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KOFXIV's 11th Trailer features 2 new faces

Posted Apr 8 2016 at 00:08 (Fri)

Sony via its PlayStation Youtube Channel has released the 11th trailer for SNKPlaymore's upcoming fighting game, KOFXIV.

The trailer introduces two new characters to the series: Mui Mui from SNKP's Dragon Gals pachislot, and a hooded man named Kukri who manipulates the power of sand for his attacks.

[ The Epitome of Kukri's name ]
While Kukri uses the power of sand to attack, his name originates from one of the oldest form of knives in the world. (Thanks to tip by Neo0r0chiaku) --

What ever may be the facts of how and when it was made, Kukri is the national knife of Nepal, originated in ancient times. More than being just a reverted and effective weapon, however, the kukri is also the peaceful all- purpose knife of the hill people of Nepal.

.. None of us knows the fact that how the Kukri was exactly originated and is still a mystery where and who created it. The blade shape might have descended from the classic Greek sword of Kopis, which is about 2500 years old. The Machira, the calavry sword of the ancient Macedonians which was carried by the troops of Alexander the Great when invaded northwest India in the 4th Century BC and was copied by local black smiths or Kamis. Some knife exports have found similarities in the construction of some Kukri to the crafting method of old Japanese sword. Thus making the Kukri the oldest knife in the history of world.

.. It is a versatile working tool and therefore an indispensable possession of almost every household, especially of those belonging to the Gurungs, Magars, Rai and limbu ethnic groups of central and eastern Nepal. Moreover, apart from the fact that the kukri symbolizes bravery and valor and is a Nepalese cultural icon, it also represents an exquisite piece of Nepalese craftsmanship and is indeed a unique memento for you to buy from Nepal.


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