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PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: Ishmael26b
| "Re(6):Vomiting in Games" , posted Thu 4 Aug 04:54    
quote: I was plotting so hard about how to make it so that “vomit” wasn’t in the top thread title, but now this topic is turning back towards the Cafe’s bread and butter (and cheese!), food! Aside from being a great game, Yoshi’s Island has continued a long tradition of eating enemies that began in Mario World, all while adding the uncomfortable wrinkle of digestive-to-birth conversion as the unfortunate enemies are turned into launchable egg rockets.
How could I forget Yoshi! Is his ability to eat enemies cute? Horrifying? Someone's DeviantArt fetish?
But let's get back to what the Cafe is known for, food and discussion of the God of War franchise. I recently tried the new God of War (sad dad version) and... it's a bit of a drag. Honestly, I actually like the presentation. The idea of making it one long narrative is a neat trick. Mid-life crisis Kratos is also funny, since the game is trying to cram a square peg into a round hole with getting the edgelord Kratos of old to mesh with this current version. With his fashionably shaved head and puffy beard, Kratos looks like he's now slightly embarrassed about all the loud, angry music he used to listen to a few years ago. His attempts at being a father are also hilarious, since it's obvious that Kratos hasn't spoken five words to the kid before the game started. I suspect he calls him "boy!" because he has no idea what his son is actually named. The problem I have with the game is the combat isn't that much fun. Considering this is a GoW game that's not good. The game feels like it wants to be Resident Evil 4 but that game knew how to arrange enemy encounters. From what I've played so far, GoW spends a lot of time sticking Kratos in big arenas where enemies are free to circle around or throw shit at you from the sidelines. Half the time I'm either watching color coded arrows that tell me how many guys off-screen are crawling up my butt or I have to listen to the boy! tell me to pay attention to my peripheral vision. Maybe I need to unlock more moves but the old GoW games made you feel strong right out of the gate. Maybe I need to shelve GoW until I can spend some time with the game and learn to appreciate what is there instead of wrestling with it every step of the way.