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Japan's launch sales for SFV is half of SFIV

Posted Feb 24 2016 at 23:27 (Wed)

Japan's launch week sales for PS4's Street Fighter V was about half that of its PS3 predesessor and about the same as Ultra SFIV, according to figures released today by

SFV on the PS4 sold 46,836 copies on launch week in the country, whereas Vanilla SFIV on the PS3 sold 84,937 back in 2009.

It still sold 10K copies more than the Xbox version of vanilla SFIV.

Japanese sales figures normally do no include digital downloads which is usually considered negligible in the country. No figures have been released for Steam sales.

Launch week sales Comparison chart (figures include limited edition)

Street Fighter V (PS4): 46,836

Street Fighter IV (PS3): 84,937
Super Street Fighter IV (PS3): 80,103
Super Street Fighter IVAE (PS3): 45,347
Ultra Street Fighter IV (PS3): 45,660

Street Fighter IV (360): 36,455
Super Street Fighter IV (360): 29,697
Super Street Fighter IVAE (360): 9,229
Ultra Street Fighter IV (360): 2,813

Note: Sales figures have been also released by 4gamer and gives a slightly different number of 41,990 copies (including limited editions). Famitsu's sales figures were used for this article since the company has records since 2009.

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