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Sony hints KOF14 might launch before Fall

Posted Apr 20 2016 at 23:49 (Wed)

For King Of Fighters fans that have been speculating that the next iteration might come out around the end of 2016--or maybe even late as the end of the fiscal year, there might be an unexpected surprise.

The latest PlayStation 4 lineup trailer by Sony--the one with the KOF14 rap song--may have unintentionally leaked a rough estimate of when the game will be out.

In a press release by Sony that was released together with the trailer to explain its PR campaign, the company stated that

"This video picks up on a selection of 22 hot titles slated for launch in 2016's spring to summer period for the PlayStation 4."

Checking through the titles that were introduced in the trailer, all of the games are in fact slated for release by September leave aside two exceptions: Lego Star Wars which is slated for fall, and Koei's Shin Sangoku Musou Eiketsuden which doesn't have an announced date yet.

SNKPlaymore will be opening their own event in Tokyo next week. We might hear more about a release during that time.

Titles & JP launch period for games covered in Sony's PS4 lineup trailer

1 ONE PIECE: Burning Blood -- April 21
2 Dragon Quest Heroes 2 -- May 27
3 Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens -- Fall
4 Toukiden 2 -- June 30
5 Uncharted 4: A Thief's End -- May 10
7 Sengoku Basara Sanada Yukimura Den -- September
8 Tales Of Berseria -- August 18
9 Phantasy Star Online 2 -- April 20
10 Biohazard Umbrella Core -- June 23
11 Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball -- April 28
12 Ratchet & Clank THE GAME -- Summer
13 Overwatch Origins Edition -- May 24
14 Idol Master Platinum Stars -- July 28
15 Super Robot Taisen OG Moon Duellers -- June 30
16 Shin Sangoku Musou Eiketsuden -- 2016 TBA
17 Dragon's Dogma Online -- Already Running. Season 1 Final update: April 20
18 Mirror's Edge Catalyst -- 2016 Spring
19 Far Cry RPRIMAL -- April 7
21 Black Rose Valkyrie -- June 30
22 Battleborn -- May 19

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