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SFV e-sports League launches in Japan

Posted Apr 20 2016 at 13:49 (Wed)

Japan's e-sports scene continues to grow, as a new League for Street Fighter V will launch next month.

CyberZ--a subsidiary of SNS giant CyberAgent (Granblue Fantasy, Idol Master Cinderella Girls) will be launching a new e-sports league in partnership with Capcom featuring Street Fighter V.

This new league, RAGE for Street Fighter V, is meant for discovering and growing new players and will take place weekly throughout the year online, split into seasons.

Players will be ranked by points and top achievers of the season will recieve support for their e-sports activity. Reportedly, players will separated by age groups.

CyberZ also announced the launch of their second RAGE tournament, which will be held offine on July 30-31. The previous RAGE tournament featured the MOBA title Vainglory. This time, Street Fighter V will be an additional main title.

"I've always watched lots of MMA fights before even K-1 came into popularity. I'm looking forward to RAGE similarly putting the spotlight on the players and also growing the population of viewing fans with its high entertainment value", said Capcom producer Koichi Sugiyama who was in attendence at the press conference together with CyberZ president Takahiro Yamauchi.

Also in attendance to talk about Street Fighter V's potential future in e-sports were seasoned players Shinya Onuki (Nuki, sponsored by CyberZ) and Ryota Inoue (Kazunoko).

The RAGE event(s) will be viewable through Cyberz's streaming site

News from: 4Gamer, Famitsu

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