MMCafe Tokyo Meetup - September 2022 - Forums

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1929th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"MMCafe Tokyo Meetup - September 2022" , posted Sat 20 Aug 15:58post reply

Hey everyone! Ill be attending TGS this year, so I'll be in Tokyo mid September. I was wondering if any of you fine folks currently residing over there might like to do a Cafe meetup! If you're gonna be at TGS let's meet up there! Or let's connect afterwards, i'll be in town for about a week following the convention.

Last time I was in town I got to see a few of your beautiful faces and it was great!

If you are interested in meeting up please know that I'm still taking COVID very seriously and will be testing every day before heading out to meet people. If anyone does want to meet up, I hope it's not too much to ask that they do the same.

I hope to see you soon!

1932th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):MMCafe Tokyo Meetup - September 2022" , posted Sat 20 Aug 16:05:post reply

I'd greatly appreciate it if you could share your recommendations on things/places to eat and things to see! Are there any cool galleries coming up? Is that Capcom x Tezuka show still going somewhere? Last time I was in town I stumbled across a Go Nagai exhibit and happened to be there the day he was doing in person signings! IT WAS AWESOME!!

[this message was edited by nobinobita on Sat 20 Aug 16:49]

1932th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):MMCafe Tokyo Meetup - September 2022" , posted Sat 20 Aug 16:48:post reply

Here's My Timeline:
September 15, 16 (Thurs, Fri) - TGS Business Matching

September 17-19 (Sat, Sun) - TGS Main Show (I don't know if Ill stick around for the full days, probably only if I have business matching meetups those days)

September 20-24 (Tues-Sat) - I'm free to meet up (though I'll be prioritizing any potential business meetings)*

*I run one of the top Game Art & Animation outsourcing studios in Thailand. If you know any companies that need help scaling up art production on their games please send them my way!

[this message was edited by nobinobita on Sat 20 Aug 17:52]

Red Falcon
6416th Post

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"Re(2):MMCafe Tokyo Meetup - September 2022" , posted Sun 21 Aug 10:07post reply

In theory if you want to meet up to eat or something I could head down any one of those weekends.

1932th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(3):MMCafe Tokyo Meetup - September 2022" , posted Tue 23 Aug 13:29post reply

In theory if you want to meet up to eat or something I could head down any one of those weekends.

Fantastic! It'll be great to see you again! I'm thinking probably the weekend after TGS will be the best time to meet up (Sept 23, 24). Hopefully things will be less hectic then. Let's see if anyone else can make it and what works best for them.

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(4):MMCafe Tokyo Meetup - September 2022" , posted Wed 24 Aug 12:00post reply

I won't be going to TGS this year, but during the week of TGS I will be in Tokyo, as usual. I should have time to attend any potential meetups with the fine MMCafe gentlemen on the afternoons, after work. So, if anybody is up to it, it would be a pleasure to meet you in person (and perhaps grab a drink or two too)!

Hopefully our Professor could find some time on his schedule too?

Sadly, I won't be in town between 9/19 and 9/24 but, hey, you can't have everything.

A Talking about Japanese History sword in hand
Red Falcon
6417th Post

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"Re(4):MMCafe Tokyo Meetup - September 2022" , posted Wed 24 Aug 14:53post reply

Fantastic! It'll be great to see you again! I'm thinking probably the weekend after TGS will be the best time to meet up (Sept 23, 24). Hopefully things will be less hectic then. Let's see if anyone else can make it and what works best for them.

Absolutely! If it’s Friday night, Saturday or Sunday during the day I can head down any time.

1936th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(5):MMCafe Tokyo Meetup - September 2022" , posted Thu 1 Sep 13:50post reply

Fantastic! It'll be great to see you again! I'm thinking probably the weekend after TGS will be the best time to meet up (Sept 23, 24). Hopefully things will be less hectic then. Let's see if anyone else can make it and what works best for them.

Absolutely! If it’s Friday night, Saturday or Sunday during the day I can head down any time.

Saturday, Sept 17, 2022 is best for me. We ok with tentatively setting that as the date for the meetup?

Any suggestions on where to meet up? I'll be staying in Asakusa, but I can take the trains anywhere in the city.
1936th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(5):MMCafe Tokyo Meetup - September 2022" , posted Thu 1 Sep 13:50post reply

Fantastic! It'll be great to see you again! I'm thinking probably the weekend after TGS will be the best time to meet up (Sept 23, 24). Hopefully things will be less hectic then. Let's see if anyone else can make it and what works best for them.

Absolutely! If it’s Friday night, Saturday or Sunday during the day I can head down any time.

Saturday, Sept 17, 2022 is best for me. We ok with tentatively setting that as the date for the meetup?

Any suggestions on where to meet up? I'll be staying in Asakusa, but I can take the trains anywhere in the city.

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(6):MMCafe Tokyo Meetup - September 2022" , posted Fri 2 Sep 16:51post reply

Fantastic! It'll be great to see you again! I'm thinking probably the weekend after TGS will be the best time to meet up (Sept 23, 24). Hopefully things will be less hectic then. Let's see if anyone else can make it and what works best for them.

Absolutely! If it’s Friday night, Saturday or Sunday during the day I can head down any time.

Saturday, Sept 17, 2022 is best for me. We ok with tentatively setting that as the date for the meetup?

Any suggestions on where to meet up? I'll be staying in Asakusa, but I can take the trains anywhere in the city.

If you are staying at Asakusa, there is this absolutely crazy place you have to try: an axe-throwing themed bar (!), where you can go and, well, throw axes around, viking style, next to the Sumida River. Not very Japanese, true, but a unique experience all the same!

A Talking about Japanese History sword in hand
1938th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(7):MMCafe Tokyo Meetup - September 2022" , posted Sat 3 Sep 11:49post reply

Fantastic! It'll be great to see you again! I'm thinking probably the weekend after TGS will be the best time to meet up (Sept 23, 24). Hopefully things will be less hectic then. Let's see if anyone else can make it and what works best for them.

Absolutely! If it’s Friday night, Saturday or Sunday during the day I can head down any time.

Saturday, Sept 17, 2022 is best for me. We ok with tentatively setting that as the date for the meetup?

Any suggestions on where to meet up? I'll be staying in Asakusa, but I can take the trains anywhere in the city.

If you are staying at Asakusa, there is this absolutely crazy place you have to try: an axe-throwing themed bar (!), where you can go and, well, throw axes around, viking style, next to the Sumida River. Not very Japanese, true, but a unique experience all the same!

We have those axe throwing bars in Thailand too! I went to one called The Golden Axe! And yes I confirmed with the owner that the place was 100% named after the classic Sega Game hehe. It was a lot of fun!
Red Falcon
6420th Post

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PSN: beatolover
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"Re(6):MMCafe Tokyo Meetup - September 2022" , posted Sat 3 Sep 19:42post reply


Saturday, Sept 17, 2022 is best for me. We ok with tentatively setting that as the date for the meetup?

Fine with me, it’s a four day weekend for me anyway! Do you have a better way to contact you rather than the BBS? Got discord or something?

1939th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(7):MMCafe Tokyo Meetup - September 2022" , posted Sun 4 Sep 18:26post reply


Saturday, Sept 17, 2022 is best for me. We ok with tentatively setting that as the date for the meetup?
Fine with me, it’s a four day weekend for me anyway! Do you have a better way to contact you rather than the BBS? Got discord or something?

Discord works for me! Here's my info:

Red Falcon
6421th Post

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PSN: beatolover
XBL: Dead
Wii: Dead
STM: bugrom1067
CFN: rugalbgood
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):MMCafe Tokyo Meetup - September 2022" , posted Sun 4 Sep 19:11post reply



Sent invite, so you can delete this or whatever you’d like to do!