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Red Falcon
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"City of the Wolves" , posted Mon 18 Mar 10:30:post reply

Gameplay trailer dropped.

[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Mon 18 Mar 10:33]


Lord SNK
610th Post

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"Re(1):City of the Wolves" , posted Mon 18 Mar 18:22post reply

Gameplay trailer dropped.

I love it! Joe's apprentice is real!

Also the announcement trailer is amazing.
Rev Guard, Rev Blow, Rev Arts, Rev Accel? Can't wait to see what the game system is like.

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"Re(2):City of the Wolves" , posted Tue 19 Mar 01:00post reply


I love it! Joe's apprentice is real!

Eh, I wish they kept the other design from the leaked spritesheet. Not really a fan of the huge glasses.

Game definitely looks miles better than XV though, except for those particle effects (Buster Wolf explosion was especially underwhelming). The Rev Arts system sounds like SNK taking from SF6's playbook, which keeps the time honored tradition of SNK and Capcom's close rivalry going strong. CVS3 is no longer a pipe dream, just a matter of when.

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"Re(3):City of the Wolves" , posted Tue 19 Mar 02:59:post reply

Neat! As noted, those super effects certainly need another pass but the characters themselves look and move really well. The tachometer design of the super meter reminds me of the gauge in Wild Ambition, which is the worst thing possible to have brought to mind. Here's to hoping the game doesn't play like that! Hopefully something will be released soon explaining just what is going on in this game and how it is being done.

EDIT: Gameplay video and discussion of the system mechanics

[this message was edited by Ishmael on Tue 19 Mar 04:33]

Red Falcon
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"Re(4):City of the Wolves" , posted Tue 19 Mar 06:59post reply

… at least “neutral REV rush” doesn’t seem to be a thing, lol.

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(4):City of the Wolves" , posted Tue 19 Mar 07:31:post reply

Neat! As noted, those super effects certainly need another pass

Do you mean the comic book effect? I figured that is an intentional play off of how Street Fighter used the paint aesthetic with SF6, and previously used the ink aesthetic.

[this message was edited by Baines on Tue 19 Mar 07:35]

Just a Person
2542th Post

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"Re(3):City of the Wolves" , posted Tue 19 Mar 08:00post reply

It looks great! Mark of the Wolves was such a fantastic game that releasing a sequel could be a risky move, but judging from this trailer, it seems that SNK is on the right track!


CVS3 is no longer a pipe dream, just a matter of when.

You think so? That would be amazing, but after SFxTK and MVC Infinite, Capcom doesn't look too eager to work on crossover fighting games. Hopefully SNK can convince them to join forces again, though.

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.

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"Re(5):City of the Wolves" , posted Tue 19 Mar 09:38post reply

Neat! As noted, those super effects certainly need another pass

Do you mean the comic book effect? I figured that is an intentional play off of how Street Fighter used the paint aesthetic with SF6, and previously used the ink aesthetic.

No, I quite like the comic book aesthetic. It is very poppy and it gives the game a distinct look. I was referring to the effects on the supers. For example, the Buster Wolf isn’t selling the velocity and impact of other games. Are you okay Terry?

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(6):City of the Wolves" , posted Tue 19 Mar 11:20post reply

No, I quite like the comic book aesthetic. It is very poppy and it gives the game a distinct look. I was referring to the effects on the supers. For example, the Buster Wolf isn’t selling the velocity and impact of other games. Are you okay Terry?

Yeah, I noticed the move effects were a bit underwhelming.

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"Re(7):City of the Wolves" , posted Tue 23 Apr 21:44post reply

A game guide has been released prior to the first playable public build. There is a lot going on in this game! Hopefully it will be like SF6, which is also a game that is stuffed full of mechanics but everything fits together and makes sense once you start playing. Still, the idea that feints have been officially integrated into the combo system will never stop being weird to me. Out of all the bizarre mechanics that have come and gone from the FF games, this awkward combo extender that players invented is the thing that stuck around?

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"Re(8):City of the Wolves" , posted Tue 23 Apr 23:47post reply

If "Smart Style" is their version of Modern controls, then they're doing a horrible job of selling it. Losing two combo extenders is not worth the 'convenience' this supposedly provides.

Also, parries not having any discernable advantages over Just Defends based on their description is hilarious. Why would I choose the riskier option when I get the same benefits from a JD, which I can also do in midair?

Someone get Justin Wong down there and help them revise this guide, because they're taking all the wrong lessons from SF6 and are in desperate need to course correct.

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"Re(9):City of the Wolves" , posted Fri 26 Apr 04:02post reply

If "Smart Style" is their version of Modern controls, then they're doing a horrible job of selling it. Losing two combo extenders is not worth the 'convenience' this supposedly provides.

Also, parries not having any discernable advantages over Just Defends based on their description is hilarious. Why would I choose the riskier option when I get the same benefits from a JD, which I can also do in midair?

Someone get Justin Wong down there and help them revise this guide, because they're taking all the wrong lessons from SF6 and are in desperate need to course correct.

The fact that there are three different methods for defense in addition to simply holding back is baffling. Do you need to use all these techniques during a match? Can you get vaporized so quickly in this game that you have to be able to stop enemy attacks no matter what? I always think of FF as a series with experimental ideas (different planes, ring outs and so on) but I didn't think the experiments for Garou 2 would be endless defense options.

Red Falcon
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"Re(10):City of the Wolves" , posted Sat 27 Apr 15:07post reply

Playing at Evo Japan, game is really fun! Hope Grant, Franco, or Krauser come back so I don’t just end up using Griffon because there’s nobody else, ha ha.

Red Falcon
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"Re(2):Re(10):City of the Wolves" , posted Sat 27 Apr 16:01post reply

Anyway, very good first impressions.

Not my video, but:

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"Re(3):Re(10):City of the Wolves" , posted Sun 28 Apr 07:18post reply

Anyway, very good first impressions.

Not my video, but:

Looks like the game has been spruced up since the earlier footage. Not bad!

Red Falcon
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"Marco" , posted Sun 28 Apr 14:21:post reply


[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Sun 28 Apr 14:22]

Just a Person
2546th Post

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"Re(1):Marco" , posted Mon 29 Apr 01:42post reply


Great to see him back! And it's great that SNK decided to keep his name as Marco in both languages (the other name he had made no sense at all)!

Also, it seems Yuri has her own gym club now? That's interesting, considering that in the KoF continuity the Sakazaki family is extremely poor... assuming CotW is still part of the timeline where AOF happened some decades before FF, I wonder if she married Robert and used his wealth to start her own business - or if she just started from the bottom and thrived by herself. Anyway, kudos to her!

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Marco" , posted Mon 29 Apr 07:43post reply

Glad to see Buster Wolf got fixed. Also surprised that the tornado move that Terry learned from the anime is finally canon. I wonder if Lily/Sulia will make a cameo in his ending/story mode.


Great to see him back! And it's great that SNK decided to keep his name as Marco in both languages (the other name he had made no sense at all)!

Ignoring the juvenile last name, I'm more curious on why the localizer settled on Khushnood (which is apparently a Muslim name). Someone should ask Oda about that someday.

Also, it seems Yuri has her own gym club now? That's interesting, considering that in the KoF continuity the Sakazaki family is extremely poor... assuming CotW is still part of the timeline where AOF happened some decades before FF, I wonder if she married Robert and used his wealth to start her own business - or if she just started from the bottom and thrived by herself. Anyway, kudos to her!

Robert likely just bought out the gym from AOF2 and made her the owner. Regardless, that rock wall better be a minigame. Come on SNK, do not get one-upped by Hado Pizza.

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"Re(1):Marco" , posted Mon 29 Apr 23:58post reply


This is looking terrific! Not only do the characters have great styling and animation, but the backgrounds are looking lively and well made as well. This is a far cry from those far distant backgrounds in KoF14.

Just a Person
2548th Post

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"B. Jenet" , posted Sat 8 Jun 07:35post reply

Of course she'd be back.

Also, CotW reveals its second newcomer, Vox Popul-- oops, I mean, Vox Reaper.

Nice reveals; now I wonder how big this roster will be when the game comes out. If I remember correctly, there are at least 7 fighters strongly hinted to be in it (Andy, Joe, Mai, Billy, Kevin, Gato and Kain). I suppose there would be room for about one to three more people, so... maybe Blue Mary, Yamazaki and one of the Kims (Kaphwan or one of his sons)? Then again, maybe these characters will be saved for DLC and the default roster will be completed by more newcomers?

I also wonder if CotW will eventually get any guest fighters from Street Fighter - especially now that Terry and Mai will be in SF6.

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.

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"Re(1):B. Je-no" , posted Sat 8 Jun 08:16post reply

Take that Jenet model back in the shop, it looks horrible. I couldn't even finish watching the trailer.

As for not-Grant, not doing for me either. The moves look undercooked and lack impact, and Grant was all about impact. If you're going to give me discount Kratos, make his moveset unique at least.

I'm hoping the next reveal will be the Kim twins, or any of the legacy characters. Please don't butcher Mai like you did Jenet.

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"Re(2):B. Je-no" , posted Sun 9 Jun 00:57post reply

Love the backgrounds!

Ugh, poor B.Jenet is 0 for 3 in 3D renderings. No one seems to know how to properly create that dress outside of sprites. Bolting two balloon boobs to her chest and painting them purple is not the same as recreating the folds and texture of fabric.

Vox Reaper has quite the random selection of words in lieu of a name, but his moves are all Grant. With Grant's illness being one of his defining characteristics I didn't figure he would be back, so having someone carry on his martial arts style is fine. That little Grant half-mask that pops up on his face during his super is a bit silly, however.

Just a Person
2550th Post

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"Re(3):B. Je-no" , posted Sun 9 Jun 05:48post reply

Ugh, poor B.Jenet is 0 for 3 in 3D renderings. No one seems to know how to properly create that dress outside of sprites. Bolting two balloon boobs to her chest and painting them purple is not the same as recreating the folds and texture of fabric.

Probably the person/people who worked on Jenet's cleavage are the same ones who worked on Yuri's braid in KOF XV.

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.

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"More stuff" , posted Fri 14 Jun 00:05post reply

New information about MotW2 has been coming out. I'll be curious to see how the game comes together because it still feels like there's a ton of mechanics to monitor. I do, however, really like the way the game is looking and how the personality of the characters comes through. When I saw part of Grant's mask show up on Vox during a super I wasn't a fan, but he won me over after I saw that he pulls the mask out of his back pocket and dutifully puts it away at the end of his attack animation.

Just a Person
2559th Post

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"Police brutality coming up" , posted Sun 21 Jul 11:12post reply

Kevin Rian joins CotW's roster.

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
6432th Post

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"Re(1):Police brutality coming up" , posted Mon 22 Jul 06:03post reply

Kevin Rian joins CotW's roster.

It's good to see him back. Although I am not a fan of the character. It just means that more classic characters will be coming back and I'm all for that.

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"Re(2):Police brutality coming up" , posted Mon 22 Jul 21:29post reply

Kevin Rian joins CotW's roster.

It's good to see him back. Although I am not a fan of the character. It just means that more classic characters will be coming back and I'm all for that.

I'm not a fan either. From that weird exploding kick to having a kid follow him around because Kevin has no personality of his own, Kevin Rian always felt like a few vague ideas that were tossed together to form a barely-there character. Were the MotW producers so in love with the idea of a crawling on the ground move that they built a character around it? But as you noted, if Kevin can return then other, cooler characters should be a lock.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(3):Police brutality coming up" , posted Mon 22 Jul 22:06post reply

Wasn't Kevin absolutely busted too, with either an easy infinite or some stupidly high damage that ended up having him banned from most tournaments? Or am I confusing with another, better game?

I'm surprised how boring (white?) the game is so far outside of Joette and Marco. No Korean family, no Gatou... has Hotaru been shown or is she still up in the air? The original game had a small cast and most of them should come back anyway, but the order in which they decided to show them is just bizarre.

No Hokutomaru either but honestly that's fine he can seat this one out.

Just a Person
2562th Post

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"Re(4):Police brutality coming up" , posted Mon 22 Jul 22:57post reply

Wasn't Kevin absolutely busted too, with either an easy infinite or some stupidly high damage that ended up having him banned from most tournaments? Or am I confusing with another, better game?

I'm surprised how boring (white?) the game is so far outside of Joette and Marco. No Korean family, no Gatou... has Hotaru been shown or is she still up in the air? The original game had a small cast and most of them should come back anyway, but the order in which they decided to show them is just bizarre.

No Hokutomaru either but honestly that's fine he can seat this one out.

Hotaru was one of the first characters confirmed for CotW; for some reason she isn't being featured in the playable demos, but she's already been shown. As for the remaining characters, if the rumors are correct, the only MotW who may be absent from the default roster would be Hokutomaru, Freeman, Grant (Vox is already replacing him, anyway) and the Kim brothers - Gato was already hinted to be in the game (and the fact that he's present in KOF XV probably makes it safer to include him, even if CotW isn't using the same assets from XV).

My surprise is the lack of "classic" FF fighters so far. Then again, apparently some of them have already been hinted as well (Andy, Joe, Mai and Billy, if I remember correctly).

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.

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"Re(4):Police brutality coming up" , posted Tue 23 Jul 00:34post reply

No Hokutomaru either but honestly that's fine he can seat this one out.

The reveal trailer had a voice clip of him sounding older (it also had one of Mai), so they're going to pull a Shippuden on him (which is ironic since his original VA was also Naruto's).

Honestly, I wouldn't want him to return either especially since Andy and Mai will be there, he's better off being relegated to just cutscene fodder like in Mai's SVCC ending.

Just a Person
2563th Post

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"Hey, hey, hey, he's back!" , posted Fri 26 Jul 21:34post reply

Billy Kane returns to the City of the Wolves!

He looks quite different without his bandana.

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.

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"Re(1):Hey, hey, hey, he's back!" , posted Fri 26 Jul 23:49post reply

Billy Kane returns to the City of the Wolves!

He looks quite different without his bandana.

He sounds different as well. Is a Billy Kane who doesn't sound like a talking goat really Billy Kane?

So why didn't they show this guy at Evo instead of Kevin?

2537th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Hey, hey, hey, he's back!" , posted Sat 27 Jul 00:43:post reply

Billy Kane returns to the City of the Wolves!

He looks quite different without his bandana.

He sounds different as well. Is a Billy Kane who doesn't sound like a talking goat really Billy Kane?

So why didn't they show this guy at Evo instead of Kevin?

"It's not your lucky day... I've had a rotten redesign."

Perhaps they were rightfully embarrassed to unveil this terrible look. How did they make this cornball feel even more totally 90s than he did in the actual 90s? He looks physically younger, but somehow even more dated and even less cool. Geese, this man clearly cannot be trusted to dress himself. Have him put on a suit, for Christ's sake.

I also agree about the voice.

While I'm at it, more blonde hair? What is this, Blonde Fighter V redux? Come on! If he has to ditch the bandana it should not be to reveal that he asked the barber to "Gimme the Kevin cut, but leave it just a little longer." Instead, he might have embraced a bold new identity as the confident bald man... following Vox in striving to typify Larry David's "diamond in the rough."

"Fix Billy's stupid head" should be placed on SNK's to-do list directly below "Fix B. Jenet's ridiculous balloon tits." Then perhaps "Also fix Billy's 'orrible fit."

/ / /

[this message was edited by Mosquiton on Sat 27 Jul 00:48]

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Hey, hey, hey, he's back!" , posted Sat 27 Jul 17:27post reply

Billy Kane returns to the City of the Wolves!

He looks quite different without his bandana.

He sounds different as well. Is a Billy Kane who doesn't sound like a talking goat really Billy Kane?

So why didn't they show this guy at Evo instead of Kevin?

"It's not your lucky day... I've had a rotten redesign."

Perhaps they were rightfully embarrassed to unveil this terrible look. How did they make this cornball feel even more totally 90s than he did in the actual 90s? He looks physically younger, but somehow even more dated and even less cool. Geese, this man clearly cannot be trusted to dress himself. Have him put on a suit, for Christ's sake.

I also agree about the voice.

While I'm at it, more blonde hair? What is this, Blonde Fighter V redux? Come on! If he has to ditch the bandana it should not be to reveal that he asked the barber to "Gimme the Kevin cut, but leave it just a little longer." Instead, he might have embraced a bold new identity as the confident bald man... following Vox in striving to typify Larry David's "diamond in the rough."

"Fix Billy's stupid head" should be placed on SNK's to-do list directly below "Fix B. Jenet's ridiculous balloon tits." Then perhaps "Also fix Billy's 'orrible fit."

At a glance he looks like Kevin's brother, which is extra jarring.

His haircut and glasses read more 2000's than 90's, and that's a kind of funny thing to think about: how come Rock doesn't feel "old" in his looks? I know some characters in Garou benefit from wearing traditional garb (Hotaru, Gato, Butt Kims), Kain just wears a nice suit, and Tizoc is a masked wrestler...

Kevin is this weird military police hybrid that probably seems the most 90s anime of the bunch, while Hokutomaru feels like an ancient archetype.

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"Re(4):Hey, hey, hey, he's back!" , posted Tue 30 Jul 21:37:post reply

At a glance he looks like Kevin's brother, which is extra jarring.

It's like the programmers wanted to honor the tradition of head swaps in fighting games but got it backwards and slapped Kevin's head on Billy.

His haircut and glasses read more 2000's than 90's, and that's a kind of funny thing to think about: how come Rock doesn't feel "old" in his looks? I know some characters in Garou benefit from wearing traditional garb (Hotaru, Gato, Butt Kims), Kain just wears a nice suit, and Tizoc is a masked wrestler...

Kevin is this weird military police hybrid that probably seems the most 90s anime of the bunch, while Hokutomaru feels like an ancient archetype.

Rock is a character they got right the first time. A lot of his design elements are either timeless (his hair reads as a young anime hero and not a specific style) or are so essential to his look that they read as part of his uniform rather than a fashion trend. I guess SNK realized they had a winner on their hands with Rock and have barely changed anything on him in all these years.

In contrast, I think Kevin needed a Dee Jay level makeover but it's too late for that now. They can leave Hokutomaru in the can they've been storing him in.

[this message was edited by Ishmael on Wed 31 Jul 03:38]

Lord SNK
619th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(5):Hey, hey, hey, he's back!" , posted Wed 31 Jul 02:51post reply

What about Freeman? Do you think he will be back and if yes, will look different?

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"Re(6):Hey, hey, hey, he's back!" , posted Wed 31 Jul 04:01post reply

What about Freeman? Do you think he will be back and if yes, will look different?

That's a good question. His design feels very much of the time period but I'm not certain how his look could be updated without losing what little there was that made the character identifiable. Perhaps lean into his violence as performance art angle? Most characters don't wear an entirely different outfit for their pre-fight intros, but most characters aren't Freeman.

Just a Person
2565th Post

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"Re(6):Hey, hey, hey, he's back!" , posted Wed 31 Jul 09:14post reply

What about Freeman? Do you think he will be back and if yes, will look different?

Assuming he returns, I don't think he'll look different. The pattern indicated by the characters shown so far seems to indicate that only the FF characters who were absent in MotW will look different to express that they are older (even if Billy Kane doesn't really look older than he was in RBFF, only wearing different clothes and a new haircut). Aside from Billy, every other returning character so far looks exactly the same they did in MotW.

Andy, Joe and Mai will likely look different (let's face it, the three of them will definitely be back), maybe having their "classic" appearances sold as DLC outfits (same goes for Terry and Billy). Freeman, Gato, Kain and the Kim brothers probably will look the same they did in MotW, if they return (Gato is very likely, considering he was already in KOF XV and Hotaru is already confirmed in CotW).

The one MotW character who might look different is Hokutomaru, who was a child in MotW, and thus SNK may decide to make him look a little older to make people feel less guilty when he gets beaten up (that is, assuming he returns in CotW, but I guess that any MotW character that doesn't make it to the default roster will likely be sold later as DLC).

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Hey, hey, hey, he's back!" , posted Thu 1 Aug 02:43post reply

City being a legacy sequel puts it in the unfortunate position of never achieving a unified design for its cast the way SF6 could. Vox, Preecha and Billy are pushing a modern aesthetic that is violently clashing with the style established back in 99, and since Billy losing his iconic bandana was an eleventh-hour change from the promo art, I can only imagine the current designer sweating buckets on how to deal with updating Mai's look (perhaps a 'leak' should happen to gauge interest).

While I'm not too enthused about Billy's new look (putting him next to Kevin's trailer certainly didn't help), I'll just have to accept that this is the direction they've settled on and eventually I can make peace with it. But until then, let the criticism continue because no matter how controversial things get, at least we won't hit rock bottom again like the Jin twins from FF3 (if those two get a Deejay makeover that would be a true miracle).

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"It's Mai Time" , posted Wed 21 Aug 04:24post reply

I can only imagine the current designer sweating buckets on how to deal with updating Mai's look

Well, there's our answer.

Figured they were going to play it safe with her. At least she looks miles better than Jenet's reveal.

Just a Person
2570th Post

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"Nippon Ichi (now with clothes on)!" , posted Wed 21 Aug 04:26:post reply

Yes, Mai is back! And apparently she likes to wear biker clothes now (and looks great in them)!

The end of the trailer shows that she'll still have her half-naked kunoichi attire as an alternate costume (Terry will have his FF2 outfit as an alternate costume as well).

Oh, and SNK is already selling a package including five DLC characters for CotW's Season 1. But considering that the default game will apparently have 22 characters (that's four more than SF6 had and basically the same amount as MK1's default roster), plus the fact that SNK probably isn't doing as well financially than other fighting game companies are, I guess we can give them a pass.


EDIT: oops, I just read Eventhubs' article and noticed that I misunderstood the information in the video: the 22 characters roster includes the five DLC characters, meaning the actual default roster will have 17 fighters (one less than SF6's default roster). Still a decent number for a new fighting game, I think - plus, that RPG mode sounds very interesting.

(as for the Season 1 DLC characters, I hope Ryu and/or Chun-Li are among them)

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.

[this message was edited by Just a Person on Wed 21 Aug 06:06]

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"Re(1):It's Mai Time" , posted Wed 21 Aug 09:51post reply

Not a bad update for Mai! She's been wearing a variation on the same outfit for ages, so getting something new is appreciated. Plus, she keeps her distinctive hairstyle so she's still easy to identify as Mai.

I was, however, surprised by her ryuuenbu. I always assumed it was some ninja trick weapon that let her set off that flame attack with her tassels. Instead, it seems she can naturally set her butt on fire.

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"Re(1):It's Mai Time" , posted Thu 22 Aug 02:17post reply

I can only imagine the current designer sweating buckets on how to deal with updating Mai's look

Well, there's our answer.

Figured they were going to play it safe with her. At least she looks miles better than Jenet's reveal.

Yikes. I guess Garou felt the pressure to have horribly bland American-style reduced-skin redesigns in response to SFVI's awful new Chun Li and Cammy outfits? The series was ever about taking cues from its Capcom rival, so why not here, I guess!

Or maybe having Mai's actual costume as a (presumably paid) download that 99.9% of players will buy seemed like a more commercially appealing prospect than a "Mai tax," wherein they charge you 500Y more than planned in order to preventatively give you a proper outfit for her by default!

And I say this is someone who's used to change and never did any of the SFV classic outfits, too! It's just that...SFVI and new Garou designs really, really suck!


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"Re(2):It's Mai Time" , posted Thu 22 Aug 03:36post reply

Not a bad update for Mai! She's been wearing a variation on the same outfit for ages, so getting something new is appreciated. Plus, she keeps her distinctive hairstyle so she's still easy to identify as Mai.

I was, however, surprised by her ryuuenbu. I always assumed it was some ninja trick weapon that let her set off that flame attack with her tassels. Instead, it seems she can naturally set her butt on fire.

For me the move that sticks out the most is that flying elbow move of hers ("Hissatsu Shinobi-Bachi" according to the dreamcancel wiki). Because she doesn't have a big tassel behind her that can stream behind her and provide a secondary animation as she holds the pose, the move winds up looking funny to me. Her hair alone can't do double duty for all the animations.

I figured they would've had some other ornament that could flap about, even a shirt tied around her waist would provide a contemporary and ""grounded"" source for that.

Something about this outfit of hers makes me think "character from Dead or Alive".

Just a Person
2570th Post

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"Re(2):It's Mai Time" , posted Thu 22 Aug 03:53post reply

Or maybe having Mai's actual costume as a (presumably paid) download that 99.9% of players will buy seemed like a more commercially appealing prospect than a "Mai tax," wherein they charge you 500Y more than planned in order to preventatively give you a proper outfit for her by default!

That's very likely, yes. There will definitely be a lot of players more than willing to pay whatever SNK and Capcom charge for Mai's classic kunoichi costume.

And I say this is someone who's used to change and never did any of the SFV classic outfits, too! It's just that...SFVI and new Garou designs really, really suck!

Really? I really liked most of the SFVI designs, with only a couple exceptions (Dictator and Lily). As for CotW, we've only seen four new designs so far, since most of the characters shown retained their 1998 MotW designs... but I do agree that, while I like Mai's new costume, Billy's could have been better (what's the point of taking away his bandana?), and Preecha and Vox are okay but they look more like they'd belong in a new KoF game than in Garou, if that makes any sense (but maybe it's just a matter of time until we get used to them).

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.

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"Re(3):It's Mai Time" , posted Thu 22 Aug 17:40:post reply

I just want to point out that Mai's biker outfit is super old news (like, Garou Special old). There was an old Shinkiro artwork where she's revealed to be part of Jack's biker gang in her free time, and she's wearing something similar. The only update they did for this game was to add their poor taste and show her belly button because how would you know she's supposed to be sexy if she doesn't show as much skin as possible? You can't possibly convey this idea with attitude or animations, you have to sluttify them as much as possible or the message would be lost!

I really dislike what SNK has become from the art point of view, and that's not even taking into account the saudi thing.

Also, I hadn't realized that Kyo's popularity has waned so much he's not even invited to the KOF 30th anniversary.

[this message was edited by Iggy on Thu 22 Aug 18:05]

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"Re(4):It's Mai Time" , posted Thu 22 Aug 22:43post reply

Their different body shapes didn't make it immediately noticeable, but Mai is wearing the same style of biker jacket as Rock. This means Mai showed up to the party where not only is someone already wearing her outfit but it fits them better as well. God, how embarrassing!

Something about this outfit of hers makes me think "character from Dead or Alive".

That's a good way to put it. The too tight across the bosom jacket and little boots feels more like a collection of things the designer likes as opposed to a fashionable outfit. At least Mai got a new outfit for her next appearance in DoA, since she's pretty much a permanent guest star in the series at this point. Again, I like that Mai got some new clothes, but that doesn't mean the outfit is above critique.

One interesting factoid is that is seems Mai will change into her classic look during her Hidden Gear. It seems Mai's love of changing outfits in public remains.


Also, I hadn't realized that Kyo's popularity has waned so much he's not even invited to the KOF 30th anniversary.

Looks like SNK is back to using randomly tossing out old pieces of artwork. Hopefully the day 2 teaser will feature that crap Terry render from Garou Densetsu Premium.

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"Re(5):It's RPG Time" , posted Mon 26 Aug 05:20post reply

That KoF thing SNK was teasing? It was even more lame than expected.

However, the news SNK is hiring for a SS RPG possibly starring Yashamaru is much more promising.

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"Re(6):It's RPG Time" , posted Tue 27 Aug 00:05post reply

That KoF thing SNK was teasing? It was even more lame than expected.

A re-release of Rhythm of Fighters would have made a better anniversary present. It still baffles me as to why they killed it off.

However, the news SNK is hiring for a SS RPG possibly starring Yashamaru is much more promising.

I honestly forgot Yashamaru was from the recent SS game. They better hire some good writers if he's going to have any chance of carrying that game, otherwise replace him with an avatar.

Lord SNK
621th Post

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"Re(6):It's RPG Time" , posted Tue 27 Aug 21:01post reply

That KoF thing SNK was teasing? It was even more lame than expected.

Really underwhelming. And they don't even release or link those artworks on that site, you have to check the Twitter/X account to see them.

Just a Person
2574th Post

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"Here Come TWO New Challengers!" , posted Thu 26 Sep 22:13post reply

After Terry and Mai were announced for SF6's Season 2, now Capcom returns the favor.

My surprise is that SNK chose Ken instead of Ryu - then again, SF6's Ken looks great (especially when compared to "banana-haired" SFV's Ken), so I'm definitely not complaining.

With this announcement, it seems that a CvS3 (or a SvC3, considering that SNK has also released two crossover fighting games) is a considerable possibility in a few years.

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.

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"Re(1):Here Come TWO New Challengers!" , posted Thu 26 Sep 23:39post reply

Ken better bring an older Mel with him. The parallel is just too big to ignore.

Since SF6 was all about acknowledging the throwbacks, I wonder if Hon Fu will actually accompany Chun in Southtown. And if SNK wants to go one level deeper, the two can meet Lei Wulong at the precinct. Might as well plant the seed early.

Just a Person
2575th Post

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"Re(2):Here Come TWO New Challengers!" , posted Fri 27 Sep 03:54post reply

Ken better bring an older Mel with him. The parallel is just too big to ignore.

Since SF6 was all about acknowledging the throwbacks, I wonder if Hon Fu will actually accompany Chun in Southtown. And if SNK wants to go one level deeper, the two can meet Lei Wulong at the precinct. Might as well plant the seed early.

Teen/young adult Mel meeting Rock would be pretty cool. And if this meeting ever happens, it will have to be in CotW, since Capcom seems to be happy enough considering Luke as a counterpart to Rock...

...oh well. In any case, the fact that Ken and Chun-Li are part of the Season 1 DLC means that SNK still has six fighters from the default roster to reveal. While there are hints that Gato, Hokutomaru, Kain, Andy and Joe will be added, we don't know whether they'll all be part of the default roster or not (some people are theorizing that Andy and Joe may either be NPCs or that they will only be added throughout Season 1 due to the possible similarities between their play styles and those of Preecha and Hokutomaru, even though I don't think Andy and Hokutomaru have similar styles at all).

And even in case all five of them do get included in the default roster, there is still no clue at all about who could be the 17th character... could it be another newcomer (since it would be odd if Preecha and Vox end up being the only new characters in CotW)? Or one of the missing fan favorites (Freeman, Blue Mary, Yamazaki, Duck King, one of the three Kims...)?

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Lord SNK
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"Re(3):Here Come TWO New Challengers!" , posted Sat 28 Sep 02:44post reply

17 is a strange number of characters, could it be 16 + 1 unlockable / playable boss?
Boss that could be either a new character or a returning one (Kain again?).

I vote for an Evil Duck King as boss.

Just a Person
2576th Post

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"About Mai's classic costume..." , posted Mon 30 Sep 23:45post reply

17 is a strange number of characters, could it be 16 + 1 unlockable / playable boss?
Boss that could be either a new character or a returning one (Kain again?).

I vote for an Evil Duck King as boss.

An Evil Duck King would be quite the plot twist. I like the idea.

Anyway, this is probably old news by now, but while I thought that the trailer revealing Mai indicated that her classic costume would also be available in CotW, it turns out that she just changes clothes during her Desperation Move (...or whatever name DMs have in this game) cinematics, attacks the opponent while dressed in it, then magically appears back in her biker clothes.

From what I read, while this could mean that the developers are keeping Mai's classic outfit to be released as DLC, they're actually saying they're not even sure if they're capable of adding it as a permanent costume, because according to them, including alternate costumes "takes a lot more time and resources than most fans probably realize". Which is kinda worrying for CotW, considering that other fighting games like SF6 and MK1 have a good share of alternate costumes for each character...

This also brings another question: if SNK does manage to allow Mai's classic costume as a permanent one (that is, allowing her to keep it for the entire fight), what will happen to her "clothes changing" cinematics in her Desperation Move? Will she appear changing her red dress for... another identical red dress?

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):About Mai's classic costume..." , posted Wed 2 Oct 08:36post reply


From what I read, while this could mean that the developers are keeping Mai's classic outfit to be released as DLC, they're actually saying they're not even sure if they're capable of adding it as a permanent costume, because according to them, including alternate costumes "takes a lot more time and resources than most fans probably realize".

I do understand that creating and implementing alternate outfits can be a costly endeavor, but those issues really shouldn't exist for Mai.

In regards to creating the model itself, they've already paid that cost; her super already switches to her being in her classic outfit. The only areas I can think of where it may be lacking is alternate colors and maybe a bit more testing just to make sure it doesn't explode in unplanned situations. I don't see the latter happening, as the super already has her doing a few different actions. As for the former, it shouldn't be a problem to add alternate colors (if necessary) either, unless they deliberately went out of their way to make it difficult.

In regards to the game having the support for alternate outfits, they've already announced an alternate outfit for Terry. And while it is possible that they've implemented alternate outfit support in a really inefficient way, you'd think they'd have worked something out by now. Even with their modern games, KOF has had some support for alternate outfits, while SNK Heroines managed multiple outfits with addition support for item customization. You'd expect that by now they'd at least have figured something out by now.

I certainly would believe that SNK haven't implemented particularly strong alternate outfit support. They've not embraced the sales potential of DLC outfits the way other publishers have, so (outside of Heroines) they've lacked incentive to go beyond basic support.

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"Re(2):About Mai's classic costume..." , posted Thu 3 Oct 10:01post reply

I'm certain that alternate costumes aren't cheap. Plus, not only do SNK characters still dress like it's 1996, but I also suspect the budget of the games haven't changed much since then either. Even then, I find it hard to believe they can't get a full Mai model made, especially since her classic costume looks fine in her DM. Is there something about the way the characters are made in CotW that makes it hard to give them new looks? Hopefully, SNK will announce that they were kidding and have Mai costume DLC, since you know she's going to have her classic duds in SF6.

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"Re(1):About Mai's classic costume..." , posted Thu 3 Oct 23:41post reply

SNK should just follow SF6's example and make the alt outfits both unlockable in game and directly purchasable for those who can't wait (just don't cause another Ninja Turtles fiasco with the pricing).

This also brings another question: if SNK does manage to allow Mai's classic costume as a permanent one (that is, allowing her to keep it for the entire fight), what will happen to her "clothes changing" cinematics in her Desperation Move? Will she appear changing her red dress for... another identical red dress?

It'll be Chun's classic costume, which doubly works to serve the CvS reference and to save on resources since she's coming over anyway.

Lord SNK
626th Post

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"Re(2):About Mai's classic costume..." , posted Mon 28 Oct 17:09post reply

Kim Dong Hwan trailer dropped yesterday!
His costume is little bit different, but in the transition from 2D to 3D his face looks off to me.

Just a Person
2577th Post

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"Re(3):About Mai's classic costume..." , posted Mon 28 Oct 21:40post reply

Kim Dong Hwan trailer dropped yesterday!
His costume is little bit different, but in the transition from 2D to 3D his face looks off to me.

Dong Hwan!? That's quite unexpected - I mean, it was obvious that all the MotW characters would eventually return in CotW (except for Grant), but it seemed like there was only one slot left for the default roster. If he's on the default roster, it's very likely that Jae Hoon will also be among the 17 default fighters, meaning that one of the five fighters everyone thought would be available from the beginning (Andy, Joe, Kain, Gato and Hokutomaru) will actually be part of the Season 1 DLC.

It's also surprising that he got a new outfit; so far, he's the only MotW character who didn't keep the same outfit (Mai and Billy also got new ones, but since they weren't in MotW, SNK likely changed their looks to acknowledge the time gap between FF and MotW/CotW).

He's a great character, anyway, so his return is great news!

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Lord SNK
627th Post

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"Re(4):About Mai's classic costume..." , posted Mon 28 Oct 22:12post reply

If he's on the default roster, it's very likely that Jae Hoon will also be among the 17 default fighters, meaning that one of the five fighters everyone thought would be available from the beginning (Andy, Joe, Kain, Gato and Hokutomaru) will actually be part of the Season 1 DLC.

I lost the count, how many characters have they announced already?

Just a Person
2578th Post

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"Re(5):About Mai's classic costume..." , posted Mon 28 Oct 22:20post reply

If he's on the default roster, it's very likely that Jae Hoon will also be among the 17 default fighters, meaning that one of the five fighters everyone thought would be available from the beginning (Andy, Joe, Kain, Gato and Hokutomaru) will actually be part of the Season 1 DLC.

I lost the count, how many characters have they announced already?

12: Rock, Terry, Hotaru, Tizoc, Preecha, Marco, B.Jenet, Vox, Kevin, Billy, Mai and now DongHwan.

There are still five characters to be officially announced for the default roster, and three to be announced for the Season 1 DLC alongside Chun-Li and Ken.

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.

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"Re(3):About Mai's classic costume..." , posted Mon 4 Nov 02:58post reply

Kim Dong Hwan trailer dropped yesterday!
His costume is little bit different, but in the transition from 2D to 3D his face looks off to me.

CotW seems to be struggling a bit with faces. The game would probably be judged a bit more leniently if it wasn't a follow-up to the beautiful animation of MotW. Oh well, at least SNK was swinging for the fences by making this sequel, even if they didn't fully succeed.

In keeping with the Fatal Fury mania that is sweeping the world, SF6 is running another FF battle pass. This time you can cosplay as Geese Howard. Even stranger, there's an in-game poll where you can vote for your favorite FF game. I've never seen this kind of love letter to another company's franchise.

I liked this video asking what is going on with Terry's Rising Tackle. The conclusion: nobody knows. I love Terry, but he has some of the weirdest, awkward looking moves.

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"Re(4):About Mai's classic costume..." , posted Thu 7 Nov 00:34post reply

Even stranger, there's an in-game poll where you can vote for your favorite FF game. I've never seen this kind of love letter to another company's franchise.

I'd be surprised if Garou didn't sweep the poll. RBS is my favorite of the actual mainline FFs, but I had to go with Garou out of principle.

I liked this video asking what is going on with Terry's Rising Tackle. The conclusion: nobody knows. I love Terry, but he has some of the weirdest, awkward looking moves.

Only in the wonderfully bizarre universe that is fighting games can someone doing an inverted helicopter move come off looking stranger than multiple fighters with rubber limbs and magic blasts of energy.

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"Re(5):About Mai's classic costume..." , posted Thu 14 Nov 09:34post reply

Rising Tackle

I definitely have had the discussion in the CvS2 days about "why is this move done with punch???" And I remember having trouble doing it, and then one of them said "you do it with punch!" and I thought he was messing with me!

The reason my pals posited was that he pushes himself off the ground with his arms!

The pose he takes with one straight leg and one bent leg actually isn't nonsense if you think about a slightly different definition of tackle: a soccer tackle! It's a violation to have the spikes of your cleats facing up at your foe, too!

And helicoptering is cool, if Andy is gonna whip his arms around while doing his dragon punch, how is his main character brother going to not spin in some fashion?!

If our friend had come back from soccer camp, he surely could have pointed this out!

Just a Person
2585th Post

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"Black Cat" , posted Sun 22 Dec 06:50post reply

Gato joins the CotW default roster.

Let's face it, his inclusion isn't exactly a surprise (there were voice clips of his in the CotW announcement trailer, Hotaru's presence already signaled he'd be in the game as well, and he was even part of the KOF XV DLC). What is surprising is that he got a new design and apparently fights with his eyes shut due to getting temporarily blinded in his MotW ending (even though he has already recovered his vision, if I understood correctly).

Anyway, four more slots are yet to be revealed by April 2025 (plus three DLC fighters, but I suppose these will take a bit longer to be revealed).

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"Re(1):Black Cat" , posted Mon 23 Dec 01:53post reply

I'm a bit surprised that Gato made it into the default roster. He's popular enough that I thought he might be saved for eventual DLC. It's not like anyone is going to pay extra to add Hokutomaru to the game.

So, Gato's sight has recovered but he decided to keep his eyes shut just to flex on people? That seems like something he would do.

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"Re(2):Black Cat" , posted Tue 24 Dec 02:32post reply

So, Gato's sight has recovered but he decided to keep his eyes shut just to flex on people? That seems like something he would do.

His City ending better be dad making him temporarily deaf while calling him a tyro, then in 16 Gato pulls a 96 Kyo and invents his own style entirely out of sign language.

Just a Person
2586th Post

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"Re(2):Black Cat" , posted Thu 26 Dec 00:14post reply

I'm a bit surprised that Gato made it into the default roster. He's popular enough that I thought he might be saved for eventual DLC. It's not like anyone is going to pay extra to add Hokutomaru to the game.

Hokutomaru will probably be part of the default roster as well. If SNK intends to sell any of the “leaked” characters as DLC, I guess it will be Kain, Joe and/or Andy (with Kain being a likely candidate as he could be initially a non-playable boss to make the players more interested in buying his DLC later).

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.

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"DLC leaks" , posted Sat 15 Feb 02:51post reply

What would a fighting game be without a leak? Too bad the DLC for CotW leaked, but character art does look promising.

Just a Person
2596th Post

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"Re(1):DLC leaks" , posted Sat 15 Feb 09:35post reply

What would a fighting game be without a leak? Too bad the DLC for CotW leaked, but character art does look promising.

So the Season 1 fighters leaked… but the last four fighters in the default roster didn’t? That’s weird.

Anyway, I agree: the character art looks great!

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Lord SNK
632th Post

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"Re(2):DLC leaks" , posted Sun 16 Feb 18:25post reply

DLC leaks confirmed

Kain announcement trailer

Also open beta test announced with 8 characters

Mr. Big is the biggest surprise!

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(3):DLC leaks" , posted Sun 16 Feb 20:39:post reply

I like BIG's new look, but the lack of effort on Andy and Joe is a travesty. I still don't vibe with this game at all.
So Jae Hoon, Freeman and Hokutomaru are definitely not returning?

[this message was edited by Iggy on Sun 16 Feb 20:39]

Just a Person
2597th Post

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"Re(4):DLC leaks" , posted Sun 16 Feb 21:49post reply

I like BIG's new look, but the lack of effort on Andy and Joe is a travesty. I still don't vibe with this game at all.
So Jae Hoon, Freeman and Hokutomaru are definitely not returning?

Well, with Kain's reveal, there are still exactly three spots to be filled in the default roster, so the most likely scenario is that JaeHoon, Freeman and Hokutomaru will get them (after all, they're the only MotW fighters yet to be revealed other than Grant, and if I understood correctly, Grant died and passed on his legacy to Vox). Then again, with Mr. Big in the Season 1 DLC, one of the remaining slots in the default roster could be given to Ryo/Mr. Karate (even though he'd make more sense as DLC considering the default roster already has Marco), and there's also a small chance that classic FF fighters may be in it, like Blue Mary or Yamazaki.

There could also be other brand-new fighters, considering that CotW has only two newcomers so far (Preecha and Vox), but I think leaving new characters to be revealed too close to the game's launch would be a bad move, as there would be little time for players to care about them before CotW comes out.

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.

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"Re(5):DLC leaks" , posted Mon 17 Feb 23:36post reply

I'm curious to see how the DLC characters look in-game. The only classic character we've seen that has been updated to CotW is Billy and... that could have gone better. Andy's redesign looks decent in a vacuum, but so many characters in CotW have that shaggy look to their hair so he might possibly fade into the background yet again. The glasses on Joe feels like the designers saying "we have to add something new!" On the other hand, it also feels like something Joe would say as well. Even money says Joe is only wearing empty frames in order to look more scholarly. Mr. Big is a nice surprise, but the poor guy is a year away so I don't know if he will even look like this when he finally debuts.

So the 11th hour character reveal that will whip everyone into a frenzy to buy CotW is going to be freaking Hokutomaru?

Just a Person
2599th Post

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"Re(6):DLC leaks" , posted Wed 19 Feb 10:30:post reply

I'm curious to see how the DLC characters look in-game. The only classic character we've seen that has been updated to CotW is Billy and... that could have gone better. Andy's redesign looks decent in a vacuum, but so many characters in CotW have that shaggy look to their hair so he might possibly fade into the background yet again. The glasses on Joe feels like the designers saying "we have to add something new!" On the other hand, it also feels like something Joe would say as well. Even money says Joe is only wearing empty frames in order to look more scholarly. Mr. Big is a nice surprise, but the poor guy is a year away so I don't know if he will even look like this when he finally debuts.

So the 11th hour character reveal that will whip everyone into a frenzy to buy CotW is going to be freaking Hokutomaru?

Maybe, yes, although Freeman would probably be a better choice to be the last reveal rather than Hokutomaru or JaeHoon.

Then again, there is a wild theory online that the final character may turn out to be Geese. That would be quite a surprise (but it’s not very likely).

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.

[this message was edited by Just a Person on Wed 19 Feb 10:31]

Just a Person
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"Re(7):DLC leaks" , posted Wed 19 Feb 21:37post reply

In other news, SNK released a trailer to detail all the mechanics in CotW's system. There's a lot of things to learn, for sure.

Also, it looks amazing; in my opinion, this is by far SNK's best-looking game.

(and apparently one of the developers told on X/Twitter that they're already working on content for Seasons 2 and 3)

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Red Falcon
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"Beta thoughts…" , posted Sat 22 Feb 09:53post reply

75% of this game just feels similar to SF6 so far, similar fishing for HK PCs, same shimmy tech/throw loops, same dynamics with overhead, guard crush, drive impact, etc. Probably that will change over time, but so far…
For Vox, HP -> Palm auto confirms lol. His AA DP gives him about 70-80% damage with meter, just doing the same thing 8x times in a row.
Then you get weird shit like, power guard working against crossups.
Not sure how I feel about 6HP+DR being an overhead, having low evasion, throw evasion, and giving combos on hit.
The matching is comically bad. Hopefully that’ll get fixed before launch, because if not that’s gonna be a REAL problem.

Also, I suspect some weird netcode stuff is going kn… you can JD and get some life back, and then your life just drains back down.
Jenet seems kinda busted, but not many people using her yet.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Beta thoughts…" , posted Sat 22 Feb 19:18post reply

75% of this game just feels similar to SF6 so far, similar fishing for HK PCs, same shimmy tech/throw loops, same dynamics with overhead, guard crush, drive impact, etc. Probably that will change over time, but so far…
For Vox, HP -> Palm auto confirms lol. His AA DP gives him about 70-80% damage with meter, just doing the same thing 8x times in a row.
Then you get weird shit like, power guard working against crossups.
Not sure how I feel about 6HP+DR being an overhead, having low evasion, throw evasion, and giving combos on hit.
The matching is comically bad. Hopefully that’ll get fixed before launch, because if not that’s gonna be a REAL problem.

Also, I suspect some weird netcode stuff is going kn… you can JD and get some life back, and then your life just drains back down.
Jenet seems kinda busted, but not many people using her yet.

Things I like about it:
- when a character is put into burnout, they then get a regular guard crush gauge
- you can die to chip damage and not just from supers
- there's ways to influence your jump arc
- projectile counter hits seem good
- you have a variety of blocking options to try for
- there seems to be invuln on regular DPs
- air C+D attack which has armor is a neat thing for everyone to have

Things I'm not sold on:
- it seems like nothing breaks through the C+D attack except another C+D attack
- being able to cancel EX specials into each other feels like it's going to lead to very same-y combos
- regular DPs do curiously low damage
- the canned chain combo's overhead option doesn't seem like much of a mixup
- Kain's face/head is really wide now

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Ishmael" , posted Tue 25 Feb 01:14:post reply

I didn't have time to mess with the beta much, but I appreciate hearing all the thoughts. My only takes:

Reading up on the game, the multiple methods of guarding seemed excessive. However, now that I've watched some matches I'm not certain they are enough. Different and fancy ways of guarding only do so much when a character explodes like a piñata whenever they hit get by brutally destructive pre-release combos.

The REV button reminds me of KoF Neowave, which isn't a good thing. It feels like CotW has so many mechanics it spontaneously sprouted a gimmick button. Someone should get a biopsy done on that REV button to make certain it's not malignant.

Edit: Also of note is that there are a number of leaks due to people poking around in the beta. Whoops!

[this message was edited by Ishmael on Tue 25 Feb 07:07]

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Beta thoughts…" , posted Fri 7 Mar 01:15post reply

I saw some rumors about season 2/3 characters and... huh? The possibility that these choices come to pass are slim, but just the suggestion makes it so that Tekken no longer has the worst guest characters in the genre.

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Plane of the Wolves" , posted Mon 17 Mar 05:25post reply

Single plane again? Sigh. I know "Mark of the Wolves" is single, but I wish they went back to making the latest game a multi one. Not only that, I still don't like Koshimizu Ami-san's Mai at all because she's not annoying for my opponents. (I'm even mad at how they never did let Sogi Akoya-han stay as Mai until the very end.) I don't like Bridcutt-san's Mary either. I can't ever get the mishearing scenario of "Birds Colorado! Smack!" ("Vertical Arrow! Snatch!") out of my head, and I blame my youngest brother.

Instant reaction of Big being here was "Why?!" and then, I remember "AoF 2" with Geese. So, I'm okay with that. Ken and Chun Li, I'm okay with.

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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CFN: Ishmael26b
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Plane of the Wolves" , posted Mon 17 Mar 21:23post reply

Single plane again? Sigh. I know "Mark of the Wolves" is single, but I wish they went back to making the latest game a multi one. Not only that, I still don't like Koshimizu Ami-san's Mai at all because she's not annoying for my opponents. (I'm even mad at how they never did let Sogi Akoya-han stay as Mai until the very end.) I don't like Bridcutt-san's Mary either. I can't ever get the mishearing scenario of "Birds Colorado! Smack!" ("Vertical Arrow! Snatch!") out of my head, and I blame my youngest brother.

Instant reaction of Big being here was "Why?!" and then, I remember "AoF 2" with Geese. So, I'm okay with that. Ken and Chun Li, I'm okay with.

Someone at SNK decided that CotW wasn't mechanically dense enough, because multiple lanes were discovered when someone hacked the beta. How this will be implemented in the final game is anyone's guess.

Lord SNK
634th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):Plane of the Wolves" , posted Tue 18 Mar 02:08:post reply


Someone at SNK decided that CotW wasn't mechanically dense enough, because multiple lanes were discovered when someone hacked the beta. How this will be implemented in the final game is anyone's guess.

When they run out of 2-buttons combinations, they could start with 3-buttons combinations.

Edit: I'm obviously joking, controls are already complicated, I hope they don't complicate them even more.

[this message was edited by Lord SNK on Tue 18 Mar 02:10]

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Wii: Switch:SW-8534-8202-6618
STM: Seijanokiseki
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Plane of the Wolves" , posted Tue 18 Mar 05:13:post reply

Someone at SNK decided that CotW wasn't mechanically dense enough, because multiple lanes were discovered when someone hacked the beta. How this will be implemented in the final game is anyone's guess.

Same brother told me that there's an E button now. If so, this has me shaking my head in a bad way. A fifth button all of a sudden makes my head hurt. If I'm not mistaken, "KoF XI" had a fifth button. Too bad that's near the bottom for me regarding my personal ranking of the series.

Honestly, they should have done A+B for plane switching. Keep the old button layout and the "KoF" command input, and I can roll with that. I guess.

[this message was edited by Seizya on Tue 18 Mar 05:18]

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Plane of the Wolves" , posted Wed 19 Mar 15:40post reply

If I'm not mistaken, "KoF XI" had a fifth button. Too bad that's near the bottom for me regarding my personal ranking of the series.

Don't worry, there's an even worse KOF game that came out before XI that has a fifth button, and that's KOF Neowave!

I always want to say something positive about games, but Neowave is a real test.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Plane of the Wolves" , posted Wed 19 Mar 23:30post reply

The line system should stay buried. Tekken/VF invalidated it, Real Bout couldn't resuscitate it and SF6 treated it as a novelty joke. It was a cute gimmick back when people were getting bored of SF2, but it was doomed to be just that and nothing more.

I always want to say something positive about games, but Neowave is a real test.

Neowave is the only fighting game where I could honestly say to myself, "I'd rather be playing MUGEN". Not even CFJ and its cobbled assets made me feel that disappointed.

Just a Person
2602th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Plane of the Wolves" , posted Fri 21 Mar 23:59post reply

Someone at SNK decided that CotW wasn't mechanically dense enough, because multiple lanes were discovered when someone hacked the beta. How this will be implemented in the final game is anyone's guess.

Wait, does this mean that CotW may have a two-planes system? Or could it be an idea that was scrapped?

Honestly, I don't think bringing back the multiple lanes is a good idea. Other than adding some nostalgia factor, I don't think it would contribute to making CotW better to play (quite the contrary, in fact).