Sunday, April 3rd Lagbattle! - Forums

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Red Falcon
6394th Post

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PSN: beatolover
XBL: Dead
Wii: Dead
STM: bugrom1067
CFN: rugalbgood
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Sunday, April 10th Lagbattle!" , posted Sat 2 Apr 10:18:post reply

Anyone down for a Sunday morning 9:00 AM Japan time lag battle?

Featuring Street Fighter V OR Super II X, if you're willing to play on fightcade!

Discord server here.

Edit: just edited the thread for the dates, woooow!

[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Tue 5 Apr 16:26]


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PSN: Ishmael26b
XBL: n/a
Wii: n/a
STM: n/a
CFN: Ishmael26b
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Sunday, April 10th Lagbattle!" , posted Tue 5 Apr 21:30post reply

Anyone down for a Sunday morning 9:00 AM Japan time lag battle?

Featuring Street Fighter V OR Super II X, if you're willing to play on fightcade!

Discord server here.

Edit: just edited the thread for the dates, woooow!

#*@&%$*! I can't make it for a few more weeks, but I'll be free to play sometime in May. I'll be the low-tier addition to the summer DLC package!

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PSN: Gojira_X
XBL: Gojiraaa
Wii: n/a
STM: 29347508
CFN: Gojira
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Sunday, April 10th Lagbattle!" , posted Thu 7 Apr 12:42post reply

Anyone down for a Sunday morning 9:00 AM Japan time lag battle?

Featuring Street Fighter V OR Super II X, if you're willing to play on fightcade!

Discord server here.

Edit: just edited the thread for the dates, woooow!

Someday I'll remember that Sunday means Saturday here

And I mean remember it before it's actually Sunday here like almost every other time

Red Falcon
6394th Post

user profileedit/delete message
PSN: beatolover
XBL: Dead
Wii: Dead
STM: bugrom1067
CFN: rugalbgood
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Sunday, April 10th Lagbattle!" , posted Sun 10 Apr 10:18post reply

Anyone down for a Sunday morning 9:00 AM Japan time lag battle?

Featuring Street Fighter V OR Super II X, if you're willing to play on fightcade!

Discord server here.

Edit: just edited the thread for the dates, woooow!

Someday I'll remember that Sunday means Saturday here

And I mean remember it before it's actually Sunday here like almost every other time

Better luck next time, then! ^_^

user profileedit/delete message
PSN: Gojira_X
XBL: Gojiraaa
Wii: n/a
STM: 29347508
CFN: Gojira
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Sunday, April 10th Lagbattle!" , posted Sun 10 Apr 17:18post reply


Better luck next time, then! ^_^

Sorry I actually tried but I was 30 minutes late, waited around for a bit but didn't see anybody logged into SFV and nothing seemed to be happening in the Discord so I bailed and went for dinner

In retrospect I probably could have left a message as proof of existence at least

Red Falcon
6395th Post

user profileedit/delete message
PSN: beatolover
XBL: Dead
Wii: Dead
STM: bugrom1067
CFN: rugalbgood
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Sunday, April 10th Lagbattle!" , posted Sun 10 Apr 21:18post reply


Better luck next time, then! ^_^

Sorry I actually tried but I was 30 minutes late, waited around for a bit but didn't see anybody logged into SFV and nothing seemed to be happening in the Discord so I bailed and went for dinner

In retrospect I probably could have left a message as proof of existence at least

Ah, nothing did happen, so you didn't miss anything! w
Everyone was busy this weekend.