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| "Re(1):Off topic question for Iggy!" , posted Tue 30 May 18:50    
So, timing has been decided, and I'll be around Tokyo/Yokohama on the week of the 8th of August, and probably around Kansai the following week but I still need to decide where before getting a hotel and it will be Obon so it's probably going to be dicey. Tell me/contact me to say whether you'll be around, and/or I'll contact you if I know how to! I even re-installed Line of my phone so that should tell you how serious I am about it.
My objectives for this trip are 1- meet people I haven't met in forever 2- buy some clothes. I look like a hobo, which I fine since I live in England, but it would be nice for a change. 3- buy the latest HxH volume because I haven't and I've been too lazy to get it from Amazon. That's it!
quote: Totally random, but… have you ever heard of/seen bleu, le enfant de tierre?
Wooooooooooof, that's a name from the past. I remember it was a sort of Peter Pan-like thing, about a blue boy that was trying to save his parents or something? I don't remember much, it was quite disjointed, and later on it turned out the main author was being a kind of diva with his thing which might explain the weird storytelling. I have never seen it rebroadcast after the first time, so I guess it really wasn't successful enough, or maybe the rights were messy? I don't know, I don't think I watched it more than a few episodes 30 years ago. How come you know about that thing?
PSN: beatolover XBL: Dead Wii: Dead STM: bugrom1067 CFN: rugalbgood
| "Re(2):Off topic question for Iggy!" , posted Tue 13 Jun 10:43    
Wooooooooooof, that's a name from the past. I remember it was a sort of Peter Pan-like thing, about a blue boy that was trying to save his parents or something? I don't remember much, it was quite disjointed, and later on it turned out the main author was being a kind of diva with his thing which might explain the weird storytelling. I have never seen it rebroadcast after the first time, so I guess it really wasn't successful enough, or maybe the rights were messy? I don't know, I don't think I watched it more than a few episodes 30 years ago. How come you know about that thing?
Obscure animation maniac, and it’s one where I have only ever seen a single episode… however, I find a lot of the design work wonderful and legitimately want to see more.
PSN: zonepharaoh XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: zonepharaoh
| "incident report" , posted Sun 13 Aug 02:41    
Subject: Iggyfication of Tokyo Date: 12-13 August, Reiwa era 5 Incident Level: Critical Status: Mission Complete
Incident Summary: Nobuniggy has 天下布武ed Tokyo, unifying all under Nobunaga-esque military might, or at least going to Mikado and putting up a good fight in SF Zero 3 even if the Moero Justice Gakuen machine isn't currently out. A chance sighting of a tragically named American food spot pulled us across the street in Shinjuku, mystically leading us to the former site of MMCafe Tokyo Shop Main Branch, aka Krispy Kreme, now disguised as a dim sum place. We bowed and payed respects to our lost HQ and offered thoughts to the Professor, still absent but always on our minds. The next day, Maese provided a tour of MMCafe Gardens and Tokyo Annex Shop, aka Kichijouji's Inokashira Park and an old favorite Okinawan restaurant.
Rugal: sorry we couldn't make the timing work! Nobi: weren't you supposed to teleport to Japan from Thailand for this? Come anytime! Spoon: I was the only one in our group who hadn't met you in person, let's fix that!
CASE CLOSED (till next time (space cowboy))