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Kinu Nishimura takes on a new Split single

Posted Apr 21 2016 at 12:06 (Thu)

Some ex-Capcom artists are known for spending time posting nsfw photos and searching their own name on Twitter, while others take on a different career like drawing manga.

One interesting case is Kinu Nishimura, who seems to get illustration offers that range widely from light novels to CD covers. Most recently she was hired to do the cover art for a new Split Single by Sony Music Entertainment, featuring two groups called the Ziyoou-vachi and Gokumon-tou. Check out her art below together with photos of the actual musicians.

More details on the split single including some samples of its fighting-game style booklet can be checked out at Billboard Japan.

News from: BillboardJapan.
Thanks to Chazumaru for the heads up.

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