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SNK going Cloud Gaming on Android

Posted Dec 5 2017 at 22:30 (Mon)

SNK is taking new strides as one of the few Japanese game publishers to join Finland based game maker Rovio's upcoming Android cloud gaming platform, Hatch.

Slated for beta starting 2017, the platform was created by the makers of Angry Birds which explains the reason behind its eggly naming.

As a cloud gaming platform, players won't have to download the games before playing via Hatch on their Android; it'll all be streamed, very much like how PlayStation Now works on the PS4.

According to Venturebeat, Hatch will run with an ad-based revenue model where players can play for free while seeing ads on the screen, or go ad-free with a paid subscrition. Rovio will share revenue with their partnered publishers according to how much time that users have spent playing the publisher's games.

SNK is amongst the few Japanese publishers that have signed with Rovio thus far, with others being major publishers Bandai Namco America, Gungho Entertainment, and Taito.

(Via SNKOfficial)

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