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Cult Classic Wild Guns returns to PS4 in fall

Posted Jun 15 2017 at 13:48 (Wed)

The SNES/SFC cult classic Wild Guns made its returning PS4 debut at E3 today, and publisher Natsume Atari launched its official site together with the first trailer. Check out Wild Guns Reloaded in its full glory.

Here's what we know from the official site:

- The original creators have returned to developing Wild Guns Reloaded.
- Amazingly, they're all still in the company after 22 years.
- The game is slated for fall 2016 via PlayStation Store for the PS4.
- Supports local 4 player play; apparently no online play.
- The game is a part of Natsume's 30th anniversary commemoration.
- Price TBA.

- Wild Guns Reloaded is basically the game as how the developers originally envisioned if it didn't have to cohere to the SNES/SFC's hardware limits. Back then, the developers were yearning for double the memory, double the speed, double the resolution.
- The game keeps its original 2D pixel feel, updated with double the resolution and in 16:9 format.
- The look is 16-bit but with memory issues now a thing of the past, Wild Guns Reloaded is no longer constrained to using tiled graphics. More details have been added together with better effects.

- According to explanations given supposedly by Natsume Atari PR, the game features two new characters, two new guns, and two new stages.

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