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Odin Sphere remake Tops rankings for mid-Jan

Posted Jan 21 2016 at 22:50 (Thu)

Vanillaware's highly anticipated action RPG Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir has topped the sales chart for all PlayStation platforms on its launch week according to figures by 4Gamer and Media Create (PS4, PS3, PSVita). It was also the only PS3 title to rank in the top 10 sales.

Sales ranking for Jan 11-27
[PSVita] 43,394 copies /Weekly sales rank 1
[PS4] 42.263 copies /Weekly sales rank 2
[PS3] 9,771 copies / Weekly sales rank 10

Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir's demo is currently available on the Jp PSN Store. Fans that were awed by Vanillaware's Dragon's Crown should certainly want to check it out.

Thanks to Spoon for the news.

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