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KOF14 sells 20K on launch week in Japan

Posted Sep 1 2017 at 16:33 (Thu)

KOFXIV sales figures for Japan are already coming out, and it's about the same as KOFXIII despite its shift to a console with a smaller install base.

According to 4Gamer and MediaCreate, KOFXIV sold 20,655 units on launch week, slightly lower than KOFXIII which sold 21,525 units(※1) according to the same statistics provider.

This isn't too bad for a small publisher like SNK when considering the PS4 only broke its 3 millionth milestone this July in Japan. When KOFXIII came out, the PS3 already had an install base of over 7 million.

KOFXIV managed to rank in 4th for its launch week, which isn't surprising given that the summer is over and they managed to avoid the blockbusters. With Namco's Tales of Berseria and Level-5's Yo-kai Watch about the only major titles, it's been an easy battle for SNK compared to XIII, which came out just slightly before the winter holidays back in 2011 and ranked in at 10th.

KOFXIV sold around 60-80% of its first shipment made to retailers, according to Famitsu which reported slightly higher sales (23,242 units. ranked 3rd). This echoes with a previous report from a region-based retailer chain which sold off 80% of their total inventory, with some of its stores running out.

But to paint a bleak picture, KOFXIV's sales is about half of SFV, which was half of vanilla SFIV.

Launch week sales for other fighting game sales released in Japan so far in 2016 goes as follows:

Street Fighter V - 41,990
Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator - 27,214 (*2)
Skullgirls 2nd Encore - 2,678

(*1) Figure accounts for PS3 sales. Xbox360 sales was too low to get printed on Media Create's charts. It has been estimated at around 3600 units, which can bring XIII's total figure to 25,125 units.
(*2) PS4:17,829, PS3:9,385)

Game Sales Ranking (Week of 2016 August 15 - August 21)

4Gamer(Mediacreate) Ranking
1 Yo-kai Watch 3(3DS) - 32,460
2 Tales of Berseria(PS4) - 24,057
3 No Man's Sky(PS4) - 22,200
4 The King Of Fighters XIV(PS4) - 20,655
5 Sengoku Otome: Legend Battle(VITA) - 16,054
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Famitsu Ranking
1 Yo-kai Watch 3(3DS) - 40,026
2 Tales of Berseria(PS4) - 26,829
3 The King Of Fighters XIV(PS4) - 23,242
4 Tales of Berseria(PS3) - 16,652
5 Sengoku Otome: Legend Battle(VITA) - 16,129
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