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Street Fighter V rooted to Malaysia

Posted Feb 19 2016 at 00:45 (Fri)

The launch of Street Fighter V has been a roller-coaster of a ride for its hardcore fans, but one of the interesting behind-the-scenes reveal in the meanwhile happened in Malaysia.

According to Haogamers and The Star Online, the Malaysian branch of Streamline Studios disclosed that they have been deeply involved in the graphics development of the 2.5D Capcom fighter.

The Malaysian office of Netherlands-based developer Streamline Studios worked on creating the world, stages and characters, says Streamline Studios chief product officer Stefan Baier.

It took Streamline more than a year to complete its part of the project, says Baier, who now has more than 100 Malaysian designers under the studios roof.

Kelly Tan, 25, an artist with StreamlinesE2D team says she helped with modelling, texturing and colouring the alternate costumes and stages that would become available as DLC (downloadable content).

The Street Fighter franchise is culturally significant. Its very well known and loved even among people who dont play the game. It was even featured in Disneys animated movie ? Wreck-It Ralph,Esays Tan.

For the full stories, check out Haogamers and The Star Online.

Thanks to Nobinobita for the news.

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