'The King of Fighters 2023 Special' - R. 1 - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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"'The King of Fighters 2023 Special' - R. 1" , posted Mon 13 Nov 01:07post reply

*Intro is shown with this year's teams. The bosses are laughing, and the other teams have random portraits.*

Okay. "KoF" is back. Still have your usual format. Alucard Cube's set to defend their title. What's new is that America's team has two legends from its country that are beloved all over the world: "X-Men's" Jean and "Ninja Turtles's" April. Can they and Mar go far? They'll need to take on a former champ in the Japanese Heroines.

I guess that's that. The poll ends a week from today. Vote!

1 - Neo0r0chiaku - Dormanted Destructiveness Dominance/Alucard Cube Team: Alucard ("Gunbird"), Alucard ("Dracula"/"Castlevania") and Alucard ("Hellsing") - (^_^) vs. 8 - Capcom, SNK and Shueisha - Boss Team: Vega/M. Bison ("SF"), Geese ("GD"/"KoF") and Doflamingo ("One Piece") - (^_^)
Simon would so thrive in 'KoF'.

4 - Seizya - Japanese Heroines Team: Mai ("GD"/"KoF"), Yuri ("RnK"/"KoF") and Fuu ("Rayearth") - (^_^) vs. 5 - Marvel, Mirage and Capcom - American Heroines Team: Jean ("X-Men"), April ("TMNT") and Mary ("GD"/"KoF") - (^_^)
Can they play softball against each other next?

3 - NeoRyu - Kawasumi Ayako-san Team: Hinako ("KoF"), Kokoro ("DoA"), and Fuu ("Samurai Champloo") - (^_^) vs. 6 - Sei's brother - Philippines Heroines Team: Talim ("Soul"), Josie ("Tekken") and Sucy ("Little Witch Academia") - (^_^)
Where are the "VF" characters?!

2 - Justice Kyo - Bamco Team: Ritsuko, Makoto ("Imas"), and Faye ("Cowboy Bebop") - (^_^) vs. 7 - Capcom, Red/Sega and Shogakukan - Chinese Heroines Team: Chun Li ("SF"), Kouran ("Sakura Wars") and Rebecca ("Black Lagoon") - (^_^)
Hero eburiinyan!


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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):'The King of Fighters 2023 Special' - R" , posted Mon 13 Nov 01:17post reply

Of course I'll vote for the champs here! No way should the bosses win!

Sorry April. If I didn't lead with Mai, Yuri and Fuu to a title, I'd vote for you gals.

Sorry Neo Ryu. It's the Pinays Team!

Seeing that I talk w/ Justice Kyo often, of course, I'm voting for his team.

This can be the first tournament 3 of the 4 bottom seeds move on to Round 2. I don't see the bosses winning against the champs. Boss teams don't do well against champs.

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"Re(2):'The King of Fighters 2023 Special' - R" , posted Mon 13 Nov 01:25post reply

Man, don’t let me spoil your fun, but please keep these to one single thread so it doesn’t crowd the board. I don’t think too many of the people you have in mind are here at the BBS these days, and we only have a few active threads at any given time in the modern era, so it’ll work best for everyone if you can centralize all your rounds into one thread.


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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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"'KoF2023S' thread format change" , posted Mon 13 Nov 05:30post reply

You're telling me that there aren't many vets left?! Well, that shouldn't be surprising. A lot has changed in 3 years.

Sigh. I better change the format then. I have changed the title for the new posts in the thread. I'm baffled on how there are not a lot of new users.

Just a Person
2527th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):'KoF2023S' thread format change" , posted Tue 14 Nov 03:46post reply

Great teams! It will be tough to choose the winners this time, but whichever team wins, I guess we can say that it will deserve it.

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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"Re(2):'KoF2023S' thread format change" , posted Tue 14 Nov 09:33post reply

This is probably the hardest tournament I've dealt with. As much as I love Mary, April and Jean, I've been riding with Mai, Yuri and Fuu this whole time. They have won before.

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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"A '2023S' rule change and the R. 1 warning" , posted Fri 17 Nov 03:53:post reply

Just now realized a trait. Normally, tie breakers are done by the "Quiz KoF"/"Quiz Magic Academy" format or the pleading letter. However, because multiple teams are "randomized", if the situation calls for it, the tie breaker added on here will be the dreaded spinner. (I know it's not fair, but the mark speed tie breaker method doesn't work because I'd determine the outcome if that were applied.) So, if your favorite team doesn't want to go through the method, vote, and get others to do so.

Oh. Example. Here.

4-5 Tie Breaker


1 - Fuu/April

2 - Yuri/Jean

3 - Mai/Mary

Rounds - Victor/Score

1 - 5/0-1

2 - 4/1-1

3 - 5/1-2

4 - 4/2-2

5 - Draw/2-2

F - 5/2-3

With this example, the American Heroines move on to Round 2, and the former champs get bounced. The order's just an omake. Orders are there in "KoF" games.

Oh. Right. Round 1 ends tomorrow. If you don't like the current results, 1-1/2-0/0-2/1-1, vote!

[this message was edited by Seizya on Sun 19 Nov 01:08]

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Off to Round 2!" , posted Sun 19 Nov 17:39post reply

Round 1 Results

Japanese Heroines 3 - American Heroines 1

Kawasumi Ayako-san Heroines 1 - Philippine Heroines 3

1-8 Tie Breaker


1 - "Gunbird"/Vega

2 - "Dracula"/Geese

3 - "Hellsing"/Doflamingo

Rounds - Victor/Score

1 - 8/0-1

2 - 8/0-2

3 - Draw/1-3

4 -

5 -

F -

2-7 Tie Breaker


1 - Makoto/Rebecca

2 - Faye/Chun Li

3 - Ritsuko/Kouran

Rounds - Victor/Score

1 - 7/0-1

2 - Draw/1-2

3 - Draw/2-3

4 -

5 -

F -

Alucard Cube 2 - Boss 2, 3-1

Bamco Heroines 2 - Chinese Heroines 2, 3-2

Me - No~! The champs are out already! My gals need to face against the damn bosses?! Did they face bosses some time back? Argh! Sigh.

Round 1's in the books. The champs got knocked out by the bosses. The Japanese Heroines just keep on winning, and the other 2 Asian heroine teams move on as well.

Round 2 is here. You know the drill. The Bronze medal game and the title game will be held a week from today.

8 - Capcom, SNK and Shueisha - Boss Team: Vega/M. Bison ("SF"), Geese ("GD"/"KoF") and Doflamingo ("One Piece") - (^_^) vs. 4 - Seizya - Japanese Heroines Team: Mai ("GD"/"KoF"), Yuri ("RnK"/"KoF") and Fuu ("Rayearth") - (^_^)
Dance, dance, "Dance de Peace" yo!

6 - Sei's brother - Philippines Heroines Team: Talim ("Soul"), Josie ("Tekken") and Sucy ("Little Witch Academia") - (^_^) vs. 7 - Capcom, Red/Sega and Shogakukan - Chinese Heroines Team: Chun Li ("SF"), Kouran ("Sakura Wars") and Rebecca ("Black Lagoon") - (^_^)
Can they play against each other in basketball next?

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Championship & Bronze Games" , posted Mon 27 Nov 09:48post reply

Round 2 Results

8-4 Tie Breaker


1 - Vega/Yuri

2 - Doflamingo/Fuu

3 - Geese/Mai

Rounds - Victor/Score

1 - Draw/1-1

2 - 8/2-1

3 - 8/3-1

4 -

5 -

F -

6-7 Tie Breaker


1 - Talim/Kouran

2 - Sucy/Rebecca

3 - Josie/Chun Li

Rounds - Victor/Score

1 - Draw/1-1

2 - 6/2-1

3 - Draw/3-2

4 -

5 -

F -

Bosses 2, 3-1 - Japanese Heroines 2

Pinay Heroines 2, 3-2 - Chinese Heroines 2

Me - Bro, it's up to you to beat the bosses. Good luck. Give the bosses Hell. Sigh.

Sei's bro - Yeah! Go baby go! Will do.

Round 2's in the books. Another former champ got knocked out by the bosses. The only Asian team that's left is the Pinays.

The Bronze and Championship games are here. Japan and China once again get that classic rivalry going, but only one country will get...the bronze medal. Will the Pinay's complete the mission and grab gold in front of the home crowd? Or will the bosses finally get that monkey off their backs?

The tournament ends a week from today. Didn't like the unfair tie breaker? Vote!

Bronze Game

4 - Sei - Japanese Heroines Team: Mai/"FF"/"KoF", Yuri/"AoF"/"KoF" & Fuu/"Rayearth" (^_^) vs. 7 - Capcom, Red/Sega and Shogakukan - Chinese Heroines Team: Chun Li/"SF", Kouran/"Sakura Wars" & Rebecca/"Black Lagoon"
I'm aware that Korea didn't get a team. Tell me a cute anime gal then.

Championship Game

8 - Capcom, SNK and Shueisha - Bosses Team: Geese/"FF"/"KoF", Vega/Bison/"SF" & Doflamingo/"One Piece" (^_^) vs. 6 Sei's bro - Pinay Heroines Team: Talim/"Soul", Josie/"Tekken" & Sucy/"Little Witch Academia" (^_^)
"Ray Allen is the best shooter of all time! Fight me!"

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Championship & Bronze Games" , posted Mon 27 Nov 10:01:post reply

Yes, if you're a hoop fan, my youngest brother considers Mr. Allen to be the best shooter ever. As for the Korean Heroines, I had May/Jinju and Mina already set, but the third slot gave me fits, and it got me thinking "I might as well have Mary fight alongside with Jean and April" at that point. If anyone can give me ideas, let me know for next year.

I have piloted Mai, Yuri and Fuu to a bronze, and I'll do it again here.

Of course I'm picking the Pinays. I'm not facing against my brother.

[this message was edited by Seizya on Tue 28 Nov 02:41]

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Your 2023 champions" , posted Sun 3 Dec 18:40post reply

Gold - Pinay Heroines/3-1

Silver - Bosses

Bronze - Chinese Heroines/3-2

4th - Japanese Heroines

Well, congratulations to my other batch of gals, the Pinay Heroines Team, the home team! With all of that spirit, they are the 2023 "KoF" champs! Whether or not they keep the title after next year remains to be seen, but they get the 1 seed for next year's tournament!

Me - Congratulations on winning the 2023 "KoF" tournament Home team!

*The crowd cheers.*

Sei's bro - Yeah! About time!

Talim - Good going on providing rounds mare!

Sucy - Thank you so much!

Josie - We did it!

Mai - Welcome to the club!

Yuri - No problem. Good job!

Fuu - That's right. Good job!

Talim - Thank you so much!

Me - (Thank goodness the bosses didn't win.) Yay! We should celebrate!

Geese - Impossible! How dare you humiliate us you brats! You'll pay!

Vega - Now, watch the wrath of the Psycho Power you insects!

Doflamingo - Any last requests?!

Me - Better do the same task I did with Rugal.

*The Bosses end up being in the same boat as Rugal.*

Geese - No~! I won't forget your faces!

*The crowd cheers louder.*

Sei's bro - *The trophy is being pointed at.* So, that's the trophy, right?

Me - That's right. Better get the photo taken care of. Oh, saved these.

Sei's bro - *He gets a bottle of special soda.* Yes! Thank you man! Photo everyone!

Me - Mai-san, Yuri-san, Fuu-san, sorry, but take a photo of us please!

Fuu - I got it!

Mai - Thank you Fuu-chan!

Yuri - So amazing to have brothers winning.

Fuu - Okay! Cheese!

*Cue "1998 U.M." melody and usual credits routine!*

Philippines Heroines Team

*The gals are throwing up peace signs, the bro's raising a soda bottle, and I hold a small Philippines flag.*


Thank you for playing!