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Lego-style KOF toys released by Shen Yuan

Posted Jan 11 2016 at 12:41 (Mon)

One of the more likely toys to become a niche collector's item, Lego clone manufacturer Shen Yuan has released a KOF series in its lineup featuring an offering of 8 characters.

Shen Yuan is known for producing a vast lineup of Lego Clones, ranging from Toy Story to Star Wars. It's unclear whether the company secures licenses for its products.
Image from

Some of the characters look genuine, while some others-- namely Ryo and Takuma, look more similar to Akuma and Luke Skywalker than their original KOF designs.

For an extensive product review, check Digger 318 Toy Reviews (Youtube) from which the photos above were borrowed.

(Via KOFFuneral)

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