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Rapper Lupe Fiasco challenging Xian to KOFXIV

Posted Feb 24 2016 at 17:00 (Wed)

Following his Street Fighter V exhibition match with professional gamer Daigo Umehara, Rapper Lupe Fiasco is planning to take on another challenge, and this time it will be The King Of Fighters.

Today, The multi-talented Chicago rapper accepted an offer via Twitter to take on Singapore player Xian, who will be playing with random characters using one hand only.

From suggestions by Mark Julio --EVO Business Development Manager for Gaming (former community & product manager of Madcatz), the two players will most likely compete at EVO with the upcoming new PS4 title, KOFXIV.

(Via Orochinagi)

Lupe Fiasco [@LupeFiasco]
Hishoukyaku is Top 5 best fighting game move of all time.
Just Joe Higashi and Terry Bogard is pretty good...

Zhi [@Zhieeep]
@Reiagain @LupeFiasco he should fight the one handed KOf God, @XianMSG

RΛZΞR Xian [@XianMSG]
KOF challenge : random team (one hand play) vs Lupe fatal fury team ? ;-) hahaha @LupeFiasco @Zhieeep

Lupe Fiasco [@LupeFiasco]
I'm in...

Mark Julio (マークマン) [@MarkMan23]
@LupeFiasco @XianMSG @Zhieeep we should do this on KOF XIV. New game!

Zhi [@Zhieeep]
@MarkMan23 @LupeFiasco @XianMSG SNK booth at @evo2k , where is it???

Mark Julio [@MarkMan23]
@Zhieeep @LupeFiasco @XianMSG @evo2k let me contact the right people. I'll make it happen. CC: @SNKPofficial

RΛZΞR Xian [@XianMSG]
@LupeFiasco It will be an honor to fight you sir !

Lupe Fiasco [@LupeFiasco]
@XianMSG It would be an honor to face you in combat.

RΛZΞR Xian [@XianMSG]
@Alioune85 @Ken_Deep @LupeFiasco @Zhieeep @TeamRazer Loser has to cosplay as punished snake haha.

Lupe Fiasco [@LupeFiasco]
What size are you @XianMSG ?

RΛZΞR Xian [@XianMSG]
@LupeFiasco We both need to grow a beard at this event haha !

Lupe Fiasco [@LupeFiasco]
#FGC #TeamLupeVsTeamXian #KOF @XianMSG
Coming soon...

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