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SNKP shareholder reportedly making KOF Anime

Posted Jan 10 2016 at 15:33 (Sun)

SNKPlaymore shareholder 37Games is reportedly planning a number of projects for the KOF franchise including an Anime series and live action film, according to an article by Games QQ.

A machine translation of the article says the anime series is scheduled for online distribution, with talks currently underway with Chinese broadcasting stations for airing on TV as well. International releases are also in plans for Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, and potentially North America.

In August 2015, 37Games made a joined acquisition with Oriental Securities to secure 81.5% of SNKPlaymore stakes through Ledo Millenium. 37Games is estimated to hold around 20 percent of the acquired stakes.

News from: GamesQQ
(Via ON|Gunsmith) and other contributors

(Article image from KOF: Another Day)

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