from coming back). I'm not sure if I like short-haired Cammy (she looks pretty, but the long braids were a staple for her), and Dee Jay would probably fit better in a DLC season than as part of the initial roster.
But the 8 newcomers all look great, at least in these artworks! And I love that two of the new women are big and more muscular! Fighting games need more muscular women (it's sad how Sega had one with Vanessa in VF4, th
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I sure would LOVE to be a fly on the wall at Capcom right now.
The new comers all look fresh and unique. Lilly appears to have dual Snake War Clubs
I am curious what JP will end up being in terms of gameplay. Maybe a modern day Rasputin architype?
I just want to see all these characters in action now.
In other random news, it looks like Larua Bailey is no longer the English voice of Chun-Li
Jennie Kwan (Suki from Avatar The Last Airbender) is taking over. Always feels weird with such a long time change since Capcom was fairly consistent with their English voices for the last 15 years. I wonder who else is going to change. I believe the Ken voice actor has a dubious social media presence that they might want to avoid with broad voice actor change.
| "Re(6):Re(10):Japan Fighter VI" , posted Fri 3 Jun 22:26    
quote: That is what I am wondering too. Maybe a cool down or decreased damage for stuff like 360/720s. I am not against easy input, but I also get some flashbacks of annoying fights of MvCI online where people would just rush in with jab to land an easy combo and it was safe and they would just spam that. DB Fighterz has it and it didnt seem to be that much of a problem so I know it can be done well.
It looks like you lose a lot of options when you use the simplified control scheme. How balanced it is will depend on whether characters lose more or less useful options.
Simplified input gives you only three attack buttons instead of six, so you'll be losing around half your normals. That could vary depending on how they handle situational attacks, "auto" combos, and other options.
With a single dedicated special button, it looks like simplified input offers only one "strength" for any special move. There are things Capcom could do to change this, but so far it looks like a single option.
"Assisted Combos" could go either way. They look like a variation of the autocombo system in KOF, except you have to hold a shoulder button while mashing the button. You get only three strengths, each capped to a different length (two heavy, three medium, or four light), with the longer chains appearing to build to stronger moves and finishers. (The image for Ryu has his Heavy Heavy looking like a kick comboed into a hadouken, while his Medium Medium Medium looks like a punk into hadouken into Shinku Hadouken, while his Lightx4 looks like it includes some kind of EX kick and ends in a Shin Shoryuken?)
PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: Ishmael26b
| "Re(7):Re(10):Japan Fighter VI" , posted Sat 4 Jun 01:16    
I'm out sick for a few days and all hell breaks loose! Here are a few random thoughts:
The leaked roster is all over the place so you don't have to sully your eyes by going to 4Chan. First off, my two waifus Juri and Zangief made it in, so I'm happy. Otherwise, I'm surprised at the amount of SF2 representation. But just because they are familiar faces doesn't mean they will play the same. It's already been noted that Chun-Li has stance attacks, so who knows what sort of changes we could see. As long as the legacy characters lean less toward squatty SF4 Honda and are more like rabid badger SF5 Honda I'll be happy.
Most of the new characters look fun! Luke is still a turkey, but there will always need to be a 2P character for practice mode.
As others noted, it's surprising there isn't any Metro City or Shadaloo representation. (Come to think of it, none of the characters look like a boss or sub-boss.) However, I'm certain there's going to be Metro City and bad guys DLC before too long.
The "modern" control type seems like a lot of work for something that will be quickly abandoned by most everyone. At least it's a separate mode like Zero 1's EZ mode and not baked into the game like with recent KoF's.
I have no idea what world tour mode is, but it looks like I can wander the neighborhood punching goons. Metro City Community College must offer a two year degree program in goondom, since it's such a popular profession.
The background NPC's are so bad they look like they were farmed out to SNK. However, the fighters have a lot of personality already. The look of satisfaction at throwing a well placed kick and the look of pain from receiving a well placed kick to the groin goes a long way in making the characters come alive.
| "Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):Japan Fighter VI" , posted Sat 4 Jun 05:10    
quote: Ms. White battle
Seeking revenge on his SF5 hairstylist
I fully expect this control scheme to be 'modified' once Project L hits the scene, since all the other devs are waiting to rip it off see how it works.
Funny, I keep forgetting about Project L. While I don't think it's going to be the revolution that others want it to be (which explains why it slips from my already spotty memory) I am curious if it is going to have something that other games have somehow not stumbled onto yet.
And one other odd thing is Akuma being on the default roster, instead of appearing by surprise as a special challenger. How the mighty have fallen. Looking at the leaked roster, it's surprisingly robust. I don't know if that's the day 1 roster or DLC included, but it's a good mix of characters that features most of the series staples you would expect. I guess Capcom decided that a DLC pack of Sakura and other fighting schoolgirls would sell like water in the desert so poor, old Akuma made the cut for the initial roster.
Wow, SF6 is way more advanced in terms of development than I expected.
A schoolgirl DLC pack would be interesting. Sakura, Karin, Ibuki and... Hinata, I guess? That would be nice. Tiffany would be cool, but while she is a schoolgirl in Rival Schools, she doesn't look (or dress) like one.
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
PSN: zonepharaoh XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: zonepharaoh
| "Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):Japan Fighter VI" , posted Sat 4 Jun 06:36    
quote: A schoolgirl DLC pack would be interesting. Sakura, Karin, Ibuki and... Hinata, I guess? That would be nice. Tiffany would be cool, but while she is a schoolgirl in Rival Schools, she doesn't look (or dress) like one.
This depends on where you went to high school!!
Just kidding, I went to the Taiyou Gakuen equivalent, even though it's Gedou's school anthem that I can sing the best.
Wait, what were we talking about again? The leaked character art is very good--it can make even Dee Jay look cool, and Rashiiidoooo and Juri look very cool.
...how did Ed (who?) make it back into the series?
And I am also amused there is yet another forgettable French fighter with a blue color scheme after...Abel, was it?
| "From the army, back to the street fights" , posted Fri 10 Jun 03:48    
quote: As much as I like the Tekken characters, a thing I genuinely dislike about them is how all the women have the same build in that game! How come women aren't allowed to have bust/hip/waist/arm sizes as varied as the men are in that game?!
Because Bamco are cowards. If Marisa gains a following, expect Marduk to suddenly get a sister (or undergo surgery) for T8.
Speaking of Marisa, I wonder if there was any inspiration taken from Power Instinct's Angela to design her. I mean, both are Italian, both are women with a muscular body build... then again, I doubt Marisa will use a whip in battle.
I'm also curious to see more of Mimi; while she doesn't look as muscular as Marisa, her body also looks more like what one would expect from an actual fighter than the usual slim figure most female characters get in fighting games.
...Okay, while we don't get the chance to see these two new ladies in action, we do get to see Guile. And I have to say, I think he looks great!
So far, I liked all five characters already shown in game trailers. Hopefully Capcom will keep this trend going and won't mess up with the other 17 ones.
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: Ishmael26b
| "Re(1):From the army, back to the street fight" , posted Fri 10 Jun 04:06    
quote: In particular, having a VARIETY of bust sizes is a good thing, and Cammy with muscle tone is a much more interesting character than Cammy with no muscle tone! As much as I like the Tekken characters, a thing I genuinely dislike about them is how all the women have the same build in that game! How come women aren't allowed to have bust/hip/waist/arm sizes as varied as the men are in that game?!
Variety is the spice of life! I appreciate that I can immediately tell the differences in the bodies of Chun-Li and Cammy as I can in Ryu and Zangief. I know that lower budget games such as DoA have to make due with 1-2 female body types, but I appreciate that Capcom is spending their money on the important details.
quote: ...Okay, while we don't get the chance to see these two new ladies in action, we do get to see Guile. And I have to say, I think he looks great!
So far, I liked all five characters already shown in game trailers. Hopefully Capcom will keep this trend going and won't mess up with the other 17 ones.
That denim onesie is making me laugh, but what's really surprising is that Guile grew eyebrows! That expressionless mutant finally figured out how to grow body hair.
This reveal also makes me question those who are worried that SF6 is going to be too defensive. Guile has a ton of moves, including anti-air sonic hurricanes. If this is indicative of what every character can throw at you, I don't think any defense, no matter how good, is going to last forever.
| "Thoughts on Ken, Eliza and a SFV loose end" , posted Thu 16 Jun 06:32:    
quote: check out “lost his fortune on nfts and bored apes” Ken’s face here… good god. Also, Cammy, I guess.
Where did they got this video??
By the way, Hobo Ken is 1000 times better than Banana Hair Ken from SFV
He is, isn't he?
But I wonder why he looks like that. I'm perfectly fine if it's purely an aesthetic choice and Hobo Ken is still the lighthearted man he's always been - but there are some people looking into details on the art and speculating that SF6 Ken may be dealing with depression or something like that, either due to losing his wealth, divorcing Elena, or Elena dying.
Ken becoming poor could be an interesting development, but I really, really hope Elena won't die - and if they do get divorced, hopefully they'll get together again by the end of SF6's story or at least be on friendly terms with each other (with Ken deciding to live like Ryu, wandering around the world and fighting random martial artists while Eliza... does something she wants to do, as well). Their relationship was always a very endearing part of Ken's story, and while many relationships do get sour and come to an end in real life, SF is our escapism from real life, so I hope Ken and Eliza will be okay.
Oh, and just another random comment: didn't the SFV individual stories for Rose, Oro and G kinda indicate that there was a huge threat that everyone overlooked (who could either be G himself or someone else) and that now it was probably too late to stop it? Still, none of these three fighters are in the leaked roster... did Capcom just give up on that plot?
Sure, it's not like Street Fighter ever had the most consistent story (even among other fighting games), but it's kinda weird how it was built up in SFV's final seasons and we're not seeing anything indicating that it will continue in SF6 (unless the creepy Chinese woman among the newcomers is meant to be the threat they were talking about).
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
[this message was edited by Just a Person on Thu 16 Jun 06:32] |
| "Re(3):Thoughts on Ken, Eliza and a SFV loose" , posted Fri 17 Jun 07:09    
quote: I like that Rose's job is to make these vague prophecies of doom that everyone ignores and never come to fruition. She's the Cassandra of SF.
On one hand, that's every fortune teller's activity since the dawn of time. On the other, it makes me think that if Rose was in our world, she would tweet all the possible games that would be announced at E3, then conveniently erase all the tweets that were proven wrong and show her timeline as a proof of her powers. Would Rose leak Rose's presence in SF6? She probably already has.
I am not a huge fan of SF6's music. Since the game borrows from all previous games in the series, I guess what it took from Zero3 is the idea that themes don't need to have a melody or even be recognizable.
One thing that I like is that, so far, there doesn't seem to be a comeback mechanic. You don't seem to earn a lot of gauge by being beaten to your last pixel of life, unlike SF4's Ultra, SF5's V-gauge and even SF2X's super. This whole gauge usage meta has a lot of possibilities, I hope it will make the game enjoyable to play, theorize, and watch.
I really like some of the new animations, especially Guile's throw where he visibly put his leg between his opponent's like a proper throw, rather than lifting them like a bag of potatoes. I'm looking forward to see what the team can do. The last SF5 characters sometimes had an issue with weak impact and poses (Akira was really disappointing in that aspect), so let's see if they can improve on that.
I am annoyed that Jamie uses a system I would have loved to see used by Hakan in 5, and I hope it doesn't mean our second favourite Turkish wrestler (after our very own Oguz) will miss two games in a row. At least Dee Jay's presence makes me hopeful T Hawk might join sooner or later, and that the system will be kinder to him than SF4's or Zero3's.
Finally, I like that the game looks like Capcom's higher-ups have a lot of faith in it and assigned a true modern budget to the team to make something really big. After the last few years where it seemed Capcom would phase out fighting games, it's good to see Tsujimoto has faith in this new Ono-less team.
| "Re(6):Thoughts on Ken, Eliza and a SFV loose" , posted Fri 17 Jun 20:03:    
quote: I did see that they will have “battle damage,” but despite hopes of Japan-style “exploding clothes” battle damage (hooray!) it’s actually American-style “ugly injuries to body” damage (argh!). Not the SFII reference I needed!
Agreed. I always disliked the defeated portraits in SFII and SFIII; despite the name, I don't think Street Fighter's focus should be on leaving your opponent bcovered in bruises. We already have NRS's games for that.
(ironically, even NRS toned the bruises down a lot in MKX/11 and Injustice 2, in comparison with MK9 and Injustice 1... yes, Mortal Kombat, the franchise where kombatants are killed in the most gruesome ways, toned down the cuts and bruises during the matches - and Capcom is adding this to SF6. Okay, then)
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
[this message was edited by Just a Person on Sat 18 Jun 03:23] |
PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: Ishmael26b
| "Re(7):Thoughts on Ken, Eliza and a SFV loose" , posted Mon 20 Jun 01:17    
quote: I am annoyed that Jamie uses a system I would have loved to see used by Hakan in 5, and I hope it doesn't mean our second favourite Turkish wrestler (after our very own Oguz) will miss two games in a row. At least Dee Jay's presence makes me hopeful T Hawk might join sooner or later, and that the system will be kinder to him than SF4's or Zero3's.
Hmm, I hadn't really thought about it, but since SF6 seems to already have a surprising amount of install mechanics or stances or other stuff that adjusts how the character plays, it stands to reason that Hakan has a good chance of sliding back into the game. I remember people speculating that SF6 was going to have a realistic art style - nope, you're going to get Hakan's red skin and weird hair and you're going to like it.
The damage is a cute little touch. It looks less like the pounding you could take in older MK games and more like the slight scuffing the characters would receive in DoA6. (The DoA girls can also get really sweaty but - like most things in that series - that's probably a fetish of someone.) Come to think of it, most every fighting game has occasionally featured in-game blood splashes or facial damage from fighting so this isn't without precedent. SF hasn't really had that since SF2 so this does feel odd to go back to after so long, but at least nobody is barfing anymore.
Personally, I'm more excited about how exhausted characters change stance. The characters could have been flashing or colored red to indicate exhaustion, but that extra bit of animation is appreciated.
| "Re(7):Re(10):Japan Fighter VI" , posted Mon 25 Jul 01:10:    
quote: There can be no better excuse to return to the Cafe than a new entry on the Street Fighter series!
Sadly, I am not too impressed by what I saw on the trailers... The hip-hop aesthetics doesn't really do it for me, and I find the new characters pretty bland and uninspiring. I understand that the series has to evolve and adapt to the new times, but these visual and musical updates really throw me off. I'd be happy if they make Street Fighter more attractive for the younger generations, but this is just not my thing.
On the other hand, while I agree that her face looks pretty weird, I'm digging Chun Li's new style, both fighting and looks-wise. Her focus seems to be more on the "soft" side of martial arts now, which suits a mature tai-chi lady master quite a bit! She kinda reminds me of Michelle Yeoh in her later roles. And that's a great thing.
Ryu looks fine, but it seems the dev team couldn't decide the direction he's going. Is he a buddhist ascet now (as his monkish robe seems to imply)? Is he just an unkempt martial artist hermit, a la Mas Oyama or Miyamoto Musashi? Right now he seems kind of half assed either way.
At least, the overall action this time seems pretty fierce! The punches, kicks and techniques have more weight and impact than those in SFV, I think. I'd sure love to hear Richmond's input about this, but it seems a big improvement over the previous games!
We'll have to wait and see what other characters are gonna appear. I sure wish we could finally play a
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Apologies for being so late the party! Here goes...
Hooboy! Street Fighter 6 is such a mixed bag! There's a lot of interesting things going on, and I think in many ways it's an improvement on the previous titles.
The Good:
World Tour Mode It's really nice to see them finally focus on single player! It's been known (and yet not very well known) for years that the majority of people who buy fighting games actually DONT play them online! They primarily engage with them as a single player experience! So I think it's very wise of them to make that robust World Tour Mode. I just hope they are looking at it as a single player experience and not some kind of mini MMO or extra dressing for ranked battles or something. It needs to be a fun mode where you never have to engage with another living player at all and you can still have fun.
New Characters Look Good While Luke continues to be the worst character ever introduced to Street Fighter, Jamie bodes well for the future of the series. He's very well thought out. They took a well loved archetype (drunken kungfu master) and gave it a fun, dare I say Capcom-ish twist! I mean, ok basically they made him a hot young man instead of a little old bearded guy! But they did it thoughtfully! Jamie's costume feels traditional and yet he has the vibe of a young dude that likes to go clubbing and get tore up. Like Yun and Yang before him, Jamie somehow feels authentically Chinese and not just a stereotype. I think the key is that they all are cool beyond just being a specific ethnicity. That's really crucial, and I'm glad to see that ethos continued with SF6
Chun Li's young protege also makes sense. I dunno if she's actually gonna be a playable character, but I hope so. She would make a great addition to the cast. There's actually never been a fashionable young woman in Street Fighter. She looks like a cute Chinese influencer. Like she'd have a million TikTok followers. She has that look without looking obnoxious and still fitting in a fighting game, and that's great!
Leaked Cast Look Good This is what I'm most excited about. A whole new roster of characters, and they all look pretty good! Individually and as a cast! There's a lot of diversity in the look and feel of the characters. They're cool in different ways. Marisa looks fun with her bright red helmet of hair and imposing stature. She looks to be a striker too! Usually big women are wrestlers, so that's a nice change of pace. JP also looks neat. "Sexy senior citizen" is a welcome archetype. He looks like one of those wealthy guys who can afford the best personal trainers in the world 24/7 + endless TRT and probably also has like 200k instagram followers. I keep mentioning "influencers". For better or worse, "Influencers" are a huge aesthetic force of our times, so it makes sense for Street Fighter to lean into that. Thankfully they're figuring out interesting ways to do that. A.K.I also looks really cool. I'm guessing she's like a retcon of Fang. Instead of a hideously stereotypical, grotesque Chinese man they have a stone cold fox with white hair to match her icy demeanor. Someone her hair does seem very Chinese to me too. The shape of it. It's very much something that I'd imagine a Chinese socialite to don vs someone from Korea or Japan. Lilly and Kimberly look cute too! Kimberly feels like she could be a Gunnm: Last Order character (which is a very good thing in my book!) and I like how Lilly leans into Aztec aesthetics with her dress and Quauholōlli.
Now, my one complaint with the characters is ... THEY ALL LOOK SO MUCH BETTER IN 2D! There's a lot of really good things about Jamie's in-game model, but it just doesn't quite come together like the illustration. That outfit requires a more stylized approach in the art direction itself to be fully realized. That's my main issue with the game's visuals in general. They should/could have made the in-game graphics look like moving illustrations. Instead they're leaning into realism, because Mortal Kombat has outsold Street Fighter for an entire console cycle.
Moving onto criticisms...
The new costumes They're a mixed bag. As Maese pointed out, Ryu's costume doesn't quite work. Is he a monk now? A beggar? I get it, they want him to look more like Gouken now. But it just isn't working. Like... can you imagine Ryu deciding to put on that costume? At what point did he say "you know what? I'm a master now. I deserve these robes. Goodby gi!" It just doesn't work. On top of that he's using a ring to bind his cloak that recalls an Buddhist abbot's robes. Not even Gouken was that on the nose with the religious imagery. I don't inherently mind them using religious imagery. I mean, Gouki/Akuma is a Nio Guardian after all. But he looks AWESOME. And it thematically works, with Akuma specifically referencing Ungyo who represents death and the end of things with his closed mouth and Akuma being largely tight lipped with his barks! There was synergy and depth to this reference. I don't feel that with Ryu. It doesn't feel fresh, it feels expected. He's old and enlightened now, so let's give him some monk robes. Anyway, I don't mind that he's even more jacked now. And I think his new face looks pretty good.
Chun Li. I don't dig the new look. I don't think it's an improvement on the original at all. I do think it works better in the 2D drawing though. But in 3D her model doesn't quite work. I wish her legs had more muscular definition. All the dude's are jacked, she should be too! I mean, there's real life precedent they could be following now! OK, in all seriousness, the musculature of her legs just doesn't look right. They're too smooth and rounded. They look more like Pixar-mom-dump-truck-ass than actual muscular legs. A friend of mine, who is a far better drawer than me pointed out that he felt like her front leg muscules were overdeveloped at the expense of her back leg muscules. It's really weird, and it's possible they even did it on purpose, but it's a very imbalanced design.
Zangief. Looks OK. Visually the pants sort of work. But why? Some have speculated it was to fall in line with network broadcasting standards where you can't show too much skin. In any case, what doesn't work about it is that for me, his pants strongly recall old timey American football pants as opposed to wrestling/[url=]old timey strong man short shorts. It doesn't look bad, but it's not an improvement. Neither is it a very big change. It's just change for the sake of it, with minimal damage.
Dhalsim. Really glad they got rid of the head covering. He looked much more distinct bald, with a painted head. That immediately designates him as a holy man, whereas the turban just simply said he was South Asian.
Cammy. Doesn't look terrible, but definitely not an improvement. She lost many aspects that made her unique. I think my brother Andy had a good insight here. Her charm point is her stomach, but it's not about showing skin, it's about being so rock hard they show through her clothing. She could be Sonya Blade now. At least some aspects of her incredibly distinct design still shine through (her glaves and half her hair)
Sad Ken. I don't necessarily hate it. I hope if they are going to make him dour, they do it in an interesting way. I don't love the design, but I think it's ... OK? Compared to SFV it's a masterpiece haha.
Honda. Looks OK I guess? Again, not any better, and less distinct than before.
Blanka. I dig the overalls! The bandana looks alright too. I like it! THIS is how you update such an iconic character!
DeeJay. Now looks like a SFEX character. I dig it!
Rashid. MUCH IMPROVED. This is how he should have looked in the first place! They took the original design and executed it in a much more appealing and interesting way. This is an exemplery redesign!
Akuma. I ... I'm ok with it. It could have been so much worse. This is a pretty alright update. Again, not an improvement over the original. He's more of a generic grizzled guy now. But it doesn't look terrible.
Ed. They took the most boring Street Fighter character ever and made him, still boring, but better looking. He now looks as good as a Rumble Fish character.
Luke. Luke is the worst character out there. It's like he was generated from an algorithm. Hey what are the kids into? UFC? Youtube influencers? OK, let's take the Paul Brothers and Ninja and Conner McGregor and put them into a blender. Oh yeah, and let's go beyond making him a veteran. Let's make him a mercenary. Kids love PMCs right? Let's make him an actual PMC contractor aka a hired killer who murders brown people for profit, Americans will dig that!
Juri. Looks good! I got nothing more to say than that.
Alright, that's a whole lot of words up there. I gotta get some sleep!
I'll leave it at this: I feel like they're clearly putting more effort into Street Fighter 6 than they did into Street Fighter V. I think they have more of their "A-Game" going on here. I can't really comment on the gameplay, but I can comment on the aesthetics. I think they're trying too hard to appeal to a North American audience with them. I think they see that Tekken and Mortal Kombat outsell Street Fighter now, so they're trying to lean into the realism. I think that's a poor fit for Street Fighter. I think they're ignoring the EXPLOSIVE POPULARITY OF ANIME AND MANGA WORLDWIDE. And also ignoring that the most popular fighting game franchise ever now is Smash Bros. Obviously cartoony, stylized graphics are NOT an issue for an AMerican audience. In fact, I believe that the core fans and potential new Zoomer fans would prefer more stylized graphics instead of realistic ones. I think the newest Mortal Kombat looks very good for what it is, but it's not Street Fighter!
Just ... I'm not angry about this anymore. I'm too old and tired to get that upset about it anymore, but like. Imagine how much better Street Fighter 6 could look if they just let the artists cut loose and do what they personally found interesting, which is what they did for basically all of the 80s and 90s and the early 2000s. Is there a single screenshot of SF6 that looks as good as old Street Fighter art? Nope, not by a long shot. But the thing is, the games COULD look like that now.
Look at this 3D fan art here. Imagine seeing this. Knowing this exists. And not even trying to make the new Street Fighter look or feel anything like this. That's crazy to me! (it's not even that it "looks 2D" just look at how much stronger those poses are than most 3D games!!)
I mentioned this earlier, but look at how much better the 2D illustrations look than the 3D models! You could still keep the realistic lighting and rendering. Just match the stylized proportions and more iconic faces of the 2D art! Embrace the strengths that come from being a cartoon as opposed to falling deeper and deeper into the uncanny valley of realism!
TLDR: Street Fighter 6 should look like this and I'm sad it doesn't.
Seriously. You could have perfectly realistic lighting. Ray tracing. The works. Photoreal. But with stylized characters, it could work!
[this message was edited by nobinobita on Mon 25 Jul 14:46] |
| "Re(8):Re(10):Japan Fighter VI" , posted Mon 25 Jul 01:35:    
OK sorry I gotta say a few more things.
1. The Graffiti Theme. It doesn't fit. Tagging might have felt new and fresh and even dangerous in the 80s and 90s. But it feels passe now. Beyond that it's too limited in scope. Graffiti is largely associated with North American culture. And although it's a worldwide thing now, it's also a very urban/suburban thing. You might say it's a "street" thing. But Street Fighter is about ALL KINDS OF STREETS. ALL WALKS OF LIFE. Street Fighter should have an "any time, anywhere" kind of feeling. They are world warriors, fighting on paved and unpaved streets. Off road too. The Graffiti theme feels too narrow in scope.
On a related note, I didn't think the ink theme of SFIV was very fitting either. It felt forced. Same with the color globs in SFV. I don't know what they were thinking. I guess they just needed some eyecatching particles? I'd rather just have some hit sparks that add to the impact and action, but don't draw so much attention to themselves that they take you out of the fight!
2. The Hip Hop OST It's fine. I'm not against it at all, I just want to point out that at this point it's expected. When Third Strike came out, it was incredibly rare for a game to have a hip hop soundtrack. Especially if the game didn't have a hip hop theme to begin with. It was especially rare that it wasn't licensed music. And my god, I mean, they hired a Canadian underground rapper! That OST was the real deal!
Nowadays Rap is the defacto music of young people everywhere. You can't get more mainstream than rap music. Rock music doesn't even exist in the mainstream anymore. Everything is just pop and pop hip hop. I mean, yes of course there's all knids of wonderful indie music out there of every genre. But Hip Hop is the most safe and expected thing you could do for Street Fighter now. But hey, at least it's not nu-metal!
OK in all seriousness, there's nothing inherently wrong with using Rap even if it's expected. Or even Numetal. There's no inherently bad musical genre. All that matters is that it's well executed and interesting and fits the tone of the game. With that in mind, I wish the hip hop in SF6 was a bit more distinct, but it's not terrible. Im sure there will be some bangers in the new OST in general though.
Alright going to bed now! Good night everyone!
[this message was edited by nobinobita on Mon 25 Jul 01:37] |
| "Re(9):Re(10): Nobi Fighter VI" , posted Mon 25 Jul 16:55    
quote: OK sorry I gotta say a few more things.
1. The Graffiti Theme. It doesn't fit. Tagging might have felt new and fresh and even dangerous in the 80s and 90s. But it feels passe now. Beyond that it's too limited in scope. Graffiti is largely associated with North American culture. And although it's a worldwide thing now, it's also a very urban/suburban thing. You might say it's a "street" thing. But Street Fighter is about ALL KINDS OF STREETS. ALL WALKS OF LIFE. Street Fighter should have an "any time, anywhere" kind of feeling. They are world warriors, fighting on paved and unpaved streets. Off road too. The Graffiti theme feels too narrow in scope.
On a related note, I didn't think the ink theme of SFIV was very fitting either. It felt forced. Same with the color globs in SFV. I don't know what they were thinking. I guess they just needed some eyecatching particles? I'd rather just have some hit sparks that add to the impact and action, but don't draw so much attention to themselves that they take you out of the fight!
2. The Hip Hop OST It's fine. I'm not against it at all, I just want to point out that at this point it's expected. When Third Strike came out, it was incredibly rare for a game to have a hip hop soundtrack. Especially if the game didn't have a hip hop theme to begin with. It was especially rare that it wasn't licensed music. And my god, I mean, they hired a Canadian underground rapper! That OST was the real deal!
Nowadays Rap is the defacto music of young
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Man, it's so good to have Richmond in all his Art-Eating glory back around here! Everything feels so cozy and at-home now. I had already listened to your first impressions about SFVI in your podcast, but the Cafe is THE place where proper Street Fighter discussion needs to take place. All is right in the world now, as God intended.
I myself keep getting mixed feelings by everything SFVI has to show. Sometimes I see something that makes me go "wow, now this looks amazing!", but then the next trailer or whatever footage they show throws back a bucket of ice cold water over my shoulders. I guess we'll have to wait and see until the final thing is ready to be played.
I agree that it really is a shame that the in-game models don't look nearly as good as the super cool & stylish 2D character designs. But, to be honest, I think we are beating a horse that's been dead for 20 years here... Capcom decided to let the anime-like aesthetics die with the Zero/Alpha series, and I don't think we are gonna see that ever again. I shall keep dreaming for a Street Fighter game with the visuals of the new Guilty Gears, sure, but in the same way I keep dreaming for the next Soul Calibur game to get an AAA budget like it had in the 90s-00s.
As for the new characters that have been leaked, some of them look quite interesting, some others not so much, and only a couple of them look actually repulsive.
A.K.I. does look really intriguing, and has that ice-cold, super cool kung-fu flick villainess vibe. She could totally be a descendant of Mei Chao Feng, from Condor Heroes.
Rashid and DJ are looking cooler than they have any right to be, and Prehistoric Gouki looks fierce and menacing in a different way than before. I much preferred his old Nioh guardian look, but this new one is not half bad either, in its own way.
On the other hand, I'm not sure I wanna see more of Lilly until she's old enough to go to college.
In any case, one thing's for sure: Capcom does have my attention. I just hope they end up managing to pick my interest as well.
 A Talking about Japanese History sword in hand
PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: Ishmael26b
| "Re(10):Re(10): Nobi Fighter VI" , posted Tue 26 Jul 23:12    
I suspect I'm in the minority, but I always found the anime look of the Alpha/Zero series to be an aberration. While I liked the art style in general, I felt it was more of an alternate style that should never have been the definitive view of the characters. My feelings on the art also soured because those sprites stuck around too damn long, so I was utterly sick of looking at Ryu's bloated marshmallow sprite by the time MvC1 rolled around.
When I think of Ryu I don't think of mid-90's anime stylings, I think of the art that was on the side of the SF2:WW cabinets. I remember reading that with SF2 Akiman was looking to Western art to create designs that were more international instead of just having a Japanese aesthetic. Instead of a Western copy, SF2 ended up feeling like a Japanese style that had Western influences, sort of like Ryochi Ikegami or Buichi Terasawa. It was also a unique look that other games tried to copy, but with limited results. The wildly stylized "realistic" look of SF6 makes it feel, to me, like a of SF2's aesthetics (or at least a direct continuation of Ryu's haircut.) The graffiti stylings and hip-hop aesthetics also feel very much in the vein of SF2 cribbing from "Hard Times" and other movies and magazines for it's international flavor. SF6 may have Western influences but it's certainly not something a Western developer would make; Chun-Li looks at home in this game but would look out of place in, say, a GTA game. SF6 is looking to be a weird mix of things that will coalesce to create it's own thing, and that's the sort of stew I like.
PSN: Gojira_X XBL: Gojiraaa Wii: n/a STM: 29347508 CFN: Gojira
| "Re(2):Re(10):Re(10): Nobi Fighter VI" , posted Wed 27 Jul 03:50    
I do find myself agreeing with half of what nobi says, and from an artist POV I can understand where he's coming from. I'm not keen on many of the updated looks or the new proportions. The thing is, until I saw Ryu in his "classic" outfit I hadn't yet started to put together why I dislike it. Everyone has longer torsos now. I just can't unsee it. All it takes is a tiny shift in perspective to make everyone look like gorillas. And Ryu's face without the beard... at first I thought the chad meme was just a joke, but no it really does look like that. His jaw is enormous and his face looks astonishingly Western.
From a developer POV, I don't think the decision was made with MK in mind so much as just being the direction of games in general. The current generation now has a lot of tools to make the creation of "realism" more expedient than the slog it's been, and that usually has a far greater influence on a game's look than the idea of an uninspired bid to imitate competition (which rarely - if ever - turns out to be the reasoning for any game's look). I think rather than thinking about "how can we create a SF that's different from the previous ones?" the concept was more like "how can we use these realism tools we've already developed and apply them to SF?" and the answer was to hone in on details. The grittiness feels like an excuse to make shadows shadowier, the graffiti a reason to make the colors more colorful, these things combine to make all the animation details stand out as much as possible. It's a more measured, scientific approach that doesn't require an entirely new process but produces a strikingly different result.
That's not to say that nobody has tried to take the animated look further, but advances there have been limited if anything. Xrd was what, 8 years ago? Arcsys hasn't been advancing that so much as using the same thing over and over with vaguely minor improvements this whole time. Beyond that, has there really been anything that pushed the "cartoonish" envelope that looks like it could only have been made in the current gen? CC2 was doing some phenomenal stuff on PS3 but they basically dropped off the face of the earth after that. I'm struggling to think of anything recent at all. I think if anyone wants to make a 2D-ish game these days, they'll just make it 2D instead of "imitating" it. Like Shredder's Revenge (play that if you like 2D at all, btw).
Anyway, in spite of all this my reaction is just asking myself if I can get used to it. And in my experience, if I come to a point where I can even ask that, it means I don't really hate it. I might go looking for a reason to hate it, but I don't actually hate it.
| "Re(3):Re(10):Re(10): Nobi Fighter VI" , posted Wed 27 Jul 07:50    
As always, I love reading Nobi's analysis of these things, although, like for SF5, I don't feel as strongly as he does about the shortcomings of the game. Also because there's still a long way to go until the release of it all, and I stopped watching videos since they seem to keep the same build over and over (and seemingly won't even showcase a new build after Evo?), so my opinion still has plenty of room to evolve.
One thing that strikes me is that I'm not in the prime demographics of the game between the graffiti theme and the soundtrack, and it's OK. It's a very US-centered view of street culture, and it's the game's primary market (hence why Guile was shown so early: they need to reassure average white Americans that might have been spooked by the hip-hop that yes, this game is for you, look there are two blonde military manly men to scream "U!S!A!" to). Maybe I'm going to be surprised and we'll have more trip-hop influences later? Will Cammy's stage be in Camden? Will Two-P's inevitable addition add some retro punk? If Manon's theme is inspired by Stupeflip I'll buy 10 copies.
The main thing that concerns me in this game is the monetization. I have the feeling the game will have all the modern trappings of contemporary GAAS and FOMO with dozens of intricate currency systems to earn through login bonuses and battle passes, until the game devolves into another side-job.
| "Re(4):Re(10):Re(10): Nobi Fighter VI" , posted Thu 28 Jul 06:00    
Regarding commercial success
Japan has for a long time now been the smallest region in terms of fighting game sales, and this is true not just for SF but also for Tekken, as Harada mentions once again in his recent Harada's Bar.
Mortal Kombat hasn't just outsold SF for one console cycle, it has outsold SF for multiple console cycles! During the DC/PS2/GCN/XB era, Mortal Kombat Deception sold nearly 2 million copies, while people were still trying to come around on SF3. The gorefest reboot which released on the X360/PS3 cycle in its first year hit 3 million copies, while SF4 LTD has 3.4 million
SF3 would finally sell over a million as part of the Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection, but as you can see on this collection of all of Capcom's titles which have sold 1 million copies or more, SF3 sadly ain't there.
I feel like I've said this before! MK is a tremendously successful franchise, and while I don't like the gorefest direction it has taken, it is a franchise that its creators enjoyed creating for most of its life. I say that because over the course of MK11's production, it came to light that the development of its extreme gore was causing mental health issues for a whole bunch of employees.
What Does SF Look/Sound Like Anyway?
I agree that when SFA/SFZ first came out, elementary school me thought it looked "weird" and I wasn't sure how it I liked how much "less detailed" it seemed compared to SF2. Of course, in the years since then I looked at SFA/SFZ games and think they look fantastic!
Let's also not forget that SF2 eagerly embraced popular music! It jumped on the jazz fusion that was popular of that era in Japan, as well as popular music from the 80s (see: Ken's theme...). It didn't need to be on the cutting edge of what was popular back then, nor did it for the bulk of its popular entries.
In the years since SF itself became a part of culture and served as a cultural milestone, there's this expectation that it must've been culturally-defining in all ways, but I think that's an interpretation that is ignorant of how it was culturally derivative in many ways... and it being culturally derivative in those ways was essential to its appeal! What if the real strength of SF was its cultural curation?!
Am I actually going to start talking about SF6?!
Hahaha no. If there's one thing that I think about now, it's how we've entered into the Soul Calibur era, in which the 2D concept art for the characters is simply not achieved by the 3D execution of that art.
What is a World Warrior, anyway?!
Arslan Ash, duh.
He's a Pakistani man who excels at 2D (KOF) and 3D (Tekken) fighting games from Japan, who is sponsored by an Austrian company that produces and markets a drink invented by a Thai man.
PSN: zonepharaoh XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: zonepharaoh
| "Re(5):Re(10):Re(10): Nobi Fighter VI" , posted Thu 28 Jul 11:53    
Tons of great thoughts here! Ishmael is right to remind us that SFII began with the gekiga "serious manga" aesthetic, and even if key artists like Kinu soon produced more traditonal (and awesome!) manga-style art around the edges, the in-game look was consistently gekiga all the way through SSFIIX.
I also totally agree with Spoon on the irony of how 3D models were at one point too low-tech to match the beautiful hand-drawn art, yet now they're too realistic to match the beautiful hand-drawn art. At least SFVI has a style that's both pretty good and consistent, unlikely the consistently ugly SFIV and the inconsistently beautiful/ugly SFV.
I'm not sure SFIII is a fair comparison with MK in judging the series' popularity given how utterly unpopular SFIII in particular was---the more conventionally popular and widely played SFIV is probably a better measure. I understand that in the US it was the passage of time and the famous Daigo vs. Justin Wong match that helped rehabilitate the game among a limited crowd of serious players. I can only speak to the Japanese numbers (though they can't be any better in the US given the general collapse of arcade culture there by then), but I take great pleasure in noting that no stand-alone version of SFIII has ever even outsold the sequel to Justice Gakuen's LIFE SIM MODE, Nekketsu Seishun Nikki 2. In other words: SFIII is a fluke, but SFIV and V did pretty well in MK terms, no?
Spoon has another great comment on how SFII also reflected popular music at the time. The real question may be: compared with the then-happening jazz fusion in SFII, is SFVI's hip-hop already too démodé?! In the end, I'm waiting for them to the take the street culture and graffiti aspects to the areas I need: a hilarous Splatoon Fighter VI crossover and Jet Set Radio music in the sim mode.
| "Re(6):Re(10):Re(10): Nobi Fighter VI" , posted Fri 29 Jul 07:25    
quote: Spoon has another great comment on how SFII also reflected popular music at the time. The real question may be: compared with the then-happening jazz fusion in SFII, is SFVI's hip-hop already too démodé?!
I feel like "popular at the time" is not really properly expressing how not-new some of that music was!
For reference: - Top Gun release date is 1986 - Casiopea's "Mint Jams" album is from 1982 - T-square dates from the late 70s, and was particularly prolific in the 80s
It's more like "this was established music" by that time, kinda like how "popular songs" that get a lot of airplay might be a few years old. Frankly, cribbing from music that is NOT cutting edge would fit within the milieu of SF2. Like if SF6 decided to specifically feature more trap-style music, that'd probably be just right for it in terms of historical timing! Personally I think trap-style music fits fighting games great, but Tekken 7 proved that already!
Specifically back in the day when SF2 was new and japanese jazz fusion was slightly familiar (it was an 80s sound, after all!) but still novel to my North American ears, I think it was easier to attribute more novelty to it than it actually had when looking at the historical influence. SF in many ways is a backwards-looking franchise when it comes to music, and I don't think that's a negative, again because of its superior aesthetic sensibilities usually. Tekken is a more now-facing franchise musically, but I would be lying if I said I didn't like SF's music more in general.
PSN: zonepharaoh XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: zonepharaoh
| "Re(5): Feet Fighter Six - Foot Clan" , posted Wed 10 Aug 10:24    
quote: Juri's foot gloves are like lingerie I'm not a foot guy,* but I bet that does a lot for people into feet
W, wha--? You mean that Juri fans are actua---? I, I, ah... Hmm. As our wise prophet Oe "Golden Boy" Kintaro once said, THIS IS VERY EDUCATIONAL!
I'm impressed they've made an even more horrible theme for Juri than SFV's inaudible gurgle, but I'm glad they've tried to transform her from just "crazy" into "sort of cool" with her bike yet "evil-cute" with her lollypop and phone. In Japanese, Kimberley's actress more obviously channels Ibuki, but even so, I think that the combined visuals of Kimberly vs. Luke might be so terrifyingly USA that I need to go throw up.quote: Jet Set Radio music in the sim mode. No, not Dragula!!
Ha! That must be an addition to the US version? (Note: the only acceptable alterations to JSR are the inclusion of JUAN'S graffiti from the contest.) I was just thinking that I could get 120% behind this game if it's just JSR lead composter Naganuma Hideki's funky fresh beats all throughout the sim mode.
| "“Here Come FOUR OLD Challengers!!”" , posted Fri 16 Sep 00:02:    
Capcom has officially announced Ken, Blanka, E.Honda and Dhalsim for SFVI.
It's interesting that the only original World Warrior yet to be confirmed (even though we already know he'll be in the game) is Zangief, who's possibly the one who appeared in most games outside the SF franchise after Ryu, Chun-Li and Ken (even managing to be in MvC1, where Ken wasn't playable, and a default character in MvC2, while Chun-Li and Ken had to be unlocked).
Anyway, SFVI seems to be going in a lot of different directions at the same time, with the "World Tour"-like mode with player avatars learning techniques, something that looks like a Final Fight-like mode, a hub allowing to play the game inside the game... if the development team isn't careful enough, this could end up being a huge mess.
That said, I must say I'm really liking what I'm seeing so far. It already seems to be much more promising than SFV (and maybe even SFIV).
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
[this message was edited by Just a Person on Fri 16 Sep 01:00] |
| "Re(3):“Here Come FOUR OLD Challengers!!”" , posted Fri 16 Sep 08:38    
quote: It was pointed out to me that SF6 is modeling itself after NBA2K and this latest update cements that opinion. Instead of basketball, this game is designed to give you numerous different ways to interact with the culture and world of street fighting. So I can play SF6, goofy Tekkenball modes, old Capcom games, some cameo-filled single player thing and spend endless hours farting around with character customization? This is looking to be my all-in-one game.
Blanka as a mutant yokel is so good. Not enough to make me play him, but good. There are only so many ways you can redesign Honda but this is a good take. My thanks to whoever got rid of the skulls on Dhalsim. Ken's got a lot of his SF3 sprite in him, which is a good thing.
Speaking of Ken, Capcom revealed a bit of the stories for each character, and it seems Ken's problem is that he's... framed as some sort of criminal mastermind and is running away from the police until he manages to clear his name.
I don't really like this story, but hey, at least we know he's not depressed, or divorced, or widowed (and his name will likely be cleared by the end of SFVI and he'll celebrate with Eliza and Mel), so that's good.
Also, Blanka is apparently working as a jungle tour guide. Now that's a great story (and I mean it)! And it makes me sad to realize that Blanka doesn't exist in real life and I can't go to an excursion with him as a tour guide. I'm glad he's in the game, and I hope Laura will eventually be added in a DLC pack to bring even more Brazilian electricity to SFVI!
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
| "Re(5):“Here Come FOUR OLD Challengers!!”" , posted Sat 17 Sep 04:35    
quote: SF6, however, already has Dhalsim doing air fireballs followed by a mix-up teleport and the game is still at least six months from release. I can only imagine what sort of big-brain Blanka-chan set-ups are going to show up once the game finally comes out.
After thinking about it, I don't know if Blanka-chan will behave like a projectile, or like a puppet-based store.
I noticed that Juri unfortunately appears to have kept her store gimmick, with Capcom only removing the status icon. Instead, the status appears to be indicated by a bangle she wears on her ankle (which I at first thought was just a fancy house arrest ankle bracelet.) It's blue when she hasn't stored a charge, and turns purple (and envelopes her foot in purple light) when she does store a charge.
So I wonder if Blanka-chan is perhaps an external storage for Blanka's electric attack. Does it move forward on its own, or was it only moving with Blanka? Does it trigger on a timer, or when in range, or is it when Blanka performs an attack or lands an attack?
| "Re(1):full roster!" , posted Sat 17 Sep 22:13:    
quote: I have been enjoying everyone's observations so much!
I see they now have the full 18-chara roster up now! Unlike SFV's strange cubist chara art and SFIV's not-my-thing Ikeno styles, the SFVI chara art is really good! Look at Zangief! And I truly never expected to see DeeJay in a launch roster ever again. "OHH-KEaaay!"
World-Tour-as-Shenmue is kind of a fun idea and might actually make waiting around in lobbies bearable? I'm trying to think back on whether character creation is also Capcom reclaiming its greatest legacy: Justice Gakuen. Although Soul Calibur would become better known for this, I'm pretty sure Justice Gakuen's school sim mode was the first fighting game where you could design your own character and have him poorly imitate/pronounce the main characters' moves, right down to my male student's tragic imitation of Tiffany's "Wonderful! Beautiful! Exciting!" Even the slightly earlier Tobal 2 only had costume color adjustments, as I recall.
Interesting... so the initial roster will have 18 characters, not 22? Well, 18 is a decent number, but there will probably many people accusing Capcom of being greedy and holding 4 characters for DLC (even though there's a chance these 4 characters won't even be completed in terms of development when SFVI is released).
Marisa and Manon (The Street Fighter Formerly Known as Mimi) are shown in the trailer, anyway, so it's all good. But I hope that, in-game, Marisa's hair will actually look like... you know... hair. That artwork makes it look like a weird helmet (then again, maybe it is a helmet; it wouldn't be the weirdest accessory a street fighter has ever worn).
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
[this message was edited by Just a Person on Sun 18 Sep 06:45] |
| "Re(1):R.I.P. Cammy's pigtails" , posted Thu 6 Oct 20:41    
quote: Speaking of hair, I really love Cammy's new design, but I wish they wouldn't have made her hair short. She's always been associated with her pigtails.
I'm slowly getting used to the new hair on Cammy. But, I do mourn the loss of her pigtails. Everything else about her new design is great, however! She needed to be updated in that regard. Plus, it's street friendly. And we still get "dat ass" as well.
Agreed. Her new hair looks good, but her long braids were basically her visual signature.
It's kinda like when SNK removed Yuri's braid in KOF XIII and only brought it back in XV (and the braid looks awful in XV - which is odd, because Yuri has the braid in one of her alternate outfits in SNK Heroines and it actually looks much better there than it does in XV).
...Ahem, back to Cammy, maybe (and hopefully) there will be a customization option where it will be possible to unlock (or purchase) her long hair back.
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
| "Re(2):R.I.P. Cammy's pigtails" , posted Fri 14 Oct 14:53    
quote: Speaking of hair, I really love Cammy's new design, but I wish they wouldn't have made her hair short. She's always been associated with her pigtails.
I'm slowly getting used to the new hair on Cammy. But, I do mourn the loss of her pigtails. Everything else about her new design is great, however! She needed to be updated in that regard. Plus, it's street friendly. And we still get "dat ass" as well.
Agreed. Her new hair looks good, but her long braids were basically her visual signature.
It's kinda like when SNK removed Yuri's braid in KOF XIII and only brought it back in XV (and the braid looks awful in XV - which is odd, because Yuri has the braid in one of her alternate outfits in SNK Heroines and it actually looks much better there than it does in XV).
...Ahem, back to Cammy, maybe (and hopefully) there will be a customization option where it will be possible to unlock (or purchase) her long hair back.
Well, from a leaked video, her regular outfit will be in the game as well. So, we won't have to worry. :)
Don't get me started how bad Yuri looked without her braid.
| "Re(1):2 v 2" , posted Sun 30 Oct 03:41    
quote: A 2 v 2 mode has been found in the remnants of the SF6 beta. I don’t know if this is an offline novelty like it was in SF5 or a leftover from when SF6 was going in some weird team direction, but it is an interesting curiosity. It’s a shame it doesn’t look as good as the tag mode in DOA, but nothing is as fun as that mode.
Interesting. Would that be a tag mode or just a team elimination mode like the ones in USFIV and in SFV?
I wouldn't complain about either of them, anyway (or even both of them; several Dead or Alive entries have both a tag mode and a team mode, although its team mode is a single round rather than a new round beginning after each fighter is eliminated, like in KOF and in SFV). Still, Capcom would probably get better results if they saved any tag mechanics considered for SFVI and used it for another fighting game instead (either a "Capcom All-Stars" or a brand-new game with an original roster).
Then again, I don't understand much about business decisions, so who knows, maybe having a mode like this in SFVI would end up being the best choice, after all.
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
| "Re(1):Pre-order Trailer" , posted Fri 9 Dec 22:33    
quote: Featuring Dee Jay, Marisa, Manon and JP
Sugita voices JP! I did not see that coming.
I guess Manon is the answer to the question of "what if Lili and Abel had a child that hated her hair enough to commit crimes against it"
Also I guess they brought back Scramble Battle from Street Fighter X Tekken for SF6? Or maybe it's some kind of co-op CPU thing, I'm not sure
I have to admit; SF6's trailers have been looking so good and so interesting that I'm a little afraid that when the game finally gets released, it may not live up to the very high expectations that the trailers are creating.
It's interesting that Dee Jay is being officially revealed before Zangief and Cammy. Then again, Capcom may be considering that it's better to save some well-known characters to be revealed last, to keep people interested in every new trailer or screenshot that is released.
Manon and Marisa look very promising, as I expected; what I didn't expect was that JP (who I considered quite uninteresting when the artworks leaked) would also turn out to be quite cool himself.
It's probably safe to say that, at the very least, SF6 will be a much more complete product than SFV was when it was first released. Hopefully Capcom won't disappoint us this time.
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
| "SF6 CBT" , posted Sun 18 Dec 19:53    
I got a code for the closed beta test! My first reaction is that I'm surprised how well it runs on my ancient PC. Every setting is at the lowest and it looks kinda poop, but it runs and that's the most important. I also feel that loadings are slightly shorter than SF5, which is odd (but then I have a good SSD. Maybe the texture quality is lower because of my settings?) It really makes me think that people clamoring for next-gen only fighting games are shooting themselves in the foot. Isn't Tekken next-gen only? Good luck with that. Note: it also works very well on the Steam Deck, just plug a good controller on it and you're good to go, which is insane when you think of it.
As for the game itself, most of my initial feelings have been confirmed: Jamie is really fun, Kimberly is far too close to Guy to entertain me, Chunli is weird like in every new game, and I haven't touched the rest. Ryu hits like a truck, and I feel he's much more "Ryu" in this game than in 5: SF5 Ryu felt like he was stuck in a sort of identity crisis, in-between two V-triggers, not excelling at anything... SF6's Ryu is back to his basics: clear control, clear tools, clear damage, methodic and able to control the pace of the match. It feels strange to say good things about Ryu, especially since it boils down to "Ryu is back to being boring", but boring is still better than confused. I like the new system with all the jauges and different tools to use them. It's a bit confusing and I'm missing probably a lot of uses, but I feel the potential is there. Also the game really feels SF5-ish with extra universal systems instead of the variable ones, which I like. I think I even like the armor thing from SF4 which I hated in that game? I'm curious to see more characters and see what they can do with that. The music is just background noise. Clearly the biggest disappointment of the game, although I guess it will improve with time/DLC. Background NPC are still these weird mannequins moving hysterically like in 5, which I really hate. I would have loved a system setting to simply deactivate them, they're ugly and distracting. Hair physics is still not there, which I don't understand. Jamie has moments when his hair remind the worst times of Necalli and R.Mika in 5, and I just wonder: why does Capcom keep designing characters that highlight their biggest weakness? The battle hub is weird, I don't like it. It's the same thing as in these ArcSys games, I really don't see the point over simply "be in training mode while the servers look up someone to pair you with". It's also weirdly heavy and laggy, although I guess my weak PC is the culprit here. The avatar creation is Darksoulesque, except that you can create gaping-dragon-like abominations on top of regular human beings. So I did what I always do in Souls game and created my usual Brigitte, the oldest female character I could do, and went on a jolly adventure with her. Nothing to say on the online, it works well even with people on the other side of the planet. iI tried on wi-fi on the steam deck and it was still fairly good! Obviously that wouldn't do for serious ranking battles, but for a game that's 6 months in the future, it's a very good sign.
All in all, I still feel the game isn't really for me, but it's a good product. I guess I'll just play a bit to understand the systems and characters, but I'll mostly consume it by watching tournaments, like GGStrive.
Interestingly, the game has "modern controls" by default, and you have to fiddle through settings to put them back to classic. I find it interesting since the game seems to have a sort of balance to make classic more rewarding (I don't remember if it's more damage, or gave more gauge? Or just more variations in the moves?) so it's not this terrible "accessibility" options like CvS2pro or SFxT. But it's still pushed forward for casual players, and I guess the idea is that if you know how to do a shoryuken, you're savy enough to open the setting screen and find the correct option. It really feels like Capcom is confident in this product, which is always a good sign.
Finally, the worst thing is unfortunately there: SF5 already has the warning signs, but 6 is firmly a GAAS, wich the plagues of "daily challenges" and "weekly challenges" to get various currencies to buy clothes for your avatar, and probably other crap later (I can imagine some costumes, victory poses or provocations will be accessible there, as well as music themes probably). They haven't announced a battle pass yet, but it feels inevitable. I hate that.
| "Re(1):SF6 CBT" , posted Tue 20 Dec 04:16    
quote: Finally, the worst thing is unfortunately there: SF5 already has the warning signs, but 6 is firmly a GAAS, wich the plagues of "daily challenges" and "weekly challenges" to get various currencies to buy clothes for your avatar, and probably other crap later (I can imagine some costumes, victory poses or provocations will be accessible there, as well as music themes probably). They haven't announced a battle pass yet, but it feels inevitable. I hate that.
Did the beta give any hint as to how much the currencies are "worth"? How much it takes to actually buy stuff, and how hard it is to get them? The Deluxe and Ultimate Editions proudly promote that you get 4200 and 7700 Drive Tickets respectively, but of course give you no indication of what you use Drive Tickets for, how much they normally cost, and especially not what they are "worth" (which isn't necessarily that close to what Capcom will charge for them.)
Not that beta test values are even necessarily trustworthy, as publishers will intentionally lower or eliminate currency costs (or raise generation rates) during betas to make their games look better...
| "Re(2):SF6 CBT" , posted Tue 20 Dec 20:06    
quote: Did the beta give any hint as to how much the currencies are "worth"? How much it takes to actually buy stuff, and how hard it is to get them? The Deluxe and Ultimate Editions proudly promote that you get 4200 and 7700 Drive Tickets respectively, but of course give you no indication of what you use Drive Tickets for, how much they normally cost, and especially not what they are "worth" (which isn't necessarily that close to what Capcom will charge for them.)
Not that beta test values are even necessarily trustworthy, as publishers will intentionally lower or eliminate currency costs (or raise generation rates) during betas to make their games look better...
Not really. Also their use is not really clear: some avatar items were only buyable with one currency, while some others could be bought with either. Probably there will be specific prices that will make one or the other currency more desirable, but who knows. Best case scenario would be if they can allow to buy characters for free like in SF5 for dedicated players who don't want to buy the season pass...? Although as long as it's focused on the avatar, I don't have an issue with it, but we all know how these things go.
| "The Final Challengers (before DLC)" , posted Fri 24 Feb 23:42    
It took quite some time, but Capcom finally released the trailer for Zangief, Lily and Cammy.
I think Zangief looks fantastic, and Cammy would be perfect if she still had her long braids - but she still looks good.
Lily... eh. Maybe I'll like her once the game is released, but so far, to me, she's the least interesting of the newcomers (yes, even if we count Luke as a newcomer). Though at least she doesn't look as uninteresting as SFV's Necalli.
Overall, I think SF6's base roster is pretty good. I've seen some people complaining that Capcom should have removed some of the SFII World Warriors and replaced them with SFIII or Alpha characters, but considering how iconic the SFII roster is (yes, even E.Honda), this seems to be the right choice (but hopefully we'll soon see some SFIII and Alpha characters coming to the game via DLC).
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: Ishmael26b
| "Re(1):The Final Challengers (before DLC)" , posted Sat 25 Feb 01:48    
quote: It took quite some time, but Capcom finally released the trailer for Zangief, Lily and Cammy.
I think Zangief looks fantastic, and Cammy would be perfect if she still had her long braids - but she still looks good.
Lily... eh. Maybe I'll like her once the game is released, but so far, to me, she's the least interesting of the newcomers (yes, even if we count Luke as a newcomer). Though at least she doesn't look as uninteresting as SFV's Necalli.
Overall, I think SF6's base roster is pretty good. I've seen some people complaining that Capcom should have removed some of the SFII World Warriors and replaced them with SFIII or Alpha characters, but considering how iconic the SFII roster is (yes, even E.Honda), this seems to be the right choice (but hopefully we'll soon see some SFIII and Alpha characters coming to the game via DLC).
New characters!
Zangief looks amazing. I love his filled out wrestler body. I'll be curious to see how the SF6 engine benefits, since the parry, Drive Rush and pretty much everything else is going to lead into a piledriver. All these wonderfully animated characters are going to look great when I throw them.
Lily looks like T.Hawk and Talim did the fusion dance. With ingredients like that it's not surprising I'm not a fan of this cutsie-wootsy character. Now watch her be overpowered and grind the rest of the cast into the dirt.
Cammy looks absurdly good. She doesn't look like she's radically different from other games, but it's not like she's ever been bad. Besides, with her striking new look and crisp animation she will be popular no matter how she plays.
I know everyone will spend the next few weeks admiring Zangief's flexing and Cammy's stretching but what will Capcom show between now and the release date to keep interest at a fever pitch?
| "Re(5):The Final Challengers (before DLC)" , posted Mon 27 Feb 07:05    
quote: Pretty much, yes. The art leaks showed that Akuma, Ed, Rashid and a new Chinese lady looking like the X-Men's Lady Deathstrike will also be in SF6, but an early trailer seems to indicate that these four characters won't be part of the initial roster (but it's still not clear whether they'll be unlockable in-game or obtained via DLC).
The game's description has said it has an 18 character roster, and 18 characters have been revealed.
The first season pass will have four characters, and conveniently there are four characters that had concept art but are not in the revealed roster: Akuma, Ed, Rashid, and A.K.I. While I don't believe it has been officially stated, and characters can always get shuffled around before release, I'd say that they are almost certainly the four characters slated for the first season pass.
(If you remember the name "Mimi" from the concept art, she's "Manon" and is one of the 18 default roster characters.)
| "Re(6):The Final Challengers (before DLC)" , posted Tue 18 Apr 23:11    
quote: The game's description has said it has an 18 character roster, and 18 characters have been revealed.
The first season pass will have four characters, and conveniently there are four characters that had concept art but are not in the revealed roster: Akuma, Ed, Rashid, and A.K.I. While I don't believe it has been officially stated, and characters can always get shuffled around before release, I'd say that they are almost certainly the four characters slated for the first season pass.
(If you remember the name "Mimi" from the concept art, she's "Manon" and is one of the 18 default roster characters.)
Has Capcom already announced that the first season pass will have exactly four characters (regardless of them being the four characters whose arts already leaked or not)? I was expecting them to keep six characters per season like in SFV (then again, maybe making each additional character for the SF6 engine and system takes more time and/or effort than it did for SFV).
As for Manon, I'm glad Capcom changed her name. "Mimi" sounded kinda childish for a (supposedly) serious fighter.
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
PSN: beatolover XBL: Dead Wii: Dead STM: bugrom1067 CFN: rugalbgood
| "Re(9):Demo" , posted Sun 7 May 18:35:    
quote: Been spending time labbing with Luke in the training mode character guide and I'm actually warming up to the Modern controls. The real gamechanger was finding out that you still have access to command specials, which lets him keep most of his toolkit.
Nah, I think unless Modern gets nerfed, a lot of people are going to use it. If they go as is, modern controls are going to ruin neutral in this game. Everyone can walk forward with a one button invincible reversal, automatic hit confirms from mashing (for some characters, anyway), and one button supers to whiff punish on reaction. Throwing a projectile midscreen will be an unacceptable risk. If you use the shortcut button and nothing else, its 20% damage penalty.. If you do the input manually, you get no penalty. Meaning you can have all the same damage potential on modern, but also have access to instant 1 button DP/supers for situational use. It’s true characters lose access some command regulars (Ryu loses, like, 7, Luke a less painful 3), and on a strange note, some of the autocombos always come out and some hit confirm while using modern…for example, Ken’s light auto-combo always come out no matter what, while with Luke, the EX knuckle only comes out from the auto combo on hit, making it… pretty risk free. I think they should apply 20% damage reduction across the board on modern or take away the ability to use classic inputs without damage reductions, but all this might be moot anyway, assuming a day 1 patch is in the works!
[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Sun 7 May 18:52] |
PSN: zonepharaoh XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: zonepharaoh
| "Re(2):Re(10):Demo" , posted Wed 10 May 02:19    
quote: I expect the patch nerfs to be titled "Oops! All Modern".
I do find it funny that the recent trend/bandwagon in the FGC was expensive, custom button controllers but the hot new way to play SF6 is to use a standard controller you could buy at Target.
Heheh, you guys make me chuckle as always. As someone who's always liked the "martial training" aspect of difficult button inputs even though I'm not particularly good at fighting games despite all this, I would prefer Modern not to dominate, but in an era of competitive Smash, I wonder if more serious players secretly like Modern than they let on. I'm reminded of my resistance to automatic transmission cars and love for manual...yet I haven't driven a manual in years. And as I wrote once before, I'm super proud of our beloved Justice Gakuen for being the first known Capcom game to use Modern controls in the home version by default, decades before this! You may have forgotten, but it's true! I think shoulder buttons were supers by default, or maybe basic hadoukens were always supers!
PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: Ishmael26b
| "Re(3):Game" , posted Sun 4 Jun 23:45    
quote: This is such great news after the needlessly botched SFV launch! Even if the music seems pretty bad (is it?). SF 5’s launch was ass, but it did eventually get patched in to being a good game.
Yeah, 6’s sound track… I’m hoping for Zero 3 music DLC… or anything else really, ha ha ha. w Zangief’s theme is okay, I guess.
SF5 may have felt more like a proof of concept than an actual game when it first came out, but the music was always good. While I like some of the tracks in SF6, several of them also turn into background boops and beeps.
As for Maou's question, it's quite easy to jump into online matches. I haven't tried setting up a room or anything like that, but it should be fairly straightforward as well. You can interact with the Battle Hub as much as you want, but it's not a required mini-game like in an ArcSys title.
I'm really enjoying World Tour with its goofy Justice Gakuen vibe of friendship and constant violence. Currently I'm involved in a nonsense quest to make a counterfeit purse and I need to fly to Italy for materials. When I was presented with my first plane ticket the game suddenly blurted out a song about airplanes complete with lyrics! The mode is cornball and out of control in the best way possible. It's the sort of mode where you can stumble across the strangest things or get photobombed by Chun-Li and Li-Fen.
| "Re(7):Game" , posted Tue 6 Jun 00:22    
World Tour is an absolute treat, even if it's horrible at teaching the mechanics (you don't get access to Drive until Chapter 7, and it's just one sparring session with Luke). The main story is irrelevant, it's more about interacting with the legacy characters and doing absurd sidequests that feel right at home in a Yakuza game.
So far I found Retsu from SF1, learned that Luke is into repairing PCs, Chun-Li loves sweets and not ramen (her FF2 cameo was a lie), the Hado Pizza minigame has Geese's pretzel motion on the Hard difficulty, Marisa prefers to fight in the nude, you can equip the Blanka-chan outfit and run around like Ono-michi beating up thugs, etc. Right now I'm trying to find Carlos from FF2 and see what he's been up to.
| "Re(8):Game" , posted Tue 6 Jun 11:02    
quote: World Tour is an absolute treat, even if it's horrible at teaching the mechanics (you don't get access to Drive until Chapter 7, and it's just one sparring session with Luke). The main story is irrelevant, it's more about interacting with the legacy characters and doing absurd sidequests that feel right at home in a Yakuza game.
It does at least try to teach you some mechanics, even if it is pretty bad about it. Having to wait so long to get access to Drive simply doesn't make sense though, particularly since it is the new mechanic for the game. It also seems to take a while to get access to aerial specials?
It's also kind of annoying how the pacing for some of the fight rewards seem messed up, or just don't seem that well thought out. I had trouble with the optional second counterfeiter mission because I was *too high* a level to get the cards/rings/pipes; enemies couldn't survive enough hits to for me to trigger the appropriate item rewards. There was also wonky stuff like the Yellow Cardboard Box boss fight that looked like it was also supposed to be the tutorial for Pressure Time; no matter how much I stalled, the boss never attempted any move that could be countered into Pressure Time.
quote: So far I found Retsu from SF1, learned that Luke is into repairing PCs, Chun-Li loves sweets and not ramen (her FF2 cameo was a lie), the Hado Pizza minigame has Geese's pretzel motion on the Hard difficulty, Marisa prefers to fight in the nude, you can equip the Blanka-chan outfit and run around like Ono-michi beating up thugs, etc. Right now I'm trying to find Carlos from FF2 and see what he's been up to.
The Gift system can give you other bits of info about characters. Since Luke was a gamer, I gave him a copy of Red Elevator 8. He reluctantly took it, talking about how it was scary, but since it was a gift he'd try to play it for 5-10 minutes a day... (Funny thing is, I figured that would have been a failed gift based on his reaction, but afterwards I looked online and that seems to be the "right" gift for him...)
PSN: Gojira_X XBL: Gojiraaa Wii: n/a STM: 29347508 CFN: Gojira
| "Re(7):Game" , posted Thu 8 Jun 19:31:    
Oh what's that I'm sorry I forgot what day it was because I've already spent 50 hours in this World Tour nonsense, ask me anything
It's so stupid and unapologetic in its goofiness I can't help exploring it. I've literally done all of the sidequests, now all that's left is to max out all of the Master styles and bonds and teach Ryu how to use his smartphone. Never in my life could I have thought of a connection between Ryu and my Mom that plays out almost exactly the same, but here we are.
Also I'm quite amused that almost every character's "5BP" gift is consistently something they kind of hate. Luke gets a horror game he doesn't want to play, Cammy gets Eel-flavored Jello and even describes how disgusted she is eating it, Guile has to scarf down Natto in every tourist in Japan's rite of passage, and Juri is rightfully annoyed by the fact you're giving her a wrench when she already owns one and doesn't need more (a fact that only gets more amusing as you repeatedly give her wrenches to max out her bond). Of course there's one rare gift per master that they actually do like, but what fun is that?
quote: It's also kind of annoying how the pacing for some of the fight rewards seem messed up, or just don't seem that well thought out. I had trouble with the optional second counterfeiter mission because I was *too high* a level to get the cards/rings/pipes; enemies couldn't survive enough hits to for me to trigger the appropriate item rewards.
I'm sure you've figured it out by now, but this is why the debuff items exist.
[this message was edited by Gojira on Thu 8 Jun 19:33] |
PSN: Gojira_X XBL: Gojiraaa Wii: n/a STM: 29347508 CFN: Gojira
| "Re(9):Game" , posted Fri 9 Jun 04:50:    
- Where is Scrap Heap II? Nayshall. IIRC it unlocks at Daytime in the Lowlands just after you get to the point where you can change the time of day.
- I heard the main FF trio is only passively mentioned and don't actually appear, but do they hint at what Jessica has been up to? The clues are kind of there but I haven't put much together yet. Amusingly there are a lot of random characters named Jessica walking around town, but I doubt any of them is meant to be her.
- I haven't met Dhalsim yet, does Yoga Teleport get you to higher places? No, it only travels forward, doesn't go through walls either. The only thing good about it is that it's fast, which doesn't count for much.
Honestly the only three Master Actions you need are Ken's Shoryuken (for getting to higher places), Honda's Sumo Headbutt (for flying forward), and Blanka's Electricity (for everything else, it's fast so you can hit mobs with it and it has a large hit area so it's good for breaking stuff). And maybe also Ryu's Hadoken for those situations where you need to hit a floating item from a distant platform.
[this message was edited by Gojira on Fri 9 Jun 04:52] |
| "Re(8):Game" , posted Fri 9 Jun 07:54    
quote: I'm sure you've figured it out by now, but this is why the debuff items exist.
I lucked into a guy that I only had to defeat to get the pipe, with no minimum number of attacks requirement. The debuffs exist to "fix" the problem, but it feels like a rather clunky fix.
While not as critical, pacing issues go beyond simply being too strong to *not* kill an enemy before X hits.
It just seems silly that the game activated two "Getting Around" quests set behind the police barricade in Chapter 6 (so I couldn't reach them), instead of just delaying them until Chapter 7. Delaying all the Drive system stuff until the end of Chapter 6 was a weird decision, and it was equally weird that it is *all* dumped on you at once instead of spaced out. It's a bit annoying that you can run into fights long before the game even gives you the ability to complete their reward conditions. It almost makes me not want to run around and do stuff, because I'm "missing out" on potential rewards, and because I won't actually care anymore by the time I *can* trigger those rewards. It's like I'm being punished for having fun running around and beating up people.
I know, despite how some have hyped it, it is just a bonus mode in a fighting game. It's impressive that Capcom put as much effort into it as they did.
PSN: Gojira_X XBL: Gojiraaa Wii: n/a STM: 29347508 CFN: Gojira
| "Re(9):Game" , posted Fri 9 Jun 09:21    
While not as critical, pacing issues go beyond simply being too strong to *not* kill an enemy before X hits.
It just seems silly that the game activated two "Getting Around" quests set behind the police barricade in Chapter 6 (so I couldn't reach them), instead of just delaying them until Chapter 7. Delaying all the Drive system stuff until the end of Chapter 6 was a weird decision, and it was equally weird that it is *all* dumped on you at once instead of spaced out. It's a bit annoying that you can run into fights long before the game even gives you the ability to complete their reward conditions. It almost makes me not want to run around and do stuff, because I'm "missing out" on potential rewards, and because I won't actually care anymore by the time I *can* trigger those rewards. It's like I'm being punished for having fun running around and beating up people.
I know, despite how some have hyped it, it is just a bonus mode in a fighting game. It's impressive that Capcom put as much effort into it as they did.
There is kind of an interesting challenge to be had in trying to do everything you can before you have the Drive Gauge unlocked. You can max out some Master skills and unlock their expert sparring session, which leads to quite an interesting handicap that doesn't really do anything but challenge you to win without the game's new core mechanic.
I didn't sweat any of the low level stuff once I was too strong to do the mini-objectives. I learned to suppress my urge to be a completionist once I realized they were not going away. Just get bonuses if you want them but don't go out of your way to try and collect them, eventually there are just better ways. Even in the few cases where you find some random NPCs walking around with unique clothing as rewards, they come in clusters which means there are usually other randos nearby that have the same reward but with a different objective. So you have the ability to choose the one that you want to complete instead of being forced to do the first one you find.
PSN: zonepharaoh XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: zonepharaoh
| "Re(10):Game" , posted Sat 10 Jun 00:34    
quote: I know, despite how some have hyped it, it is just a bonus mode in a fighting game. It's impressive that Capcom put as much effort into it as they did.
After the unadorned SFV launch, this is so great, and it's fun to think back on the excitement of the PS1 and Saturn era when adding tons of bonus modes for fighting games suddenly become possible. People were already looking forward to these, and then the Saturn version of SFZero2 became so packed with fun things that it got released back into arcades, and even if the PS1 SFZero 3 was not a perfect port, it's incredible that people still remember and clamor for its World Tour mode 20+ years later whenever there is any kind of re-release! Ditto for the imperfect but full-of-fun Tekken 3 home version, and of course the insanely good upgrade for Soul Calibur thereafter on Dreamcast. Since the core game layout for fighting games remains so basic, somehow bonus modes bring the truest sense of a premium or special edition available for any other genre.
quote: It's like I'm being punished for having fun running around and beating up people.
Is Capcom secretly teaching us a moral lesson!?
| "Battle Pass" , posted Thu 15 Jun 10:32    
quote: I do wish the colors would have all come with the game instead of using the drive tickets to buy them.
I just noticed the first Battle Pass is active. Maybe Capcom is just waiting to spring it on players, but I admit I expected more desirable items to be locked behind the Premium Pass. With SFV, they has custom colors and premium outfits locked to their gacha game.
With this first Pass, it is just stuff like Avatar outfit pieces (which might be purely cosmetic, with no stat boosts?), titles, emotes, and the like. The most controversial thing might be stage music, which I think only unlocks it for the gallery music player?
I guess I should mention that they are also putting classic game ROMs in the Premium pass, this time it is Legendary Wings. But honestly Capcom has sold and resold its old arcade games so much as this point that that is hardly a surprise.
In a move that will make the hardcore supporters happy, completing the Premium pass will earn you 250 Fighter Coins, which is the entry price for the Premium Pass. Maybe that is the real reason the first Battle Pass is so underwhelming, as Capcom knows its diehard supporters will only need to spend real money on their first Premium pass. Capcom might not see a point to put more "appealing" items into passes unless too few people are buying them at all.
It does make me wonder for the financial future of SF6 though, as SF6 doesn't seem to be designed to exploit casual players even as they had tried with SFV, but they aren't really going after the pockets of the diehard fans either. (Mind, Capcom didn't have much a choice when embracing a Battle Pass mode, as the public tends to pillory Battle Passes that don't let dedicated players recoup the entry fee.) Capcom certainly wants SF6 to continue to generate money, beyond just base game sales and character DLC. But where is that recurring live service money going to come from?
| "Rashid trailer" , posted Thu 6 Jul 10:21:    
The trailer for Rashid is online. He'll come out on July 24th.
While everyone received a new outfit, something about SF6 Rashid makes him look like a completely new character for me. Maybe because he now looks like an adult, instead of a young man or teen running around with a backpack and Dragonball scouter?
EDIT: I should note that the Rashid-themed Battle Pass is already active, which does seem to confirm the plans for what battle passes will offer. It looks like the only difference this month is that it is Rashid-themed. "Free" version pretty much gives you nothing. Paid version gets you another emulated game (Side Arms), Rashid-themed avatar outfits, a Rashid title, a Rashid avatar emote, a Rashid "wallpaper", etc.
I guess this also kind of confirms the direction Challenges are going, as pretty much everything seems to be to play Battle Hub matches to get Kudos (to progress your Battle Pass).
[this message was edited by Baines on Thu 6 Jul 11:06] |
| "Re(2):RASHIDOOOO!!" , posted Fri 21 Jul 05:47    
quote: I for one am excited to have Rashid back! He looks even way better then in V! I'm curious to see what his story will be like in 6. I'll be curious to see how Rashid is implemented into World Tour, although that mode is open-ended enough that it shouldn't be much of a problem to slot in new characters. I also wonder how he will play in matches. In SF5 Rashid was great at pushing people toward corners and being nimble enough to escape from the edge of the screen. Getting trapped in the corner is a big deal in SF6 so I want to see if his reign of frustration will continue.
One thing I hadn't realized until now is that SF6's roster seems to put much more emphasis on the "World Warriors" approach, from Manon painting her nails with the colors of the flag of France, to Marisa fighting in a coliseum, to the point where even Dee Jay now brings his Jamaican identity down to his clothing, accent and so on. Some representations of the countries may be a little stereotypical like in the SFII days; nevertheless; I kinda like it. And Rashid also fits with this theme (though Ed, who we also know will be in the Season 1 DLC, does not).
That makes me think that certain old characters would fit into this approach (El Fuerte, Hakan, Menat, Laura) better than others (Crimson Viper, Rufus, Remy, Necro). In particular, watching Cammy's acrobatic moves makes me wonder if El Fuerte could get some cool moves like those, while Marisa's hair (styled like a helmet but still looking like, you know, actual hair) could indicate there's some hope for Hakan's hair in case Capcom ever remembers he exists and decides to include him in SF6.
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
| "Ed, Edd and Eddy" , posted Thu 29 Feb 00:40    
*insert your own Eddy Gordo pun here*
So the big Ed update dropped, along with the first major balance patch (RIP Amnesia combos and Luke cr. MP spam). Ed is pretty fun to use, his look is way better than the atrocity that was his SF5 model, and his animations are the cleanest I've ever seen a boxer look in a fighting game. The Yamazaki-like punches are weird at first because they don't work the same way Yama's does (LP straight has garbage range, MP low has the most range and is your go-to for punishing fireballers, HP high is practically worthless and the charge variant is baffling, they should've made it like Vice from CVS2's grab).
Not much happens in his lore in WT, Falke is mentioned in passing but never seen, unlike FANG actually being present at the stadium. Despite the hotheadedness from the trailers, Ed is pretty mellow during his texts. Sadly, he doesn't have a quirk like Cammy's love for cats.
PSN: zonepharaoh XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: zonepharaoh
| "Re(3):Ed, Edd and Eddy" , posted Fri 1 Mar 19:05    
quote: I wasn't certain about Ed's return either, since in SF5 he felt more like a proof of concept for a control scheme rather than a fully realized character. However, the changes in his design make him look a lot better and his move set make him feel unique among SF's other boxers, making him feel like a worthwhile addition. Ed's finally a real boy!
A small thing, but I like that Neo-Shadaloo has rebranded the winged skull emblem to an owl. Whether that means that Neo-Shadaloo is an entirely different organization or that it's the same old thing with a new name on the door has yet to be determined. Judging from the little I've seen of Ed's behavior in SF6 I'm not certain he knows which way it's going to go either.
While Ed and the new cast still don't appeal to me, I'm kind of amused by the idea that he accidentally makes the weird US Shadowloo name changes come true: finally, a boxer with Psycho Power, just like M(ike) Bison always suggested was possible!
...I still can't believe Ed and Deejay made it into the first season a fighting game. Only adding Alex and Abel (who?) would be more daring. Wait, are they playable? How would we know!?
PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: Ishmael26b
| "Re(7):Ed, Edd and Eddy" , posted Fri 8 Mar 00:55    
quote: Regardless of when the Knee-Press Nightmare continues I sure hope it does in some form next season, ha ha ha ha.
Maybe not next season, but yes, Dictator will most likely return at some point in SF6 (so will Boxer, Claw and Sagat, and Capcom will probably also include at least one SFIII character to avoid whining from the SFIII fanbase).
I hope Laura and Menat can also get a chance of returning.
Well, his hat is back in SF6, so he should show up eventually to reclaim his missing chapeau. That, or the hat will act like Super Mario Odyssey and take over Ed.
Rugal's complaint about not finding a character that clicks with him is understandable. To this day I'm still not a big fan of Tekken 3 because the characters I liked were Kazuya and Jun. Having them both get tossed to be replaced by an aggregate proto-Luke bothered me on a weird, irrational level.
PSN: Gojira_X XBL: Gojiraaa Wii: n/a STM: 29347508 CFN: Gojira
| "Re(8):Ed, Edd and Eddy" , posted Fri 8 Mar 07:35    
It'll be interesting to see how they bring dictator back to SF, if they really do it. They seem pretty dedicated to the story thread that he went poof, which means if he comes back he will definitely have a new body this time, unlike all the other times.
And the front-runner theory of who that body will be is still supported. Ed says that a "fortune teller" aka Rose or Menat literally told him that psycho power would consume him one day. So unless fortune tellers in SF are confirmed frauds, that implies that he will become the Hat Man, Mister Smiley McGee, guy of the Shakey Fist himself.
However I think that's a misdirection. I think it will be Bosch. Because the idea of "Vega" becoming "Beggar", a homeless guy with a cardboard box on his head performing psycho crushers and knee press nightmares, is just too damn funny to me
PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: Ishmael26b
| "Old Man and the Sea" , posted Tue 28 May 06:45    
Akuma has been introduced to SF6 and he can, not surprisingly, do everything. But what interested me the most was how such an anti-social character was going to be used in the World Tour mode. Akuma has often been portrayed as a mystery, which is cool but also means his motivations and characterization has been murky. Is he a kill-crazed monster? Is he possessed by demons? Does he try to kill everyone but keep failing spectacularly? This mode finally allowed a bit of personality to leak out.
First, no one in the game views him as a villain. Retsu even openly states that Akuma isn't the nicest person but isn't evil. Taking Akuma canonically in this direction is probably a bit easier now that Gouken decided he wasn't going to be dead anymore. Anyway, this now gives Capcom a chance to better define what the Satsui no Hado is all about. Before, it had vaguely been something about negative energy that would give you a tan. But in the game Akuma describes it more as the life and death struggle of nature, where the danger of putting your life on the line will force you to focus and do better than you would in a friendly sparring match. It's basically tough love given corporeal form.
The game also shows that Akuma lives fully off the grid. He can be seen mending a hole in his trousers while forest animals look on, which is quite the sight for someone who usually is only seen scowling and punching. (Later he is seen kicking a fish, but that's for dinner. He also respects the fish.) It is even revealed that Akuma carves all the little wooden statues in his cave to honor those whom he has fought. Turns out Akuma is big on interior decorating.
SF6 shows that Akuma is driven to such an extent that he has put everything else aside. If you've ever been to an arcade or fighting game tournament and met that guy who is weirdly obsessive about being good and has the look and hygiene of someone who may have slept on the sidewalk outside the night before you've run into the real-world equivalent of Gouki.
PSN: zonepharaoh XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: zonepharaoh
| "Re(4):Old Gouki and the Sea" , posted Sat 1 Jun 12:27    
quote: Well, his hat is back in SF6, so he should show up eventually to reclaim his missing chapeau. That, or the hat will act like Super Mario Odyssey and take over Ed.
"Vega" becoming "Beggar", a homeless guy with a cardboard box on his head performing psycho crushers
Akuma is either turning into a living guardian statue or he is desperate need of a glass of Pocari Sweat.
Forget Elena, we need to find out when he had time to hang out with Nagare and learn the swan dive.
(Later he is seen kicking a fish, but that's for dinner. He also respects the fish.)
There are a lot of Grade A+++ comedic observations here I have been enjoying but too busy to respond to!
Meanwhile, on the subject of Gouki:
quote: Akuma is strange as an actual person who has to interact with human society as opposed to a recurring ghost who haunts people.
Capcom a chance to better define what the Satsui no Hado is all about. Before, it had vaguely been something about negative energy that would give you a tan.
Because SF Zero 1 was so thoroughly eclipsed by Zero 2 and 3 (sorry, Chain Combos), it's easy to forget its extremely excellent image art, including this great one I've always remembered of Gouki selling fruit to a kid somewhere (on the side: "here's your change"), maybe in a temple or open-air market . Once you get past the dumb obsession 1990s Capcom USA had with misleadingly presenting Gouki as a "devil" (right down to his very stupid US name) and making "Evil" Ryu, it's easier to remember that he's basically depicted alternately as the extreme end of life-or-death fighting embodied in Satsui No Hadou (only by fighting your master to the death do you become the successor) or an ascetic monk/Buddhist guardian (Nobi has more), eternally training and almost beast-like in his isolation and focus.
This makes him inaccessible to a lot of people setting-wise, but if you do have him wandering around town, he's sort of a more dramatic version of fish-out-of-water Ryu. He's not going to attack random people since he's never been an "evil" character, despite Capcom USA's confused fantasies, but it still makes it weird for him to be hanging out! I'd like to see him interact with man's man Kazama Daigo during season 4 of SFVI which will feature exclusively Justice Gakuen characters. (This might actually make me want to play SFVI despite the mostly weird new characters and very bad music!)
| "Re(8):Old Gouki and the Season 2" , posted Sat 8 Jun 08:45    
quote: Here's your CvS3, now stop asking
Kinda surprised they didn't lead with Kyo, since he'd vibe with Luke and Jamie more than Terry. Speaking of, did they go with his classic look so he wouldn't upstage Ken?
Elena's new look is nice, and Bison/Vega...well, he's back. Wish I cared more since JP is a much better villain at this point, but maybe they'll do something interesting with him that may change my mind.
I guess Terry fits better with the "world warrior traveling and fighting and making new friends" vibe from Street Fighter than Kyo does. Come to think of it, he's at the same time very similar to Ryu (both being wanderers and having matches all around the world) and very different from him as well (being more carefree and not obsessed with being a perfect fighter, not having a defined fighting style and so on).
Anyway, SF was one of the few fighting games (and the main one) that wasn't including guest fighters on its rosters; now it is also out of that list. Which ones haven't adopted this trend yet? Only Guilty Gear and KOF (and *maybe* the new Fatal Fury game), I guess?
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
PSN: zonepharaoh XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: zonepharaoh
| "Re(1):Well that was fast" , posted Sat 8 Jun 17:33    
quote: Unfortunately, it seems we will be bidding farewell to Vegamoto. His legacy shall live forever.
Wakamoto is so infused into the Vega character that 1) I just had to do a quick search to make sure something hadn't happened to him, and 2) it's easy to forget that there was the Zero series actor before him up until about Capcom vs. SNK I think, who was also good. Since Wakamoto is fine, I can only say it's a poor choice dropping him at any age, just like Kobayashi for Jigen. The new guy doesn't have much to say, and clone or no, I don't know about that goofy hair. I had to laugh at the unintentional (???) humor of the leader of a major crime syndicate/paramilitary organization riding in on the black stallion. Huh?! Yippee-ki-yay, uh, or something...
quote: I chuckled that Gouki talked like he had a big dramatic fight with Vega (dictator) when we all know he just jumped outa nowhere and killed him while he wasn’t looking
MESSATSU No amount of football camp can hide the fact that Gouki is actually just a biter, posing as a cool dude!
quote: Does he wander the woods picking wild melons or does he Asura Senku through someone's garden when no one is looking?
I love both of these options. The great puzzle of wandering warrior monks like Ryu and Gouki is where they get their protein, or any food for that matter. Do people give them offerings? Does Gouki just hadouken fish out of the river? Is he eating shoujin ryouri vegetarian monk food, or catching deer?!
PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: Ishmael26b
| "Re(3):A post about horse" , posted Fri 28 Jun 01:32    
I'm surprised that there was appreciation for the rejected Bison designs; they looked like bad KoF boss outfits to me.
quote: On a serious note, I think he’s extremely good, although knee press not being a charge is hella inconvenient, gotta break muscle memory.
Ugh, that was the part I was having trouble with as well. I'm going to have to re-learn my ABC's... although in this case it's my Always Be Charging tendencies. But other than that, he can still squash you really quickly and the mirror match is the worst thing ever so he still feels like Dictator to me.
Hopefully I can play a bit more soon, since I'm loving how he feels and the story of Dictator 2.0. First, I'm enjoying that he's once again pulling inspiration from Raoh. From his level 2 super to his malevolent horse, he's gone back to fully embracing his Ken-Oh cosplayer roots. I also like that he seems to be moving beyond his murky plans of getting new bodies so he can continue to be Shadaloo CEO in perpetuity. Bison consuming a Shadaloo AI (that was composed of old game screens and voiced by Wakamoto) shows he's not quite the same person he was. But who will he be? Even though he doesn't know who he is, he still thought it would be jolly fun to force Juri to help him learn about himself so he knows who he is before they have their big death battle. Sounds like a healthy relationship to me! This also shows that no matter how the details change, the core of Bison is staying the same, which is being a jerk.
PSN: zonepharaoh XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: zonepharaoh
| "Re(3):A post about horse" , posted Fri 28 Jun 09:51    
quote: knee press not being a charge is hella inconvenient, gotta break muscle memory.
Ha, he’s pulling a Chun-li! Though her switch to quarter circles and extremely attractive designs in SFV finally inspired me to play as her in the first two pre-Sakura seasons. I hear they will add old music and past announcers to some modes; if I can eventually play with the glorious SFZero 3 announcer and non-shitty music, I look forward to getting pounded by Rugal’s Vega in the future!
quote: From his level 2 super to his malevolent horse, he's gone back to fully embracing his Ken-Oh cosplayer roots
Hahaha, especially for reasons like this.
quote: new bodies so he can continue to be Shadaloo CEO in perpetuity.
For an immortal esper villain, he may be getting a little too realistic…!
quote: no matter how the details change, the core of Bison is staying the same, which is being a jerk.
In an medium full of tortured antagonists with complex motivations, I appreciate Vega’s utterly unelaborated simplicity. No matter the game, our thinking about him mostly stays at the level of, “What’s his problem?!”
PSN: zonepharaoh XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: zonepharaoh
| "Re(6):A post about horse" , posted Sat 29 Jun 23:36    
quote: Bison, however, is refreshingly confident about being a villainous asshole. Look at how much he smiles and laughs at landing scissor kicks or some other move with great frame advantage. That is a man who loves his life!
Ha! It's so true, and Wakamoto always made him seem like he was having an extra large amount of evil fun.
But even with that, we have no idea who he is, which is great. Even in a functionally story-less game like Street Fighter, nominally sinister characters were given some sort of background or humanity, with even weirdo claw Balrog rescuing Cammy and the dolls in Zero 3, Sagat getting redeemed very quickly, and Fang being a bad dude but with an intense sense of loyalty and awe for Vega. But the Shadowloo man himself? He's a total blank!
The one instance I can think of was the otherwise useless opening to long-forgotten season 2 of SFV (woah, there was actually a character named "Necalli?" Did you mean Alex/Abel?!), always to be watched with the fan insert of SFIV's Industructible layered over top of it: yes, look close, around a minute in, Vega sort of straightens up his hair/hat, a very very small and likely unintentional moment that gave a sense of his vanity or building up confidence to start his (evil) day! He wants to look GOOD! He feels great now! He has pumped himself up in private rather than always being in command. It is literally the only time they have ever given him anything remotely resembling complexity and it's kind of cool, but I'm kind of glad it will be forever forgotten.
...at least until the apparently delightfully inane world tour mode of SFVI decides that Vega is really into ponies, or is secretly an ABBA fan, or something else so excellent that I will forgive this break in (non-) character.
PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: Ishmael26b
| "Terry Stuff" , posted Mon 14 Oct 21:51    
I finally got to spend a little time with the SF6 version of Terrance Bogard. Random thoughts:
Gameplay wise he can certainly do a lot, but I feel he gets into the Red Mage problem of being decent at everything but not the master of anything. I'm sure someone will become great with him and destroy everyone in a few months, but as for me, I've been going for cheap shots with Burning Knuckle (a favorite Terry gimmick since day one.)
I like the way he is included into the story itself. There's no shifting of realities or any nonsense like that, instead Terry usually hangs out in South Town and simply hasn't been to Metro City before. I guess the crossover games are canon, since in SF6 Terry has known a lot of the OG cast like Ryu, Ken and Chun-Li for some time now. The low-key presentation of Terry simply being an old friend visiting from out of town is refreshing and makes him feel much more integrated into the game.
Someone on staff must really dig the Garou series, because both Joe and Blue Mary made it into World Tour. You can chat with them and even learn some of their moves. An interesting feature of Joe's fireball is that it's a half circle motion, meaning that it doesn't overlap with other attacks in your created character. This means you can add in a projectile to your arsenal when you otherwise had to leave it out in order to slot in other attacks.
Also, you can pet Anton in World Tour. This is important.
All the Terry art is by Shinkiro; the artist who has been able to make AI looking art even back in the analog days. A flashback image of Terry's backstory reminded me that, for some weird reason, Terry has had the same hairstyle and outfit since he was eight years old. Small wonder he keeps switching from his MotW look to his classic design, it's an outfit he's very comfortable with.
| "Re(1):Terry Stuff" , posted Wed 16 Oct 23:31    
quote: Gameplay wise he can certainly do a lot, but I feel he gets into the Red Mage problem of being decent at everything but not the master of anything. I'm sure someone will become great with him and destroy everyone in a few months, but as for me, I've been going for cheap shots with Burning Knuckle (a favorite Terry gimmick since day one.)
He's not dethroning Ken anytime soon. Ken still has better normals and utility. We'll see a few good Terrys stick around, but I doubt he's getting to finals anywhere in his current state.
quote: Someone on staff must really dig the Garou series, because both Joe and Blue Mary made it into World Tour. You can chat with them and even learn some of their moves. An interesting feature of Joe's fireball is that it's a half circle motion, meaning that it doesn't overlap with other attacks in your created character. This means you can add in a projectile to your arsenal when you otherwise had to leave it out in order to slot in other attacks.
The OD Hurricane is deceptively good at stuffing jump-ins. Every attempt is a guaranteed shutdown, no matter how close they get.
Vertical Arrow is sadly garbage. It's a worse version of Cannon Spike. The grab follow-up won't happen if it hits them out of the air, and it's not super cancelable at all. Maybe they should have gone with one of her supers instead.
quote: Also, you can pet Anton in World Tour. This is important.
He also establishes that animals in this universe can book flights. I hope they lean even harder into this nonsense with Elena.
PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: Ishmael26b
| "Giant Attack" , posted Wed 4 Dec 01:59:    
I honestly love these goofy boss battles that SF6 features. In SF5 the overpowered boss battles cost tickets, which discouraged the player from wanting to test their luck. The fights in SF6, however, are a giant party where you are encouraged to throw yourself into battle again and again. Even losing nets you a small reward, so there's no reason not to try. But if I'm going to be honest, I mostly get a kick out of fighting the giant Bison, since it turns into a recreation of the SF2 VR Ride. People from all over the world build their power to stand united before a giant simulacrum of the Dictator and blast fireballs straight into his groin. I love it.
It's also cute that, through the taunt hidden moves, SF6 confirms the "shin" versions of the bosses are the actual characters fully unleashed. For Bison he has to properly psyche himself up, while Akuma needs to finish his lunch before the match properly starts. Who knew the only reason the Master of the Fist doesn't blow through all his opponents immediately is because he's often logy from missing meals?
EDIT: Also of note is the latest Battle Pass features a virtual sticker of a smiling, shirtless Ryu handing you a Christmas present. The himboification of Ryu has been fascinating to watch.
[this message was edited by Ishmael on Wed 4 Dec 03:26] |
PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: Ishmael26b
| "Re(4):SF 6 Maifest" , posted Wed 15 Jan 01:27    
Man alive, Mai is great. First off, I love that it's Fatal Fury Mai, the character who was fun, flirty and still recognizably a person. Later media had a tendency to present Mai with all the dignity and anatomical accuracy of an inflatable sex doll, so I'm thrilled with this return to form. The artists even managed to give her a Shinkiro smile on her round-win pose, so all the old school influences are on display.
Even her new outfit looks better in SF6 than it did in it's CotW debut. I think it comes down to her choice in footwear. Shaving off the heels on those Kamen Rider Black boots of her does wonders for the entire look. I know nothing about Mai has any basis in reality or the laws of physics, but at least wear sensible shoes!
Finally, that super is probably the most hardcore ninja thing she's ever done. Often she strikes some showy pose at the end of her attack, but here she's snapping her fan shut like Goemon returning his sword to its scabbard after cutting another worthless object. Either she will clown around during her Critical Art or straight-up slice someone's head off; there's no middle ground.
| "Re(5):SF 6 Maifest" , posted Wed 15 Jan 03:48    
quote: Man alive, Mai is great. First off, I love that it's Fatal Fury Mai, the character who was fun, flirty and still recognizably a person. Later media had a tendency to present Mai with all the dignity and anatomical accuracy of an inflatable sex doll, so I'm thrilled with this return to form. The artists even managed to give her a Shinkiro smile on her round-win pose, so all the old school influences are on display.
Even her new outfit looks better in SF6 than it did in it's CotW debut. I think it comes down to her choice in footwear. Shaving off the heels on those Kamen Rider Black boots of her does wonders for the entire look. I know nothing about Mai has any basis in reality or the laws of physics, but at least wear sensible shoes!
Finally, that super is probably the most hardcore ninja thing she's ever done. Often she strikes some showy pose at the end of her attack, but here she's snapping her fan shut like Goemon returning his sword to its scabbard after cutting another worthless object. Either she will clown around during her Critical Art or straight-up slice someone's head off; there's no middle ground.
Deep down I think they picked Fatal Fury mai because of her footwear (namely, the exposed toes) given the fervent success of Juri...
She seems to have an awfully strong fireball set, and the GGX style fan that pops up and comes back down like Anji's butterfly looks like it'll be super strong in a game like SF6.
| "Re(4):Re(10):SF 6 Maifest" , posted Sat 8 Feb 07:29    
quote: I dropped the game before the end of S1, but I just want to concur on how fantastic this Mai is. The SF6 version is the character I fell in love with, before KOF flanderized her into a brainless Barbie with giant boobs. She's fun, carefree, but skilled and can be serious when needed. She teases the opponent rather than flashing her big balloons like an idiot. Her special idle animation when you don't move her for 30 seconds is amazing and showcases all her personality in ways the KOF team has been incapable of doing for 25 years.
I'd blame Obari for that, since the KOF team used his version as the template. The movie robbed her of all her elegance in favor of making her a shameless damsel, whereas Chun-Li was able to retain her "strongest woman in the world" title by mopping the floor with her attacker in her most vulnerable state (someone compared the moment as the 'anti-Psycho shower scene', and I wholeheartedly agree).
With the way the SF team has been handling the SNK characters, COTW better not drop the ball.
Speaking of COTW, shouldn't SNK have already revealed at least one more character by now? Unless they plan to do what SF6 did to Zangief and Cammy and reveal all the remaining characters at the same time.
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.