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Play KOF14 and FFXV every day in Hong Kong

Posted Jun 24 2017 at 13:10 (Fri)

Want to play some upcoming PS4 games like KOF14 every day? If you live in Hong Kong you certainly can, as Sony is cranking up the summer heat with a new showroom.

For this summer only, Sony has an event space called the "PlayStation Pop-up Playground" at Mong Kok's New Town Mall, and it hosts various playable demos of upcoming games including KOFXIV, Attack of the Titans, Final Fantasy XV, and Lego Star Wars.

The showroom just opened today and it'll be around until August 16 at the mall's B1 basement floor, shop G20, 1PM-10PM. So if you're at the mall, grab a bite to eat and hit the showroom; entrance is free.

It won't be too hard finding the mall if you're a tourist either. The mall proudly boasts the games on their billboards.

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