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"SF6 Musings" , posted Sat 29 Jul 03:22post reply

I’m greatly enjoying my time with SF6. To commemorate the joy I feel from punching people, I thought I would give my impressions on the newest members of the cast.

Luke: Having him debut as an overpowered asshole in SF5 did him no favors. With SF6 I can see what they were going for with the character. In both personality and moves he’s supposed to be a gateway character for new players who may not have a strong connection to the older, weirder members of the cast. The only problem with this is that it’s not that easy to get full damage with him, which makes him not that user-friendly. That, and new players always pick Ken; it’s the law.

Jamie: He’s good when sloshed, but finding a safe time to get a drink is hard. He seems to be set up as the Yun or Yang, but he currently comes across like the worst aspects of Rufus and Hakan. Also, for a character that was touted as being one of the new faces of SF, he really doesn’t have much to do. Outside of his sexual tension with Luke he has no effect on any other character or the plot.

Kimberly: For the life of me I can’t play ninja characters. Too bad, since Kimberly has a great design and has a million and one things she can do during a match.

Marisa: Yeah! Hitting people with a full powered Gladius is a joy. Plus, I’m thankful for a female character with a body type that is atypical. Sailor suit schoolgirls are a fine genre, but they shouldn’t be the standard.

Manon: Mixing in ballet poses helps give her some visual flair over a typical judo grabber. Too bad she’s a bit blah to play and fight against.

Lily: What the heck is going on with her? I tried playing her as a stumpy, distaff T.Hawk and didn’t get anywhere. I’ve heard some people were playing her like she was Rashid(?!?) with similarly poor results. I think she isn’t good, but I also know she can grind people into the dirt in an instant, so what do I know? Maybe I should play her with modern controls, since she might be insane when you don’t even have to think about getting the moves out.

JP: Finally, SF got a new boss. For such a long-standing series, it’s success rate with bosses has been questionable. Gill was more silly than imposing, Seth was a mojukin character and Necali was so lame he was clowned on in his own game and eventually replaced by G. JP doesn’t come across like the typical cackling meathead boss, but he still has a very menacing personality. His moves also feel powerful, different from the main cast and very “boss-like” without devolving into broken SNK stupidity.

So those are my thoughts on the newest fighters. Maybe next time I’ll babble about other aspects of the game. Or maybe not.

Just a Person
2501th Post

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"Re(1):SF6 Musings" , posted Mon 31 Jul 00:47post reply

Great impressions!

I still haven’t played SF6, but I watched some videos and was surprised with Luke. He looked very uninspired in SFV; while his appearance is still a little bland in SF6, his personality and moveset are much more interesting now.

It’s also interesting that, ar least so far, all newcomers do look like they belong in a SF game, something that didn’t happen in IV and V. I just wish Capcom could make Lily look a little older; so far, she looks like a little child, which makes me kinda uncomfortable whenever one of the more violent fighters (Luke, Marisa, Blanka) is punching her in the face…

(that said, Lily is still a much better SF character than Necalli, F.A.N.G or C.Viper)

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Red Falcon
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"Re(2):SF6 Musings" , posted Mon 31 Jul 15:04post reply

Hey Ishmael, I’m on vacation now, so if you want to try some more matches again sometime, let me know.

(that said, Lily is still a much better SF character than Necalli, F.A.N.G or C.Viper)

… We’ll just have to disagree on that one. ww

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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"Re(3):SF6 Musings" , posted Tue 1 Aug 03:30post reply

Has it been noted on this board that the woman who did the motion capture for Marisa and Manon is built like a character in Baki the Grappler? If not, it should be.

It’s also interesting that, ar least so far, all newcomers do look like they belong in a SF game, something that didn’t happen in IV and V.

I think the World Tour has been a big help in helping flesh out the new characters. In SF4 and 5 the writers were trying to bring the new characters up to speed with a cast that had many years to develop their lore and personality quirks. Like poor El Fuerte was a luchador and a chef but not a good chef and this was all this was awkwardly crammed into his win quotes. It's not surprising that the characters that were most successful during that period were the ones that had immediately understandable identities (like Juri as the bad girl) where the details could be filled in later.

If presented elsewhere, a detail like Marisa's interest in crafting jewelry might seem too much. However, thanks to being able to spend a lot of time chit-chatting with her in World Tour it fits in nicely with her appreciation of her cultural history and love of beauty. World Tour has even helped bring out new aspects to the old crew. For example, I never realized Ryu was actually a pretty relaxed, self-assured guy who enjoys travel and cooking for people he meets. Turns out that between fights he's living life like he's the late, great Anthony Bourdain.

Hey Ishmael, I’m on vacation now, so if you want to try some more matches again sometime, let me know.

Between work and family obligations my time is limited, but I'll do my best to find some time soon. I need to lose some more!

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"Re(4):SF6 Musings" , posted Tue 1 Aug 04:36post reply

JP is easily the best villain the series has offered, and one of the best fighting game villains ever conceived because of his two-faced nature. The prologue comics were the most interesting that SF's story has ever been as a result, and it's a shame WT never truly continues where they left off.

I'll lament the day JP gets sidelined for Dictator's (unnecessary) return, but for now I'll hope Capcom explores his mysterious origins in a future story expansion.

Red Falcon
6457th Post

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"Re(5):SF6 Musings" , posted Tue 1 Aug 13:04post reply

JP is easily the best villain the series has offered, and one of the best fighting game villains ever conceived because of his two-faced nature.

I agree, I like JP as a character very much, and he has the added bonus of being a real-life villain to players who aren’t comfortable fighting him, ha ha ha. (Trying to use gentle words here…)

I'll lament the day JP gets sidelined for Dictator's (unnecessary) return

You mean extremely necessary, right? I’m dying for a character who I’m not miserably unhappy using, here. ww
Stupid theory time: When they expand on what’s going on with that shady company (SiRN, another S organization,which puts it in line with Shadaloo and SIN, the “ Shadaloo Intimidation Network”… So what’s SiRN stand for, Shadaloo… something something?) making crappy rhoombas and evil fridges, he’ll be back.

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PSN: Gojira_X
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"Re(5):SF6 Musings" , posted Tue 1 Aug 13:08:post reply

Out of all the characters Marisa is the one I ended up taking to the most. Even in the punchiest game in the punchiest series in the punchiest genre she stands out as the punchiest character. This was a feeling sorely missing from SF5 at launch, it always felt like no matter who was punching who where the punches were just so weightless. But Marisa gets it. Windup, impact, follow through, it's all there in glorious satisfying 4k.

JP is quite an interesting character for SF. He is fairly harmless at a close range, but once he has you at a distance he becomes a real terror to deal with. He's certainly not the first zoning-focused character in SF but it feels like one of those few cases where a character's lore and design are a perfect match. That said, he just doesn't feel like a boss to me. I would welcome him back in any future SF but he just doesn't feel sinister to me.

In other news, a secret code was discovered and it is truly something

[this message was edited by Gojira on Tue 1 Aug 13:12]

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"Re(6):SF6 Musings" , posted Tue 1 Aug 19:35post reply

I still don't have the time/mental space to play the game, so instead... I played 40 hours of World Tour while listening to random podcasts.

Amongst all the things that have been said about this mode, my new favourite one is when the characters call out the inner contradictions of the SF universe. Honda has a scene where he says he hates social networks, because when he looked himself up on those, he found people complaining that what he does has nothing to do with sumo, and also that his gimmick of kabuki/sumo is weird and he should pick one theme and stick to it.
Or when Blanka goes on talking how the jaguar is the most powerful animal of the amazon, and then recall that time he heard of a figher that self-identified as a jaguar and was super excited to meet him. Turns out it was just some guy kicking and screaming "jaguar" with a weird high-pitched voice every time he did anything. Blanka was thoroughly disappointed, and then advises the player that if they ever create their own fighting style, they need to think carefuly about how they'll call their special moves, because when your moves sound lame you've lost the fight before it even started. I didn't expect Blanka of all characters to give out hard burns like that!

And finally, while Juri's whole shtick of punk yandere is tiring, she did better to explain the plot of SF4 and who were Viper and Seth than the entire story mode of SF4, so that's also a big progress. Let's see if Ed can explain what the hell is going on with Neo Shadoloo. It's going to be weird to sit down with Gouki and have him talk for more than 2 sentences without him punching us in the face, though.

Oh, and there's also that scene with Ryu explaining his teacher was killed by Gouki and him and Ken were super sad, they even made a grave and went there regularly to mourn, until one day the teacher appeared without any explanation and it turned out he was not dead at all. Ryu and Ken still feel weird about what the hell that was and why he let them mourn for so many years without saying anything, but Gouken still avoids the subject so it's just awkward all around. Bless whoever is the person who wrote all this mode.

Just a Person
2503th Post

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"Re(7):SF6 Musings" , posted Wed 2 Aug 02:26post reply

Amongst all the things that have been said about this mode, my new favourite one is when the characters call out the inner contradictions of the SF universe. Honda has a scene where he says he hates social networks, because when he looked himself up on those, he found people complaining that what he does has nothing to do with sumo, and also that his gimmick of kabuki/sumo is weird and he should pick one theme and stick to it.
Or when Blanka goes on talking how the jaguar is the most powerful animal of the amazon, and then recall that time he heard of a figher that self-identified as a jaguar and was super excited to meet him. Turns out it was just some guy kicking and screaming "jaguar" with a weird high-pitched voice every time he did anything. Blanka was thoroughly disappointed, and then advises the player that if they ever create their own fighting style, they need to think carefuly about how they'll call their special moves, because when your moves sound lame you've lost the fight before it even started. I didn't expect Blanka of all characters to give out hard burns like that!

Wow, that's some very interesting information!

Does Honda explain why his first name is Edmond, despite him being Japanese? Or does Blanka explain why his actual name is Jimmy? Granted, Capcom never confirmed if Blanka was actually born and raised in Brazil (but both he and his mother do live in Brazil, so I like to believe so)...

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.

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PSN: Gojira_X
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"Re(8):SF6 Musings" , posted Wed 2 Aug 04:24post reply


Does Honda explain why his first name is Edmond, despite him being Japanese?

See for yourself!

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
It's not even his real name, just his shikoma.

End of Spoiler

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):SF6 Musings" , posted Wed 2 Aug 04:28post reply

Or does Blanka explain why his actual name is Jimmy?

I think you've got this backwards! It makes sense that Blanka's real name is Jimmy since that what his mom named him, the question is where did the name Blanka come from!

Just a Person
2505th Post

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"Re(9):SF6 Musings" , posted Wed 2 Aug 08:15:post reply


Does Honda explain why his first name is Edmond, despite him being Japanese?

See for yourself!

Amazing! Thank you for the answer!

I think you've got this backwards! It makes sense that Blanka's real name is Jimmy since that what his mom named him, the question is where did the name Blanka come from!

That would be an interesting question for Blanka to answer, too. But, well, my point is that "Jimmy" is far from being a common name in Brazil (and yes, so is "Blanka").

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.

[this message was edited by Just a Person on Wed 2 Aug 08:18]

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(8):SF6 Musings" , posted Wed 2 Aug 22:07post reply

Or does Blanka explain why his actual name is Jimmy? Granted, Capcom never confirmed if Blanka was actually born and raised in Brazil (but both he and his mother do live in Brazil, so I like to believe so)...

I haven't seen it, but Blanka's mom is by his side, and she's very proud of Jimmy. And Jimmy himself has a few conversations where he says he wants his mom to be happy and proud of him,so it's all very sweet all around. But no idea whether they were from Brazil before the plane crash or not.

Another scene I liked was Ryu explaining that since he travels a lot, he needs to wear normal clothes so he doesn't look like a hobo at the bordel patrol, and Chunli often helped him to chose clothes because he has no clue what he should wear. That's a cute friendly moment between the two characters who have surprisingly barely interacted with each other over their 30 years history of being the franchise's main faces (I mean, in official medias at least...).
The game also explain how come Ryu and other poor people can afford to travel around the world all the time: plane tickets simply fall of the ground after you beat random people in the street, and they have no monetary value. THAT EXPLAINS SO MUCH.

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"Re(9):SF6 Musings" , posted Wed 2 Aug 22:46post reply

The game also explain how come Ryu and other poor people can afford to travel around the world all the time: plane tickets simply fall of the ground after you beat random people in the street
...I thought this was how everyone did it! How did you think I've met so many Cafe members for all these expensive lunches?

I do like what I'm hearing about the goofy spirit of SFVI, which sounds like the antidote to SFIII's dreadfully boring story and SFIV's dreadfully boring serious story (promptly ignored) and SFV's soon-forgotten serious/so-stupid-it's-often-hilarious dramatic story (cured by its own charming single-player story modes). I think it's important that every game use SF Zero 3 as its model: a bigger Shadowloo story in the back (if you must) but constantly framed by the most ridiculous and funny encounters possible between characters.


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"Re(10):SF6 Musings" , posted Wed 2 Aug 23:54post reply

Dhalsim playing baseball was a stroke of creative genius. I want an entire spinoff of his sports adventures and every organization collectively losing their minds.

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(9):SF6 Musings" , posted Thu 3 Aug 10:28post reply

The game also explain how come Ryu and other poor people can afford to travel around the world all the time: plane tickets simply fall of the ground after you beat random people in the street, and they have no monetary value. THAT EXPLAINS SO MUCH.

Plane tickets have monetary value, I think it just happens to be around the price of a cheap meal? From what I recall, the food vendor in Beat Square sells them. Plane tickets are also apparently just generic tickets without a fixed destination. Any ticket will let you fly from anywhere to anywhere. (Even an active US military aircraft carrier?)

Though more seriously, I'm not sure why they bothered with having plane tickets as an item. They are so freely available that just playing around will net you more than you'll ever need, and they are dirt cheap even if you've avoided fighting.

Lord SNK
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"AKI" , posted Mon 7 Aug 18:18post reply

AKI teaser trailer is out, she looks like totally different from what I imagined based on the character design images leaked ages ago (and the various fanarts based on that).

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"Re(1):AKI" , posted Mon 7 Aug 18:42post reply

AKI teaser trailer is out, she looks like totally different from what I imagined based on the character design images leaked ages ago (and the various fanarts based on that).

Hmmmm I feel like I had enough "unpleasantly crazy" from Juri, but if Aki at least gives them a reason to later bring back the criminally underpowered and underused Fang, one of the most "SFII" characters in years, I'll be happy. With Fang at least you had just enough weirdness (aided by Chiba's excellent voice) to have a good chuckle amidst his vile machinations.

Red Falcon
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"Re(2):AKI" , posted Mon 7 Aug 18:56post reply


underpowered and underused Fang, one of the most "SFII" characters in years, I'll be happy.

Hey, Maou. As you know, I had a “pocket FANG” as a side chara in 5, and seeing AKI’s “tumble and pop up in create a chara guy’s face” gives me hope she will have some FANG stuff… hope they keep the birdpoop super, ha ha ha.

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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"Re(3):AKI" , posted Tue 8 Aug 22:19post reply

I'm really curious to see what AKI ends up being like. While I liked FANG it never felt like he fully gelled as a character. Not only did the inputs for his moves feel intentionally weird but the poison never seemed particularly dangerous. It looks like AKI is keeping the poison/bizarre body language aspects, but how is she going to differ?

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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"Touring" , posted Wed 30 Aug 02:05post reply

After spending an absurd amount of time playing World Tour I have a few thoughts:

It's interesting that it is very difficult to build a full duplication of any of the cast. The programmers really want you to build your own hybrid character. This means you end up with a character who is 90% Cammy but can also do all of Zangief's command throws.

The character creation needs even more outfits and hairstyles. I've already filled all my create-a-character slots but I'm still not satisfied.

The non-human opponents - particularly the refrigerators - are the worst. When I see a subway car full of Roombas I don't want to get on.

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Touring" , posted Wed 30 Aug 08:18post reply

It's interesting that it is very difficult to build a full duplication of any of the cast. The programmers really want you to build your own hybrid character. This means you end up with a character who is 90% Cammy but can also do all of Zangief's command throws.

I was a little surprised that the game doesn't let you clone a "master" outright. Then I realized it was probably intentional, to force players to make their own character.

Though I feel the restrictions are a bit too strict at times, and I'm not sure that was always intentional. Some of it is probably just a consequence of the Modern control scheme. For example, you can't equip both Ken's QCF+Kick and QCF+Punch moves, because you are only allowed one QCF move. Instead of giving the combination limited functionality within the Modern scheme, they just don't let you assign more than one QCF move.

Even weirder was Dhalsim's teleports. There is no conflict for the Special button assignment because they are split into two separate moves, and there also isn't a manual input conflict. But the game won't let you assign both directions to an Avatar, because they are treated as the same input method.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Touring" , posted Wed 30 Aug 23:46post reply

The character creation needs even more outfits and hairstyles. I've already filled all my create-a-character slots but I'm still not satisfied.

I'd be fine with just a hairstyle editor. There are numerous hairstyles that come close to what I wanted but need an edit or two to nail it.

Even weirder was Dhalsim's teleports. There is no conflict for the Special button assignment because they are split into two separate moves, and there also isn't a manual input conflict. But the game won't let you assign both directions to an Avatar, because they are treated as the same input method.

That was absolutely intentional on their part. Avatars are busted enough as is, giving them free reign to teleport everywhere would be too much. The restriction forces you to commit to either closing in or retreating.

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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"Re(2):Touring" , posted Wed 30 Aug 23:52post reply


I was a little surprised that the game doesn't let you clone a "master" outright. Then I realized it was probably intentional, to force players to make their own character.

Though I feel the restrictions are a bit too strict at times, and I'm not sure that was always intentional. Some of it is probably just a consequence of the Modern control scheme. For example, you can't equip both Ken's QCF+Kick and QCF+Punch moves, because you are only allowed one QCF move. Instead of giving the combination limited functionality within the Modern scheme, they just don't let you assign more than one QCF move.

Even weirder was Dhalsim's teleports. There is no conflict for the Special button assignment because they are split into two separate moves, and there also isn't a manual input conflict. But the game won't let you assign both directions to an Avatar, because they are treated as the same input method.

That's true, the World Tour was undoubtedly built with Modern control scheme in mind, so it's only natural the strengths and weaknesses of that mode was used for figuring out move placement.

Speaking of World Tour, what in the Sam Hill is going on with the character codes? From the looks of things, instead of being a code distilled from the formula used to make the character they are some sort of key to link to the original creation. This means that if the character is deleted or even slightly altered the code is invalidated. Who thought this was a good idea?

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"Re(4):AKI" , posted Thu 31 Aug 14:34post reply


She releases on September 27th, which is 2 months after Rashid and much sooner than anyone expected given the broad timeline we were handed.

Just a Person
2515th Post

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"Re(5):AKI" , posted Thu 31 Aug 22:11post reply


She releases on September 27th, which is 2 months after Rashid and much sooner than anyone expected given the broad timeline we were handed.

Her fighting style looks very interesting, retaining FANG's poison tricks but looking like a legitimate fighter rather than a joke character.

Her personality is what worries me; judging from this trailer, her personality seems to be very similar to Juri's. Hopefully this is just a mistaken impression from the trailer.

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.

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"Re(6):AKI" , posted Thu 31 Aug 23:27post reply

Her personality is what worries me; judging from this trailer, her personality seems to be very similar to Juri's. Hopefully this is just a mistaken impression from the trailer.

Blurgh, yeah, this is what I was worried about above, too. Aside from the depressing mob of freaks and nobodies in SFIII, I can't think of any aggressively unpleasant or grotesque Street Fighter characters in the foundational years of the series. Even dictator was always over-the-top fun, and all the more so since he was upgraded to his Vegamoto voice. This sort of held until we first had to hear Juri's unpleasantly coarse (at least in Japanese) voice in SFIV, and then the nasty disaster of Necalli in SFV. As you said, at the criminally underappreicated Fang still felt like an old-time Street Fighter chara since he was so goofy, but Aki is just dreary in a Juri++ type of a way that I don't like. Maybe Capcom used to channel all its slightly grim or grotesque stuff into Vampire, where Aki probably belongs. Alas, following Final Fight and Justice Gakuen, Vampire was the next classic series to face a merger into Street Fighter, but this time not as successfully! It's all very odd, because given how nutty world tour mode apparently is, SFVI seems ways closer to the jolly old Justice ways, but maybe it's just an increasingly uneven balance, starting with the depressing SFIV OAV and continuing with SFV's super-variable fun/overserious bits and then the weirdo comic promo for SFVI.

Just a Person
2516th Post

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"Re(7):AKI" , posted Thu 31 Aug 23:38post reply

As you said, at the criminally underappreicated Fang still felt like an old-time Street Fighter chara since he was so goofy, but Aki is just dreary in a Juri++ type of a way that I don't like.

Indeed. Personally, I think AKI could have FANG's goofy personality when it comes to dialogues, intros, ending, etc., while being a serious fighter during the matches. That would be a good way to set her apart from Juri while still being evil (?) and psychotic in her own way.

(I'm not too fond of Juri either, by the way, though I have to admit that her SF6 incarnation is a great improvement over her SFV self)

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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"Re(8):AKI" , posted Fri 1 Sep 00:26post reply

AKI flaps her arms during her lvl.1 super. She's fine.

Red Falcon
6463th Post

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"Re(9):AKI" , posted Fri 1 Sep 10:57post reply

AKI flaps her arms during her lvl.1 super. She's fine.

Anyone who flops along the ground like that is A-OK in my book. Maybe I’ll finally have a chara in SF6 who doesn’t put me to sleep!

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"Re(10):AKI" , posted Sat 2 Sep 03:26post reply

They need to go full ham on AKI's texts in World Tour. She needs to spam your phone with mosaiced dissection videos and unsettling medical facts that will make you lose your appetite.

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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"Re(2):Re(10):AKI" , posted Sat 2 Sep 23:59post reply

Someone pointed out that between her white hair and snake strikes, there's a bit of Christie from DoA in AKI as well. I hadn't initially thought about that one, but I can see it now.

Anyone who flops along the ground like that is A-OK in my book. Maybe I’ll finally have a chara in SF6 who doesn’t put me to sleep!

I'm looking forward to being completely overwhelmed by your AKI in the not too distant future.

They need to go full ham on AKI's texts in World Tour. She needs to spam your phone with mosaiced dissection videos and unsettling medical facts that will make you lose your appetite.

This is exactly the sort of nutball you do not give your personal information to, but nobody said getting stronger was going to be easy.

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"AKI, poison effect nerfed or effective?" , posted Tue 19 Sep 10:04post reply

The character guide for AKI is on YouTube.

While most of the video excludes lifebars, they are visible from 0:38 to 1:12 while the video describes how poison works. And it honestly seems pretty weak.

It has been years since I've touched SF5, but I want to recall that FANG's poison effect remained until you hit him. AKI's poison effect still ends if she's hit, but it also simply times out after around six to seven seconds. The video also doesn't mention any additional effects, where FANG's poison apparently prevented both grey health and stun recovery?

It looked like half of AKI's poison ball damage was done on hit, with the other half coming from the DOT poison effect. While the damage does eventually add up, I'm guessing her damage output is going to be balanced around the maximum potential rather than the practical. (It looked like the on-hit did less than Chun-Li's standing HP, but the combined on-hit and full DOT were more?)

New for AKI is that some of her moves are modified when hitting an already poisoned opponent, "exploding" the poison effect and sending the opponent flying. But since the poison effect only lasts a few seconds, I'm not sure how useful this will actually be outside of combos.

Of course the other relevant factor is that it looks like AKI simply has a more effective moveset than FANG, though she also looks rather more complex to play.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P - IGGY ARI !

"Re(1):AKI, poison effect nerfed or effective?" , posted Tue 19 Sep 18:41post reply

I remember FANG's poison was extremely weak for the first years of the game. It was supposed to be a psychological tool but generally the opponent could just ignore it and be fine. I don't know if it was buffed in the later seasons though, but maybe the fact this poison mostly strengthens her moves will make it more effective? At least convince the opponent that they should generally avoid being poisoned?
I was expecting her effect to affect the drive jauge instead of the life jauge, but it may have been too powerful in this game.

I'm intrigued! Maybe she will finally motivate me to get into SF6 for real.

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"Re(2):AKI, poison effect nerfed or effective?" , posted Tue 19 Sep 23:47post reply

Has poison ever worked properly in a competitive game? I'm sure there are examples, but I forgot to turn on my brain this morning so I can't think of any. But as for AKI, I like the approach that Capcom is taking where no one is even bothering to worry about the balance of the poison since it's main use is to create vulnerability to greater damage. Her being able to string all that nonsense together into a damaging combo with good opportunities for re-poisoning seems to be what AKI is all about; shaving off health with the poison is just a nice bonus.

This also means that between her combos, EX combos, poison combos, and EX poison combos AKI is going to have A LOT to keep track of. I'm looking forward to being horribly confused by her for a bit and then going back to sitting on people with Honda.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):AKI, poison effect nerfed or effective?" , posted Thu 21 Sep 15:44post reply

Has poison ever worked properly in a competitive game? I'm sure there are examples, but I forgot to turn on my brain this morning so I can't think of any.

It in fact has! But often not as a primary character gimmick. Poison in the Arc System Works games is actually quite powerful! for example Faust's poison in the GG games, it ignores low-health defense bonuses and ignores combo damage scaling, so against foes with high defense or low on life the damage is quite significant. Damage-over-time effects are often troublesome because their strength is in just passively occurring, but that "just passively occurring" feels bad in a game about action between two players. Universally you'll find that games with poison effects do not allow these effects to KO opponents.

But as for AKI, I like the approach that Capcom is taking where no one is even bothering to worry about the balance of the poison since it's main use is to create vulnerability to greater damage. Her being able to string all that nonsense together into a damaging combo with good opportunities for re-poisoning seems to be what AKI is all about; shaving off health with the poison is just a nice bonus.

This also means that between her combos, EX combos, poison combos, and EX poison combos AKI is going to have A LOT to keep track of. I'm looking forward to being horribly confused by her for a bit and then going back to sitting on people with Honda.

I think with AKI, there's a few things going for the poison:
- universally, there is no chip damage unless a character is burnout. AKI being able to deal damage to an opponent who is not in burnout puts an unusual pressure on them compared to others.
- unlike previous games where the poison damage-over-time was all it had, here it has the additional effect of providing a more useful combo effect when struck, so there is additional threat and variety.

I think trying to play a character to its maximum potential is a very different proposition from just playing it at all, and hopefully it is not a huge hurdle to just be playing AKI. I fully expect that at a higher level of play she will have to make use of her poison timing and popping to have strong damage, but I wonder just how big the gap will be between using it haphazardly vs. using it well. She looks like she will be fun to just move around and strike the opponent with!

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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"Re(4):AKI, poison effect nerfed or effective?" , posted Fri 22 Sep 02:01post reply

It in fact has! But often not as a primary character gimmick. Poison in the Arc System Works games is actually quite powerful! for example Faust's poison in the GG games, it ignores low-health defense bonuses and ignores combo damage scaling, so against foes with high defense or low on life the damage is quite significant. Damage-over-time effects are often troublesome because their strength is in just passively occurring, but that "just passively occurring" feels bad in a game about action between two players. Universally you'll find that games with poison effects do not allow these effects to KO opponents.

I forgot about Faust! That guy is such a walking bag of tricks I didn't remember that he not only has a poison attack but that it's quite useful.

As you noted, being able to immediately peck away at the opponent's health bar is a definite advantage in SF6. It may not do much, but considering how quickly you can get KO'ed in SF6, every little bit of health is vital. Combine that with AKI having quarter-circle moves and not FANG's bizarre charge attacks and she could be the next useful poison character. (Actually, I'm mostly looking forward to seeing what sort of absurdity can be done with her moves in World Tour mode but she should be fun to play as well.)

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(4):AKI, poison effect nerfed or effective?" , posted Fri 22 Sep 18:23post reply

I think trying to play a character to its maximum potential is a very different proposition from just playing it at all, and hopefully it is not a huge hurdle to just be playing AKI. I fully expect that at a higher level of play she will have to make use of her poison timing and popping to have strong damage, but I wonder just how big the gap will be between using it haphazardly vs. using it well. She looks like she will be fun to just move around and strike the opponent with!
The difficulty is going to be that Capcom will have to balance her twice, with or without poison, so it's going to be hard to find a good balance.
Good without poison, better with => poison is just a gimmick that makes her snowball harder
Bad without poison, very good with => how bad are we talking about, does she misses critical elements without it, and is the power boost worth starting the match depowered
Bad with poison, OK with => no reason to play her, just another FANG.
Very curious to see how she'll end up over the life of the game!

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(5):AKI, poison effect nerfed or effective?" , posted Sat 23 Sep 01:46post reply

The difficulty is going to be that Capcom will have to balance her twice, with or without poison, so it's going to be hard to find a good balance.
Good without poison, better with => poison is just a gimmick that makes her snowball harder
Bad without poison, very good with => how bad are we talking about, does she misses critical elements without it, and is the power boost worth starting the match depowered
Bad with poison, OK with => no reason to play her, just another FANG.
Very curious to see how she'll end up over the life of the game!

My guess is that she will be balanced around the full potential of poison. Capcom is invested in tournament play, and AKI is already going to have an uphill battle. Poison is a controversial mechanic even when it isn't particularly effective. AKI is also a weird design, both in moveset and in appearance.

People are not going to accept losing to her, and they are going to scream for her to be nerfed when they do. I honestly doubt Capcom intend to make her one of the stronger characters anyway; she doesn't look like a design Capcom intends to push.

The aspect that worries me most of all is the poison-assisted combos. Because of the reasons above, I've a feeling you are going to have to do a lot of work just to get results that equal what more accepted characters can do fairly easily.

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"AKI, and not designing for Modern controls" , posted Fri 29 Sep 11:42post reply

I've the feeling Capcom either isn't committed to the Modern control scheme, or they've simply not considered what it means for character design.

Unsurprisingly, AKI seems to be wholly unsuited to Modern controls. She simply has too many different moves and too many significant variations to fit within the simplified Modern controls, even when you allow for manual inputs. Worse is that she's also obviously built around maximizing her potential through her wide variety of normal and special moves, so losing so much probably hurts her worse than others.

I'm not even sure Capcom did that great a job in the conversion. Maybe there is some method to the madness that I've yet to discover, but her Modern controls seem like a half-random mess.

As for playing her, she probably has potential. She almost certainly has a high ceiling, but I wonder if it will be worth the effort. I don't see people winning tournaments with her, at least not for long. If anyone does, there will certainly be cries to nerf her. But if she isn't broken good, "serious" players will likely just go with easier alternatives.

Oh, she apparently has two different taunts with gameplay effects. One taunt has her creating a poison bubble of FANG's head that will poison an opponent on contact, but it is a really slow taunt and she also crafts the bubble *behind* her just to make sure that it won't hit anyone. The other taunt has her swallowing a vial of her own poison, this one apparently gives her 1 bar of super meter (which you won't see in the default training mode settings), but again it is so slow that you shouldn't ever be able to perform it in a real match.

Just a Person
2521th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):AKI, and not designing for Modern contr" , posted Fri 29 Sep 21:16post reply

I've the feeling Capcom either isn't committed to the Modern control scheme, or they've simply not considered what it means for character design.

Unsurprisingly, AKI seems to be wholly unsuited to Modern controls. She simply has too many different moves and too many significant variations to fit within the simplified Modern controls, even when you allow for manual inputs. Worse is that she's also obviously built around maximizing her potential through her wide variety of normal and special moves, so losing so much probably hurts her worse than others.

I'm not even sure Capcom did that great a job in the conversion. Maybe there is some method to the madness that I've yet to discover, but her Modern controls seem like a half-random mess.

As for playing her, she probably has potential. She almost certainly has a high ceiling, but I wonder if it will be worth the effort. I don't see people winning tournaments with her, at least not for long. If anyone does, there will certainly be cries to nerf her. But if she isn't broken good, "serious" players will likely just go with easier alternatives.

Oh, she apparently has two different taunts with gameplay effects. One taunt has her creating a poison bubble of FANG's head that will poison an opponent on contact, but it is a really slow taunt and she also crafts the bubble *behind* her just to make sure that it won't hit anyone. The other taunt has her swallowing a vial of her own poison, this one apparently gives her 1 bar of super meter (which you won't see in the default training mode settings), but again it is so slow that you shouldn't ever be able to perform it in a real match.

That's some insightful feedback regarding the Modern controls!

I watched some videos of AKI, and in terms of fighting style, she looks very interesting. One thing I liked is that, despite being the new poison-user street fighter, her fighting style looks considerably different from FANG's, so if he's brought to SF6 in a future Season, they wouldn't feel repetitive. I also like the way she moves: graceful, but also unsettling.

On the other hand, in terms of personality, our concerns that she was acting too similar to Juri were confirmed: I was expecting (and hoping) that Capcom would make her more like a comical or goofy villain, or more emotionless, but she comes off just as Juri: a psychopath who enjoys causing pain and who will occasionally yell at the opponent... the only thing differentiating them in terms of personality is AKI's admiration/love/obsession for FANG.

It's a shame, because her fighting style and her character design are both excellent (her hairdo is weird yet fits perfectly with her, and her facial expressions are fantastic); with the right personality, she could easily become a major SF newcomer and have people demanding her return for every future SF game. Then again, maybe she will become that even with the repetitive personality anyway.

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):AKI, and not designing for Modern contr" , posted Sat 30 Sep 06:28post reply

On the other hand, in terms of personality, our concerns that she was acting too similar to Juri were confirmed: I was expecting (and hoping) that Capcom would make her more like a comical or goofy villain, or more emotionless, but she comes off just as Juri: a psychopath who enjoys causing pain and who will occasionally yell at the opponent... the only thing differentiating them in terms of personality is AKI's admiration/love/obsession for FANG.

I like Juri, and I don't feel that they are too similar.

The driving difference from Capcom's point of view may be that AKI is an actual villain, while Juri is more of an antihero or part-time antagonist. Juri may have a sadistic streak, but she's the emo goth who tries to hide that she still has a nice streak inside of her.

Juri may inflict some arguably unnecessary extra pain and humiliation on her opponent in a fight, but I don't think she'll go around starting fights just to inflict pain. Maybe she'll taunt someone into a fight, but she'd probably keep it to words if the target doesn't escalate matters. Maybe she'll take a shot at someone who annoys her enough. But ultimately you'll just experience some pain and maybe some broken bones unless she has a reason to kill you.

Honestly, modern Juri seems to mostly just be hot rebellious goth for people who have a fetish for foot fetishes.

AKI's teaser trailer has her straight up murdering a seemingly random passerby just to watch him die of poison. Even if that person was a target, she seems to enjoys assassination and treats her killing as artwork. I don't think it is the pain for her, it is the poison and the death.

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"Re(2):AKI, and not designing for Modern contr" , posted Sat 30 Sep 06:41post reply

Couple quick thoughts concerning AKI:

As Just a Person noted, AKI isn't a 1:1 clone of FANG. Instead, her attacks and general playstyle makes me think about what would happen if Yamazaki and FANG did the fusion dance and melded into one. That's not something I want to think about, but that's what being a fan of fighting games will do to you. All her animations are wonderful and whip between silly, bizarre and straight-up deadly. With her thousand and one moves I'm never going to be able to play her properly but I'm glad to see her in the game.

AKI is doing a better job of walking that line between goofy and grim than FANG initially did. For example, watching her deliriously imitate FANG's victory animation when she gets a perfect is funny, but it is also a reminder that a great deal of this dopy and deadly behavior has been groomed into her by FANG. She is like Juri in that they are both desperate for approval from others, but while Juri acts like a tsundere schoolgirl, AKI has blind adoration and affection for her master. She may be having a great time poisoning her opponents, but the source of her joy is that she's being a good student who follows orders.

Interestingly, SF6 is also giving a good boost to FANG as well. Not only does his new design look great, but the story of AKI also helps boost his malevolence. Every time you look at AKI you are reminded that FANG was willing to take in a street urchin and teach her to kill without question. With her complete willingness to kill and her blind devotion, AKI is the perfect reproduction of FANG. It's easy to extrapolate that at some point in the future AKI will brainwash the next generation of poison assassin and the cycle will begin again.

It's also interesting how the plotline is being advanced through AKI's addition. We now know that FANG is working to revive Shadaloo. Currently he is butting heads with JP but through his interactions with AKI it seems that JP is also interested in Shadaloo's return. Ed is going to walk into the middle of a mess when he gets released.

Just a Person
2523th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):AKI, and not designing for Modern contr" , posted Sat 30 Sep 21:25:post reply

AKI's teaser trailer has her straight up murdering a seemingly random passerby just to watch him die of poison. Even if that person was a target, she seems to enjoys assassination and treats her killing as artwork. I don't think it is the pain for her, it is the poison and the death.

But did that person actually die? Assuming that her trailer takes place during her Story/Arcade Mode, we also see AKI about to stab her defeated opponents in the head in her victory animation... yet, in her ending, she states that she managed not to kill anyone, just like FANG demanded, so maybe the guy she poisoned just passed out and later woke up.

Then again, I get your point. Indeed, AKI seems to be the most dangerous of the two. I'd say SFIV's Juri looked just as murderous as her, but Juri seems to have mellowed out a little in SFV and now in SF6.

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.

[this message was edited by Just a Person on Sun 1 Oct 03:56]

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"Re(4):AKI, and not designing for Modern contr" , posted Sat 30 Sep 22:43:post reply

Juri looked just as murderous as her, but Juri seems to have mellowed out a little in SFV and now in SF6.

Maybe the experience of being stuck at Z-tier with the worst music in the game in SFV was humbling enough for Juri that she decided to go for “edgy” instead of “murderous” as a matter of pride. If you can’t actually produce Gouki-level match results, it’s important to reconsider your assassin image.

I still find Aki’s aesthetic super offputting, but anything that keeps delightful Fang on the scene and thus also maintains the possibility of both Wakamoto and Chiba Shigeru voice acting in the same game is worth it.


[this message was edited by Maou on Sat 30 Sep 22:45]

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"Re(5):AKI, and not designing for Modern contr" , posted Sat 7 Oct 03:05post reply

Apropos of nothing, but I recently was alerted to the news that Revoltech was making SF6 and other video game figures. A few thoughts:

Ninja Gaiden figures? Is that series going to make a comeback?

SF character designs work very well in the game but don't always translate to other mediums. I can't imagine Chun-Li's new dress is going to work any better molded in plastic than her old outfit did.

Juri Han? I can understand Luke Sullivan since plastic totems with that name have been swinging a lightsaber since forever. But is there another Juri out there haunting the toy aisle?

Just a Person
2524th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):AKI, and not designing for Modern contr" , posted Sat 7 Oct 03:11post reply

Apropos of nothing, but I recently was alerted to the news that Revoltech was making SF6 and other video game figures. A few thoughts:

Ninja Gaiden figures? Is that series going to make a comeback?

Hard to say, but it probably has better chances of returning than the Dead or Alive series after DOA6's reception (personally, I blame that on Leon being removed from the roster and on the absence of the Tag Team and Team Battle modes).

Speaking of which, it must hurt for Kasumi to know that despite being DOA's protagonist, she's not getting a figure but Ayane is.

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.

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"Re(7):AKI, and not designing for Modern contr" , posted Mon 9 Oct 01:32post reply

Apropos of nothing, but I recently was alerted to the news that Revoltech was making SF6 and other video game figures. A few thoughts:

Ninja Gaiden figures? Is that series going to make a comeback?

Hard to say, but it probably has better chances of returning than the Dead or Alive series after DOA6's reception (personally, I blame that on Leon being removed from the roster and on the absence of the Tag Team and Team Battle modes).

Speaking of which, it must hurt for Kasumi to know that despite being DOA's protagonist, she's not getting a figure but Ayane is.

I wonder if they went with Ayane's NG3 outfit because both Kasumi and Momiji wore similiar uniforms in that game. With a little retooling the two of them could easily be made into figures with Ayane as the base. (This would leave Rachel out of the picture, but that is how it should be.)

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"Thoroughly Modern AKI" , posted Fri 27 Oct 22:50post reply

I'm enjoying that instead of being a one and done story, the World Tour mode has become a continuing soap opera of lore drips. With AKI's story a lot more was revealed about what's going on with the remnants of Shadaloo. FANG is currently biding his time while waiting for Bison to revive himself through his usual vaguely defined means while JP is working to revive Shadaloo with Ed as the figurehead. How that is going to work is unknown at this point so I guess I'll have to wait until Ed drops to play the next chapter. I also appreciated that this latest update added Shadaloo grunts you can fight who have poorly done scissor kicks as part of their move list. It's a slow process, but the World Tour is adding in several moves that aren't borrowed from the main roster.

Is anyone up for some games? I'm no good at the game but I'd love to get in a few matches.

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Thoroughly Modern AKI" , posted Sat 28 Oct 08:55post reply

I also appreciated that this latest update added Shadaloo grunts you can fight who have poorly done scissor kicks as part of their move list.

I guess it has become a story thing that the training for Shadaloo soldiers includes replicating their boss's most famous moves, and that they just aren't good at it. SFV gave the soldiers a poor man's attempt at a psycho crusher, now they have scissor kicks?

Red Falcon
6465th Post

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"Re(1):Thoroughly Modern AKI" , posted Tue 31 Oct 20:25post reply


Is anyone up for some games? I'm no good at the game but I'd love to get in a few matches.

I’m good any time, just let me know in advance!

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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"Re(2):Thoroughly Modern AKI" , posted Thu 2 Nov 22:22post reply


Is anyone up for some games? I'm no good at the game but I'd love to get in a few matches.
I’m good any time, just let me know in advance!

I'm available most weekends now, so send up a flare if there is a meetup at the local (virtual) arcade!

Red Falcon
6467th Post

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PSN: beatolover
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"Re(3):Thoroughly Modern AKI" , posted Tue 7 Nov 23:43:post reply


Is anyone up for some games? I'm no good at the game but I'd love to get in a few matches.
I’m good any time, just let me know in advance!

I'm available most weekends now, so send up a flare if there is a meetup at the local (virtual) arcade!

Maybe I’ll be down for some Sunday morning my time, I’ll post or sumthin’.

[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Tue 7 Nov 23:43]

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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"Re(4):Thoroughly Modern AKI" , posted Wed 8 Nov 04:45post reply


Maybe I’ll be down for some Sunday morning my time, I’ll post or sumthin’.

Let us know! Hopefully everyone can get in a few fights.

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"Re(5):Thoroughly Modern AKI" , posted Thu 9 Nov 04:07post reply

Double post!

A cute little video by NHK about SF6 and the work that went into creating the characters. The mocap work for AKI looks even more painful than her in-game contortions.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(6):Thoroughly Modern AKI" , posted Thu 9 Nov 19:42post reply

Double post!

A cute little video by NHK about SF6 and the work that went into creating the characters. The mocap work for AKI looks even more painful than her in-game contortions.

I love that they went so far as having two motion actresses just for one character. Blending the two animation data into the result must have been a super interesting and intricate process!

Red Falcon
6467th Post

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PSN: beatolover
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"Re(5):Thoroughly Modern AKI" , posted Sun 12 Nov 18:24post reply

I ended up being out all weekend, I’ll try again next weekend!

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"Re(6):Thoroughly Modern AKI" , posted Mon 13 Nov 04:29post reply

I ended up being out all weekend, I’ll try again next weekend!

No problem! With the holiday season upon us I should be more available for a few matches.

Red Falcon
6468th Post

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PSN: beatolover
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"Re(7):Thoroughly Modern AKI" , posted Thu 16 Nov 20:42post reply

No problem! With the holiday season upon us I should be more available for a few matches.

How about this Saturday, 10:00 AM Japan time?
I think that’ll be Friday night in the US?

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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"Re(8):Thoroughly Modern AKI" , posted Thu 16 Nov 23:40post reply


How about this Saturday, 10:00 AM Japan time?
I think that’ll be Friday night in the US?

I think I can do that! Let me know if we're heading to a battle hub or some other meeting place.

Red Falcon
6469th Post

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PSN: beatolover
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"Re(9):Thoroughly Modern AKI" , posted Fri 17 Nov 15:29post reply

I think I can do that! Let me know if we're heading to a battle hub or some other meeting place.

Battle Hub is fine. What’s the best way to contact you?
You should get discord.

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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"Re(10):Thoroughly Modern AKI" , posted Sat 18 Nov 04:05post reply

I think I can do that! Let me know if we're heading to a battle hub or some other meeting place.

Battle Hub is fine. What’s the best way to contact you?
You should get discord.

Post which hub server you are in here and I'll find you. After that, if I need to say anything I'll use the in-game Biffo chat channel.

I know I should use discord, but at this point being a lame ass is my calling card.

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PSN: Gojira_X
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"Re(2):Re(10):Thoroughly Modern AKI" , posted Sat 18 Nov 09:34post reply

I think I can do that! Let me know if we're heading to a battle hub or some other meeting place.

Battle Hub is fine. What’s the best way to contact you?
You should get discord.

Post which hub server you are in here and I'll find you. After that, if I need to say anything I'll use the in-game Biffo chat channel.

I know I should use discord, but at this point being a lame ass is my calling card.

By some miracle I am free at the correct time and not finding out about this after the fact, so I might show up as well.

Red Falcon
6470th Post

user profileedit/delete message
PSN: beatolover
XBL: Dead
Wii: Dead
STM: bugrom1067
CFN: rugalbgood
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Thoroughly Modern AKI" , posted Sat 18 Nov 10:00post reply

Asia server 0005

user profileedit/delete message
PSN: Ishmael26b
XBL: n/a
Wii: n/a
STM: n/a
CFN: Ishmael26b
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):Thoroughly Modern AKI" , posted Sat 18 Nov 11:21post reply

Asia server 0005

Sorry I vanished, I somehow got glitched on the cabinet. That was fun in spite of the technical difficulties. I will eventually get better at this game.

Red Falcon
6471th Post

user profileedit/delete message
PSN: beatolover
XBL: Dead
Wii: Dead
STM: bugrom1067
CFN: rugalbgood
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):Thoroughly Modern AKI" , posted Sat 18 Nov 12:26post reply

Asia server 0005
Sorry I vanished, I somehow got glitched on the cabinet. That was fun in spite of the technical difficulties. I will eventually get better at this game.

No problem! Glad you could make it. You should make a discord account and join in the chat next time!