With KOFXIV out in most regions, players are making first reports that the netcode seems to be off: Ranked match and Player match seems to be laggy, while on the other hand Party mode seems to play extremely smoothly despite that it connects six players together.
As it turns out there's a glitch with the netcode, and the developers at SNK have already found the problem. According to producer Yasuyuki Oda, a fix is underway for submission early next week. Once it goes through SCE's approval, KOFXIV will be patched.
https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1745848902370404&id=100008359335918We have discovered the reason behind the connection slowdowns that are happening under specific conditions.
Currently we are working on a fix with which we hope to submit as early as possible next week.
Party VS is working without problems.
We apologize for the inconvenience.