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| "B. Jenet" , posted Sat 8 Jun 07:35    
Of course she'd be back.
Also, CotW reveals its second newcomer, Vox Popul-- oops, I mean, Vox Reaper.
Nice reveals; now I wonder how big this roster will be when the game comes out. If I remember correctly, there are at least 7 fighters strongly hinted to be in it (Andy, Joe, Mai, Billy, Kevin, Gato and Kain). I suppose there would be room for about one to three more people, so... maybe Blue Mary, Yamazaki and one of the Kims (Kaphwan or one of his sons)? Then again, maybe these characters will be saved for DLC and the default roster will be completed by more newcomers?
I also wonder if CotW will eventually get any guest fighters from Street Fighter - especially now that Terry and Mai will be in SF6.
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
| "Re(4):Police brutality coming up" , posted Mon 22 Jul 22:57    
quote: Wasn't Kevin absolutely busted too, with either an easy infinite or some stupidly high damage that ended up having him banned from most tournaments? Or am I confusing with another, better game?
I'm surprised how boring (white?) the game is so far outside of Joette and Marco. No Korean family, no Gatou... has Hotaru been shown or is she still up in the air? The original game had a small cast and most of them should come back anyway, but the order in which they decided to show them is just bizarre.
No Hokutomaru either but honestly that's fine he can seat this one out.
Hotaru was one of the first characters confirmed for CotW; for some reason she isn't being featured in the playable demos, but she's already been shown. As for the remaining characters, if the rumors are correct, the only MotW who may be absent from the default roster would be Hokutomaru, Freeman, Grant (Vox is already replacing him, anyway) and the Kim brothers - Gato was already hinted to be in the game (and the fact that he's present in KOF XV probably makes it safer to include him, even if CotW isn't using the same assets from XV).
My surprise is the lack of "classic" FF fighters so far. Then again, apparently some of them have already been hinted as well (Andy, Joe, Mai and Billy, if I remember correctly).
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
| "Re(2):Hey, hey, hey, he's back!" , posted Sat 27 Jul 00:43:    
quote: Billy Kane returns to the City of the Wolves!
He looks quite different without his bandana. He sounds different as well. Is a Billy Kane who doesn't sound like a talking goat really Billy Kane?
So why didn't they show this guy at Evo instead of Kevin?
"It's not your lucky day... I've had a rotten redesign."
Perhaps they were rightfully embarrassed to unveil this terrible look. How did they make this cornball feel even more totally 90s than he did in the actual 90s? He looks physically younger, but somehow even more dated and even less cool. Geese, this man clearly cannot be trusted to dress himself. Have him put on a suit, for Christ's sake.
I also agree about the voice. While I'm at it, more blonde hair? What is this, Blonde Fighter V redux? Come on! If he has to ditch the bandana it should not be to reveal that he asked the barber to "Gimme the Kevin cut, but leave it just a little longer." Instead, he might have embraced a bold new identity as the confident bald man... following Vox in striving to typify Larry David's "diamond in the rough."
"Fix Billy's stupid head" should be placed on SNK's to-do list directly below "Fix B. Jenet's ridiculous balloon tits." Then perhaps "Also fix Billy's 'orrible fit."
/ / /
[this message was edited by Mosquiton on Sat 27 Jul 00:48] |
| "Re(3):Hey, hey, hey, he's back!" , posted Sat 27 Jul 17:27    
quote: Billy Kane returns to the City of the Wolves!
He looks quite different without his bandana. He sounds different as well. Is a Billy Kane who doesn't sound like a talking goat really Billy Kane?
So why didn't they show this guy at Evo instead of Kevin?
"It's not your lucky day... I've had a rotten redesign."
Perhaps they were rightfully embarrassed to unveil this terrible look. How did they make this cornball feel even more totally 90s than he did in the actual 90s? He looks physically younger, but somehow even more dated and even less cool. Geese, this man clearly cannot be trusted to dress himself. Have him put on a suit, for Christ's sake.
I also agree about the voice. While I'm at it, more blonde hair? What is this, Blonde Fighter V redux? Come on! If he has to ditch the bandana it should not be to reveal that he asked the barber to "Gimme the Kevin cut, but leave it just a little longer." Instead, he might have embraced a bold new identity as the confident bald man... following Vox in striving to typify Larry David's "diamond in the rough."
"Fix Billy's stupid head" should be placed on SNK's to-do list directly below "Fix B. Jenet's ridiculous balloon tits." Then perhaps "Also fix Billy's 'orrible fit."
At a glance he looks like Kevin's brother, which is extra jarring.
His haircut and glasses read more 2000's than 90's, and that's a kind of funny thing to think about: how come Rock doesn't feel "old" in his looks? I know some characters in Garou benefit from wearing traditional garb (Hotaru, Gato, Butt Kims), Kain just wears a nice suit, and Tizoc is a masked wrestler...
Kevin is this weird military police hybrid that probably seems the most 90s anime of the bunch, while Hokutomaru feels like an ancient archetype.
PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: Ishmael26b
| "Re(4):Hey, hey, hey, he's back!" , posted Tue 30 Jul 21:37:    
quote: At a glance he looks like Kevin's brother, which is extra jarring.
It's like the programmers wanted to honor the tradition of head swaps in fighting games but got it backwards and slapped Kevin's head on Billy.
quote: His haircut and glasses read more 2000's than 90's, and that's a kind of funny thing to think about: how come Rock doesn't feel "old" in his looks? I know some characters in Garou benefit from wearing traditional garb (Hotaru, Gato, Butt Kims), Kain just wears a nice suit, and Tizoc is a masked wrestler...
Kevin is this weird military police hybrid that probably seems the most 90s anime of the bunch, while Hokutomaru feels like an ancient archetype.
Rock is a character they got right the first time. A lot of his design elements are either timeless (his hair reads as a young anime hero and not a specific style) or are so essential to his look that they read as part of his uniform rather than a fashion trend. I guess SNK realized they had a winner on their hands with Rock and have barely changed anything on him in all these years.
In contrast, I think Kevin needed a Dee Jay level makeover but it's too late for that now. They can leave Hokutomaru in the can they've been storing him in.
[this message was edited by Ishmael on Wed 31 Jul 03:38] |
| "Re(6):Hey, hey, hey, he's back!" , posted Wed 31 Jul 09:14    
quote: What about Freeman? Do you think he will be back and if yes, will look different?
Assuming he returns, I don't think he'll look different. The pattern indicated by the characters shown so far seems to indicate that only the FF characters who were absent in MotW will look different to express that they are older (even if Billy Kane doesn't really look older than he was in RBFF, only wearing different clothes and a new haircut). Aside from Billy, every other returning character so far looks exactly the same they did in MotW.
Andy, Joe and Mai will likely look different (let's face it, the three of them will definitely be back), maybe having their "classic" appearances sold as DLC outfits (same goes for Terry and Billy). Freeman, Gato, Kain and the Kim brothers probably will look the same they did in MotW, if they return (Gato is very likely, considering he was already in KOF XV and Hotaru is already confirmed in CotW).
The one MotW character who might look different is Hokutomaru, who was a child in MotW, and thus SNK may decide to make him look a little older to make people feel less guilty when he gets beaten up (that is, assuming he returns in CotW, but I guess that any MotW character that doesn't make it to the default roster will likely be sold later as DLC).
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
| "Re(7):Hey, hey, hey, he's back!" , posted Thu 1 Aug 02:43    
City being a legacy sequel puts it in the unfortunate position of never achieving a unified design for its cast the way SF6 could. Vox, Preecha and Billy are pushing a modern aesthetic that is violently clashing with the style established back in 99, and since Billy losing his iconic bandana was an eleventh-hour change from the promo art, I can only imagine the current designer sweating buckets on how to deal with updating Mai's look (perhaps a 'leak' should happen to gauge interest).
While I'm not too enthused about Billy's new look (putting him next to Kevin's trailer certainly didn't help), I'll just have to accept that this is the direction they've settled on and eventually I can make peace with it. But until then, let the criticism continue because no matter how controversial things get, at least we won't hit rock bottom again like the Jin twins from FF3 (if those two get a Deejay makeover that would be a true miracle).
| "Nippon Ichi (now with clothes on)!" , posted Wed 21 Aug 04:26:    
Yes, Mai is back! And apparently she likes to wear biker clothes now (and looks great in them)!
The end of the trailer shows that she'll still have her half-naked kunoichi attire as an alternate costume (Terry will have his FF2 outfit as an alternate costume as well).
Oh, and SNK is already selling a package including five DLC characters for CotW's Season 1. But considering that the default game will apparently have 22 characters (that's four more than SF6 had and basically the same amount as MK1's default roster), plus the fact that SNK probably isn't doing as well financially than other fighting game companies are, I guess we can give them a pass.
EDIT: oops, I just read Eventhubs' article and noticed that I misunderstood the information in the video: the 22 characters roster includes the five DLC characters, meaning the actual default roster will have 17 fighters (one less than SF6's default roster). Still a decent number for a new fighting game, I think - plus, that RPG mode sounds very interesting.
(as for the Season 1 DLC characters, I hope Ryu and/or Chun-Li are among them)
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
[this message was edited by Just a Person on Wed 21 Aug 06:06] |
| "Re(2):It's Mai Time" , posted Thu 22 Aug 03:53    
quote: Or maybe having Mai's actual costume as a (presumably paid) download that 99.9% of players will buy seemed like a more commercially appealing prospect than a "Mai tax," wherein they charge you 500Y more than planned in order to preventatively give you a proper outfit for her by default!
That's very likely, yes. There will definitely be a lot of players more than willing to pay whatever SNK and Capcom charge for Mai's classic kunoichi costume.
quote: And I say this is someone who's used to change and never did any of the SFV classic outfits, too! It's just that...SFVI and new Garou designs really, really suck!
Really? I really liked most of the SFVI designs, with only a couple exceptions (Dictator and Lily). As for CotW, we've only seen four new designs so far, since most of the characters shown retained their 1998 MotW designs... but I do agree that, while I like Mai's new costume, Billy's could have been better (what's the point of taking away his bandana?), and Preecha and Vox are okay but they look more like they'd belong in a new KoF game than in Garou, if that makes any sense (but maybe it's just a matter of time until we get used to them).
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
| "Re(2):Here Come TWO New Challengers!" , posted Fri 27 Sep 03:54    
quote: Ken better bring an older Mel with him. The parallel is just too big to ignore.
Since SF6 was all about acknowledging the throwbacks, I wonder if Hon Fu will actually accompany Chun in Southtown. And if SNK wants to go one level deeper, the two can meet Lei Wulong at the precinct. Might as well plant the seed early.
Teen/young adult Mel meeting Rock would be pretty cool. And if this meeting ever happens, it will have to be in CotW, since Capcom seems to be happy enough considering Luke as a counterpart to Rock...
...oh well. In any case, the fact that Ken and Chun-Li are part of the Season 1 DLC means that SNK still has six fighters from the default roster to reveal. While there are hints that Gato, Hokutomaru, Kain, Andy and Joe will be added, we don't know whether they'll all be part of the default roster or not (some people are theorizing that Andy and Joe may either be NPCs or that they will only be added throughout Season 1 due to the possible similarities between their play styles and those of Preecha and Hokutomaru, even though I don't think Andy and Hokutomaru have similar styles at all).
And even in case all five of them do get included in the default roster, there is still no clue at all about who could be the 17th character... could it be another newcomer (since it would be odd if Preecha and Vox end up being the only new characters in CotW)? Or one of the missing fan favorites (Freeman, Blue Mary, Yamazaki, Duck King, one of the three Kims...)?
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
| "About Mai's classic costume..." , posted Mon 30 Sep 23:45    
quote: 17 is a strange number of characters, could it be 16 + 1 unlockable / playable boss? Boss that could be either a new character or a returning one (Kain again?).
I vote for an Evil Duck King as boss.
An Evil Duck King would be quite the plot twist. I like the idea.
Anyway, this is probably old news by now, but while I thought that the trailer revealing Mai indicated that her classic costume would also be available in CotW, it turns out that she just changes clothes during her Desperation Move (...or whatever name DMs have in this game) cinematics, attacks the opponent while dressed in it, then magically appears back in her biker clothes.
From what I read, while this could mean that the developers are keeping Mai's classic outfit to be released as DLC, they're actually saying they're not even sure if they're capable of adding it as a permanent costume, because according to them, including alternate costumes "takes a lot more time and resources than most fans probably realize". Which is kinda worrying for CotW, considering that other fighting games like SF6 and MK1 have a good share of alternate costumes for each character...
This also brings another question: if SNK does manage to allow Mai's classic costume as a permanent one (that is, allowing her to keep it for the entire fight), what will happen to her "clothes changing" cinematics in her Desperation Move? Will she appear changing her red dress for... another identical red dress?
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
| "Re(1):About Mai's classic costume..." , posted Wed 2 Oct 08:36    
quote: From what I read, while this could mean that the developers are keeping Mai's classic outfit to be released as DLC, they're actually saying they're not even sure if they're capable of adding it as a permanent costume, because according to them, including alternate costumes "takes a lot more time and resources than most fans probably realize".
I do understand that creating and implementing alternate outfits can be a costly endeavor, but those issues really shouldn't exist for Mai.
In regards to creating the model itself, they've already paid that cost; her super already switches to her being in her classic outfit. The only areas I can think of where it may be lacking is alternate colors and maybe a bit more testing just to make sure it doesn't explode in unplanned situations. I don't see the latter happening, as the super already has her doing a few different actions. As for the former, it shouldn't be a problem to add alternate colors (if necessary) either, unless they deliberately went out of their way to make it difficult.
In regards to the game having the support for alternate outfits, they've already announced an alternate outfit for Terry. And while it is possible that they've implemented alternate outfit support in a really inefficient way, you'd think they'd have worked something out by now. Even with their modern games, KOF has had some support for alternate outfits, while SNK Heroines managed multiple outfits with addition support for item customization. You'd expect that by now they'd at least have figured something out by now.
I certainly would believe that SNK haven't implemented particularly strong alternate outfit support. They've not embraced the sales potential of DLC outfits the way other publishers have, so (outside of Heroines) they've lacked incentive to go beyond basic support.
| "Re(3):About Mai's classic costume..." , posted Mon 28 Oct 21:40    
quote: Kim Dong Hwan trailer dropped yesterday! His costume is little bit different, but in the transition from 2D to 3D his face looks off to me.
Dong Hwan!? That's quite unexpected - I mean, it was obvious that all the MotW characters would eventually return in CotW (except for Grant), but it seemed like there was only one slot left for the default roster. If he's on the default roster, it's very likely that Jae Hoon will also be among the 17 default fighters, meaning that one of the five fighters everyone thought would be available from the beginning (Andy, Joe, Kain, Gato and Hokutomaru) will actually be part of the Season 1 DLC.
It's also surprising that he got a new outfit; so far, he's the only MotW character who didn't keep the same outfit (Mai and Billy also got new ones, but since they weren't in MotW, SNK likely changed their looks to acknowledge the time gap between FF and MotW/CotW).
He's a great character, anyway, so his return is great news!
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
| "Re(5):About Mai's classic costume..." , posted Mon 28 Oct 22:20    
quote: If he's on the default roster, it's very likely that Jae Hoon will also be among the 17 default fighters, meaning that one of the five fighters everyone thought would be available from the beginning (Andy, Joe, Kain, Gato and Hokutomaru) will actually be part of the Season 1 DLC.
I lost the count, how many characters have they announced already?
12: Rock, Terry, Hotaru, Tizoc, Preecha, Marco, B.Jenet, Vox, Kevin, Billy, Mai and now DongHwan.
There are still five characters to be officially announced for the default roster, and three to be announced for the Season 1 DLC alongside Chun-Li and Ken.
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
| "Re(4):DLC leaks" , posted Sun 16 Feb 21:49    
quote: I like BIG's new look, but the lack of effort on Andy and Joe is a travesty. I still don't vibe with this game at all. So Jae Hoon, Freeman and Hokutomaru are definitely not returning?
Well, with Kain's reveal, there are still exactly three spots to be filled in the default roster, so the most likely scenario is that JaeHoon, Freeman and Hokutomaru will get them (after all, they're the only MotW fighters yet to be revealed other than Grant, and if I understood correctly, Grant died and passed on his legacy to Vox). Then again, with Mr. Big in the Season 1 DLC, one of the remaining slots in the default roster could be given to Ryo/Mr. Karate (even though he'd make more sense as DLC considering the default roster already has Marco), and there's also a small chance that classic FF fighters may be in it, like Blue Mary or Yamazaki.
There could also be other brand-new fighters, considering that CotW has only two newcomers so far (Preecha and Vox), but I think leaving new characters to be revealed too close to the game's launch would be a bad move, as there would be little time for players to care about them before CotW comes out.
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
PSN: beatolover XBL: Dead Wii: Dead STM: bugrom1067 CFN: rugalbgood
| "Beta thoughts…" , posted Sat 22 Feb 09:53    
75% of this game just feels similar to SF6 so far, similar fishing for HK PCs, same shimmy tech/throw loops, same dynamics with overhead, guard crush, drive impact, etc. Probably that will change over time, but so far… For Vox, HP -> Palm auto confirms lol. His AA DP gives him about 70-80% damage with meter, just doing the same thing 8x times in a row. Then you get weird shit like, power guard working against crossups. Not sure how I feel about 6HP+DR being an overhead, having low evasion, throw evasion, and giving combos on hit. The matching is comically bad. Hopefully that’ll get fixed before launch, because if not that’s gonna be a REAL problem.
Also, I suspect some weird netcode stuff is going kn… you can JD and get some life back, and then your life just drains back down. Jenet seems kinda busted, but not many people using her yet.
| "Re(1):Beta thoughts…" , posted Sat 22 Feb 19:18    
quote: 75% of this game just feels similar to SF6 so far, similar fishing for HK PCs, same shimmy tech/throw loops, same dynamics with overhead, guard crush, drive impact, etc. Probably that will change over time, but so far… For Vox, HP -> Palm auto confirms lol. His AA DP gives him about 70-80% damage with meter, just doing the same thing 8x times in a row. Then you get weird shit like, power guard working against crossups. Not sure how I feel about 6HP+DR being an overhead, having low evasion, throw evasion, and giving combos on hit. The matching is comically bad. Hopefully that’ll get fixed before launch, because if not that’s gonna be a REAL problem.
Also, I suspect some weird netcode stuff is going kn… you can JD and get some life back, and then your life just drains back down. Jenet seems kinda busted, but not many people using her yet.
Things I like about it: - when a character is put into burnout, they then get a regular guard crush gauge - you can die to chip damage and not just from supers - there's ways to influence your jump arc - projectile counter hits seem good - you have a variety of blocking options to try for - there seems to be invuln on regular DPs - air C+D attack which has armor is a neat thing for everyone to have
Things I'm not sold on: - it seems like nothing breaks through the C+D attack except another C+D attack - being able to cancel EX specials into each other feels like it's going to lead to very same-y combos - regular DPs do curiously low damage - the canned chain combo's overhead option doesn't seem like much of a mixup - Kain's face/head is really wide now