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Seasoned Capcom FG dev now at SNKPlaymore

Posted Apr 2 2016 at 02:02 (Sat)

The name Hidetoshi Ishizawa might not readily ring a bell to old-school fighting game players, but his nickname Neo_G should bring memories back from the old staff rolls in the Darkstalker and Street Fighter Alpha franchises amongst other classic brawlers, not to mention 3rdStrike which he directed. He's been with Capcom since joining them in 1995 and even stuck with them through the darkest ages of fighting games to make Capcom Fighting Evolution, and in more recent years worked on Tatsunoko vs Capcom and also the Marvel Vs Capcom 3 series.

And now, he's a part of SNKPlaymore.

The seasoned fighting game developer announced today via Social Networks that he has shifted companies from Capcom to the developer of the King Of Fighters series.

Ishizawa left Capcom on January, and from a quick glance on Facebook, it seems that he is most likely working on KOF14 at the current time.

Thanks to Gatoray for the news. (Via Loona)

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