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KOFXIV Voice Actors Revealed, mostly Changed

Posted Aug 12 2017 at 19:37 (Fri)

SNK has released the list of voice actors for all 50 characters in KOFXIV. Surprisingly, most of them are new to the game and a good number of them are local narrators in the west Japan region rather than professional voice actors.

In some interesting castings,

- Iori's VA played the protagonist Van in the anime Gun x Sword
- Love Heart is voiced by the same VA as Blazbue's Bullet
- Terry's VA is no longer in the game and his voice is done by the guy who plays the protagonist in this season's new anime 91 Days
- Xanadu's voice is done by the same VA as Rumble Fish's Orville
- Shun'ei's voice is done by the VA that does Fox in Wiiu's Starfox Zero

Click on VA name to jump to a profile site in English or Japanese (if any).
Voice Actors that haven't changed from previous games are marked in blue.

Kyo - Tomoaki Maeno
Benimaru - Atsushi Maezuka (formerly named Monster Maezuka)
Goro Daimon - Takahiro Fujiwara

Iori Yagami - Takanori Hoshino
Mature - Keiko Tsutsui
Vice - Mayumi Sako

K' - Yoshihisa Kawahara
Kula - Yumi Kakazu
Maxima - Katsuyuki Konishi

Terry Bogard - Takashi Kondo
Andy Bogard - Hiroshi_Okamoto
Joe Higashi - Kozo Mito

Ryo Sakazaki - Daiki Takakura
Robert Garcia - Go Shinomiya
Yuri Sakazaki - Ai Kakuma

King - Harumi Ikoma
Mai Shiranui - Ami Koshimizu
Alice - Akino Hayashi [link1][link2]

Geese Howard - Kong Kuwata
Billy Kane - Masaki Hayashi
Hein - Naoki Sagawa [Wiki JA]

Athena Asamiya - Haruna Ikezawa
Sie Kensou - Yuto Kaname
Chin Gentsai - Shintarou Tanaka

Ralf Jones - Bunshu Shinoya
Clark Stil - Tomo Kasadani
Leona - Seiko Yoshida

Ramon - Kiyoshi Katsunuma
Angel - Kimi Ogura
King of Dinosaurs - Hikaru Hanada

Kim - Kazuhiro Nagata
Gang-Il - Toshiya Fujisawa
Luong - Chika Kino

Xanadu - Yuji Fujita
Chang Koehan - Hiroyuki Arita
Choi Bounge - Atsushi Maezuka (formerly named Monster Maezuka)

Nakoruru - Mai Nakahara
Mui Mui - Namiko Otsu
Love Heart - Yukinari Toa

Shun'Ei - Takashi Ohara
Tung Fu Rue - Hajime Shikase
Meitenkun - Ryu Seira

Nelson - Kengo Takanashi
Zarina - Ayumi Fujimura
Bandeiras Hattori - Eiji Miyashita

Sylvie Paula Paula - Mio [link1][link2]
Kukri - Hiroki Takahashi
Mian - Ayuka

Antonov - Moriyuki Hishida
Last Boss - Yusaku

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